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' YYUI-_ <br /> _"_.::il:�l{�y�Mw�Z�ni� _"_._.. <br /> . �_T._.�_�—__- _ <br /> ' ' � ' e,/ �°" �(T�.`'�1?��.� <br /> � �. �'c���..,�:.��f.^.:-.:�:f�Sa.7'vu�?or chnll Icc��iho Prap�rty In cora�nllrnco��Ith NI r.�pticuDlo Ia�•»,ordlnancc�Qaa]rcgul�fian� <br /> -—.-,• ""`---�j . t�.�,�•.w:l�::�.^.�:l���ud�.�4�.aa1 t^h�udn oo"&nufvnnr-,.an4zl 1 otLtR'�.�JIL.512C GS?���.�' .. - <br /> � R;IS:ina io inda�iri�i fiyJl;;i�n i�i ciio*iPvirmo� <br /> ` � • " ' keet�tha Prop�rty ireo from all�ubsc�ncea deemod to behc+xsrdo�ao Ar taxlo under any Envirnnmcntnf Lcrrls(coilectively:etarrcG 40 �- <br /> _,�•_r:y,_,�,�1�� hcr�ln aa"Hazardouo Mtltt�dals").7rustqr horeby�vnrr�n4a ard r�4rslonts to Lendor tho4 thero nra n�H�z�rdous b"a�crl,l�3 0��or [�,_:. <br /> _ �='y9 <br /> — iandrsrthe Pro�e�rly.Tr►inEal�hAreby ayreeato Indemnity and hold harmtass Lender,(tadlreotora,oHicero,employoegan�i oyerote,en�l _. <br /> ^ cny r�ucc��so�U to Lonttpi;�f��tc+rent,trom enc�aQnln9t cny end all claime,ct�mngos,losae�c�nd Ilab!Ililas arl�lnp In conrectlan with �� <br /> -���-!�*y��'C-� the presen�o,usa,diopo�at ar trc�na�ori of any F;az$�daus Mat;.rlwi:.ori,und�r,irc�or chnui th�C'Rc�=rty,'i"�i�FnR°!"'!)IR'� __ _ <br /> --- __~—:� WAWRAN7IESAN�REPRESENTATIONS,AND TRUSTOR'S OBLIOATIt9NS PURSUAN7 TOTIdE FOREt�01NGi INDEMNITY,ShAF..t,, <br /> �� ,���°- �',� SURVfiIE NECQSJUEbAAfCE OF THlS DEED OF TRUST. <br /> "'-="r�-� 10. Atsiqnm��!al RmU.7n��tor ho�aby asslflne to Londer the rente,t�sues and protlte�f th�E�raperty;provided ihet True2or _ <br /> ��;-_;,"�`�"�-'� eh60,untll theo�currenc3 of an Eventof Oefault haTeunder,heve tho right to coilectand retain euch rents,issues ersd profile asthay <br /> "a�"'�'"r;'°��,"�`� . ' become due artd payable.Upon fho accurrenc0 of nn Event of aafault,Lender may,eithor In pereon or hy apent,Witlh or�Ithout � <br />- `-n?��;���•� bringing any nctlon or FroceedlnQ,or by n recaivor uppolnted by a covrt nnd witt�aut regard to the adayuacy oT itn atjcurity,en4er ��� <br /> r a'._����A�.. . <br /> y�,Y.��qyx�m•_ tl��Oft 811f�tQIi6 pQS48SGlon ot tho Property,or any partthereof,In Its own neme or In the name of the 1'rustee,and do on�acts whl�h It _ <br /> '°�"'���° '�`, doemsnecessqryardeslrebletopreservotheralue,markets�t�llltyorrentabllltyo}theProporty,orenypartthercio}orinteraettharv_fn, - <br /> =�`~'���4.s�� '� Increase thv Income theretrom or prote�t the securlty horeoi and,with or writhout taking posaess!on of the Property,aus(or�r � <br />���%]�.4�4�"'•:��';;, atherwl3U collsct tho rents,lesues and protfts thereof,tnalud(ng those past due nnd unpaid,and epply thv same,ley�cnst�anci __ <br />�FA������` � exoonaes e}operatlon and collectlan Including sttomays'fees,upon any Indobtodness securad hc�reby,all ln auch orderea Lender . ___ <br /> �����„� may dAtermine.The.enterinfl upo�and taking possesston o1 the Property,the coltection of auch rents,Iseuos and protite and the <br /> e�����-��9 applloatlon ttiereof as etoresaid,shall not curo or waive any detault ar notice af deteult hereunder ar tnvalidaLe any act dono In <br /> _�o���� responseto such daiaultar pursuam to such notice of dAtault end,notwlthstanding tho continuance In poesRaslon oithe Pro�erty or <br /> -�w:.,��s:�,x-• fite Coli�atlo�t,racolpt and aDAllcaticn of r:nt�,Iss�ea or q►nflte,Ant1 Tn�stee Rnd U3nder ahail b4 entitled to oxerctae evos�)�tt�ht _ , <br /> -_"��'� provldedtorinanyoftheLosnDecumon4sorbylawuponoccurrenceoinnyEventa}Detault,includingwlthoutUmitaYivnthe�ightto <br />_ �, exercise the power o7 sale.Further,Lender's rights and reine�tea under this paragreph shall be cumula4ive wlth,and In no way e <br /> ��' �� " Ilmitrattonon,Lendor'srlghtsandremediesunderany�tsaignmontoflensesandrentsrecordedAgui�st4h9P.aperty.Lendar,Trustoe ._ <br /> �- �� and the rar.e�vs�shatl ha ifat�lo to c=caount only.thos9 rents actuatiy recetved. __. <br /> �xs i y 11. tv+anLV ot veiaufii.The fioliutving sh�ii con�titute an tveni oi Deiauii wiu'iii iiiia Qao��t't7v�t •- <br /> ,., ;z.,.t•`"+��';t P � y --- <br />_-�,_�_�_,,,,....,;; (a) Fafiura to pay any lnstallment of princl al or interest ot am ofier sum seoured hare� when due; <br /> � ,•��.. <br />��`;�;,�.�n � (b) Abreacho}ordefaultunderenypro�Isioncontainedinthalloto,thtsOeedofTrust,anyo}theLoanDocumonts,�rany _ <br />-„���_ othor Ilen or encumbiance upan tt�e Pr�hperty; <br />•-.,��^f�.`;���_ (c) A writ ot executlon or ettachment or any simllar procesa shaU be entered egalnst Trustor which ahalt becomn a(len on <br /> - ;.,,.�, ;�,,�, the Property or eny portlon thereof or interast thereln; <br />:"��;; • '���%��'�,�� (d) 'i here ohali be filed by or agalnst Yrustor or Borrower en actfon undor eny present or(uture fedefal,state or other <br /> �: <br /> ;� "`�=°'-'� statuto,law or regulation relating to bankruptcy,Insolvency or other relietfor dobtors;or thera shall be appointed nny tru9tee, <br /> � ���-1 rar.alver or Ilquldator o!Trustor or Borrower or ot all or any pan ot tne rrapercy,OT i119 feni9,issuva ut Niuiiw ai i6�ov�,�T T�'.:C�' — <br />°;�F�j,��'��'1�� . or Borrower shRD make any general esalgnmont hir the beneflt oi croditors; <br />: �ns:�r:�:;o;,t, � (e) The,ente,hanstor, lease,asslgnment,conveyance or further eneumbrance ot all or any part o0 or ersy Intere�st U tha _ <br /> �•"�••� Y���� .+ Properiy ofther voluntarlly or invofuntarlly,without the express wrltten consent of Lender; provlded thet Trustor ahell be �P <br /> �• w:;;:•;::-.•a -- <br />'�������:� , permitta�to execute a Iease of the Property thatdoes not contaln an optton to purchese and the term of whlcN does not exceed __ <br />- :'�.'1'�'�0'�:�'� ann yESr,' -- <br /> -i .�j�;:+l�rr�u. <br /> . ._,�� (Q Abandonment of the Property;or =_- <br /> �-"':`+�,'�,F,�ca,:. 1 (g) If Trustor is not an indivEdual,the Issuance,sale,transfer,asslgnmant,cornoyance or encumbrartce of more than a tota� ---- <br />::��lx;:,�,:;14K: - <br />'`?r���`�: of, ercent ot(If a corporatlon)Its Issuod and outstanding etock or(It a partnershlp)a totel oi percent oi _-_ <br /> -c�,:......,,..t�T�. �,,.�p •__.. <br /> =� ••�Y:•-1•--.•�: p9rtnershlp intereste dUring tho perlod th:s Oeed of Trust remalns a Ilen on the Proparty. __°-. <br /> '���=•rv�.�u�`` .� 12. R�medler,Acceloratlon Upon C�leult.In the event ot eny Event of Detault Lender may,wlthout notice oxcept as requlrad by 4,... <br /> � ;;., �.�� � law,dealare afl Indebtedness socurod hereby to be due and payable and tho same shall thareupon become duo and payebte u �._ <br />__,,,,,;,,,.1:i-�� wlthout any presc�ntman'4 domand,prQtest or notice of any klnd.Theresfter Lender►na}r: � .- <br /> J�s::.•=u•--•� . (s) Demand that Trus'.ee exorclse tho POWER OF SALE granted herein, and Trustee shall thereafto�cause Trustor's � �°�'_-- <br /> -�-"-'��`=`"�g Interest In the F�roperty to be sold and the proceeds to be dlstrlbuted,eU fn the menner provldod In the Nebrask�Trust De+sds R�� <br /> _;� "�,;,�`rr�r qcx f'-.-:. <br />,:::=:�;,"',,, C�._,. <br /> __ �r,��,``�Y .:� (b� Exerclse any and aII rlghts providQd tor In any of the Loan Documents or by law upon occurrence of any Eventof Oefault; .��.- <br /> , � and�c) Commance�►n actian to foreclose thla Deed of Truat as a mortgage,eppoirrt a receiver,or specftically enforce any ot the : <br /> � � � � covenants hereof. " <br /> -_ •"'""y � No remody hereln conterred upon or reserved to TrustQe or Lender la Intended to be excluslve ot any other remedy hereln,In the - <br />",�"•°��h'T^; ;�- Loan Doauments or by law provlded ur�ennitt�d,but each shatl b9 cumulative,shall bo In addltlUn ta every other remody given . <br /> --•�=--.•-•••• w.;, hereundor,I�the Loar+Documents or naw or hereatter�xlsiing at law or In es�ulty or by statute,end mey be oxercised concwrren4ty, . <br />;'�'=�•�,:�T� ���; Inddpendently or ouccesslvely. <br /> �:.;: • <br />"�•�.,�,•,�..•;,..•_`ur 13. Tru�tee.Tho Trusteo may roslgn at any time v+ltheut cause,end Lender may at any tlme and wlthouY cause appo nt a <br />_ ��.'�•s,•�� • - succsasor or substituSOTrustea.7rusteo ahall not bo Ilable to any party,Including without Ilmltatlon Lender,Borrower,Truato�or eny <br /> . -•�� �� purchaeer oY ttte Proporty,for any loss er�l:+mrsge unless due to reckless or willful miscortdua�and shall not bo requlred to take eny <br /> '' ac4lon in eonnectlon wlth the eniorcemont oi thls Deed o}Trust unleas fndemntfled,in vaiting,tor all coste, compans�tlon or <br /> •• .,. � ' d� ._ expehses+r�?�Ich may be associated t�erowlth.In additton,Trustee may bscoms a purchaser a4 any sele of the Property Qu�9icla{or <br /> �_; ;:, ;_-'.;T°_�, under tha�power of sale grsnted hereln);postpone the sale of oll or any portlon ot tho Property,as provlded by lari;or�ell the <br /> :_ . ._... �, Property as a whole.or In separate parcels or lots at Trus4ee's dlecretlon. <br /> �` ' 14. Fa�and Expansai.ln tha ovont Trustee selts fhe Property by exerciso oi powRr of sale,Trustee shall bo entftlod to epply <br /> �� � any yt�?o praceedo flest 4o payrrient o!dll casts and expenses ot exorclsing powor of eale.Including all Truateo's tees,and Lendt�r's <br /> � and 7ru�tee's attornay's}oes,actually Incurrod to extent permltted by appllcable law.In tho event Borrower or Trustor exorclsos any <br />� �� _�,.��.��, right provlded toy law to cure an Cvont ot Dot�ult,L.ondor shnll bo entltfed to recovar from Trustor all costs and expenses.ictually <br /> ._ •.,.x. , Inaurred es a result of Truator's do4ault,Including without Ilmitatlon all Trustee's and attornoy's taos,to the oxtent permi4ted by <br /> . � eppl(cable law. <br /> 1b. Fuhtre Advancca.Upon request of Borrowor,Lender may, at Its option,make addltlonal end future advareces and re- <br /> .__.._.. <br /> advnncos to Borrower.Such advencss and readvancos,wlth Interost thereon,shaU bo secured by this Dsed of Trust At no tlme shall <br /> the princlpal omount o}tho Indobtedneas secured by thls Deod�of Trust,�i in�J��l��eums advanced to protect the securlty of thls <br /> n�nr r�uct. cvcce���hn arldlnnl nrinclnsl amount stated hereln,or$ � � whlchever is greater. <br /> _ _ _ _ . _ . <br /> tE3. Mt:ceUanaoua Provtatona. <br /> - � � (a) f3of�ower Not Reteaeed.Extenslon of the tlmo for payment or modlflcetfon of emortlzatlon ot the sums sacurod by thla <br /> . � „ : . Doed of Trt�st praMed by L.ondar to any succossor In Intnrost ot Borrovrer shall not operete to reteaso.In any mann�r,the Ilabillty <br /> � of the orlginal Borrower and Borrowar's auccosso�a In fnterost.LQndershall not be requfrad to commence proce�dinga against <br /> � , " . such suaccsuor or rofuso to extend tlmc�for payment or otherwtso modliy amortizatton of tha sums secursd by thls Daed o1T►ust <br /> . by reason ot any demands mado by the orlglnel Borrowor end 8orrowar's successors In Intgrest <br /> . '� (b) Ltrnder'�Powara.Without attocting tho Ilabltlty of any other porson Ilabte for the paymont of any obllgatlon hereln <br /> ,, montlonod,and wlthout af(ecting the Ilon or chargo o}thls Deed oi Trust upon any po�fion of tho Property not then or therebfore <br /> r0leasod 43 eacurfty for the(ull amount o}all unpald obllgatlons,Lender may,from time to tima end without notico(f)reloasQ any <br /> porson so Ifable.(II)extend tho maturlty or elter aoy of the terms of eny such obllgatlons,;lll)grant other indulgences,(Iv)ro!oaso <br />_ _ _ - -�.- 'vi:m:C:..���OC Cwil�^+�.�^��l���36�:S'C�CO.^.:��w 3t 3.^.�:::�.^.8t LG�1Cj0�S 6j3tI0f1 any parc�{�Fart►nr.or all ot th°PPQ�}°_C��, <br /> - • •• (v)taka or release any othor or addltlo�al securfry for eny obligatlon heraln mentloned,or(vq m�l« ^ompositions or o4hor , <br /> . . , _ ereangomonts with debtoro In rolc�tlon thoreto. <br />. ' , „ ' ,. �. . . � � <br /> :> <br />