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_ , _ __ _ . , <br /> . :�.• , .., . <br /> F� . ` _ .. ,,�.?, :,�,`�-_ <br /> _ . ,. . �:��,`- . .,�;' <br /> � • . _ � . �:�.d.,�• � ;.�:::�,�:�=r.- �:�,=— <br /> .. �.�, ._ . �.'n, , ...�++rr.��= ., • '='�• - - - ....�..��A��.__i_ <br />- i• _�.�� ¢. �r � __._.. "i�'.'��r�r _. <br /> ..t:.;y;h'..;�•d�ii4�i ..._.:$•�!F -- - - � _. _ _.._.�— _.- <br /> _:_:x.a..:►.. _;f�. . �„..:- -� -,. <br /> ���� 9.�1���''4 ` - - <br /> .. a. iN�u�ll�Cl:. Yru�?or, t11 fta onp�nco,vn'I rnntatnts�er"tti In�urcr�eppra�csi by�3onoi,elary,mownneo erGi rc�pae2 to lhu � <br /> IrnprcvcroorU cnd�t�t�ton;I prn�c�iy,can�4��uund ui�Prop�iSy,c.�clnct fa.;o 13y Grs,I.phtnfii�,fam�do,i�nd ot7or p�r:�cnd hr3c.rcia l <br /> eovored by aiandnrd o:dandad covice�pa ondor�ement,in en nmatmt equal to ut I�att one hundred pareant oi tl�a fufl replac3mont <br /> , � vnluo thono}and Inturanc��palnsl euch oih�r harard�and In tuch arnounn as le custom�rity eerrNd by own�re and operatar�09 . <br /> . �Imil�r prop�rtN�or o�B�n�flclary may roqulr�far R�protPaibn,Tn�stor will compy wNh euch ath�r r�quir�m�nto na R�n�flciary may f ,.-, <br /> _ ' hnm tim�to tim�r�qu�tt br tha prot�ctbn by Inaumnc�ot th�Intor�stt o?lha ra�patiw pRRM�,�III In�urttncs polxNe m�intain�d ', � ,��: <br /> "��� •:� , , Y ar��nd provld� -s•:.,.:..._. <br /> :N�,.,,� . a {�ur�u�nt ro tht�De�d o}Trun�h�N n�m�Trwtar�nd B�n�fidary a�In�wnd�,u th�k asp�etiw Int�naH may�pp� 'F--�,,,;,._:1 <br /> that ifiar��hell ba no canall�ttbn or modilicatbn wHhout no lan than 16 dnys prlor wri�on natiflcntlon to Ttustu and Be��ticl�ry.In <br /> a.,;, . ' •• • th��v�nt�ny palicy h�nund�r b not nnaw�d on or b�tor�16 dsy�pnor to It��xptrxtlon dNta,i ru�t��or B�n�fict�ry m�►y procuro �,}.y,�,,,,_�..:.� <br /> �i^•.�" �� . % ouch In�uranc�In aecardane�wkh th�provl�bm of parepr�ph A.G h�rsoL Truttor sh�N d�Nwr to B�ndicluy th�oripind pollcN�dJ �_�- <br /> ; inwnnc��nd nnswab thu�of or m�mo copk�o}�uch polkl��and rsn�waN Ih�rsot Fnflurs to NrN�h such In�uranc�by Trustor, r��,�.,�� <br /> Y �_.f�� • or ron�WAlll t1�f�QUItM1 h�nund�r sh�ll,at th�optbn of B�n�fickry,constRuts�d�fauN. �;.=�`-"---�-"- <br /> �. y� <br /> � --�'" 0, TAXH9,A98E99MENT8 AND CHAR�E9,Trustor shall a nll tnxa,asus�mmte and othu char ��, Includinp,wRhout }"��=-- <br /> .. ,.... `��,. P Y o �J,''-,v��ti_-�. <br /> �:�"•• Ilmkatbn, fin�� and Impo�Rbnw attributabl�to tho Prop�rty, nnd I�a��hold paymma or pround nnts,M any, b�ion th*�nm� ,-r•=,...-. <br /> � ��.... ,.,.. .. �• - <br /> . b�com�dslinqa�nt.Tru�tor ehnll promptly tumleh to Beneficinry NI noGca�o}nmaunte due under thie pnra�reph,�nd in th��wnt �-:?�:�'�y��� <br /> ' Truttor shNl mak�paym�n!dincty,Tru�tor�hall prompUy fuminh to B�noficinry r�alpte�vi�.ndnp�uch paym�nt�.Trustor ehall �"��-�°"" <br /> �,�._ <br /> � _:_ pay all tex�e and ass�ism�nta whlch may bs Nv1�d upon Beneflctary'a Int�net Nsnin or upon thls Daod of 7rust without ngard to ��!,=�-r�.� <br /> any!aw thet mn b�enncted Im oaln a� ,eST <br /> y p p paym�nt oi ths wholo or any pnrt th�rwf u{ton tho Bmeficlary. 'q';;�,f:.3;�;_-__ <br /> :�•��a�. <br /> 8. ADDITIONAL UL-'iV9 AND PROTECTION OF BENE�ICIARY'S 8ECURITY,Trustor shall mako nll pnyments o!tntonri and ��,���n= <br /> prindpal and pnymanh of any oth�r chnrp��, f�u esnd expsnaos contraeted to b� pa�d to any�xMtinp li�n hofdm or prbt �,�•n-„ <br /> , . . bsn�ficierN�und�r any prbr dssd o}tru:t ur mortgaya biton th�dnts th�y ar�d�linqusnt end promply pny and discharpa nny,nnd =_•°_° ' <br /> , „ ell other lisns,ctalmt or charpse which mny j�opardlze tha aecurity grantod hawin.I}Trustnr faih to mak�any�uch paym�nt or fails ��r-�'�_^:__ <br /> �� ' to p�r}orm any o}th�eownenb end ngn�msnb eontained in thi�Desd o!Trust,ar In any prlor mortyep�or ds�d ol truet,or it a�ny `-�-�`�t�^'- <br />�:+i. �7'i„'S,?�,::.— <br /> � ; actbn or prx�edlnp le comm�nnd whkh matorlaly aMecte Beneficiary's intereat In the Prap�rry,includinD, but not UmHed to, �^.p:.�e�::.�. <br /> 1t ��t!,�=R�.. <br />�-� omin�nt domain praeeedinge,or proce�ding�InvoNinp a dac�dent,or if Trustor fnlls to ps�y Truatot'e d�bts panarally as th�y b�como �s�;�;�h;.,,i�, <br />- =- •� •- + des,ihcn @ertatt�!:.ry,r.t Beneficinr�'e optbn nnd wdhout notico to or damartd upan Tru:tor and wfthaut rtaaal�q Tru�t'mm any '�''"''"�';���• <br /> .. .,.. <br />� .'����.��•'�'i.:.--��-_�–J nidb..11nn h..�.... ... �—_—_. <br /> - ..........----._.... _..�. .1�r. m�v .��ka eur.Ff wn;wttennn .tiabur�• �unh �umn ...d �.L. ...,.►. ...H�.� �� �� ......... a. .....�.,r .. <br /> .�;�.,., <br /> • , Beneflclery's Int�rost, InNudinfl, but not IimRod to, disbureemont of reaaonnblo attorney'e teee,�pnyin�nt, purehat� cont�st or �sL, ;'�._,� <br /> compromiae of�ny�ncumbrancs,char9�or lien,cnd entry upon the Proparty to mak�repelro.In th��vent thAt Truftor�haN lnil to Y°-""�"�'�_ <br /> procuro Inturanca or to pay taxoe,asaes�msnts,or any other charpsa or to make nny pnymmte ro any�xlstinp prbr li�n hoiden or ��,,;_�=-- <br /> �, •• b�mflclerN�,B�n�ficiary may proeur4�uch Inaurancs and maka such pnyment Any amounte ditbun�d by B�n�flciary purwant to �4_, <br /> tMa Parapraph A.8 ahall b�com�additl�nal Ind�bUdn�u of Truntor s�cund 6y thi�De�d of Tru�t 8uch amounU ahnll6o payabN - _--_- <br /> � . '"�,�`,• upon notke irom B�n�tielary to Trwtor nqwatinp peym�nt th�nof,end�hall b�se Inbrut fram th�dat�o}disbur��m�nt�t th� ���-_. <br /> rat�paynbN from dm�to tlm�on oubtand�np pdncipal und�r th�Not�unNa�paym�nt of Int�n�t at�uch rat�would b�c�ntr�ry to ,�:�,� <br /> ,. _ appl�etbN Ie.w, In wh�h �wnt �uch amount�sMall b�ar Int�n�t at th� hiflhut rat� p�rmlalbl� undu nppl�abN Inw. Nothinp �y�'��--- <br /> cont�lnwl In thh Pangraph A.8 shaU nqWn B�n�ficlary to frscur eny�xp�ns�or telcs any Rctbn h�nund�r. �____ <br /> � B. IT 18 MJTUALLY ACiREED THAT; = �---- <br />, ' 1, A831t3NM[NT OF hBNTB.B�n�ficlary�hell hev�th�rlyht,pow�r nnd authorfty durinp th�continuanc�of thl�C��d olTruct "'- <br /> � to coll�et th�r�nt�,luue�nnd profite of th�Prop�dy end of any p�nonal prop�rry locat�d thenon wilh or without takinp po�se�sbn ��-�� <br /> of th� prop�rty athetsd h�nby,and Trustor h�nby nbrolutdy end unconditbnally easiym nu such nnt�,iteu��and profits to T�r,,, <br /> Ben�flciary.8�n�flckry,how�wr,h�rsby cansmU to ths Truttor's colbctbn end nt�ntlon of euch ronts,Is�ua and profrts et th�y �'+�-_ - <br /> eccru�and b�com�paysbl�eo bnp e�Trustor is no�at�uch tlm�,In dNnuR with ntp�ct to paymsnt of nny Indsbt�dnees s�cund o,� __ <br /> .• h�nby,or In th�p�Aormanco of any epn�m�nt hu�und�r.Upon any euch d�fauk,B�n�ficinry may at nny tim�,�ith�r in penon,by �, __ <br /> ap�nt, or by n nc�iv�r to b�nppolnt�d by a court. witho�t nctic�nnd without rpard to th�adaquncy ot any s�curity tor the -- `-'=�- <br /> Ind�bt�dn�a h�r�by s�cund,(e)�nt�r upon and take posassaion of tho Propody or nny pnK th�nof,and in Rs own nam�wa for or � �• �:t+��a�.'' <br /> oth�rvvise collecc euch rento,issu�s nnd profrts,Including thoae past due nnd unpnid,and nppty the snms,less costs nnd�xp�ness <br /> „ , of o�»rntton and coll�ctbn, Includinp rensonabla attorneys feea, upon any IndobtednQSa secured hereby, and in euch ord�r aa i ";,rt.,.,..,•. <br /> Ben�flclary mny dabrminr,(b)psrfotm such ncts of rapalr or protscdon aa may ba nocosaery or prop�r to coneerve ths valw o!ths I - • ^ <br /> � Prop�rty; (o)leas�the sam�or any part theraot}ar euch rontal,term, and upon euch condRlons ne its�udgment may dietata or <br /> terminete,ot nd�uat tha t�rm�nnd conddbns of qxftting lenses,Unleao Truator nnd Btna+ficlnry Ihonof agn�oth�nvis�in writing, ! ' � <br /> ' any eppllcistbn ot rents,Iasues or profite to eny indebtodneae aecured hereby ehel!not sxte�d or postpon�tho due dats o1 th� � � <br /> ' Instalm�nt paym�nts ns provld�d [n seld promissory note or change the nmount ot auch inntnllmenb.The entsriny upon and , <br /> . teklnp posa�ssion ot th�Prop�rty,ths cou�ctlon of auch rents,Issuee end profite,and the applicatlon thor�of as efoneaid,shelt not <br /> .it walve or cur�any dafnuft or notic�of defnuR heroundor or invnlidato eny act dona pureunnt to such notice.Truator alao aaaigns to . <br /> � . Ben�ficlary,ne lurther s�curiry for the por}ormnnce of the obllgationa securod hereby,all prepald rento and nll monioa which mny <br /> hnw bs�n or mny hetenRer be depoaR�d wdh eald Trustar by eny leaeoa o}the Property,to eeeun ths paymuni of any rent or ;' '- <br /> ~�; damnp�e,or upon dofeuft in the psriormance of any of the provlslona heroof,Truntor agreee to delnror auch renta and dapotttu to <br /> � Beneficlary.Oetivery at written noHeo of Boneficlary'e ex�rclse of the rlghtn granted hmreln,to nny tenent oecupying eeld premfsse <br /> ehall bo suflicient to nqulre eald tenant to pay rent to the Beneficlary until turthor notice. ' <br /> ' .. �. CQNDEMNATION,If title to nny part of ihe Proporty ohall be tnken In condemrtation proceodings,�y rlght ot ominent domaln <br /> ur slmllnr actlon,or ehall be eold under 4hreat o}condemnatfon,all awerds,damages and proceodo an hereby asaignad and ohnll he ; <br /> � pald to B�n�fictary who ahell eppty such awarde,damagoe and proceede to the eum oecured by thlo Doed of 7rust,wdh the exceae, � <br />� � + M eny,pnfd to Yrustor.If Truator recehr�a nny notice or other Intormatlon reparding eueh e.ctlone or proeeedlnpe,Truetor ehell plve j <br /> - � prompt written notle�thoreof to B�n�ficlery.8eneficlnry ehall be entltted,nt ite option,to aommonce,oppenr In nnd prosecute In Ite � <br /> - own name nny suah nctkm or procesdinge and shnll b�entftted to mnko eny compromise or aetHom�tnt In connactlan with nny euch i <br /> ectkn or proc�edings. � <br /> _ � 3. FU7URE ADVANCE8.Upon r�queat o}Tructor,Bsneflclnry at Beneficlery's optlon,prfor to reconveynncs of the Property to I <br /> Trwtor, may mak�futur�advanc�s to Trurtor.Such futuro edvnncee, wdh Inter�st th�roon, ehNl b�secund by thla Truet D��d <br /> _ when evldoncod by promissory notes stnting that eald notas en s�eured hcreby;provlded that et no tlms chnll the secured prlr.clpal, � <br /> , „ tutun advancea,not Includlny eume advencod tu protect lhe ascurity,exceed Two Hundred paresnt(200%)of ths origtnal principai � <br /> , „ nmounb��cur�d h�nby. � ' <br /> � 4. REMEDIES fYOT Fa(CLUSIVE. Truete� nnd B�n�flclary, and eech of tham, ehnll ba entdled to entores pnyment and : _. _ .... <br /> -- p�doemnncv of any Ind�btodn�a�or obllyntlona eecund heroby nnd to ex�rclae all dphb end pow�ro under thla Daod of Trust or ' �' � <br /> ' undar any olhar agraoment�x�cut�d In connectlon herewdh or any lawe now or hersnfter In fore�,notwith�tanding aoms or nll of th� ' <br /> ,. such Indebbdne�e end obllgntlnns aecured hsreby may now or herenfter be otherv►lse secureJ,whether by mortpeg�,d¢�d of trust, � <br /> pledpe,Il�n,naelpnment or othenvlaa.Nefther the ncceptnnce of thla Doed of Truat nor Ite o�torcament wh0ther by csurt ection or <br /> � purouant to the power of snle or other powsre Nereln contnlnod,chall prejudice or In any manner nftoct Truoteo's or Benotctary'o <br /> rlght to reelizo upon or snforce any other security now or hereatter held by TruMee or Beneficiary,it befnp ngreed thnt?r�ss;ae and <br /> B�neficlnry, nnd�eeh �t lhom, ehall bs entiUed to enfores thle Deed of Truet end any other sacurity now or hureafter held by <br />-- Ben�ficlary or Trustae in auch order and manner ao thoy or efther o}them may In their nbsoluta diecretion determine.No remedy <br />- . . __ h�raln coni�ned upon or ro:erv�d to Tniats�or Beneficlary i�Intondod to be exclusivo of any other remody hereln or by law <br />-= provldod or p�rmitt�d, but ae�h ehnll be cumulative nnd ehall bo In additlon to evory othor remedy giv�n hereundor or now or <br />-, " , hersettsr�xlsting at law or In oqulty or by statute.Every powor or remedy provlded Nereunder thls Deed of Truet to Truoleo or ' <br />'.z , Bsn�ficlary or to which either of them may ba othenvlse entitlod,may be exorcised,concurrently ar ind¢pendently,irom time to tlme <br />__ end as o}ton aa may b�dsamed�xpedient by Truetee or Beneflclary and eithor ot them may puroue ineoneistent remsdlee.Nothtng <br /> henin shall be conetrued ae prohlbtting Benefielary irom eeeking a defieieney)udgment againat tho Truetor to the extmnt such nctlon <br />:7� is permltted by Inw. <br /> . 60707f N�Oratke 007629.00i � <br /> � , <br />� � . <br />� <br />