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<br /> c_.;•±c;:�:�c::;��:�t._r c7G;:.�ll::.ct c?Yi��:.l r,:d s;��f..'�t�'�'ri�:.:��t�r r�n^�:':"c�r�z:i rc'_s�:'il C.;11 t;;C:1�::.f��2L7i1 C;!I(i!.':'.7Y Gi
<br /> �FUtstdB�Y�dA9,YIIlStg!ChU�I PiLBf�L'Ey LJ'i'rus:ar,cr fh�parau;i ot WKyi�n�la�r�'j enlrM�lhe;�:0, w'�1110111 Nflll�ARtSI,UlN FC:i�9�i 91
<br /> ='=�''"�.;...,'"° t�ha F'roperty th�n h�kt h�iwrui�r. Tho�� 1n�uch rwonv�yasts�oi eny maKera�or fa:.:��tia:l k9 ccr,::�r_t�a prc�f c}the ��,�
<br /> --_.._ truthtufnesa thAr�of.Th�pr�ntw la�ny noonwyana m�y t�a C�scrib�d aa'ths p�rsen a p�►eon�Mp�ty�nt.itNd thanto.• -
<br /> - - 10. N0T10�9.Exapt far�ny e►etloM.d�m�nd�,rMqu*�ta a oth�r oommunfw4Hon�nqukad undor�ppfiaabw I�w to b�ptne�in _-
<br /> .. anotlMr rrt�nna.wh�rtawr B�nNbMry�7ruNor a Tru�aivM or Mrrr�e��ny�(G+dudM9�wMhoi+llimMaMon.notio�a!dMrW
<br />- __�''� r.nd nol�r.e of ee4), cbm�!rde. requeet�i or dhsr oommunk�tbn wNh r�op�ct to thN D+�d o4 TruH, ��ch �uch notic�,damRnd� -
<br /> roquMt w dh�r oanmunfoMkm�hNN b�In wtkk�g�nd�h�N b�Nhcthh ony H 1M�amo M d�Hwnd by pK�ond Nrvka a la m�ied
<br /> by wrtlA�d m�fl.Po�tp�(x�p�id�addr��Nd!o tM�ddn�r er�N iorth�t th�b�p1�nH�g ol thN ONd o4 Tru�t MY P�Y�Yµ�'"Y
<br /> - Um�cA�v►p�Ib addr�u for wch notias by dsli�rorkip or mii�(np to tho oth�r p�rty h�n�o,a�tald,w notic�ot euct�tih�u►q�.Any
<br /> �oNe�h�t�undK�haM b�desm�d to Aav�F�n efwn to Trutb�r w B��y,vNwn piwe in th�mannwr daipn�tYd hsr�in, _
<br />-�"°'�� 17. F�EQU�9T F()R N4TICE.Truotor uxl 9�n�fkliW hKSby r�qwst�copy ot iuty notla o!d�M�uk,ut��capy o!�ny notko
<br /> �_� of�aM th�r�und�r� b�mNMd!o�eh p�rocm who M a piuty hK�to rt th��dcirMS ut tortt►tor�uch p�non in�il�sr�tirit ----.
<br /> --_- P�rRpr�pholthisD�odo4Tn»tor6�bw. T«,ee•u-
<br /> ,�,� .
<br /> 'Ffi. • -
<br /> —�Y{:���f;` 1& QOVEFiNIt1C�LAW.Thttf�axio?fruetahaHb�povomedbyth�iaw�o41h+5tatedl4Vobrnaka. �
<br />•...Ji._''C''-...... �O�IA�OWU�s to
<br />?�%�v��;1;���- 19. 9ll6C�S917A9/�lA+�99I�N�.TA�+�oi Yru�'J,and aN Urms,eondiUon��nd obNp�tion�h�retn.RpPN
<br /> "� .� th�t»rNfR of and bind��II p�utiN 1»r�lo,!h+►ir hdn,NpRtwM.d�vi�N�,p�r�ond ropr�nt�tivM,woa�aon and w�ipnti Th�
<br /> � t�rtn'B�nafieGuy"Yha11 m�u�th�ovrna�nd fwld�r of th�Nots,KfiMl��r o+not nun�d ai�srnllekry hsnk�,
<br /> - ' 20. JWNT ANA BEVERAL LIABIU'f Y.AN c+owni►M��nd�prNrn�nM of Trudor�hali b��oint and sovor�t. " -
<br /> �1. BEVEFIABILIIY.In th��wnt any on�or mon of th�provMfone ooMrMted In tl�b W�d ot Tru�f,a th�tVoa a�ny otfi�r
<br /> "-�-�''-�',=�� �r.ueiry InNrum�nt prvvn fn eonn�cHOn with thM h�n�adlon�h�ll for�ny n+uon b�h�id b b�k►v�1id,NMy�I or unenbro��bb In Fny
<br /> -- ��-' �suEi:ci,�uch i.��.�:���'":�r:.'.y�c:urt�n'r c:r�!.".p els�l,e:Hse e^�n e?L':�r_!!:�..�q.nM r.!f!!�i�!ey c!!►�r�eM!!en M d+i�DMd ol �_
<br /> --- � _� � ...� .-_� �w�..a.,...�.r.�.Y,.�.�..d A...r�
<br />-°:y=�� TfUK.DtJt dll�UMO Of I t{tif�tlail v�Wfl�irwti w�n iuuti wis ..y:w�...•.�.o�••�•�p� ••� •• - —
<br /> -- or thwNn.II tl►�INn o11AM DMd of TruM le InwYd w un�nforoo+�Al�iw b�ny pwt u1 tl►�d�bt,a N tM Men N lnwYd or uMnf�a�bNi
<br /> -- - w�b Wty p11A of df�ptoprrly,a»�M.c�,r�a o�p.�a.iy�.a,r.d�o�+a�+.a.ee.r►.�b.oo��.whr a�v�b�wrm«++a
<br /> `���r� tfi�t�kq a�1d NounJ or pMtl�Myr Notu�d po�lon af q1�G�bR�nd�M p�11rr1aM�mad�on tM d1bR+N��tfIM wdunwy a w�d�r
<br /> '��.°� f�wn a��nforam�nt scll�on a prowdur�.�h�N b�oon�id�nd la haw bNn 1k�t�rWd on�nd�pyMiM eo tha NI pnyn�oni
<br /> ----= 01 thN portlon of tM dsbt wh�h M not weuf�d a no14uMy Ncurod by tM N�n o}thw Owd of 1'tuM.
<br />��-r-�'� 22. NUM�ER AND GE�3DER.Wh�n�vK uNd hYrNn,ai��InyuMr numbN�h�N k�dud�ih�plural,�nd th�uN of�ny Qe►d�r
<br /> ::-.:��a
<br />_"•�c��r.� �hEY b��Dplk�hM 1n iY oMf1�n.
<br /> °'�„��� 23. ACCEPTANCE BY TRUSTEE.T�u��pb thM Tru�t vrf»n thM DNd o!7ru�t,duy�x�eutv!aid acknowi�ip�d�M
<br /> � mRd�a publb ncad M provid�d by I�w.
<br />'_,;��� 2�. TRUBTEE WABIUTY.Bo bnp ao th�7N�tN�haN ae!M pood takh�nd In nliana upon notkes�nA othsr Intormslbn
<br /> "_'-- which N, in ih�oN dMa�tbn may dMm to b�nWibM,�nd w bnp ru TN��hall�ocKCi��nsaon�bi�pnid�na��nd cu�in It�
<br />=�'�-�+� admMhtr�tlon h�nunde,TNStw�h�ll net b�I{sbN ior any loa�ar dnmap���ustaln�d orheuned by the TnAtton n�ny B�n�ficluy
<br />-:.°"'-"i�.rr.l or by eny oth�r p�non�whom�wwr�k b�fng�xpnaly�t(puiat�d that tfi�TnastN ahaA b�N�bM ony ior its awn pros�npl'p�ncs
<br />_,`;.:i r•��� and w�ful dNauk ln tfi�pnmftN.
<br />''"�9�' '�``� IN YVITNES9 YYHEREOF,Truttor h�u�aeutod thM Mnst�r DMd of TNSt Form and Dy ths slpninp'�r�MecknowMdpn th4t he hw
<br /> ��'T�'"';;.; uad�nd natv�d a fuY copy h�raof and undoratands thnt fb torms,conditlone end eontant�ar�fuly kxorporat�d inta th�eetval ""
<br />��'� '� DNd o}Tru�t h�elpn�d of�wn det�h�nwilh. _,�,_
<br />_�:�-.��.��_-��--�� (�,. _�_
<br />-�..ry���::�
<br /> _-_4L;.,`,�, Gar R. Erdbrugcr
<br /> °_.�_"�;�w� /�, �
<br />� _�:�. CX�IJ1/.� �- �
<br />_::¢-;?�;' �Teresa A. Erdbruger --_-.
<br /> -= ,�� ;`L� 9TATE RF NE8RA9KA,CQUNTY OF,�„_,_ Hal l -
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<br /> Th�tor�poinp InsUum�nt wat acknowl�dp�d Mton m�thl�z3 dey ot �� , t9 95 .by+ar ;
<br />'_s�y�.;��,_•: Erdbru&er and Teresa A. Erdbruger,, hus and and wife �;;,,
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<br /> - Filed for r�mrd�nd�nvnd In Numerlca!fnd�x on , 19�,at o'ciack .M.,
<br /> ��`?F� nnA reoord�d et Book Pap� .or in�trum�nt No —
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