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<br /> . ._'_ '""_"_ .-��..��.q--+i� =� � --�r �.._-__- ._.__..��...�_.�___. ..j(_..- �,�-r . ... _^'�'.all('•��T.�� � r��, �� .��a.�n�o���n..r:o.wy�u..�...��.a..sr-�.-rtc�_
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<br /> '1'(Xll:i'lll?� Wl"1[1 el! tho impr�rvcmentr nurr� or her.�ttar erxted an tha Qra�esr,., �nd a11 e�canant�.
<br /> --- ��purtenanoe�,�nd Nxtutnr naw trt lterattK�p�t a�the�rcs�+arty.A!1 niplaaa�lents»nd addt.tione ihail�la be coverod
<br /> by thie 5c�curity 1n�truQn,et�t.Ali nf tho foro�oin=IQ referrad tn In th(a Securit�r Inetnimentus xho'Pm�nrtv."
<br /> -- -_ ' t��tkU'Wisit�v'�.iG�lA�l13 ti�at I'wrtvwor in irwiuliy uoisai ui�ii�a�+;�.w:����.y�.;,::��,..3�.z.:h.:..,Lh:s-i:`!?� _
<br /> �rent�nd canvey the Pcaperty�nd ttuit tl}u+�'ropmty is �uiencumberod,nroe�tc tor encumbra►�cee of rvoexdl. Sorrower
<br /> _��� warnnta�nd wlll deler�d Renenlly tha tittc to tho Proporty agein�t dl ulnim��nd clemcnds.eubjM�ttn Rr►y encumlmna�
<br /> o�ra:ord,
<br /> '1'�iIS SECU�i'E"Y INSTRUMBIJT combinee unitarm cov6nxnte tor nstionel uao nnd non-unliarm covee�anta ovith
<br /> timitod veriatione by jurisdictian to conetitute�un9torm eectu7ty iru9trumcnt cc,varing ral pnoperty.
<br /> -.---" UNe1ICORM C'�V�{W�N7'S.�3on+owar md�nder coven�nt nnd�groo�s follawe:
<br /> — 1.P�yment o�Princlpa��nd Intere�t;PrGp�ymeat�ad�.ate Char�er.l3arro�er ehaU promptly p�y when due -_
<br /> - the prie�cipn!of�nd interes4 on the debt evic�ncod by the Nots�nd�ny prepa�ment�nd l�te chargae Aun under the Nate.
<br /> 9. Fuade tpr'1'axos ond�nsurance. Subjoct to applicable lew or to�written waivor by Lender,Aorro�rer ehtlt
<br /> i Qay to I.ender on the��y monthly paymertte are due undet the Noto.until tha Note iA paid in tull,�sum("Funde"I for.
<br /> (n) yecrly t�uces and eaeeesmente whiGh may e4tein�ority ovee thie Sxurity Instrument�e n lien on tho Propert9:(b)
<br /> yc�rly lr,esehold paycrscnte ar gmund rents on the Property. ii an�r; (c)yarty h�zard or proparty ineuranoo prenniuma;
<br /> (d� �early f➢aal inxurance premiume.it eny;(e)yoarly rnortg�ges�rtsurrnce prr.miume�it any;artd(t)any sums p�yabla
<br /> -� by Borrewer to I..ender,in accordance with tlia pcovisions of peragraph 8.tn ltau aY the psymcnt of mort�ago insurauiea
<br /> pr�emiume.Th�se iume ano called"Eacrow Items."L.ander mey.at any timo,coIlxt and hold Funda in an�mount not
<br /> _ ta�sceed the maatmum amount n lender tar n ialsrelly relatod mortgage loan mey roquare fur Sorcower's escmx
<br /> ----- ec,Gnunt under tho foderal Itoal Estete SettlemeaE Procodures Act of 1974 as emr,nded from tirne to timo, 12 U.S.C. __
<br /> --- -
<br /> e..,.�:���lJ11 ..� /"nR��A"1 ��ntwao.nnthrf twv thst ermlies to the�+uttds sete a ie�ser amdunt.it eo.Leader mtY. --- -
<br /> - �• • ----
<br /> at any 4ime.collect nnd hold Nunds in an amount�ot to caceed the lesser nnlount.t.enc'er may estimato the ernaunt of
<br /> Funds due on the basis of curnnt data and reasonahle estimates oi ex�xnditures of future P.ecrow iteme or otherNiea in
<br /> - ecc;ordance with applicable law.
<br /> ---�"�-" ' The Punds shell be held in an institution whose d��iES are insured by a fcdcral agency.instrumcn4ality�or entity •
<br /> --�`��:� (inciuding L.erv]er.if ienaar ie sucu an instituisonj ur ii;eny- P�:,;�1 Ha:ne Lo�n B�4 T,°_��e��".!1 e�+1_y the Funr]s to —
<br /> - -- pay the Tscrow Items.I.ender may not charga Sonower for holding and applyiag the Funds,annually analyzing tho
<br /> --�.�; escrow accaunt,or verifyinR the F.scrow lteme,unless I.ender paya Borrower interest on the Funds and appliceble!sw
<br /> -.� permits I.ender to make such a charge, However, I.ender may require liorrower to pay a ono-cimo chsrgo ior e�i
<br /> indeExnd�nt xeal estate tax reportang stirvice used by Leuder in connectian with thie loan,unless applicable law provides
<br />--_-�t� otherwise.Unless en agreement ia made or npplicable law rcquins interest w be pald,Lender ehall not bc roquired to
<br /> ---°_=aa pay Borrower nn,y interest ar earnings on tho Pundm.Bonower and Leader may egree in wri�ing.howevor,thnt intenat
<br /> - shall be paid on the Funda.Lender shall give to Borrower,without charge,an annval accouniing ot tho Fun�is,showing
<br /> - --_=.�� cre�dits and debits to tha Fund�qnd tAe purpose for which esch debit to the Fu�nds wes made.The Funds are pledged as
<br /> additional s�e�udty for all sums secured by this Security Instrament. �
<br /> _ If the Funds held by Lender exceed tho smounts�sermitted to bo held by applicable law.I.ender shall accouat ta _
<br />��_���� Bonower for the excess Funds in accordance with the requiremonta oi applicable law. If the nmount of the Funds held ---
<br /> ----=--'" by Lender at any time ia not aufficient to pay the Fscrow Items�vhen due,I.ender may so notify Borrower in writi�cg, �".;_„
<br /> =_�=-= and.in such case Borrower shall pay to L.ender the amount nece�ary to make up the deficiency.Barrower shall meke
<br /> '�"`""�� up the deficiency in na more than twelve monthly payments,et I.eader's sole discretion.
<br /> _ --� Upon qaeyment in full of all sunns secured by this Socurity Instrument,Lender ehall promptly refund to$urrower �"'n
<br />-_-=.�,�,�u��;'�� •
<br /> ��,� any Funda hold by Lender. IF, under para�,raph 21, Lender ehall acquire or sell the Property. I.ender, prior to tho
<br /> "-i�"-" acquisition or eale of the Yroperty,ahall apply eny Funda h�ld by Lender at the time of acquisition or salo es u credit `-
<br /> �"�-�� against Yho sums secured�y thie Security Instrument. ��'
<br />� ��_�—`.v 3. Applic�tioa ui Paymeate. Unless applicable law�rovides otherNise,all payments teceived by L.ender under �:��
<br /> Y;r�:��'�y'� paragcaphs 1 and 2 shall bo applied: �irst,to any prepsymsnt charges due under the Note;second,to eenounta payable -
<br /> :s��r,r�- under pruagraph 2;third,to intemst due;fourth,to principal due;and la�t,to any late charges due under tho Note. •
<br /> ��"'�'��"� 4. Charges; Liens. Bonnwer shell pay all taaes, assessments.charges, fines and impostione attributable to the
<br /> ���•".�..
<br /> -��� Praperty which �rtey attsin priority over thie Secutity In�trument,and teasohold payments or ground rents, if �u►y.
<br /> ��°�" Horrower shall�say thcsa obligations in the mnnner provided in paragraph 2, or if nat paid in that manner, Borrower
<br />-- -=�� ''" � shall pay them on time directll�to the person owed payrnent.Bonower ah�lt promptly furnish to L,ender all nutic�.s of
<br /> _---w:�..��,r,<',
<br /> y='"'��=_":';";��;;;; amaunts to by paid under thie parngr•aph.It Borrower makes th�ese payments direc:tly.Borrower ahall prcmptl��t'urnish
<br />_�.�:�t�:�-';,' w Lender receipte evidencing the pay¢nente.
<br />=����� r Bonower shall promptly dischur�e nny lien which has priority aver this Security Inetrument unless Borrower:(a)
<br />`'-�`���''�'�r � a rees in writin to the a ment of the obli ntion secured b the lien in a meiuier acce tnble to Lender, (b)conteste in �
<br /> :�,,.;1�. ' g g P Y B Y P
<br /> ;�,r,,r ; good fuith the lien by,or defends against enforcement ot tha lien in,le�al praccedinge�vhich in the Lender s opinior►
<br /> ��•.:
<br />�_��•�, ., operate to prevenL tho eniorcement of the lien;or(c) secures from tho holdor of tha lien an agreemont satisfactory to
<br />';'�•��-� I.ender aubordinatinE the lien ta ihis Security Instrument.If Lender datermines that any part oi the Property is subject �
<br /> -.z--:,�„7;,�. to a lien which may attain prinrity over this Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the �
<br />:�,� "'"" licn.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or ta{ce one or moro of the ec4ions set forth above within 10 days of the giving o[ �
<br /> <<,. �
<br /> .;�;.�.>-�_ notice. i
<br /> - .:�,�
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