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<br /> ot�i::;t�tl::�c:iorc,c� isy T;��Ilr,a�t�Ic::�,otzc:ll �io9 f��a ti•�aivcT of or�rCClu��G» os;cral;.•a o4 a�sy:uch�i�ii�or rc7i�c�y.'a i�:�
<br /> pfOCIIP�lilEi7C�71Tic�rc�nco artna�zy:i1�114 U1Y�H63 OP Ot71GV It0i19 OT UnitP{JC9 ery L.Gi�uu�nin�ie n.ii da r rrttiuur vi L�nu�r a rp�s it� �-
<br /> �,ccelarate the rnaturdry�1 tha indol�tednass soctued by this 17e�of 7Yuat. �r"� �
<br />- (fSb 1�eLtCCiEED10 ACCt�E09�JIQiiB E�011iid; �fllllS�Od S6Y31FaI I.IdLlS1{�jl�Ca�t1o�».7�570 GOVO71AfII9 QI1C1 Qj�!'E30fiiGfl[•1 i14P91l1 CO(1- �•r-�-�-�
<br />_ t�tnt�ah�l1 F�irid,end t►�e rl�ht�s hereunder ahell Inure ta,the ret��Rr,tiva rsucce9snrs and edelgr.e oi L�ndar and 7ruetor.All __
<br />- cavcs��nte;�nd u;�reomani�af Yruslor chall be jotnt ond esvornl.Yho ca�tlon3 and he:tding:��f tho pnrar�roph;�of this Daar�01 �'_,.:..
<br />• 1'rusi aru for Ccsive��iflited oaly:ao�8 ar�rtot to ba u��d ta Interpret or defino t�e provi�ion�hereot. `--=- -
<br /> (e)R�qu�H lor NMIcN.The parties h�ereby�equea3lhet a copy ni eny notico ot detault hereunder end a oopy of any no�ce —
<br /> ot eate hereunder he mailed to euch party to 3hls Daed o}TYe�st At the address eut foith above In tbe manner prescribed by
<br /> appilcable faw.Exaept tor ariy other notice requlred under apptlaabte law to foe given in annther manner,�ny notice Nrovidod --
<br /> tor in ihla DaEnl of Trustc�hnll ha ylvon by enailing eucf�not!ce by cortified mall eddressed to tha other partte�,atihe address s�f =
<br /> f�7ih abave.Any nottce pravldFSd tor In thia CJOed at 7rust sh�ll be effective upon mailing in the manner deslgnated horeln.Ii
<br /> 'TrJStor is more than ona porson,notice sent to ihe address set forth abov�ahalt be notice to all such pursons.
<br /> (fj Ir.:�sr';.:,l,cn�;,r may mu;a arcausa to ba mada reasanable��t�les upqn and Inspaotlons oi tha Rropsrty,pravldyrJ �
<br /> ti��t Lander ehall give Trustor notict►priur to any auch lnepc�ction sp�ciiyinp reaeonablo cauap therefor relatad to f.�3nder'e
<br /> interest in the Praperty. _—
<br /> (9D�i�omsyanc�.Upan�pymontof all suma s�cursd by tht�Ooed ot Trust,Lendor r,hnll requostTruatee to reconv�y thQ ��;
<br /> Proparry�nd ehail ourrendeilhla Oaed of'�ruat and all nateo ovtdenoing Indebtedness secured by thio Oeod o}T�uatf�i Trustee.
<br /> Trustoe ehall reconvoy the Prope:ty wlthout warrenty and without chnrge to the person or poesono lag�lly ant7tlud thereto. �-'�
<br /> • Trustr�r shall pay aI!coata of rocordutlon, If any. —
<br />_ (h) Psrroa�l Prop�rty;S�cudiy Ayve�m�n4.iAs addlttonal sar,uriry tos the paymsnt o}the Not�,Trustor hereby g►anta —
<br /> Lend�arurtdar t��Nebrasko Unifwrm�ommerclat GoeteA neourlty intnrest In a11 fixtures,equipment,andothnr persona�propotry �,;:.;
<br /> used in connectlon w(th the r�ttt estato or improvemanis lo•atad th�. pon,anu not�therwi�e dealared or deamed tp�a�i'e pari of �,;:�_-
<br /> the real estate aecured hereby:7his instrument shAll Nv canstrued as a Soaurity Agroeme��t under Sald Code,and�dh�i Lender ¢�;«:
<br />• shali havaali the rig?�t3 nnd ret;iadle9 of a secured party undor sald Cadein addittan to thn rlghts anc4 remedies credfad under ui�"°°
<br />- en�ac:eordud ihn Lecide�y�uraus��ito th�s�a�cf ot Trus�provide�ti�ai I.ender s dghte and rernedles ur�der thle p�rayraph ehall ��
<br /> be cumuiar�va wiin,and in no way a iisnita•dion on,Lendar'8�IQht9 8f1d fpm9qi89 uRdef afly otii�r�eCUtiiy a��nawtlni u+y��w uy �,�::,W
<br /> Borrower or 7rostot. —
<br /> (f) Ll�ns and�ncumbr�►r,ae�.Trustor hereby w�rrentn�nd reprsaents that thore lo no detault under the�rovi$lons of uny �
<br /> mortgsgo,deed af trust,lease or pur�hao+e ca�tract dosorlbing ell or any pan of tho Properiy,or oUisr contr�;ct,inatrument or �.���
<br /> agreement constltuti��g n lien or encumbrance a�alnst ali or any pan nf the Property(coltectivety,"Uens"),eRfsUng es of the -n�
<br /> date uf thia�lBad of Tru�t,and thut any and ali existing Uena remaln unmodifiad except a�disatosed to Lender tn Truator's �„s
<br /> wr(tten dl�closure of Iiena and encumbrances provlderl for harein.Trustpr shaD timety perfoem all of Tiustnr's abllgatlono, �
<br /> covenents,reprosentations and warrenties under any end ail oxislting and future Llena,sl�all promptly forward to Londer coples !"-+?" `
<br /> =.�e!!n�Y!.�ai�_f�sslt�t!n a,.^:�n°r;Lor.;:123�asr,r a:,d a�:an1�ln�rs�Sutu�a L�o,ia.asv s;s�ii��t�rii���ut t��v y„�;�.�°'t�s - _
<br /> cansAnt In any manner modlty 4l�e provlsfons of or allow any future�dvances under any exisGng or tuturo LlBn�. °-
<br /> U) �PP���►��+�1►nanl�•Unles9 oihery►rise requirsd by law,sums patd to Lender hereunde�,including witt�out IlmiieUnn ��'s`'
<br /> payments of principal and Interest,insurance proceeds,condemnatlpn proceods and rente and proiits,ehail be applled by "'•°"`
<br /> l.ender to tha�mnunts due and owtng trom 7rustor and Borrowar In auah ordor aa Lendar In Its eole discredon doems desfreble. ,�,•
<br /> (k) Bever�biliip.If nny provision o(th(s Dead of Trust contlicts with apQUcable law or Is dflclared Invaild or otherwlse ��-�
<br /> unontorceabte,euch cantitct nr invetidity shall not aNect!he othor provisons of thla Deed ot Trust ar fhe Note whloh can be ��•+.�,�
<br /> given eRect ve(thout Me confllcNng proviolon,and to this ond 4he provlstons o!thls�eed o}Trust anrl the Note sre cPeclared to be �°�;
<br /> severab!e. -
<br /> (q Tiormr.Tha terms"Trustor"t1�d"Borrowor"shall Includo both sln�{ular and plaral,and when the Trust�r and Borrowor ,,�< _
<br /> ,are the same par8on(e),thoae Yerms as used in thts meed of'frust shali be interchengeable. .-�
<br /> (m)dor�rnh�y Law.Thia Deed ot Truat ehall tre governed by tho taws af tho State of Ne4raska. ;•�;;;
<br /> Truator has executod tliis Qeecl 09 Trusl a9 04 the da!e ws�.�ir,�,p�ct ve. ��r-
<br /> �� .
<br /> , �----�.� r� ya�
<br /> rtcl E. St3hla) Tro3tor ��;��
<br /> (D ani ne Sta�ila) .��� '�: �
<br /> � Trustor 'r;:''�
<br /> r� _�-�..r..:,.�-.,-s.• �..�,.�.:n,-.... 4
<br /> �,�-�c.:, g;!4Y=.r��'G�?:i tC%.� � ..
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