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<br />' __" ,_-- —_.";ifl�S�+'`R`�="Jr17[:��.. --••-�•.___...._�_�.-.."'._�. . _ _ . . � _ �•_swMMw��.r r�waln _�_
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<br /> _..."'_ __."..._...�.��.�.�.., _ .. . �..w_yy�lYYa.�. _ ' __—— . . .. _
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<br /> . ..__. ...______ __________ __ _._._. .
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<br /> • , � �� � ���r� ����a�������a ��r���F�►c�v�,n���� -����. �1������ .,;,:
<br /> . �b�, �.����:� , -4� ,°�: � .. � � . �� �..
<br /> . .,�
<br /> T67lJ Uci:�PF i�.U;,f,la mcdo c�04 ti�n ?`��� dcy of ���aua�'y , 10`�� ,fiy c.nci r,oioizp
<br /> .�
<br /> -- tho Truotor, JOHN lN1�F1AgL NANSK lt�td gONtiR WANBK, H[79�AND AND WIFB , .,.'
<br /> �! 1a2� 8TA(3Br0ACH RD (3RAND IBLP►IJD t� 6B�01- t`�•.
<br /> whow mdlinp�ddrw�I�,_� �.,____ Ih�rein"Truotor,"whath�r ons or monl,
<br /> ��:..
<br />--;. th�Tru�UO, ARSND 83i�1CK _. — , ----�-`-
<br /> ] 30S N WH6SI$R aFAND I6LRND Ng 698Q1 (h�nin'Tru�ta"I,�+d �=`
<br /> whoN m�fiinp�ddr�u(� -=-
<br /> ,t : -.
<br /> ° THS OVBRI.AND NATTONY�,L 81I�fTK OH aRAtiD iSL�IND � �•
<br /> - th�Bx��ilei�ry, ' `` -
<br /> -= whoN mafllnp�ddnre i�P O BOR 1�88 d1t�i0 ISY�N� NB 68802 __ (hor�in'Lander"!. '+^"�
<br /> FOR VALUQBiE COI�9lDERATiON,includinfl Lender'�exten�ton of erodit Identitied heroin to JQ'� �CHASL WANBK ,�+,�.�'-'
<br />-_= SONLiE► WANSK � (heroln'6orrower", w1�etNer ont or morel�nd tho twat h�nln mwtad,the �r;��{��
<br />-- •------ t1�°
<br /> :;� rsc�(pt of whtch la I�dteby aoknowledp�d,Tru�tor horeby Irravoo�bfy prente,tnnoTen,convey��nd��e(pn�to Tntstev,iN TRUST,WkTH �,`.�•_
<br /> � POWEF�OF 6ALE,fo�th�b�rt�fit�nd�acurily nt Lender,under and wbJwt to ths tertna and oon�lkion�he�einaft�r sat forth,the red ,
<br /> _ propety,d�acribtd as tollows: ..
<br /> - LU'P ONB {i), RI1/8R9IDS SSTATB9 QNZT II, SBINC3 A SU33AIVI9ION r.�_'
<br /> ' OF 7A'P FOR7'Y NINS (69) , RNSIt8ID8 88TATS9 UNIT I, 31N t;�-:
<br /> - ,�►I?DITIOD7 � `l`� C3Si'X O17 t3RAiiD I8LAL7D� }iALL COi7RTt'Yr NEHP.ASKd9 •.'!'4 :-
<br />_� �.;.
<br />_'_ Kr:`.'`-
<br /> Y� 6.. ..
<br />:.� ri.
<br /> To�ether with ell buildinp�,improvemnnt�,f'octuro�,�traotv,�Iley�,p�suOewW�.euement�,ripht�, privilepe�md �ppu�ten�nca� �"
<br /> � looat�d ther�on ot In anywi��p�rt�ininp thar�to,and the rent�,iswn�nd profits,rwsrslon�Md remahden thu�of,�d wch p�rsontl ..°�-_:
<br />�aw {�':::
<br /> -� propaty that i�amch�a to th�knprov�mar�t��o as to constitute�fixture,inoludinp,but not limited to,hsstfnp�nd ca�linp puipm�nt;
<br /> �n�i topether with the home�twd or rrsarit�I int�raat�, if eny,which intoro�t� aro hersby rolewsd�nd waiv�l; �il af which, includinp �
<br /> `� repitcsm�nt��nd�dditlom th�reto,i�haroby danlated to bs�part ot tho rosl e:tato tetured 6y the Ilen of thie Deed of Trust�nd eil of 1�:: -
<br /> -� tFu�iorspoinp b�{np r�f�rnd to herein o ths'Prop�►ty".
<br />.� _
<br />--: Thl�Deed of Trwt�ftdl s�curo(d the peyment of the principrl wm and (nterast evidanced by a promiwory note or crodit ii�ti;
<br /> ,�.� •praement dsted _s7�II1�31.y 25_ 1995 ,hwina�matw(ty d�te of �Tarivazv_ �?002 , _���
<br /> � ��i=
<br />- in the vdpintl principd�mount of � 20._OQ_Q.0� , end any�nd ell modifieatiom, ext�nolon�and rsn�wab i�_
<br /> ,:� th�roof or th�nta�r►d�ny�nd all tutu►��dv�ncH�nd readvanoeo to Borrowe►(or�ny of them If moTe th�n onsl hereunder purwint to �,t_r,.�
<br />;� one or mora promi�wry nots�or credit�preamanto(hsn(n ctlisd`Nota"L•(b)ths peyment of other suma edvarced by lende►to protect °,;.^_
<br />.� ths�ocutity of th�Notr,(o)ths pt►form�nee ot e1!covens�4��nd eprewns�t�of Tn��tor aet forth herein;�nd(d)dl prosent�nd fu4ure ;:F,i�,�
<br /> ind�bt�dn�and oblip�tio��o}Bortower(or sny uf thsm i?more than onel to Lender whether direot,indireot,�bsoluts oi eontinpent '�,l•
<br />,'� end wh�thw ol�inp 6y note,pu�ranty,overdraft or otherwi��.The No4e,thi�De�d of Trust md sny�nd ell oth�r docum�nt�th�t�reuro ''
<br /> �3 th�Not�or otherwi��execu4ed ia conneotion therawith,inaludinp without Iimitetion puv�ntseo,sacurity�preem�nt��nd���ipnment�
<br />• =� of Iws���nd nnt�,�hdl b�referrod to heroin��ths"Lo�n Innrumn+te".
<br /> .•,� Tru�tor covenmt�u►d apres�with Lender a toilowr. �
<br /> 1,P�yrtw+t of Ind�bt�dn���.All fndebtednet��ecured hereby�1►dl be pdd when dus.
<br /> � 2.TkM.Tru�tor i�th�owner of ths P►opertV.hu ihe rlaht�nd wthority to oonvey th�Prop�rty,�d�turentt thst the lien cnated
<br />'� hxsby i��fint and prim Ilen on the Property,oxaapt for Ilen�end encumbranew�et i�Y�by Tn��tar in wdtiny�nd ddivsnd to Lender
<br /> •a b�ton �x�cutlon of thi�Deed of TN�t,snd th� sxecution end delivery of thf�Deed of trust doe�not violate�ny contraot o�othar
<br /> = ubfipstion to which Trustor f�wbjent. '
<br /> = 3.TuN,Au�«n�t►t�.To pry bsfore delinquency dl taxs�,spscial�s�e�amen4e and ell other chsrpaa�p�Inst the Proparty now or
<br /> � h�raft�►I�vi�d.
<br /> 4.Inwnrroo.To k�ep ths Prop�rty in�ured apelnst d�m�Qe by fire,hazrrd�, Inciuded within the term "extendad coverepe", and
<br /> j �uch otha huard�u Lends�mry requin,in tmount�and with comp�nle�acaept�bls to lender,naminp Lender u�n additlonal nemed
<br /> � imured,with lo�i pay�tl�to th�lende►.In cats of lo��undar�uch polleiN,the L�ndor ia autfiorixsd tn edjust,coilsot artd compromt�s,
<br /> '_� a11 ci�kn�th�reunB�r�nd�hsll hwe the optfon of spplytnp�II or p�r4 of th�Ineunneo procaeds(i)to any indebtednes���cured hereby
<br />:-,� end in wch ord�r��L�nd�r m�y dstamins,(ii)to the Tivator to be used for the rop�ir or tettoratlan of tho Property or iiii)for any other
<br /> �� purpoH or obj�ot satftfaatory to Lander without eHectinp the lien ot thl�Deed of Trust for the full emount�ecured hereby bsfore such
<br /> p�yment evsr took pl�ca.Any�pplic�tion o}proceed�to fndebtadnss��hel!not extand or po�tpone the du�date of eny peyment�under
<br />- th�Not�,or cure My d�twit th�reunder or hereunds►. �-
<br /> 6.E�o�aw.Upon written d�m�nd by Lender,Tru�tor shdl p�yr to Lender, tn�uch rnan�er e�Lender may desipnate,�ufficfent�ums
<br /> to��bN L�nd�r to psy�s thsy bacome due one or more of the followinp: li)dl taxa�,�ues�ments and ather charQO��y+�in�t the
<br /> � Prepwry,(i7 th�prsmium�on the proparty inturanee roqutrrtd hereunder,snd Oli)the premtum�on any mortpaQa imurence required by
<br /> I,�nd�r.
<br /> :� a.M�t�w�,R�p�iro�nd Coenpi�r►w with lawr•Tiustor sfi�ll keep tho Property in poed eonditien end ropair, �hdt promptiy
<br /> � r�p�ii,or npl�:�sny improv�n�nt which may bs d�m�yad or de�troyed; �h�il not commit or psrmit�ny w�ate or deteriontion of the
<br /> _� Property;�h��l not ramovo,denoli�h or wbrtantially elter eny of ths improvemant�on the Prop�Hy;�lnll not eommit,�uffer or permit
<br /> �ny�ot to b�dona In or upon th�!'roperty in viol�tion of�ny law, ordinance,or repul�tlon;ond ehell pey end promptty diwcharye et I
<br /> Truator'�ceat and expanse�II liens,encumb�ance�end chsrpe�levied,impo�ed or a��ee�ed apain�t the Property or any put thereof.
<br /> ;� 7, Er►�nt DmtnrLt. Lender 1� hsreby auipned ell compcnation, evlard�, domcpe� nnd other peymente or retiei (hereinsfte►
<br />_� 'PtocMd�")�+conn�ctton wdh condumnation or othsr t�kir►p of the Proputy or ptrt thsrao?,or for conveyance(n lieu of condemnation.
<br /> � Lend�►�hdl b�u►titid�t tt�option to commsnee,�ppsar tn�nd pro�ecute in it�own nome eny aotian or proeeedinp�,end�hatl elso be
<br /> entitl�d cu m�ke�ny compromtse or ssttlsment In conneotion with�uch takinp or d�m�pe.In the event�ny portian of the Property i��o
<br /> �__��,�__.�__�:Y...:.��..i..,,.r-u--�.�.dt.�ratEnn.to�nalv all auch Fhoceed�,etter deduotinp therofrom L_ _
<br />= t�lc�n ot own�p�v.a"w�am w.a�...........�..�......._�.__'-----'-'- - . . . --
<br /> ntl coat��nd�xp�n�n lncurred by it in conneotfon with ouch F'toc�ed�, upon any indebtedne��oecured hareby and in such order o� '
<br /> L�ndw msy d�tvrmins,or to�ppty dl�uc1�Praceed�,�iter n+ch d�duotlon�,to th�rator�ttan of the Propsriy upon auch co�ditlon�ss �
<br />_ lmd�r m�yr d�t�rmine.llny�ppliestion of PtocNd�to ind�btednNe�h�ll not ext�nd or pa�tpons tho due d�ta of eny payment�under (
<br />= th�Mote,or cun�ny detwtt th�reund�r or henvnd�r.Ar►y un�pplisd tund��hal�be p�ld t�Trurtor.
<br /> @, p�MonnKiw by O.�nda. Upon the occurre���of �n Ev�nt o1 Dof�ult her�under, or if nny cct f� tekon or lepot proceedinp
<br /> camm�r+ced whlch m�tei�liy�ff�et�leadu`�interast(n ths Prop�rty,Lender mey In ft�own discretion.Evt wlthout oblipatioe+ta do�o. �
<br /> and without nollc�to o►dammd upon Trustor�nd without rela��En�Trustor trom sny obiip�tion,do�ny�ot whlch Trustor h���preed i
<br /> but t�iN to do�nd mty d�o do�ny otita eot it dNrns n�c�uary to protoot the sacurity hareof.Trustor�hdl,immsdiet�ty upon damend ,
<br /> thxstor by Land�r, p�y to L�nd�r dl coat�and expen�N incurred �nd�um�exp�nded by Landsr In con�rctton with the exsrcf�e by ,
<br /> l�nd�r o}ths forepolnp rlpht�,top�the� with(ntanat therwn at th�d�f�ult nt� provid�d in the Note, whlch�hsll bs added to the I
<br /> ind�bt�dn�so�ecur�d h�nby.L�nd�r�h�ll�ot Incu�any li�bility ban�u��of�nythinp it m�y do or amit to do h�reunder. ;
<br /> �
<br /> • ,
<br /> � NEC14!)A(Na�ktOtvrr DMdI li�v.Yl9�
<br />. O 1 W!MMIOrW WA ef Cemm�c�Tn�t�rW Bwtnp�NtoUN«s llmetn N�Wce
<br />