...�,. . '�'+., . _� . _..+V�; 1 /it�.q7 �}. �`�t. .._.7 :^•r y`3Y,^�Yt7n. r�.._" . . �- �} 1 l "
<br /> • Ss� t� I:�.!_ .-� -� - .7+�.. �tr,t.;�.c +a�v�+.a.i.: .-7 J -��i�� t
<br /> f`., . ry._ � ,t:..T.,...._ , ..� '�a E�,, x r
<br /> ' , .�.x���;�1+72.• .<)... . . . � ... ��' .wM:�.i' E��,l1a. ��"�fL'�u ��� c
<br /> . ' .y j I �5F'{.7,�•� � _- - , -- - d� . .0 P�. .. ,...•� ��., + ' r�_' . �' . F':':'i�.,......r..v.h��.�' , :: ,�. .; ti � -_
<br /> :r�/l I i � t e* a . ;�. .�u:�•a,- +17htyw+y:. u q ... - . . ,,,6.. L_,.�......�,....o.,..,.... � .
<br /> � ,. ' , ��l;r�(i�uZb�Ll��^ r...•^�h- - �cw'- f!, �,�'',R'A�; -� �:. , . "�"�'3'r^.�!', `�'-
<br /> -.. __-_— � ae�.c�,.sa....,.!..f�wryqV,�MVr.r:�..YAOMY'33!U1�' �3 s.a•. , t. � _... . y 'f �"�°'^�'ri _
<br /> :n"n•li '-7+1BY'E�'P��'L�"1�°�'�w�+�s� � •-�'. � �'
<br /> . ., ,�f . .. . . , r --_ ...:.
<br /> �_..�.,�,�"'w'°�'.""' .�m.... "�' •- '-- --.._.a.... ,........�,..._......m,.�--.r'..:�:..,.e.� `ti"�w�* ._....,....w�......:v---
<br /> . . . ------ __.—___ .. _..._-----------__ ._....__ . ______--..._. _..---- - ��•����.. �
<br /> �— --�---._ _. .. __.. .... ..... . .. ... . .
<br /> i.'...- -- .— '
<br /> ._=�—�`=�rrm � e _ _..__. .�
<br /> r ��' n . ' j�".". i.�.� ��i- v
<br /> _,_,p,w� �
<br /> . ..� .:!� �T•_;,, �. ��fl�i'T.r:Y� f�a ..!7���;F zlp17 (' `c , '' • ., .. R.
<br /> l�a ���
<br /> .. � ll���b ��.1� ��,/j� n
<br />-:�=:�;t, ��:;��•, 8.Hoa�rdou�M�teri�d�.T�u4tor ehall kea7�thA Prope�ty ir'1Kib"mplfance with all epplionbls law�,ordin�noa�snd roput�tlona ralrtinp t�s -
<br /> - --- _- -_ industri�l nypi�m or�nvironmont�l protaotlon (eoii�otiv�ly rsferred to h�rein�� "Environm��td L�vn"1.Yructar ohol)kaep thp Prupaity ,,; ;; ,� .,;,_ -r
<br /> -� � frw trom�II�ub�t�ne��dumed to b�hazudow m toxio und�r any tnvironm�nt�f L�w�Icall�o4hr�ly nfo�r�d to hudn er"Haardou•
<br /> -. � '� M�t�rid�'1.Trurtor h�rob wernn4�end ro r��ent�to lsnd�r th�t thsr��ro no kaz�rQou�M�t�rl�l on or und��tho Pro ot Yiu�tor •�'�'T
<br /> �r �� �� ''° h�rrby carN� to lnd�nntfy�r►d hnld hsimle�a Lsndu, It�dinoton, offie�n, �mp�ayee�e �nd�pent�, u►d e►y wan�on to�Lmdu's „ ��..�b�r�;�'
<br /> ,,.. .,.
<br /> . k i�':�.:..-.:':._..
<br /> - intarnt,fram �nd �pelnst�ny end dl olaims.d�m�pe�,laaw�nd Ii�b(litls��ri�inp In aonneotion with th�prnmo�,uu,dl�po��l o► r +
<br /> ""`�L`"�'" � trr.nr•�tert e�f�ny Hn�erdoun�!a�terl�le on,und�t,lrom or nbmit the Prahnrty.TNE FORECi�IN13 W�RRAMTIE6 AMn R�PR�RF.M�ATIO?d8, ��
<br /> '-`'� AND THUSTQR'8 0[iLIQATlON9 PURSUA(�1'�TO 7HE FOREt301N0 IM1IDE6AN17Y, SHALL SURVIVE RECONVEYANCE OS TIlIB �EkD OF �� ,^�;�..,�!,r,,,'""�;
<br /> -- .i TRU9T. �� •"` ^;�r:•^
<br /> - ` � 10.A��nrtwnt of R�nt�.Trwto►herehy�e�(flm to LMdar ths rentt,is�ue��nd profit�oi tlu Prop�rty;provldrd th�t Tru�to�rhtll, � .�v
<br /> °''"°�f�° until th�occur��nc�oi�n Evsnt of D�teult henundtrt,h=v�the rtpht to colt�ot md rotdn ach rent�,law�md proflt���th�y 6�aom• . �
<br />_- _; �� du��nd p�yabl�.Upon tho oocurnnc�of�n Ev«�t of Defwlt,L�ndsr n�ay,�ithRr in p�rooii o► by oflN�t, with o►wfth�ui bri���.ip ��y i ; .� ��,�
<br /> —�"'�'�•�•� eotion or procwdinp,or by�ncstver�ppointad by a court and without ropard to the ad�qu�oy of (t���curity, �nH►upon �nd t�k� '
<br /> �^'ifHdir:�de�, . ..
<br /> '----°"= poa�M�ion o? the Pirop�rty, or �ny part thereot, fn itr own neme or 1n the name ot th�Tru�ta+, �nd du �ny aot� whlch it dNrn� "" ..
<br /> T.-'"����'1- n��ry or dafrabb to pnwrvs tha v�lue,m�rket�bility or rmtabflity of the Property,a��ny p�rt thneo}or fntsrut thulkl, Irsor���� " � --
<br /> =sra,ar'�.;„ „ , •�
<br /> — �_
<br /> _,.,��«���., th�incom�th�n}rom or protect the ucurity horoof and,wkh or without tekinp pa�s�ulon o}the Prop�rty,�w far or oth�rwi�a colieot �,, _ . .
<br /> M1�p.������•{ th�nnt�,h�u���nd proflt�th�rsoi,Irtoiud(np those past due�nd unpa(d,�nd�pply ths ume,I�u cost��nd�xpsnsa o!opsr�tlon�nd � ��� . �'�
<br /> ,titiW�`�����_°. aoliwtion(nckcdhp�ttom� • f�,u on�n ind�btednea amcur�d herob NI In�voh order u Lend�r m� dotumfn�.Th��nt�rM u on � �
<br />---n,,�• Y � p Y Y. Y 7 P 'i. ::, �
<br />^-�`°•=r?y� ,�_� and t�kinp posse�don of the Proporty, the colleotlon of�uch rent�,tseue�end pro}It�end th��pplioatian th�nof u�}on��td, �hdl not �, • . . �
<br /> -=-__�� cun or w�iva any dsf�ult or notice of dsf�uh hersunder or invdidrts any�ot done(n re�pon�e to�uch def�ult or purw�nt to wch notice "� �
<br /> _�=;�,��:��;� ot d�fault�nd,notwlthst�ndinp thd continuanee(n po��a�don oi ths Property or thn oollaatlan,racsipt�nd�ppUa�tlon of rsr�U,loua�ar �� , '�~�.>--y
<br /> �-=-=�R-�_�r. protito, and Truatae and Lender shdl be entitled to exeroisa every ripht provided for tn any of tha Lom Imtrum�nt�or by I�w upan �' .=.*�.i[ti��:
<br /> '°°`:;'��1 �� occurnnc�of �ny �v�nt of Dnf�utt, inoludinp without Ilmitetlon the ripht to exerof�e tha power of ule. Furthsr, L�nd�r'�ripht� �nd '*�+�+��x�""
<br /> �' � -'`' ? �r rnmediw undsr thi� psapraph k�alf be cumuletive troith, and in no w�y e limft�4lon on, Lsndsr'� ripht� and rt►m�diu undn �rry � •
<br />';-,����'S�,,q;j,�`.�{'. �
<br /> �-;:,�,-.,.p�;i�,.�y . eaipnm�nt of teaao and rento rocorded apein�t the Praperty.Lender,Trustae end tho roeefver shall be liabta to account only for thoa ,'•,�;;. .
<br /> 4.�,�g yM� rcnto�otuuL'y I OYYI�IV�. � _��... :.-�-
<br /> �-,�r�r� i i.ev�n4�09 D�iwM.The followinp�hall con�titutn an Event of uetault uneer tn�s uead oi 1 N\T: �_-=�_-� ,� �,.:
<br /> " ,'� ���, 1�)F�Iluro to p�y any Pnstdlment of principal or Intere�t o}eny other�um secured heroby when due; ( �
<br /> .��;;_
<br /> " �•��+�;�:; (b)A brwch o} m defeult und�r�ny provi�ion oonteined in the Note,tM�Deed of Tru�t,eny of tlie Loan In�trument�,or eny -
<br />-?"�`�k'�,� oth�r lian or encumbanoe upon the Prop�rty; " �..�� �^�
<br />`°_;:+���;ai�. : (o)A writ of sx�cutlon or attachm�nt or any�(milv procea�shdl be entaeed�painst Tru�tor whiah�h�ll bsaom�a Ilw�on th� ' :��
<br /> Proporty or Rny portion thoroof or fntore:t theretn; � '�"
<br />-I������'� (d)7hen ah�ll bo/il�d by o►�pefn�t Trutto►or 6orrower en aotion under eny praent or futuro federd,�tate or other�t�tu�,I�w � ��•
<br />:,;.�'�,,...,.,.
<br /> ...�• . :,. or rapul�tion rot�tinp ta bsnk►uptay, fn�olvency or other roliei for debtoro;or thoro �hall be sppointed bny trwt�s, noelva or ��
<br /> � ����'� Ifquidator of Trustor or Bonowsr or oi dl ar eny paK oi ths Roperty,or the rent�,iuue�or profite thereof,o►Ttu�tor or Borrow�r ,
<br /> . . ;;�,�;., ' fi�ii m�ic�my p�nerai aoaiynmont fior the beneiic of crod'non; -
<br /> � 4s)Th��d�,tram}er,loat�,�s�ipnma►t,conveyance or further encumbrsnce ot sll or any p�rt ot or any inta�st In th�P►opt►Sy,
<br />�;•r• • �;;J%�, eltha voluntarily or involunterily,without the expreo�wrftten conuent of Lender;providad th�t Tru�to��hall be psrtnitted to ax�aute •, , ��
<br /> ;,,;,. � �.,;',{.;y'•, •IN��ot ths P►opsrty that dos�not oontain�n option to purch�ee end the term of which doe�not exc��d on�y��►; g -
<br /> ', '���;.;;�; (i) A6nndonmsnt of th�Propsriy;or .:;� `
<br /> ;� :i:,�u►;R';�' (G)Ii Trunor is not en i�dNiduel,the iswmce, sale,tren�fe►,a�sipnment, oonveyance o►oncumbrancs of mon th�n e totN �
<br />= •`�°µ:.,:.;.�:. � o! M/�, pnroont of pf e co►poration)hs luued�nd outat�ndinp staok or(if a p�rtnenhip!s total of MM peresnt of ,
<br />=a Zr..�',•� . :
<br /> _•�";'�': �_. � p�rtn�nhip int�rest�durinp the period thi�Deed of Tru�t remafin e lien o�the Property.
<br /> !���!'Cj'�'^^`�-" " 1 Z.R�n»tlin;Aoo�f�ntbn U p on D�fwk.In t he evsnt of�n y Event of Default Lender mn y,without no tio�e x c e p t a��s q u i r�d b y I�w, �'�,
<br /> �c�'"�''' ''�!.<�•�y decl�n di ind�btMnts� wounal h�reby to bo due and pay�ble md ths same �h�ll thereupon bec�me due end pay�bl�without �ny �• ''
<br /> -'.:�...:.:t. ".: 1M.�I�.
<br /> • -- -� pr�ntm�t,dem�nd,protest or notice ot�ny khd.Thero�fte►Lsnde►may: �
<br />_�''""`'"`"' (�)Oenend th�t Trustee exerefm the POWER OF SALE prnnted herotn, and Tru�tee ehall thereafter aauw Tru�tor'� intaut � �� '' "',�Y �_
<br /> ' � �"�i:' In th�Property to be wld end ths proceedt to b�disttlbuted,sll(n the mnnner provfded In ths Neb►a�k�Tru�t D�ed�Aot; �" • • `,
<br />.,,r„�;�:;�,�i-.;. • (b)Ex�roi�s �ny �nd �II rlpht� provided for in eny oi ths Lo�n Imtrument� o► by lsw upon occurrsnce of �ny 6vent of I .� �
<br />- •�„��+I� • Dd�ult;�nd -� :.. w
<br />��-=�.�c�41�`��',Y'�,. (01 Commanc� sn aotlon to foreelose ihie Dead of Tru�t e� e mortpepe, eppoint e rooelver,or�peoifioally entorce eny of the •
<br /> t. r•J.1.;.,:t.. I
<br /> =�,-'_�_,y;;�,;� _ cov�nent�haraof.
<br />`�_��.e�s��:,� No rem�dy hsrain ao�terrod upon or ro�erved to�twtee or Lendnr ia l�tended to bs exolutive ot eny othsr remady heroin,6� the Losn
<br /> 4 Inatrum�nt�or 6y law provided or permhted,but each shall bo cumuletive,�hall be in eddltlon to every other remedy pivon hereunder,(n I , •
<br /> ';.""' �. th�Loan In�trument�ur now or hensfter exlstinp at Isw or fn equity or by�tatute,end mey be oxeral�ed concurrently,independently or ,
<br /> �. ,. . � �31CCiM[V�hf. I �
<br /> 13.Tru�t�.Ths Tru�tN m�y tecipn et any tfine without causa,end L�+nder msy at eny tfine and without ceuss�ppolnt a succeuor � ti•
<br /> w� '� ' m w6stltuta TTUStee.Tru�tse�hdl not be li�blo to en a '
<br /> �':��-�': y p rty,Inatudinp withaut Itmlt�tfon lender,Borrower,Tru�to►or�ny puroh��er of
<br /> :_* ,+, the Praperty, for eny lon or demtps unleu due to rocklee� or wilHul mi�conduot,and shell not be required to teks �ny actlon (n � '
<br />`,�Y'•;`�'���� ��'� conneotlon with the enforcement of thl�Daed ot Trust unlen Indemnffted,in writinp,tor all coft�,compan�ation or oxpense�whlch may � "
<br />. � ., .r,., I
<br /> _�r.. Y'•�., v1 b��wocl�t�d therowlth. In additian,Trwtee mey bacome a purchaser et eny eals of the Praperty Qudlolal or under the power of �ale "
<br /> ; . ''= ` �-i� � rent�d hmfnl;poatpone ths�sle of ell or nny portion of the Property,es provlded by Inw:or tell the Pro s `
<br />; .� �i•,�,(;:�,.;,,: G p rty a�e whole,or in�epuate I
<br /> � � �. patcols or lot�at Truet��'�dlwrotion. j�
<br /> �'�� ,r� .- 14.F�rnd Exp�nN�.ln the event'fru�tee�elb the Propetty by exeralae of powar of�ale,Tru�tse shnll be entitled to eppfy eny�ela I
<br /> procNd�tirot to paymsnt of �II cost�end expenta�of exercldnp power ot�ale, includ(np ell Trustee'�fee�,end lender's and Trustee'• (
<br /> -- �•%�• •;,- � � sttomey'�tsa�,aotwlly ineurred to extont permitEed by epplioable law.In the event Borrower or Trwtor enterciso�a�y riyht provlded by
<br /> =r�;'"�,: ".. ;.'�.. (aw to cure�n Ev�nt ot Default,Lender�hell be e�titled to reoover from Tru�tor all co�t�end expeme�aotually incurred ea e ro�ult of �
<br />:.'•:, Tru�tov'�defavlt,tnoludtnq without Iimit�tlon ell T►u�tee'�and ettorney'o feos,to the excent permitted by applioable law. �,
<br /> �� . 16.Fuh�ro Adva�we�.Upon requsst o}Borrower,Lendsr may,et it�option, meke addklonel nnd futuro ndvencos end readvance�to ' �
<br /> - ''-' '. ' '"�' Borrow�r.5ucn�dvencn�nd rudvences,wlth fnterost thoreon, ohell be�:,cured by this Deed o4 7rwt. At no tlme nhe0 the prinelpel �
<br /> -��-�:,�=i��.�f� ' amount of the ind�bt�dn��ecurod by thit fleed o}7ru�t, not includlnp sum�edvanced to proteot the�ecurity of thf�Deed ot Tru�t, I
<br /> � -•{• • exceed the oripind principel emoun!�2Med Itetefn,or l��,p,p,,pIl,whichever is proeter. ,
<br /> .. . . ,' 1 B.MMo�t�nww Provlotons ,
<br /> " � ' � (�l Bonowsr Hot R�1raNJ.Extemion ot tha time for payment or mod(ficattan of the�um�secured by this Deod of Tru�t qranted j
<br /> ';;� by L�ndsr to any�ucos�wr in Intuv�t of Borrower�h�ll not operate to ralee�s,in eny menner,the Uability of the otipinel Bcrrower �
<br /> :. ••,�-;.;�� �nd f3orrow�r'��uccnt�or�In(nt��e�t.Lander�hdl not be reQUfend to aommsnee proeeedinas�aaimt�u�h auccewor or rotu�s to �
<br /> _ .- -' extMd ttm�for paymsnt or othorwt�e modi4y emortft�tion of the wm�recured by thfs Deed of Trust by reuron of eny demend� �— �
<br /> �_:_ a:w:.:�':';. mtd�by th�orlpind Borrowor cr.d Borrower'�euoca�wn in tntero�t. �
<br /> ;' ' ' '�'' (b)I.Mtd«"�Pow�rs.Without ef4eotfnp the linbility of er�y other penon liable tor the p�yment of eny oblipation horain mentioned,
<br /> ::�� �..,x�,�.'' end without dfsctlnp ths lien or cherpe o}thl�Doed of Trust upon any portfun o}the Property not then or therotofore relea�ed eo
<br /> -- . security for the full�mount of ell unpald obl�petiono,Lender mey,from time to timo end wlthout notice(U roleese eny pereon so
<br /> -_ . � .,�e li�bl�,(i!)extend ths m�turity ot olter�ny of the torm�of eny�uch ubtipetioro,(i1f)p�ent other indulQence�, (iv)rolea�e or roconvey,
<br /> •� or cau�n tu bo ralsa��d or reconvoyed et�ny time st Lender'�option eny parcel,ponFon or ell o}the Proper4y,(v)teke or retaue eny
<br /> . •� other�dclitionel aecutity for eny obliyetlan herei� mentionod, or (vi1 make compoeitione or other errenpement� wlth debton In
<br /> - " - .� ret�tion theroto.
<br /> ;v
<br /> .Y�rT,'.{?.
<br /> _.w�„�'�; :.r�....
<br /> I
<br /> - .. . NOC��570 Rev.O/84 .. ._�.
<br /> �
<br /> I ' •
<br /> ... _.._ ._._ .
<br />