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<br /> J c..,,�....o.�n. C��latrrt tn n���EC:.:3�C 1:.5::dY'(1�/laQ�ei]�d.�3VC?�y f.t;ii�'.;�.f�fisi�4i::i:Y L�'"..��:.s'y'S(! � _
<br /> -------- .4. Is'lF,:i�7¢c;r e:cc�c�c'ci.a rsz:���ox.• ,.o-"
<br />'�,;'��{;''�'�"�`�� lfn�r on�li�day�ix�ntE!ly�Sayf��2�xs of pi•i��cipa!ncid iutc�csi ar��ayabl�undcr dic hlote, llliSl)I�iC NUt3�Ey�,ai�31n fu�I.n �;,�::,-.-,
<br /> -�a.���:..n���d, fium(tieraln °FuFtcls")eqaal to a�e-ew6;1Qb of th�yearly taxc�an�i asccsniea�ts(incl�idi���ca�zdo5_i3�ium ntsd�tla+.•�n�d u�it � �{•_,
<br /> �Y-r��"`'- dav�la�nx:ret susessmeut�, if any)which n�y a�ttaiti pr�orfry aver thts Deed af Ttust.9nd grou�� rcuts on kl�e Propert;r. if
<br /> _°—_:.;;��,.:r� iu�y.wt.:�o:ri :::.�ft�a'y'�°.tly�mn�it�rn ie�c1nflm�;ttis foY I13��'d i[L1,1Y�u*�CB.Pflt�s oa�-itr•alfti�of yc.�rly�rznubim�nstallmeats �---
<br /> --�,� • for nwrtgt�ge ir�sunmee. if�ny. oll as reas�nuably estin�ated Inlli�liy arid from tiu� to dcne by Ltnder on t�se blsis ui -
<br /> „����„�,�q Asaessmen�s aad bi11s ar;d reasonable esdniates thereut. Borrower slwll nat beabl�gsUe,sl to r��ake such payn�ents of Funds _
<br />____;� ta l.en�ler ta the exte�t that Borrawer maSces such p�aymencs to el�e hofacr of a prior�nartgng,,or deed of truss if such holder _
<br /> - ..� ts an insdtutianal leadax. _-
<br /> �"'"-�"��=;�"��..�'"' If RorrocNe��ys Punds ta 1.euder, the Fands sball ba Lel�! in an instItudou the deposit�or a.caaunts of whict►arc ____
<br /> _ .r-�.:���,.:�:.?.�•
<br />_-.-�;�1;�;�,���x�, ins��.resd ur�tsaztti�tt=:ct bY a Fcxiesal or sta!e agenry (includi�g LeBder If I.ender is such an Iasdtudon).I.etxler s}iall apply _- -
<br />_.;°.����'��..;.•Y�� tlie Fun+1s to p$3 said ts�c�°.s.�sessm�°nts,insur�nce premi�tsss and grounci rents. Le3der may not c]iarge far so hold�ng anA -__
<br />-���:�'�fi;,r.�n��•�'��, p}�a�Sylur th� Funds. a��alyz3n,E said acsaunt �ir verifying and com,plling said a5sessmeuss swd 6111s. unless l.euder p�ys ---
<br />.a:�';;. ,: . - -
<br />=y�c;J;�l.�?ti��;;.t`:'"i�'�',• � Hi�moivs�inrerest om tpie Fu�1s aud appltcable law perinit�I.ender to n�ake suc�a cl���.IIonou�.t and l�nder we�y agtce �,
<br />';w4'.?�;�:�S.;s�� Y'- in:tivaitin8 at the duae of execution of this Ue.ed of Tnist thaa interest on the F�tnds si�all6e paid to Borc�u�Pr.end�nless ��._
<br /> _�.,;���� -_����_
<br /> - -�.��., such a�teement is anade or applicable law rec�uires such tnt�rest to l�e p�id. Lender shall twt 6e n,�quin:d co pay Botros�+er
<br /> __-�=��`�",�''`�'� any Interes¢ar eamings on the Fwuls. Lender sh�ll�ive to Bonower.wlthout charge,an anuuzl ucsanntin8 of the Funds _
<br /> ?•:t'--;..' •.- � showil7,g CYediit►�A�l d�blts�0 �?JE'FuAdS u[Id tite pw��v' f�?wisich c.:cb �ebit eQ the Fu�s was m.azls. The Funds s►re ----
<br /> -� �`-�'�� "" pledged as addittot�l secur;t�'for dte sums secured by ttus�eed af Tcust. ��'
<br /> L�'; �� •,�
<br /> ..,:.��__:��:�,'y_.. �
<br /> • ,,.:�, If die amount of ttie ��►as hetd by Leader, tog..Yhcr with the future muntlily iastalln�ents of Funds payafila p�ior to �;�;
<br /> - -'.:y�'-,.��==,_ �he due daus of taxes. assesswents. insurance�r�ntit�t�and grounA rents. st�all eaceed We amnunt requiced to pay said ����
<br /> �__-=�
<br /> . �-_��-.- taxes. ass�.ssmea�ts. insurauce premiums und ground rents as they fa�i due.eucu c,i� st�:l �:., a2 E�ao:�:s'� c�^n, - .,.
<br /> •.�p�'!�'� . eithes ptomptly repaid co Bartower or credited to l8unow�x on monthly installmsnts of Funds. di the amount of th�Funds •�`t'�=�;•
<br />- . •; , �` � tield by Lender shall aot b�sufticieut to pay texes� �.ssessments. insurance pr�miums and 8mund rents as tlxey fall due, +�;'
<br /> ��-_
<br />;�' � T3orro�vcr shaU pay to Lender aieY amo�nt necessarY to make up tl�e deftciency in one or more payu�ent5 as l.eucler may gy:.�_�
<br /> �..� .: � require. �',�,°
<br /> � �� • '��, Upon payment in full of all sums secured bY this II'eed of Treva. I.eader shall promptly refund to Boreower any Funds P,,�
<br /> . .. .��__..,c.,.o o.,...�.m, i� ,u,l�i.�r�hr:Pronemr is otflerwfse acquized by l.ender. Lender � r N
<br /> �—� ideid'oY►.ender. ii uuii�i�,nsngaap� ••ub=�.. .u�..�r_.., -
<br />:;`�'.::.,�;.:'. --:� `,. shtill apply. no later t�an immediately prior to cae sai�o i iue Fsupc��y o;ir a c�gut�itiau!s,Les�_Y.�y PmrA.c hetd by G h�-
<br /> ��..s.•:
<br /> ;•,:;;�;`� ;� lxucler at th�time uf applicadon as a credlt against the sums secured by tbis Deed of Tn�st. �;,-,�,,
<br /> 3. Appllcation of�uymente. Ual�ss a+pplicable taw provides othenvi�e, ali payweats eeceived by Lend�r uuder the :.�;,�,.
<br /> •�.. . ' Npte 3nd pazu�rapbs 1 and 2 hereof shall be applied by Leuder first in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Doaoiver ..�,�.-
<br /> ;J,,.
<br /> ,'_.�'�, under par�graph 2 hereof.then to interesc payable on the Note,and theu to the priac:pal of tlae Nnte. : •�_
<br /> ' 4. l�rior Mort��es und Deeds of Trasti ��"�3 11�• Borrower shall perform all of i3onower's obligatians
<br /> r
<br /> '''" '" "A' " under any mortgage, d e e d o f uust or o t he r s e c u ri t y u B r e e m e a t w i t h a lien wluch h�s priority over this Deed of Tntst, �""'���.
<br /> �° �� inc(uding Bonower's coveuants to ruakc payme�:s�vuea due.Bormwer sliall pay or cause to be paid all taaes.aasessments
<br />- �� •1V4.�.w�ef... '
<br /> .. ... .� and otUer charges. fines sind impositions att�ibutabte to the Propeny which a�aY attain a priori¢y over this Deed uf Tn�st. � �
<br /> ,�. ::�xl leasehold payments or ground rents. if aay.
<br /> � �, -t� S,�rd Imu�nce. Hormwer shall ke�p th�improvemsnts aow exisdng or hereafter ecected on the Property
<br /> insured against loss by fire.haiards included wichin tfiz term'eatended soverage",and svch other harnrds as Lender may
<br /> . _ _. ` tequire and in such antounts and for such periods as L e n der m1y require.
<br /> � ��'�"`'' �` ." The insur.mce cac�ier provtding tl�insutance shall be choseu by Sor�tower subject to approval by Lender;provided.
<br /> ' �=�- that such appaoval shall not be unreasonably withhEld. A11 iasurance policIes aud reaewals ¢�erenf sliall be in a form .
<br /> ' • ." '� acceptable to Lenc]er and s6a11 include a standard moreSage clause in favor of and iu a farm acceptable to Leader. Lender
<br />� " �� shall ha�e the ri�iu to hold tlie policies and renewals¢heieof,subject to the terws af any mortgage, deed of trust or oiher
<br /> " 'jr;j� security agreement wiW a lien which 1�as priority over this Deed of Trust.
<br /> ��` In the�vent of loss.Borrower shall�ivs p�mpt aotic�ro¢he insumnce carrier and Lender.Lender may make praof
<br /> �' af loss if aot made prom�t7y by Bonower.
<br /> �:.
<br /> � if the PropertY is abandoned by Borrower. or if Boaower fails to respond to l.ender withiu 30 days from the date
<br /> ' ° m�uce is mailed by l.ender to Borrower tt�aat t�e insurance c.arrier offers tn setde a claira for ins�rance Genefa�s, Ixader is
<br /> �z��horized to coll�ct and apply die iusurance proceeds at Lender's opdou either to restoration or repatr of the Property or
<br /> � � � � w che sums secnted bY this Deed of Trust.
<br /> � d. peeseryattocr c�ncl IViiaintenauec of FroperiYi ���l�i Condomini�uas: Planned �1n(t DeveJopmente.
<br /> � ' �� Baaower shall keep tlie Propeny+en Baxf reP�►r��1 not comimit waste or permit impurment or deteriorailon of t3ie
<br /> •, ` pro�erty and shall camply with tlie provisions of any lease if this Deed of Tcust is on a leasehald. If this Deesl of Trust is .
<br /> on a unit in a condominium or a planned unit develapment, Borrower shall perform all of IIorrower's obligations under the
<br /> declaration ar cove�uts creseing or goveraing the condo�iviu�n or planned unit development. the by-taws and reguiadons
<br /> � a of the condunrinium or planuecl unit developn�nt.and sonsdtuent documents.
<br /> . , � ; 7, Proter3io�af l.end�a''3 Sesu�%ty. If Borcower fails to Qerfomi tUe covenants and a�reenients contai�drn'�n this
<br /> - D��ed of Trust.or if any acaan or pnxeedin�is cowmzenced vrhich mlterially nffects Lender's interest in d�e Pco � then
<br /> _ � Lender, nt Le�uter's �ption. upon iioti�:e to Bunn�v,,r. may make sucU appe�rances. disburse sucb swns. including
<br /> -__,-___-_ �s� o...,,..o„�� F�� �nd ralce sucli aca�n es is necessary to protect Lend:r's iuterest. If Ixnder requiced mortga�e
<br /> .�.»a...>_,........,_ .__. _ -
<br /> � . insu�rt►nce as a condition of making the loan secured by tiiis Deed of Tcust, gonower shalt pay ttie Premiums requ�ien io �-
<br /> r nce
<br /> . maiutain sucln iasuxa�x;e iu effixt untii sucL time as the requirement fiir such ins►irance temunates in accurdance with f
<br /> Borrower's a�xl Leuder's wrinen agreem�nt ar a�plirable law. �
<br /> � Any amaunts ci.tsbursed by Lender pursuant to t�is paragraph 7, with intenst diereon,at the Note rate.shall become
<br /> - additinnal indebtedn�ss of Born►wer sQCUn{d by Uus Deed of Tcust. Uiiless Hurrower and L�:ndcr agree ro other teruns of
<br /> �, - �� payment. such amounts �!�!l be payable upnn nadce from Leader to Borrower requestin� payment thereof. Nothin�
<br /> containc�d in this paragraph 7 shall reqinire I.ender to inenr any expeuse or take any acdon herewid�r.
<br />� � 8. [as�ee4ion. Lender n�ay malct or cause co Ms m:ide reasonable entries upun and insQec:[ions of the Propz�y. .
<br />`.` o ,, provided that Lender�IL�II�ive Borrower nodce prior to suy such inspectiun spe�:ifyii�reasonable r.ause t�erefor c�lated to
<br />-- ` Leuder's intemst in tiie Pcopeny.
<br /> .. �
<br />- Rcbraake 2G876-1 4l44 Original(Aocorded) Copy(Dacanch) Co�gy�CuoComor) Pa�c 2 of a
<br /> � ---- _ _ . - -
<br /> I
<br /> . .,_. _ . _ .. .. . .. .__.._..---....__--�--
<br />