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<br /> S. 'H�t�trd or Yraperty In�ur�nee. Z3ornoHar shail kc�,en thd iY�pruva�eiit�►iu�r oai�tirsY or h�a�editar aractsd oa
<br /> tha Froprrty ineured;giin�t iaee b�tiro,he;c�rd�inaladQd withtn the tarn9 "ezteaded cavar��e"and any othdr Msrrde, �
<br /> incl�in�flqode or floodin8,�dr which L,onder ra{uiroo ineurencx.'I'hie insura�nce�}►a11 6e mulntainad in tbe uqountr
<br /> •nd�or the perior�s t1��t Lendvr roquiree.'I'!►a i�ur�axx earr3ac providln�1he ineuranee a�ull bn chabn by Borrowwr �
<br /> �uls;��t to l�nc�=;'a s�g:c:�:1 rrhich chcll aot ha u:�r-.:�-�n:bl�u;tlit;�l�+.If��;rwr.•:;f�latr:�:ant»ir�cu:�w:::,.�'.�.�....--;:t:.'
<br /> �bove,I..ender miy,at Londer'a optl�an,abtain covrnao to protect I.endar'a ni�hte in the Propa�ty in�icaard�noe with
<br /> p�ngr�ph 7.
<br /> All irsur�nce poticiea�nd reneMals shall be�c�ceptablo to Lenikr and ehall iRCluda a�tandarc� mort�ars�laure.
<br /> Lander ahrll hsve the rig�t ta hold 4he pc�li�iee �nd ceneiv�le. If Lender requiras, Borrower ehall prqmptly �iva ta _
<br /> I.ender ell receipts ot pmid premiume�ad r�neaaD na4ice�.In the event of loee,Barro�er s1�a11 givo prr�mpt notice ta tho
<br /> insurance cerrier enA Y.enc�er.L�ender msy meke prooi o!tc�ae it not rr��de promptly by Bacr�ower. �
<br /> Ylnleas x,eades�n.d Liorrower atDerNtee agrx in writing.iasunnco procxoda ehail tx agplied to reator�tion ar repair ' --
<br /> of tho Property demeged�it the reatoration or re�ir ie economically[easible end Lender'a eecurity iB not loedened.It the
<br /> restaration or sapnir i�not ocorfomicalty[easibla or Lender's Aecurity would bo l�ed,tho insvrance proceeds sFrsll be
<br /> epplied to tho suma securod by this Security,Tmatrunzent,ahethar or not than d��,with any�Y�-ess Faid to B�orru�res.It
<br /> Barroper abandon�a the Prop�rty,or does not enswer with3n 30 dayn a notice from I.�idst that thc ineuranco carrIa t►ae
<br /> offered to a�ttle a clairn. then Lendor may wllect the i�urance proceals. Lender may uee the procade to repeir or
<br /> restorc the�ro�erty or to pay se►ms secur�d by thia Sa�urity Inetrument,whether or anx then due.The 30-day period will
<br /> begin winen the nn4ice ia�eea
<br /> Unle�Lender end Honower otherwise agree in writing,any application of proceeda t�principel shall not�rtend or
<br /> postpone the due�date o4 the monthly paymcnts reYen�d to in paragrephs l and 2 or chango the ainount of tho paymente.
<br /> If under paragraph 21 th�Property ia ecqvired by Lender� Borcower e sight to anp insttrsnce policies eud proceede
<br /> resvitiag from damege to tha�roperty prior to tha acquibitiu�i elu�li vase iu I.euder to iha extent of tho sume securai by --
<br /> this�cunry lnstrument immediately prior to the acquisition. -
<br /> 6.Occupancy,Presarv�tion.M�intenanco and Frotection oi the PrAperty; Borrower's Lwn Applic�tion;
<br /> Lease4�olds.Borrower shall occupy,e�tablish,nnd usa the Property aa Borrower's principal r�sidence within siYty days
<br /> after tha axecution of thi�Security Instrument end ehall continue to 4ccupy the Property as �orrower's principal
<br /> residenco for at l�..^t oae yar efter*_he date ef occ��g3nc3�,unl�s I.ender otherwise agraes in writing,which waseat ehall -
<br /> not bo unreasonably withheld,ur unless oxtemuating circumstnnc�s exist wt�ich are br,yond Borcowe�r's control.Borrower
<br /> shall not destroy,damege or impair the Pmperty,sllow tha Property to deteciorate,or commit weate on the Praparty.
<br /> Torrowar euSll oo in cieinuli if miy iurfeiiuro nciiun�r prix;eewug,whaiher civif or crimineu,ia begun ihai in i.ender e
<br /> good faith judgment could tesult in torfeiture of the Property or otherwise materialty impair the lien creatod by thls
<br /> Security Instrument or x.ender's security interest. Barrower msy cure euch a dofault and rei�astF►te, as providal in
<br /> parageaph 18, by causing the ectian or proceeding to be diemissed with a ruling that, in Lender's good faith
<br /> deurmination,precludes forteiture o!the Borrower's interest in tha Property or other materiel impairment oY the lien
<br /> crested d�y thie Security lnstturnent or Lender's security intarest.Borrower ahall also be in deYault if Borrowor.during
<br /> the lnan epplication process, gave mntertally telse or ineccurats in�ormation or statemeat�to Lender (ar failed to
<br /> provide 1.ender with nny metcriel informetion)in connection with tlie loan evidenced by tho Note, including, but not
<br /> limited to,representntions cancerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal t�esidence. If thie Security _,.
<br /> Instrument ie on n leu�ehold,Borrowor shall comply with all the provieions of the lease.If Bortowor acquires�ea title to �;;_-,
<br /> the Property,tl�a leasohold and the fee titla shall not merge unitss Lender agrees tc�the merger in writing. -
<br /> 7.Pcotectloa oi Lender's]Rights in the Property.If Borrower faile to perform thv cavenante and agreemente =
<br /> contninod in thie Securiry Insttument,or th��is a legal procecding that may significantly aftect Lender'e rights in the ::
<br /> Property (such es e procceding in banks�ptcy, probate, for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce lawe or .;
<br /> regulatione).then Lender may do and pay for�vhatever is necessaty to protect the value of the Property and Lender'e �'
<br /> righta in the Property. Ixnder's actions may includa p�ying any sume secured by a lien �vhich hea priority over thie `:"
<br /> Security Instrument,appearing in court,paying reasonable attorneys'fees nnd enterin��n the Property to makv repnire. -�'�
<br /> Although I,ender mey take ection under thie paragraph 7,Lender does not have to do so. "'
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 ehall becoma ndditional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> Security [nsUrument.Unless Borrower and Lender agrea to other terme of payment,4hese amounta shell bear interest ` .
<br /> from the date of diebursement�t the Note rate and shall be payable,with interest,upon no4ics fram Lender ta Borrower
<br /> requesting payment.
<br /> 8.Mortg�go Iasuranco. Yf Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan sP.cured by th:s
<br /> Security Instrument,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintuin the mortguge insuranca in effect.If,for any
<br /> reason,tha morYgaga insurance covera�e required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Bonower shall pay the
<br /> premiume required to abtain cor•erage substantinlly equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in etfect,at a cost ,
<br /> subsYantial�y equivalent to the cost to Ronower of the mortgnge insurnnca previously in effect, from an altemate
<br /> mortgage insurer eppsoved by Lender. If suhYtantielly equivalent mortgaga insurance coverage ie not available, I
<br /> Borrow�r shall pay to I.ender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of tha yearly mortgaga insurance premium being
<br /> paid by Borrower when the inaurenca coverage IRpsed or ceased to ba in effect.I.ender will nccept,use and i�etain these I
<br /> payments es a las.9 reservo in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve psymenta mny no longer ba required,
<br /> I
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