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<br /> _ ""-^�"�;�"""."� �`)"`° ��a.�' ��,i� � ' --
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<br /> � C�f�r�� (�G'S�G��.N�'�L"96`�'G� ��i���G l��ff�C3�i:3
<br /> ,„ '�'t�I i l'�F.�Q B�`I'{'�U i��I!1 Ol^(s'�i'_�67 il10 a•%i'.i71_G��y O1_�'�.���...,...._ ...._..._.... —.9C�3:i .._.I)y 1:ilta[�ti?�'r2,j
<br /> -----.- --�- t113Yrustc�, k3��r�?ta',nc7��BSc�F�l�x r�nr3�] � s e � up.L .hi1� �iu;,►.�..a�� and ��i.�� - ------•� '�_�_
<br /> ��.r.: V wP��sa maliln�ad�ress�s 1�.�.A�e�?!1 ��.?_:._.�'�1�.4� �'o�i;fln �?�52.Z._...(horolr�"Trustor;'wh9:�z�r ano oe n�ure}, �`'-�"
<br /> � .
<br /> ` �` �����' �'ivc� ]Point:a BzNc a Nchr s1�a Cor axa�ion r�..�-
<br /> - ^ 1�1m Y�P1191Qfi, J '�. � � � :
<br /> ' - -rri�wrc-° •
<br /> -_ =o,� � who3s mslling Rcidreae la� �x 15D7, r,ransi..I�I.�NF�S2Z�l��� (horetn"Trustee"),end
<br /> ;��.—=-� � --
<br /> � . �••�`'�-�=:• thegeneiiclery� _E�.�F�fL�.�R Aaiik� ra Nahraaica [`nr��nr�tinn � --
<br /> ==.�.���.�:i` �
<br /> :+'�"';:,'- , P.O._Box 1507, GranB Ialand NE Fi88Q2-].507
<br /> ��:.� v�huso mailin�addra:�s Is (herei�"�.enc{9r").
<br /> '��y4'yr,p� +a;;• —
<br /> ��x•�.�°_,:-. ;4 FQR VALUABLF_CONSIQERA7iON,Inc►udln�l.ende�'e oxtenelon a1 credit Identlllari haroln ta I37�� �=- �c...�i�,u�t�. _
<br /> _•c_�r!�.�F_`�`�.:;:r`;;.
<br />;;_~;;;;�y,�;����,,;^�,�•• A_. 9taf�e7.a (ho;oln"Borrowar",whether ont�qrmoro)encl thohu�therc�tn crea!ed,
<br /> ;,'..t.,:�;�r�,�. the racelpt of whlCh fs horeby ac[cnaY�lodgcal,Truator horeby irrt�voca6ly grents,.tren�tars,conveyo and asslgn�to 7rus2eo,IA1 �-
<br /> �:'���'�"r��'' � 'fRUST,WfTHPOWBHOFSAIE,torthobor�efltandaocuri4yoflender,undorondnuL��r.cttothetermsand�cand!tlr;�shorelnefterset -
<br /> .,�H1•u!t��.;:t•C: .
<br /> - .Y s,�. , ti, forU�,the real propert��,desaribed Rs tollowtr. __
<br /> =:m`;• Part of the Northwest Qu�x�e� (N9�14) oE Secti.on Twenty-Six (26), �ow►2ehip Eleven (11) _
<br /> -- -�;;�.. �-� : t�e±^t3a, LZan�� T�n {10) t�est o€ �he 6th PeM> in Hall �ountyr Nebraska a� £ol].owsa E9e�in �----
<br /> � `��;•"��'t` � on We9ti lin� 323 f�. South of Horthwest corner: East 1,365.09 Et.t Snuth 62�.5 fte; ---
<br /> a
<br /> �„�'���°r� - We�t 1,377.3 ft.; North 672 Et. ta �oint of beginn:tng containing 19.969 acrPs. --
<br />- . . � . Taget�er Ktth ali buildings,improvnments,fixtures,straoto,alleys,passageways,oasemonte,rtghts,prlvlleBos and eppiirte- -"°"
<br /> ' - -•�--��--"W� nnncas located thereon or In anywise pertaining therem,and tho rente.Issuea and profit�.�evarslons ansl remalnde��QS�ereoL q�d `"`"`
<br /> '�i;"`�'`���:.� such�aersenal properry that is attnched to the improvernent3 so ae to conetitute a tixt�re,includinQ,but not Ilmited to,heaUnp snd - _
<br /> �,�; . � coolingflquipment;and togother with the homestead or marttal Interest�,If eny,whlch intorosts are hereby roleased and walved;sll
<br />-.'� ���• '� oi wh[ch,f ncluding reptacemente and eddttions thereto,ia hereby dectared to bo a part af tho real estato oecured by the lien of this _ _
<br /> -- � � ����� Deod of 7�ust and ell oi the toregoing beina referred to hereln as 4he"Property". ��
<br />���_;�:,.: .,.. . �,
<br /> ��''�`� ' This Da2d of Trust shalt socure(a)the payment of the principal sum q1�Intero3t evldencod by a promiasory notm or credit "`='
<br />_. .r.a .. ..s�. .�
<br /> �'�` � � � ����.
<br /> :< �r '�...�•
<br /> _ � m.�.a wo�.+ . Ma� 17. 1�l�1F _ havino a mat��rlfv riata nf 1ti7aV _l7. �9�7 -. --
<br /> .r :y:...............,...... _
<br /> -,i�;;�..�nw� .�•° 7 5()()_(X] ' --
<br /> - . . .. .,,,,�° : In tho odg�inal principal amount ot$ Zr ,end any and all modlticetion�,o;ctenatons and renowe{� --__�
<br /> •�•:.� • ����+ ;.�a+ thereol or thetnio and any end all future advances and readvancea to Borrower(or any oi them If more thnn one)hereun�er =
<br /> +•� pursuant Eo ono or more promissory not9s or credlt agreements(heroin called"Note'�;(b)the payment of othor sums advancod by -
<br />. ``� '�'�;�, ��'• Lend��to�rotQat the so�usity of thc�Not9;(c)tho performance of ell covenants and agreeme�its ot Trustar set farth herein;and(d)ail �.��.;
<br />;*�;,;,;;�:'%��r�;�;�,.: present and future Irsdobtedness and obllgatlona of Borrawor(or any of them It more than onef to Lender whother direct,Indlrect, �:";
<br /> •-� -�•,::�s�,.; `; ebsoluta or contingent a�d whether arising by note,guaranty,overdraft or otherwise.The Note,thls Qead o?Trust and any and sll �:�•
<br />.'-�aGa'_ „ �,+Yy_,. _,. .�
<br /> .�;��.4�.'� ' ` ottrsr docuonts that sscurethe Note orotherwlae executed In connectlon therawith,Including without ilmltetlon guarantees,socurlty
<br /> ,---:.=,..r�,;..��. agreements and assignmenta of leaseo and renta,shall be roferred to hereln as the"Loan Qocumenta". ,�
<br /> '��`•�"°:_:��:- Truator covenants and agrens wiih Londer as follows: •
<br />�'"''��� °-�-�� � 1. Peym�nt Gt In�lNac�dn�a�.All Indebtedness secured hereby shall be paid when du� �
<br />- '-�"r?�"'y'��� 2. TiH�.Trustor la the ownpr o1 the Properly,hae the Nght and authority to convey tho Property,and warrants that the 1len
<br /> -`��•.�,..�..,.�yr . �s'
<br /> �.�.w.,:���. created hereby fs a firet and prlor Ilon on the Prope►ry, �xcept tor Ilens and encumbrancoa sot forth by Trustor in writing and
<br /> ����';�s=,�9 dolivsred to Lender betore oxecutlon ot thia Deed of Trust,artd the execution and dol(very of thls Deed of Trustdoos not vtolate an y , .
<br /> ---`��"�"�'�==`"�� contrast or other obligatton to which Trustor is subJect
<br />-'=`"`�=•'-"�"�'��� 3. flx��,AssNRmanU.To pay before dollnquency ell taxes,speciat assessments and all other charges agalnst the�roperty ,
<br /> �`�`:'.-';,,-:-'"�°'�:3 now or hereafter IevJed.
<br /> '"'"'��'�.��C�.• 4. Insur�ncQ.To keep the Proparly Insured against damage by tire,hazards Included withln the term"extended covsiage",and
<br /> =r'"�''°'r� 3uch other haaards as Lender ma re uire,in amounts and with companlea accepffible to l.ender,namin Lende�as an additlonal �
<br /> "`` ''� �' named Insured,with los3 payabte to the Lend�r.In case of losa under such poticios,the Lender Is autharized to adJust,collect and "
<br /> -_- ����_..�� ` compromisn,all cleims thereunder and shall have the optlon oP epplying ell or part of the Insurance procosds(q to any indebtodness '
<br /> ;"."�,i•°';c secured her�by and In such order es Lendor may determine,(B)to tho Tr�stor to 6e used tor the repafr or restoration o}tho Pr�perty
<br /> -:,�,:;••ur,s��:M� or(III)for any other purpose or object satistactory to Lender wlthout aftecting the Ilen of this Deed of Trust for the fuil emount secured
<br /> - _ -;.:`~'��•~�=� hereby beforo such payment evor 2ook place.Any appllcaUon of proceeda to Indebtedness ahall not extond or postpone tho due
<br /> 14��-�1�'�-�.-`-��' date of any paymants under the Note,or cure any detnuit thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> -•F�s,�;-�� __�.;'� - 5. Escrow.Upon written damand by Lendor,Trustor shall ppy to Lendor,In such manner as Lender may doslgnate,outilcfent
<br /> :�' ��" " sums to en�bie Le�s�ler to pay as they bvcame due one or more of the following:Q)aU taxes,assessmenb and other charges againat
<br /> �'`°"' " `' the Property,{II)the promiums on the properly Inuurance rpquired horeunder,and (Ilf)the premlums an any mortgage Insuranc�v •
<br /> required by Lender.
<br /> _ ' :,�',`:;'�, G. MaSntanana�.Repain a:�s Compll�n�e wilh I.ews.Trustor ehall keep tha Proparty In gaod cand(tlon and repalr,shatl
<br /> ��'""� °� "'" pro;npYry reps)r, or rep!aco nny Improvoment which may bo damaged or dostroyad; shall not commit or{�ermit any wasto or
<br /> �n�,i'�,•�� '�� datorloration nf ths Pro •
<br /> __ „ , . perty;ehall not remavo,demolish or cubstentlally elter any o!tho Improvements on tho Property;ehall not
<br /> - . � cammit,suNor or pormltany act to be dono In or upon tho Property In vtolatlon ot any law.ordinanae,or roguiation;and ahalt pay and
<br /> _ ' ' promptly discharge t�t Tvustor's cost end expen;e all Ilens,enc��mbrancos e�d chargos levlod.imp9sed or aosessed ag3lnst the
<br /> �'' " � Proporty or any par4 thareot. .
<br /> °�:'"�';r�t�.. ¢� 7. Emin�rtt Danain.Lender Is horeby easlgned all aompensatlon,a�vards,damage3 artd other payments or roifef(herelnaftar
<br /> "�'� �'.';' •_� "F'raeaeds"►In conne�tlon with condamnaUon or othor 4�king ot tho I�roparry or part thareof,or for conveyenc�In Ilau of condemna-
<br /> � " � tion.Londor ohall bo antitlod at Its optton to commenco,eppear In and prosflcute In It�own name eny actlon or proceodtngs,end
<br /> ,� ' shait nlco bo�nUUod to maka ony compromiso or soriiumont in connactton with such taking or damage.In the evant any portton of
<br />. „ ��-:,- � the P��perty is so taken or dema3ed,l.ender shall have the optlon,{n f4s sole and absolute dlacretion,to a�ply oll ouch Procoeds.
<br /> aftor deductlnp 4horofram all cost3 nnd oxpon�as Incurr�d by It In connoctlon v�lth suclr Procoed3,upon any i�ndobtedness socurod
<br /> -` . .�� 5��.��Jl��..�4��.1���
<br /> �-- ��J��.�...1..���1�� ������1..�Il�..�L f1����J� �4���..�����..�Y��� �W� ���a��u�� ��W� _.___
<br /> .- � tvtvv�attv nt oUVtt vtMVt ao�.VtsvOt tn01 VIItV�I�tIIIQ�VI lV q�7�11�OII OYVt/rtVVQOYO�qltQi O{niit VGRIU4lIV1i�N YIO tPJIVIGLVi1 VI IIIO -�'-
<br /> � Proporiy�apon�uch condltiona aa Londor may d4tormino.Any applicatfon ef Prpcoud�to Inrlobtedness shall not oxtond or postpone ,
<br /> tho duo dato of uny paymonto undor tho Noto,or curo ony dofault tNorQUndor or horaundor.Any unappllQd fund3 ehnfl bo pald to I
<br /> , ° . :� � Trustor. I
<br /> , t, fl. P��torman�o 6y�.sndor.Upon the accur�ence of an�vont of Datault herounder,or If eny act la taken or logal pracc��ding i
<br /> commencvd�vhtch matnrialfy aHectS Lend4r's Interest In the Property,Lendar moy In tts own discrotlon,but without oblig�tion to do
<br /> so,and witlout notice to or demand u�on Tru�tor and without releasing 7Yustor from any obligattan,do eny act whlch Trustor has I
<br /> ' „ � a��eed but tolla to do and may also d�any other aat i4 doams nocossnry to protact tha securliy horeoL Trustur cNall,Immadiately
<br /> ; upan domand therc�torby Londor,pay to Lenderoll coste and exponses Incurrad end euma oxpended by Lencter le�connectlon with �
<br />__ --� theoxsrcise by Lander�f tho foregofng rtphts,togothorwtth IntorGS!theraon atthe detault rate provlded In tho Noto,which tshall bo
<br /> _� addod to tha In�SeBiadness sacurad horaby. l.onder eh,ull not fncur any Il�biifty bocauso ot anything It may do or omtt to do �.___
<br /> • � horoundcrr. �--
<br /> _ � �
<br /> � "�-- ---- -_._-----.__.__.._..- -- -�--- -- i
<br />