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<br /> - nt tho option u! Lender� it martgsge insueanco wvetsge (in tk�e �mount �nd tor the pecio�thet I.eteder reyu3roel
<br /> gravided by an ineurcr eppcc�ved by l.ender a��in bocom�s Availablo rnd iA obUined. Borro�ve�r ehdl p�y tho p�rsmium�
<br /> required to xn�int�in mortgwQo in�unnce in eitect,or to pmvi�a�loee t�a+erve,un�til tho requiremant tor ma�tp/a
<br /> - in:unr.c�rn!�1 in ecenr�;�nce with nrzy written agreoment betwaia l3orrower end Lander ar epplic�blo law.
<br /> 9.Iaspoction.I.cndet ar iw igent m�y ma�e reaeo,n�bin entriee upon and inepectionc.oY tho i'mperfy.X.,oncivr v,ui11
<br /> give llorrower notice�t tho tima ot or prFor tu en inspoction spociiyinx rea�nneble c�uee for she inepaction.
<br /> 10. Con�ennA�tlnn.Tho procaeds o!any awar4 or cl+im for deni�ges,diroct or cot�sequcntiel,in cannxdion with ,
<br /> any conc3emnation or athar taking of eny pert oi tho Pro�rty,or for convaqance tn lteu oi condemru�tiun,are henby
<br /> aseignod end eh�ll be paid to I.endor.
<br /> In tho ovent of n total takin ot tho Pe�op�rty,the proceede shall bo Applied to the euma seGUrod by thie Security
<br /> � Instrument,whether ar not then�ue,with any oxcese peid t�I3orrowsr.In tha cvent o#a psrtinl tnkiag oi t?�e I'm�rty in _ _-
<br /> which the teir merkot velua o!the Property Immaliately boPore the taking ia equal to or greater than tho amount of tho
<br /> sums eocured by thie Security Instrumont immedietely be!'oro tho teking,unlesa Borrower end Lender otherwiee agroe
<br /> in writing,the sums sccurod by this Security Instrutnent chalt be red�kod by the nmount oI the procoods multiplial by
<br /> tho tollowing irsction:(e)the total amount of the sume securod immediately beforo tho taking,dividal by(b)4he teir
<br /> merket velu�af tho Prop�rty immedietefy betore tho tsking.Any belanco ahnll ba paid to Iiorrower.In the ovent of�
<br /> partial tsking of the Praperty dn which thb fair market veluo of the Property imraedintely befare 4he tnking ie leas than
<br /> = tha smount oY the sums seeured immodiaYely Uefaca 4he teScing,unl�s Eorro�cr end Len�er otherwls�agree in writing , __
<br /> = or unles3 applicable law otherwie,� provldes, tha �n'occede shall be epplied to the sum� secured by thie Security
<br /> Instrument whother ar not tha sume aro thcn due. -
<br />'' If tho Froperty ie abandonrl by Borrawer,�r if,efur notico by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to _
<br /> - ma{ce an awnrd or settle e claim foc damagts� Borcower fails to respond to Lender wtthin 30 days efter tho dato tho
<br /> `� norice is�iven�Lender ie authorized to coll+sct end agpiy tna pror,e�.ae,at ite option,eitner to r�,iv,ne��u�;:..�:u;��i*h' _---
<br /> � Praporty or to the sume securad by thie Sa:ur�ty Inatrument,wheth�r or not then du�.
<br /> : Unless Lendar and Dorrower otherwisc+egrea in wr�tin�,nny application ot proceeds to principal ehell not extend or _.. ._.
<br /> postpone the @ue date o! the monthly paymsnts referred tc� in paregraphe 1 and 2 or changa the amount of euch . __
<br />- paymenta.
<br /> l l. Bonower Not Released; Forbear�nco By I.eador No4 a Wsiver. Extension of the tima for payment ar
<br /> malitication of amartization of the suma r�ecurcd by thie Security Inetrumeni granted by Lender to any successor in
<br /> interest oi Borrower shall not operato to release tno Iiability oi il�o u�;g�aa; Eorra�ar or �:ro°:-r'�attrr{s��pA /tl .
<br />,_� interest.Lender shall not bo requirtd to commence proceeclinga egainst any aucce.ssor in inter�cst or refuse to extend
<br />__,`,l timo Yor payment or otherwire modify emortizatiun of the eume secured by thie Security Insirument by reason of any
<br />_:;,, dernand mnde by the original Borrower or Borrower s successors in interest.�iny farbearanc�by I.ender in exercising
<br />_-� any right or remedy ehall not be a weiver of or preclude the axetcise oP any right or remedy.
<br /> 12.Successore�nd As�igas Bound;Joint�ad Several Liabilnty;Co-signora.The covenanu and agccemants �
<br />_-9 of thie Secucity Ins2rument ehall bind and benefit the successore and essigns of Lender and Dorcower,eubject to the ��
<br />-= provisions oi paragraph 17.Bonower's covenanta and agreements shnll be joint and sevaral.Any Borrower who co-eigns F
<br />�— this Security Iristrument but does not executa the Note: (a) ie co-signing this Security Inatrument only to mortgage. �_.�
<br />==_'- grant and convay that Borrower's interest in tho Property under tho terme of thie Secutity Inetrunnent; (b) ie not
<br /> C.:�,_-.,
<br />-' personally obligated to pay the surns secured by thie Security Instrument; and (c) agrees that Lender and any other :�_;
<br />- Borrower may agcee to extend,modify,forbear or make any accommodationa with regard to the term3 of thia Security _:,_
<br />;:� Instrumant or tho Note without that Borcowar's consent. "''�'`
<br />_� 13. Loan Ch�r6es.[f tha loan secured by thie Security Inetrument is subject to a law which sot� maximum loan
<br /> �� charges, and that law ie finally interpreted so that the inurest or other loen charges collected or to be collected in _,
<br /> r connectinn with the laan exceed the permitted limite,then: (a)any euch loan charga shnll be reduced by tha amaunt �'�_
<br /> - nocessary to ceduce the cherge to the permitted limit; and (b) any sume already collected from Bonower which
<br /> ` axceede3 permitted limite will be refunded to Borrower. I,ender may choosa to make this refund by reducing the
<br /> ` principal owed under the Note or by muking e direct payment to Borcower.If a refund reduces principal,the reduction .
<br /> will be treated as a partiel prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> 14.Notices.Any notice to Bocrower provided for in thie Security Instrument e�hall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> , mailing it by first class mail unless applicabla law requirea use of unother method. The notice ahall bo directed to the
<br /> Property Address nr uny other address Bonow�r desi�nates by notice to Lender.Any notica to Lender shall bo given by
<br />� first class mail to I.ender e addres.9 etnted herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Bonower. Any
<br /> f notice provided for in thie Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given
<br /> ns provided in thie paragraph.
<br /> IS.Gov�rning Law;Sevorability.This Security Instrument ehall b��ovemed by federal law and the lnw of the
<br /> s- jurisdiction in which the Property ie lacated.In the event th¢t eny provieion or olause oP thie Security Inetrument or the
<br /> _ Nota conilic:te with applicable law� such conflict shnll not effect other provieions of ii�is Security Instrument or the Note .,
<br />•,"t . �vhich can be given effect withovt tho conflicting provision.To this end the provisioas of thia Security InstM�ment nnd
<br /> tho Note are declered to bd sdverable. I
<br /> 4
<br /> Form 8DZ1 9/90
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