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<br /> � �. Y��;��i;�@F YWG PFlOE�[RYY;AJ�U".1pYlON. If all or any p^M o1 tho propory or In4cze�t Ih�rc!n la co!d,4rc.n�t�rrc.d a� �
<br /> '� olharvrt3e cnnuayed by'Trustor without I��n6�;c!�ry'�e �rlo►�srlt;en caneeM, exc!udinp (a) the crua.tbn af a I!oii ar Ancumbranco ,
<br /> . � oubardinete to thle DESd of Truat,(b)Iha cro�tlon o}a purr.t�ace monsy eeaunty Intor�at for houeQhoid appt:nncay,(o)n tranclQr hy
<br /> ° � d�vin,doiranl or by operation af Iaw upon th�d�atfi o}a joint t�nen4 or(d)tN�gmnt o!�ny Isaahold InUrset of thr�o yonn or b�� • `�
<br /> � not containln�an apUan to purchaa�,�ueh actbn I�a breach af thb e�n�m�nt,nnd Q�na?klary msy,al Bm�flclary'�optbn,dsctars , -�
<br />' k�k . ,. � aA tho�um�a�cursd by thk D�sd of trur:to b�Imm�dixt�y du�and p�yab{�,or caw�th�tru�t��to fiN s notkw o1 d�fauN. -
<br /> • ` Bon�P,ciary thAll hav�wnlv�d wch optbn co ac�c�Nrat�H,prfor ta th��al�,trensiv o!conwyanc�,B�naflci�ry and th�person to
<br />� . w;ioi�i li��µrnpafiy b to ba co:d or tranrt_rtcd recch r�rc��r�nt in ettEfinp thn�the credit o1 euch perean Ie satkinctory to Bon�flcary _
<br /> , '';� .y Wnd th�t tM�Inbr�st payabN on Ihe sum�s�eured by lhl�oasd of Trust�haU I»ot such rat�u B�n�flclery�h�N nqu�st •
<br /> ,�,
<br /> ' 0. ACCELEFlATION UPCN DEFAULT;REMEDIEB;BALls.Tho fnitur�by lhe Trustor to mek�any paym�nt or to p�Aorm eny ot ' -
<br /> , • .� tho t�rm��nd condiUom of th�NoU,or Any ronownh,modHt::atAn�w uc+.�n�bm th�noi,or th�pRym�nt o}any ath�r indebtadnas
<br /> �.-•�
<br /> �--t� e�cuud h�r�by or In th�porfo�menc�of any oi ths cpwnnnta or eqn�m�nU h�nund�r�h�H t»a br�ech o}thh apreem�nt end ths ,
<br /> „ �i`� 8�n�fic�sry may d�cler�a d�fauk end may doelan ail�ume�eeund huaby imm�dlately dw and poynbN and th�oem�shall
<br /> . `- th�r�upon b�com�du�nnd payabla wfthout pnsantm�n4 dnmend,probtt or noUa of any ktnd.Th�naR�r,Ben�flelnry may d�ilwr -
<br /> to Trwt��a vrrNton Qeclernlion of dafauR and demand for sal�.7ru�tor aprN�nnd henby prana lhnt lh�Ttuttoe�haB h�va tlie
<br /> pow�r of�at�of th�Property and M Ben�Rciary dseidoe thu Peaparty b to b�told k�hall d�po�R wlUi Tru�t��thle Daad o1 Tn�at and
<br /> th�Noto or not��nnd any oth�t documenb eNdonciny wtpnndlitirno s�cur�d h�reby,and th�Y deiivor to Trust��a wtfUtn notico cA
<br /> defauk and�NcUon ta cauaa th�Propariy to b�oold,end Truatan,In turn,�hall prQFa»e�Imfiar notic�In the form requirad by Iaw, "
<br /> whtch shall bo duh/filed tot ncord by Truatoe. %
<br /> (n) ARer th�laps�oi euch 41ma e+s may be requlrod b�Inw frllowinp the recordndon of Notko o}Dotmuk,and Notke o1 De}auR �_
<br />:,� ' end Notk�o!9alo hnvmp been pNen as rsquired b.t imx.TsuMeQ,wrihout d�mend on Trustor,shs�ll oall th�Prop�rty M ono '�'1�'f+, ;�;!:
<br /> � .�...,::'�;i,.. . or mora parceto and In such order ae Truofor mau c'nSirm?na on th�dttte and tlu tfms and placs de�ipnatad in said Notke ';'�±,;!t�',�`�{�,;.,�':
<br />,-��'{ii:;::.,,�,�.,;o....,ry: . . .. .
<br /> � •�,�•:;.�-:•±�.•�• of 8alo,nt pubile aucilon to th�hlgh�s!biddar,tkg m:n•chnQ�prka payabla in ca�h in ktivufid monHy o1 tho Unft�d 8tates at , ±;yc�•,.�Y�,�,__
<br /> ,�' ;:�;�, ti th�Uma of�al�.Th�Mrson conductinp thu ael�nary,E:r any cnus�he or ah�dwm��xpodi�nt,postpono lh�saN from -,- -
<br /> ��l tlm�to Gm�until R shall be eompkted nnd,in eve+ry ouch cas�,noUa of postpon�m�nt shaN b�qiwn by publ�d�ciaratlon 4 j�:�-
<br /> -• - � - •�-� therooi by euch p�raon at the time and pinco Inat�poin�a3 for th��a{r,provM�d,H rh�saN b poitpon�d tor bny�r thnn `••;z'i�".�::...
<br /> — - J .- --�.�_ .,�..,._�__�,,�...�..w.wb,�,�.� nMley thW�o}�11W b�CIVNIf IIl H1���RI�rt1QIM►af tfM ._,..,...-_'--,,.°�-..__`_-
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<br /> „ oripinal Notic�o!8e1�.Yrufto��hell ucacuto and dnl've►t�th�purcha��r R�D��d con��yinp lhs Pcop�rey�o soW,but `•�.^`;;�
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