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G.r�.:_.`'L�'._.�:.�:c.__._..-•n.L�: <br />� - - _. .i- �..�..___"'_.._'.._...__'�� �.�'.._.....�__�_.�.� , <br /> : ���- �la��z��� <br /> � " �� 0. {I�gee�ouc PJlete�iat9.Truator oholl lcaCp iho Proporty In cWmplianco��Ith eil n�pllcnblo latlo,ordinnncoa and repulatlQno �• <br /> � rotntln�to Indu�trinl hypfon�or onvlronmontal protr,ctlon(collQCtivciy rotor►cd to haroln Qa"Envirqnmontnl Luv�n").Truato►ahall . <br /> - Icoepthe Proporty traa Irom all eubstnncoa daom�d to bo hotardouo or taxla undoe nr+y Envfronmontbl Lawe(collCCtivaly rciarrcd to <br /> hcroln ao"Haznrdous Matorit�lo").Tru9tor horoby warrnnte and r�presanlo to Londor thnt thoro are no Heiardoue Meterlals on or <br /> unoor ti�a E�roper�r.TruatQr horcby ugrc��to In�tom+�►ty end hotd hormleas Londor,Ito dlrcctoro,oiilcoro,omployco�and apc:ntn,and <br /> .„. �ny suc�os�ore to Londer's Interr�st,lrum nnd apatnet any nnd ali clolma da�napes,losaa3 und Uabllitlaa urluinp In connoction with <br /> tho prosanco,use,dleposal or tran3port of any Hau+rdous Mntarlata on,�ndor,lrom or c�bout tha Property.THE FOREQOINO <br /> s; ; � " WARRANTIHS AlJD REPRES@NTATIONS,AND TRUSTOR'S O�UDAYIONS PURSUANT 70 TME FORECi01NQ INDEh1NITY,�HA�LL <br /> - - -'�--� SURViVE HECONVEYANCE OF THIS D�EQ OF 7RUST. <br /> •�� 10. Aqelpnm�M a9 Rente.Yruetur horeby as3lgns to Lender therents,I�auoa nnd protRa of tho Proporty;providod that Truator <br /> � shall,un4tl the occurrenco of an 6vent of betauit horeunder,have the rlAhtlo collect nnd rotain such ronts,Insues and protite ae tl�ey <br /> Gscome due and pAyable.Upon tho occurrence of an Event ol0etault,Londor mny,eilher In paison or by a4ent,with or without „ <br /> bringing any sGtion or proceedin$,or by a roceiver appainted by a courl end wfthout rag�rd to tho adequoay o1 I¢s e:acurl4y,enter <br /> '_ � � , upon end take poasession o}tho Proporty,or any part therQO},in ita own name or In the name of the Trustee,and da eny acto whlah It <br /> � deems n9cessary or de�irebl�to preserv�the value,marketability or rontebllity o}4he Propsrty,ar eny par4 thoreoi or IrZerost thereln, <br /> _ � Incr�ase tho income theretrom or proteot the security hereof and,�vith or wlthout te�king po3IIesslon ot the Proper4y,euo tor or <br /> _,_ othervvise collect the rents,issues ond profita there�f,Includinp thoso paet due end unpald,and apply tho anme,less cost�nnd <br /> __ „ �� � expenao�of operatlon and collecUon Including attorneys'toes,upon sny Indebtedness eacured hereby.All In such orderae Lender <br /> _ � may detormine.The ontering upon and taking possessfon of the Proparry,the collection o9 euch rents,issue� and profite and the <br /> -�,�k epplicatton thereof as atoresafd,shall not cure or waive ony default or notice of default harounder or invaltdate nny act dona In <br /> :.� rospon8e to such detautt or pur8uant to such notice ot detault and.norivithstanding the continuance in possa3sion ot f7e Rroperty or ; <br /> - �; ,a the coilectlon,receipt end applicatlon of rents,issues or profito, And Trustee and Lender shall bo enUtled 4o exsrclse every right <br /> - '�-� provldedtorfnenyottheloan0ocumenteorbylawuponoccurrencoofanyEvantofDefault,Inciudingwithoutlimltattonth9rfphtto , <br /> - - • -�-�•-.. .+ ��oc unei�rtht+.:na�aaraoh ehall be Curt1U18tiV8 Wi4h.Artd in no vrny n <br /> -�-'�-"^ -���7 0X@PCiSO4119 pOwof o18Nld.rurtiia�,�anudP o�.ti.�......^... .•�:.^...-•-- — <br />__ � Ilmffationon,Lendersriphtsandremediesunderanya;signmentofleasesandrentsrecorded�QainsttheProperty-Londer.Trust�e ,.s,. <br /> -� � and the receivar shall ba llablo to account only thoso rents actut►Ely ro�elved. <br /> - 11. EvonU o1�etault.Tho following shali constituto an Ever�t of�elault under this Dood o1lYust �_�,",_ <br />� . (a) Failure to pay any Insallment of principal or interes!ot aTyother eum seaured hereby v�hen due, �:��°_,- <br /> _ • {b) A breach of or detault under Any provision contatned in ihe Note,this Deod of Truet,any of the Loan Documents,orany i;;_Y. <br /> ' � other Ilan or encumbrance upon the Proporty; ,. <br /> _ �• ��� (c) A wri4 0}exacution or attn�hmant or nny simllar process shall be entered agalnst Truator which shall became a Ilon on <br /> the Proporly or eny portion thereol or Interest theroin; ��r�� <br /> � (d) There ahall be flled by or against Trustor or Borrower an ection undor any preaent or future fedoral,state o��othev � <br /> •, <br /> - __...__ „ . . n a a o annnt -- <br /> - statute,taw or regulauon reiating io oankrupicy,i�inoiva���y�:���rs:l.,S,ar d�b.ars;�:lt:�__ha!!�__,.�--^tA�A'�y trustea ;_ <br /> - � , raceiver or Ilquldator of Trustar or 8orrower or of all or any part ef the Properiy.or the rents,issuas or profits thereQf,or Tn�stor �_� <br />- - or Borrower ahall meke any general assignment for thd benefit of creditors; �` <br /> '--_ <br />- (e) The,sale,tranofor,lease,asslgnment,conveyance or further encumbrance of all or any part of or any Interest in tho �.__ <br /> - �� •� . Fraparty, c}ih�s•ro!untsrfl, =r InvoltntArlly, without the expross wdtten consent oi Lender, provided that Trustor ahall be �?--- <br /> � permltted to execute a lease of the Property that doas not contein an optlon to purchase and thc�tarm oi which does not excaed E'- <br /> r.:: <br /> f�`: <br /> � one yoar;' =:.-- <br /> - '. (Q Abandonment of the Property;or ��, <br /> (g) It Trustor Is not an Indlvidual,the Issuence,sale,t►ansfer,assipnment,conveyance or ancumbrence of morothan atot�l _ <br /> �,�-, <br />� of.r percont of p}a corporatlon)Its Issued and outstanding stock or(If a partnership)e total o} percent of �'�-" <br /> - • � p8rtnership interosta during tlie perlod thls Deed of Trust remains a Ifen on thA Property. �'-''� <br /> � 12. Remsdlee;Acceleratlon Upon L�a9auit.In tho event of eny Event of(�ofault Lunder mey,without notice oxcept es raqutred by �� <br />� � � lew,doclare all indebtedness secured hereby to bo due and payable end th� same ehall ther6upon become due end paya6lo •���_; <br />�-= • without any presentment,demand,protest or notico ot any!<ind.Thereefter Lendar may: 'r:r; <br /> . (a) Demand that Trustee s�cercise the POWER OF SALE granted her�in, end Trustee shall thereafter causo Trustor's �.::. <br /> �� interest in the Property to be sold end the proceeds to be dfstributed,all In the mannar provlded In the Nebraslte Trust Deedo ,;�,. <br /> �j°.;: , <br />-�ia r� A�� - <br /> ,• "" (b) Exercise any and ell rfghts provlded for in any of the Loan Dceuments or by law upon occurrance of any Eventaf Datault: _ <br /> J �" e�d(c) Commence en actlon to foreclose this Deed of 7rust as a mongape,eppolnt e receiver,or specifically enforco any of tho <br /> :� _ , „ covenante hereof. <br /> -�� � � No remedy herein conterred upon or reserved to Trustme or Lander is intended to be exclusive of any other romedy hereln,in the <br /> � ' Lo�n Dacuments or by law provided or permitted,but each ahall be cumuletive,shall be in addltion to every oYT�er remedy gtven <br />�� ., hereunder,in the Loun Documents or now or hereafter existing at law or In oqutty or by statute,and mey be exerclsod CanCUrrentty, �;, <br /> � „ Indepondo�4ly or successlvely. <br /> �> 13. Trustee. The Trustee may reslgn at any tlme wlthout cause.en�i Lender mey at any time and wtthout aauso eppolnt a <br /> successor or subatituto Trustee.7rustee ehall not be Ilable to any party,Including�vithout Ilmftation Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any � <br /> - �� purchaser of tlte Proporty,tor any loss nr damage unlass due to recklessor wlllful misconduct,and shell not be raqulred to tako eny <br /> - " •� actton In connectlon wi9h the entorcemant ot thls Dead ot Truat unless Indemnlfled,In wrlYlnfl,for all costs,componsatlon or <br />-�'�� � expenses whlch may be assoclatod thvrewlth.In additlon,Trusteo may become e purchaser at an�r sale oi the Property QudlCtal or <br /> �,-; � undor the power of salo grnnted herein);postpone tho sele of all or any portlon of the Property,as provlded by law;or soll tho <br /> -.�F Property as e whot�,or In separate parcels or lots at Trustee's discrotlon. <br /> ; 14. Fees ond Expenses.In ti�e ev�nt Truatee salls the Property by oxorclae o!power of sale,Trustee shall be entltlad to apply <br /> }�� � any sale procoods first to payment of atl costs and exponses of exercising power of sale,Including all Trustee's fees,and Lander's <br /> �`'� and T�ustea's attorney's fees,actuelly incurred to extent permltted by appllcablo la�v.In tho event Borrawer or Trustar exerclsos eny <br />:''� : <br /> rlght provtded by lew to cure an Event of Detaul�Lender shall be entiUed to recover trom Trustor all costs and expansos octua y <br /> -•i�' " incurred as e rosult ot Truetor's detault,Including without Ilmltatlon all Trustee's and attomoy's fees,to tho ex4ent permltted by <br /> = � applicabte law. <br /> --- � , .. . <br /> -,.� • 16. Future Advancee. Upon request at Borrower, Lender may, at Its option,make additional and tuturo advances and re- • .. <br />'';�' _�_ __ ____�__ advance3 to 8orrower.Such advances and readvances,wlth,ntorest thoreon,shall be securad by tNie Deed ot Trust.At no tfine shall <br /> - _�a�_noa_C�.._ ��...........��.......�e..�►bo e�nu.lfu n}fhlc <br /> _.'i � the princlpal amount ot tna tndentedness aecured"oy inis ueod oi Tru�4��a.�n.Am.R.�tiow�..a a�.o....��.�r��•�-•»•-^--•°.""" I <br /> °.� Deod oi 1'rust,excuod the original princlpal amount etated Nereln,or S whlchovor Is groater. <br /> t6. 611scnllanooae Provlatone. <br /> _r.� (a) Barrower Not RelBased.Extenslon ot the tfine for paymeM or modif�catton nf emortlzatlan o}the sums secured by lhls I <br /> _� Deed of Trust grantad by Lender to eny succossor In Intc�rest o1 Borrower shall not operate to releaso,In eny mannor,the Ilabillry <br /> i�� ot tho orlglnal Borrower and Borrower's euccessors In Interest.Londor shall nat be requlred to commc�ncv proceedings agolnst � <br />_� �, such succossor or rofuse to axtond tlmo tar payment or otherwlse rnadify amortlzatlon of the suma secured by ihls Doad of Trust <br /> � � �, by reason of any domands made by the orlglnal Borrower and Borro�.aer's successors in Interest <br /> ; � „ (b) Lond�t'� Nowore.Wlthout aNecting tho Ilebility o1 any othor person Ilable for tho paym�nt of any obllgation horetn <br /> mentlonetl,end without aNecting tho Ifon nr charge of thfs Deed of trust upon any portlon of the Property not then or theretofore ; <br /> ' j •� „ voloasod ns socurlty�or the tull nmount of nll unpafd obllgetlons.Lender may,from ttme to time and wlthout notice(I)release any <br /> , +� person ao Ilablv,(II)oxtend the maturity ar alter any oTthe terms of any such obllgations.(III)prant other Indulgenaes,(iv)release <br /> or reconvey,or cause to bc�releasod or rACOnveyed ut eny tlme at Lender's option any parcel,portlon or all ot tho Propertyr, <br /> ! � (v)take or relouse any othor or additlonel securlty tor any obllgetlon herefn mentl�ned,or (vI) mr.,�com�ASittons vr othc�r <br /> arrnngements�vlth dabtors in relaUon therato. <br /> � , , <br /> '�}�� ° : - , <br /> �. <br />