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<br /> ���� �6� �'G;l�aY G,'6qF'J ��lS�UEa6; Qk�`V'QCJIPG� I
<br /> ' T6di5 DEEO OF 7'RU9T,lo maa4 eo of tho 14Qh day�f ��Qy• ,13�� by and nmonp �
<br /> , � thfltiuctar, ��'fiVEP! D. iIYP.Lt7I�2 8 PAi1CLA K i1Yl.Lt!%i2 , huobond_ ond ni�o ,
<br /> ..� ., r�ho�o mnliing adErc�n in 30A9 l3rontvood C� Orond Ielandhoroln"TrusNo°r;�•Bho�hor ono or more),
<br /> � tho Trustoo, ._,._ Five Pointe Bon�C, a Hc�Droeka Gorporation ,
<br /> .� F',0. Bo� 1SQ7 6rond Iolond, NE 60802 �hereln"Trvatea'�,and
<br /> �, _.-;;,_::� �vhosa mniting address la
<br />-- � � F�ve Poia�te 8nnk
<br /> . ., " ' the Benoticinry, �
<br /> „ whusa maitinp nddros9 ts 201a N. Broadu�ll C�rand Ic�lond. NE. 6E3802-1507 (hereln"Lende�'�.
<br /> = "' STEVfiH D. 1lYLLNI7'2 !.�.;:•`
<br /> ` " �OR VALUABLE CONSIOEFdATION,Including Lender's�xten�lan of credit Identifled herein to �.'��:
<br /> 6 PAI4�LA K. l9ILLNITZ `��"`'
<br />• (hereln"Borrowar",whether one or more)and the truat henain croatad,
<br />° ' ►he recelpt ol which is hereby acknowledged, Trustor hereby irrevocably gran�s,transfere,conv�ya and ssslgns to Yrustee,IN
<br /> • .' TRU5T,WITH PQWEFi OF SALE,tor tho benoflt and aecuriry of Lender,undor and subJect ta the terms and condltions hereinafter set
<br /> -F.. f��i
<br /> i '
<br /> -.r-�^'._ �yl.°`:
<br />- ' , Togeiher�vith all bulldinge, Improvementa,tixwres,streete,alleys,passapeways,easomenta,rlphts,privilegae end appuRe- -
<br /> � nancea located theroon or In anywlse portainlnp th�reto,and tho rents,issuea end profits,reverafons and romalndors thorcol,and �.�'�;;;
<br />- " � such personel proporty tliat le atUached to tha Improvoments so as to constttute e fixture,inciuding,but e►ot Ilmited to,heating and _
<br /> c._' coollnfl equipmank and togather with the homestead or marital Intereste,it eny,which intareats are hereby reteased end wallea;all �=�
<br />- � ' � , of whtch,including replar,oments and additlone thereto,le hereby declared to be a part of ths raal estato secur�d bytho Ilon of thla __�
<br /> „ Dead of Truat end all o}the toregoing being reforred to hereln as the"Proparty". _.
<br /> " Thls Deod of Trust shall socure(a)the payment ot the princlpal eum and Interest evidenced by a promissory note or cradit _�
<br /> hey 1r�tn iy9a ,hev►n a matur date ot 1°r IOi1 `�
<br /> agreemont dated f'� 9 nY �
<br /> in the origlnal princlpal amount oi$ 11.039.49 ,��d any and all modification3,oxtensions end renewats -
<br /> � �- thareof or thereto end eny end all tuture advances�nd readvances to Barrower(or any of them I}more thun ono�herern�er
<br /> � pureuant to one or more promlasory notes or cradit agreementa(herefn cnll�d"Note");(b)the payment ot other aums acfvanced by
<br /> Lender to protect the secu�ity of tho NAto;(c)the pertormance ot all covenants end agroements of Truator set torth horeln;and ad)all
<br />- preaent and luture Indebtedness and obllgatlone ot Qorrower(or any af them if more than one)to Lender whether direcL IndirecQ -�-
<br /> ebsolute or contingent and whether erising by note.puarany,ovardra4t or otherwise.Tl�e Note,this Deod of Trust and Any end ell --�
<br /> ' othar docuenta that se�ure the Note or othenvlso exacutsd In conne�don 1P�erewith,Including wlthout Ilmitutlon guarentees,security ��_�
<br /> • agreements end nsstgnmente of leases and ront3,shatl be referrod to hersin as the"LOan Documonts". F_�.
<br />� << Truator covenaRte and agreos with Lender as followa �.- "
<br />_ ` 1. Psya�tnt ollrtdebt�dre�ss.All Indebtedness securod hereDy shall ba pald when due. �,���
<br />- 2. Title.Truetor fs the owner of the Propertyr,has the Nght and euthority to convey the Propeny,and warranta that tho Ilen �--=
<br /> ° , created hereby le a first end prior Ilon on the Property,oxcopt tor Ilena and encumbrancoa set forth by Trustor in wrlting and �;;
<br /> deliversd to Lendor beforo exocution of thia Deed o4 Trust,and the execution�nd detivery oi this Deed of Trust does not violate nny t�"
<br /> contre�ot or othor obligaUon to whlch Trustor is aubJect �'-T
<br /> � 3. Taxe�,Aaaeammente.To pay betoro delinqu�ncy all taxos,special asuossmenta and all other charges egalnst the Properly �=
<br /> - now or hereafter levted. ��
<br /> , , t•}� 4. In�uronc�.To keep the Proporty Insured agalnat damsge by fire,hazards Included wllhln the term"extended coverage",and •'�';.
<br /> � • ' such other hezerds as Lendar may requlro,In amounts end with companles accepteblA to Lender,naming Lender es an additional
<br /> • � � named Insured,with Ioss payeble to the Lender.In case o(losa under such pollcies,the Lender ts authodzed to adJust,colicct and
<br /> � �• � compromise,all clalm�thereundsr and shall h�ve the optlon o}�pplying ell or part ot the Insuranco proceeds(I)to any indebtedness
<br />_ "„„` secured hvreby und f n such order as Londer may determine,(11)to the Trustor to be used for tho repalror restoretton of the Proporty
<br /> '` or(111)tor ony o4her purpose or obJect satiefactory to Lender without eHecting the Ilen of this Deed of Trust for the{ull amount secured
<br /> _ • hareby betore such payment ever taol<place.Any appllcation of proceads to indebtednRSS shali not extend or postpone the due
<br />- '' date of any payments under the Nota�,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> 5. Hscrow.Upon wr(tten domand by Lender,T�ustor ehall pay to Lender,in auch menner ae L.endor may deatgnate,suNiclent , .
<br /> � . sums to enable Lendar to payas thay become due one or more ot the tollowfng:(I)eli taxes,es�osomonts and other charges against
<br /> the Property,(II)the premtums on the property insu�ence requlred herauncler,and(iii)thoµremiums on any martgago In�urance
<br /> ' requlrad by Lender. ,
<br /> � 6. Malnt�nanco. Rtpaln and Compltonce with l.ews.Trustor ehall kaep the Property In good condition and repalr,shaii
<br /> " �. prom�4iy repalr,or►epinca eny improvement whtch mey be damagod or dostroyad; �hall not commlt or pennit any waste or
<br /> . dotorEoratlon of tho PropeKy;ehall not remove,demolish or oubstentlalty alter any of the Improvements on the Property;sht�ll not
<br /> � � commit,auNor or pormit any act to be dono in or upon the Properry In violation of eny law,ordinance,or regulatlon;end shall pay end ��
<br /> promptty dtachargo pt Trustor's cost and expense ell Iiene,encumbrancos and charges levfed,fmposed or assossod agnlnst tho
<br />- Property or uny purt thoreof.
<br /> 7. Em�nant Domafn.Lender fs horoby aesfgnad all comRansatlon,awards,damages and other pAymsnts or relloi(herefnafter
<br />_- "Proc�sds'7 fn Connectlon with cQndomnatton or othar tciking af the Proporty or part thorQOf,or for convoyance In Ileu o!condemna-
<br /> - •, tfon.Londer ahull ba enUttod at its option to commence,apg�ar In and prosocute In Its own name nny actlan or proce�dings,e�d
<br />"=� , ehell also be ontitlod to make any compromise or sattlement in connection wtth such taking or damage.In tho evont any portton of
<br /> -------- ----------- ��n.�.,in o..�e�a..,,..�am�nod �ondar atu,u Mnva fhA onenn.In!ts soto and absolute discreUon.to anniv all suah Proceeds. `-
<br /> .�. ,. _ ------� ...�....�..�.���.�.�.._. __..—�--•-- --
<br /> �, aiter deducting ther�from ol)costa und oxpensos incurrad by It In connectlon with such Proceada,upon any Indebtedness aecurod �
<br /> �' � hereby And In ouch order as Londor may determine,or to apply all such Proceeda,attur such deductione,to tho resto�at�on oi ti�o j
<br /> � , Properiy upon ouch conditlono as Londer mny detormino.Any epplicatlon of Procoads to indebtedness shall notvxtend or postpone �
<br /> �� tho duo dato of any payments undnr tho Nate,or cure any de}ault thereunder or hereundor.Any unappllad tunde ehall be pald to �
<br /> � �„ T�ustor.
<br /> � 6. Parlotm�sncs dy Lendet. Upon tho occurrsnce ot an Event of Dofault hereunder,or If any a�t Is token or legal prucoeding I
<br /> „ commanc�d►vNich mater:olly alloCts Lender'�fnturest In the Properry.Londor may In itfl own dlacrotlon,but wfthout obltgation ta do �
<br /> ` so,snd wlthaut noUco to or domond upon 7rustor and wl;hout reloastng Tru3tor from cny obltgaUon,do erey act whtch Trustor has •
<br /> � " aflreed but tefls to do ond mey alEO do eny othor act It deoma nacos�ry to protect tho security horaof.Truator ahall,Immodfataly �
<br /> �, upon domnnd thorofor by Londor,p3y to Lendor all cost3 and oxp�naos Incurr3d and oums expondQd by Lendor In connectfon with
<br /> tho oxorcl�o by tundor of tho tor�polnp riphts,togolhor with Intorost tNoroon at the detauit rate provtd�d In the Noto,which shall be
<br /> �„ addod to the Indobtednoss 5ecured heroby. Lendor shall not incur any Ilnbility bacauso of nnything It may do or omlt to do
<br /> �. , heroundor.
<br /> . . ` .r . �
<br /> fj fA. . � _ -_ _ -_
<br /> �'S
<br /> ) "
<br />