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<br />--��--� 1 b.Mi�aella�nsou�rrovl�lono
<br /> (�1�oreoww Not W��d.Ext�ntion o1 th�tir��Por P�Ym�t or modifio�Uon af the aume agcured Gy thla Dead af'Cruet Oranted �_.f�.;;
<br /> _-_'.-� ?,+��'�:.�
<br /> by L�csdvr to�ny�uocnooi In lntoro�t of Borrowev ehnli n�t operate to relee�e, in eny menner,tho Ilabiliry of the ariqinet l�orrower
<br /> end 8arrow�►'��uoosaon Ire Int�r„t.L�nd�r�h�ll noi b• nqui�ad to oommanoa ptoceedinpn e9elnst uuah euaoeseor or refuco to ^�_,;
<br /> `�=�•� oxte�d tlme ior pnyme��t or otherwlia rnodlfy amortfastlon ot th�aum�eeoured by thls Deed ot Truot by rea�on of ery daner►ds �_
<br /> � mad�by the oriyinal FJorcqwer r�d Llo`eoNGt'a nuecc.�ora In interest. I��� ��
<br /> ��'.-Y:'--
<br /> (b�������oyr�,Without�fi�atinp ths Ii�bllity of W�y oth�r panon lisbl�for the peyment of any ohtipetion herein mentionc , —�,_
<br /> end withcut efieatenp th�!i_r. o�eharq�of thl�O��d of Trud upon any p�Kiort of the PrapeRV not than or theratofote relaaead es f�,J=
<br /> -� S.M,�n S._
<br /> ��ourity for th�full smount ot�11 u�ip�id obiipstion�.L�ndu m�y,from time to tene end without notioe (il ►eFaeee eny pensan o0
<br /> -:?%'{; lia6{�,pi)�xtond ti�e m�turity or elta eny of the tstm�of�nV suoh obltpntlone,IIGI prant other indulpennes,Iiv)releaae or roaonveV. .;G•
<br /> .';'? or aauee to b�roNued or reacnvuyed et�ny tkns�t Lender'�optlon eny paroel,portlon or ell of the Prapery�(v)take or releese e�y ,,,.''�..i;•
<br /> +•.•;.. .
<br /> --=�=�` other �dditionel ascurlry for any oqlipetlo� haroin m�ntiened, ar (vil make compoaitfons or othe►errenpemonto with dabtore in �,t•c�c:
<br /> -�:-•.
<br /> _....;;;. rolation thorMo.
<br /> � (o)Forl�Mr�no�by L�ndw Not r Wat�K•AnY fura6eus�nes by Lectdte in exerolafnp eny ripht or remedy heroundcr,ot otherwise �'t.: �
<br /> -'�:�' efforded by appUcable law, eheli not be e ws►var oi or preoluda the axercis� ot eny such riyht of �emedy. 7be procuromont of �.,�^;
<br /> `�' Ineurence or ths p�Yment of texe�or othnr Ilene o►chnpc� by Lender sh�ll no4 be e weivor of Lende►'e right to eaaele�ate the TR�h,►ti;
<br /> ••��?r- meturity of ths Indebtednea �wurod by thin[leed of Truft. '`°
<br />-'�:�N;�:,;,,� , �, n+"•:
<br />' "��'�:� ld)�Ge�son�nd A.Mipm Bound:Jaint md 6�v�r�l ll�b{tity;Captlom,The aovenente end apraemente hereln oontofned eha
<br /> bind, end tfis dphte h�nundar ehd) i�uro to, the nspeative auaoeeeors end eselpne ot Lender and Truatoa All covenente and ,,�,,,E:.
<br /> , ---,1��,` epTewnenta of Trustor shell bs joint and eevernl. The oaptlone and he�dfnqe of the pereprephe of thio Doed o1 Truet are for T�?Y.+
<br /> "�"��`�'' co�iva�isaoa anty snd ero noE to he��aed to Interpret or detine the provltfont heroot. '�"_�L
<br />`:i:i:Jai�„�i`,:
<br />-=�_7�{C`4,,..; te)RWu��t for Notle��.The penfe�hereby reque�t that e copy of eny notice of default hmemidar end a aopy of any noti�e of �'p!•�_
<br /> .;;.��,,�.%;, aels h�nundsr bs mailsd to eoch p�ny to thie Deed of Truet st the sddree�sst forth ebove in tho rrsann9r pr000ribed by applioable
<br /> �`;�'"`�,t' lew.Except for eny othe►notico requfred under epplioeble law to bo piven In another menner,any notiao provided tar In thls Daed of a����:_
<br /> _. ` .�:
<br /> "`'�4h�+�•-'' Truat shdl be piven by mafiuiy such notfco by aertified mtU ndd=a�aed�to��h��n���w��natad here natlf Trueto�f e�moro thnn one ,;;.;""-
<br /> is n,;r notice provlded for m tnta ueed oi i ruai•��o�i uo o����.60::"v�^•••-•••••.�� - ,�
<br /> --:'"r:.;!„ person,notloe eent to theeddrese eet forth ebove ehell ba notine to all euch po�eone.
<br /> :c;_'� �I"('��
<br /> (f)In�p�atlon. Lender m�y m�Y.e or aeu�e to be mede reaeonable entrlss upon and Inapeotlona of tho Property, provlded thet _
<br />---_����'��r Lende►eholl qlve Truetor nottce prlor to eny such fnepeotfon epeoHylnp reaeonable oouse therofor telated to Lander'e interost tn the ° �
<br /> __ Property. '
<br /> u"�'�:�u . U ori a ment of ell sume eocu►ed by thlo Deed of 7ru�at, Lendor ehell roquest Truatea 10 roeonvoy the 7' ,_
<br /> -- • anc� P Y Truat ta Truetoa. �I'�
<br />- -:p!°; Praporty end ahell eunender thia Deed of Truet end eil notae evldenciny indebtedneaa secured by thb Dead of ��__
<br />-
<br />