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r. _ . . . ^ .^ ; .. .. ;; i <br /> .�. .��.�. . . � _ .. _ . <br /> ...raiW.r.'^n�fb .• .• . . [i ��..i.. �...,�..RV.�., i <br /> . .. . .. . ., �ya. �. <br /> . .. .r . ��.r.. _ / ' � •' ,. /4d�.�.V�.-yyµ��yVM��a�'`I_. � . . . . .-�A-.� . ...5- _—�...�..��� � : <br /> -u r:.h�. � . : ,c � ;r; � :... . . . 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Ati <br /> ----- - covenantn ac�d agraementa ot Truator shnll6e�olnt and soveral.The cnpttona and headinge of the paraQ►epha of thia Deed af �r�� �` <br /> '� .���u ^.� Yruat aro for con+�enlonco oniy and are not to bo uIIed to Intorpret or dotino ttr�provlalons heroot =. <br /> '� (q) it�quwt tcr Holicta.Tha pnrtlns heraby raquost that R copy o1 any natice ot default horauntlor and e copy of a��y notico �' <br /> of sale hereu�der bo malied to each party to dhls Deed o}Trust at the a�ddres9 set torfh above In the mannor pros,•tlbed by [;�._•:: <br /> �: opplicaGta lav►�.Faccept(or nny othor notico requlred undor npplicable law to be fliv�n ire another manner,any noUce rovtdad ' : <br /> s��z�',,c '�� tor In thla Doad o}Trus4 ehAll be plven by mallinp euch notiae by certlfiad mull addressed Qo the other partles,at tho adr ross sat �',, :_ <br />�,YFi`#;•�•�i.:�:..�. .u,�: <br /> _ ����,�: 9, torth ebove.Any notiae providod for in tNis Oeed o}'frust�hall be ettoetive u{�on meilfn�In the mannar do9lgnated oeein.lf � ;.: <br /> �.�^ �^�� Truator Is more than one person,notice eent to tha addross�set lonh ebova ePsall be nutica to ell such parsona. ��� <br /> . -'°L.m.:T�C�!� <br /> �� �" (f� I�tpec7{an.Lender muy mako or cause to bo mado reasanabio entri�s upon and InapecUona of the Property, rovided � <br /> ._��"-�'�?�'^, thot Lmnder ahaU give Trustor noUce prlor to any auch InopecNon speclfylnfl reasonable cause theretur related to ender's �'' - <br />:�""'"''`'�:'�`'";�.�" Intorest In thd Pro o �"'-^. <br />�,n,;in.' p �Y• t.c:;.. <br />,,r,�F,l••� �:�.::. _�� (g) Reconveyai�ce.Upon payment o!t�ll3ums secured by this Desd o}Trust,Lendor ahaU requeat 7'rustae ta rec nvAy the �,�_• <br /> '---�;;��,y� Properry and ehall eurrenderthis Dood oi Truatand ell notes evldencing Indebtednoss eecured by this Deed o}Trustt Truste�. "'-:�"� <br /> ;^=��,� Trustae ehal! reconvey the P►oo�sty evithout wsrranty and whtnout charge N thd person or per¢ona legalty entitle thoreto. _ <br /> ='K1� ;�":� Truot�r shau�ey Ail coatA of reaartlation,H any. � � <br /> �" `f�' (h) Personal(�saperly;SecuriYy Apresment.As additlonal securfty tor the payment of the IVote,Trustor here gra�ts <br />___ -����'►!�'��°�'' Lender under the Nobraska Unitorm Commerci�l Codo e seGUrity Interest In aU Nxtures,equipm�nt,and aSher personai wpe�ry �— <br /> �� used In connectlon with the real estato or Improvomer+ts located theroon,end not othonvise doclarad or daemed to bo sparlot �, <br />_�__�:�.-�- �.�..��... �►a.�_i..�....._..���a�n�.......«ne...n�i ee o 4nnurlN 4��(�Afp@ALLfl[IQi 881(J COBB.kil�{��fll L�fi[UG/ •--�- <br /> a....._ <br /> _. .°.__.•w If1B fB81 tl.°3W[if.�QWIOU nv�vu�. �n�u uwuu�non•uu�u w.r v..........����._____"'� � . <br /> -.-"T"�"' shalt have aN the rights end remedies at e secured p3rty under sald Codo In additian to tha rl{�htu and remsdies crbat� d under — <br /> and accorded the�ender pureua�2to this Deed ot Trus�provldeQ that Lendor's rights nnd remedies underthl�paregr�ph ahall __ <br />.:=��b, be cumulative with,and in no wey a Ilmitatlon on,Lendor'8 rlAhts end rerrtodlea under any other securiry agreement e gned by __ <br />�''� �� �' Bonower or 7rustor. <br />�.'.N.`�.� .i <br />_• -' '��`' (Ij Llens and Encumbrance�.Trustor hereby warrants and repr�oonta tNat thero le no detault under the provlsln's of any — <br /> ''�.���Y?s:!�•�� mortgago,deed ot truat,lease or purchaso contr�ct describing ail or any part o}the Property,or otfier contrac�Ina mnnt or �-- <br />'�-�-���: �����•"• ' agreemer�t constituting a Ilen ar encumbrance agafnst ell or any pa►t of the Proporry(collectivoly,"Llene").existinp s ot the <br /> � � �'�` dato 01 this Doed of Trust,and that any and ail exlsting Liana remain unmotlifled except as dlsatosed to l.end9r In �rustor's <br />''��`'?'��� '`"'-;'.."f�. wrltlen dlsc iosure o f I leno nn d encum brancos prov i de d for haro in.Tru s t or e h a l l t l m R l y p a r t o r m a l l o f T r u s t o r's o b I g a t l o n s, <br /> ��"°�";""'�"�'�'. covanants,represontntfone and warr�nties under any and all exialHnc�and future Uen�,shall promptly torward to len�� rcaptea _ <br /> •, -�i;+� <br /> ,,,,,.�,..: of ell notices of dofnult aen4ln aonnectlon witn any and all exlsUng or fu4uro Llens,and shell not withoutlendePa pri r wr tten <br /> �°�� �••�. .; �;�`., , consont in eny manner modify the provlafony of or allow any 4utura advancos under nny extstfng or tuture Llona. <br /> ''''�`' � Q) Applicatlon of Paym�is.Unless otherwise requlred by law,suma pald to Lender heraunder,Including withcutl'mit�tlon <br /> ;'�::�y .�"' paymenAs of principal end Interoat,insurance proceeda,condemnaUan proceede end rents end proftte,�hall be eF plied by <br /> !�:X`�;�„��, ,.,. Lender to the emounts due and owing(rom Trustor and @orrower In euch order e3 Lender In Its sole discrotlon deoms a sirab!e. <br /> ;,r,''..-.ifF;;1F�e�Z,�� (k) S�vorabilfty If any proviston ot 4hls Deed of Truet conflicfo with appllcable law or la declared Invaltd or �therwl�� <br /> '_•`_�-�=p;,±�:� unentorceabte,suuh conflict or invelidity ahall nat�ftect the other provisons o}thls Doed of Truet or the Note whic can be <br /> ..-- ,,,,;:;�.t;..,,� glven eflect wHhout ihe conflicting ptovlston,and to thls ond tho provisiona of thie Deed of Troat and tho Note ero docl�red to b� — <br /> ' �vorablo. � �::� <br /> - '..�<�.�. (1)Tarmy.The terms"Trustor"�nd"Borrowor"shall include both oingular and plural,and when the Trustor and 6 arrou�nr � • <br /> ;'�;,W-�, t;n,;��: are tho ssme p9rson(s),those terms as used In this Dead of Trust shall be Intc�rchar.go�ble. •••� <br /> =���.•v� --�---+ (m) aov�rntnp L�w.This Doed of Trust shall be governed by tho�aws of tha State of Nebrat�ka _-°_ <br /> _ ,�'�>r„���iK' .� <br /> - - Trustor has oxecuted thls.Oeed of TruAt es of the dete wrltten ebove. <br /> , ' � <br /> r.,::..,.;,%.�,� r <br /> � � �'(`•'ri�r: STEVEH D. MILI.HTT2, n����3h.H.II�� �� <br /> _..�• ,;.��� . Trus r ��; <br /> --= .. �'".:.� ; .�;.-:- <br /> ' . - PAM61.A K. tlII.LNIT7. �`'•-- <br /> �• Tru3tor �� ._ <br /> � , <br /> `�i� -�..: •i <br /> . .�"�'�t <br /> ._: R� � �rN I <br /> ' , ) <br /> � • o <br /> _f_� `� <br /> . Y'. <br /> 4 <br /> r •• ,� � <br /> ` J �. <br /> � <br /> . _ .y . <br /> �� - <br />- - .' ..N. <br /> . ' I • <br /> � i <br />— �. <br />� ' .� ., i <br /> L r <br /> ., . 51 ) <br /> r.� � •. . .. � <br /> �r �' <br /> i <br /> r��' � i .. <br /> � . <br /> ----.._-- ...__ .. , ..._.�.--.- <br /> ..- -..--,- -_- - <br /> . .t-,�-. -r- --....._...._�_ �-----� _ _ . . . <br />