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<br /> . ' � J. d�f'::�__::=;:"+.i::=].AjI3�]i�LG±:f�1i Of<^.Fl�/1�;:if?�O:i C�^lfe�i�0? Ct:'%t_�rC..",.��J:i.Ge OP CR�P.;;.T�II�3?LI:!�o in[xfn�r���41u°:�C;;�fe]C?�iyl
<br /> CAi�c�aieC::i?Uzt 0? UZ�I�.a l;.�ilf1� 43g!+L" F'i�7(1.6eJ�•0'a�,i��I f�!��'n::1)F� fli' Ct11 i'UIIV:;�':Si�^ IGi It(iA lS1 Cd{�;.•:is7�;-f�:i:1�i".e3 �!':.:;.�Sj/ .
<br /> .. , C".ii�i:'::�i 7iS�i:��'!3Q Z�(i:11(;f0 If F:��Z.�!'�,�:Cl IO Qjt:PCYe:?i Ol a�IIY EYIO�O��J.�s�I�L<:i�Oi 1ii�:Y Oi Ul�I�t C::�:l!1���/f',^��:.i?;�:�.31"1}'.e+�t] � .
<br /> - __-_� - ,._..----.e:_n..e.a..ra•...... !.._ :
<br /> - ---`.='�� 'j ![tll LYi11Git lt;i7 E)IilJll��r uvW uuo vi.v� v. ..ae�+.. `�-..
<br />. �����:••. �• � 14. BQY�Gi6'CS� A'oE k�cic�,cd; �art�earance �y �dr�'No: a �Vn9�er. l�xten.tori oF tite ticn;. [or (�ayn�;nt e�r
<br /> �,•-.�;"
<br /> ^"LL'z'`==_��1�•j mo�ii�icatio�n of twwrtiza�ion o4 the sums sccured by¢his Dced�f Trnist�;ruuted by l.t;rder tu any eucce�sr�r i+�irtcr�:;t nf .
<br /> ,;,,,,,�,,.:
<br /> ��- °�� Dox��o��ti:r�hn�l iiot ogerate to releas;, in auy manuer. the liabfleey of the areRirt�l�3orcowcr and Burrow�r's suCCe�.usr�It; - -
<br /> .:.�:-:�.�=v,,...: intR7es�t. Yx��3cr si�a1{�oi i�e►�cjui��i�IG COf�"A":rs�e p;�.ce:.sUn�sc;^a,^S sesh m�xe�snr nz r�fe�e to cxt��!d��a fax Eizyuicat :- -
<br /> — —�- or othcnvi�.e modify a�orti7ation af the suras secu�d by this Deed af Trust by reasun of any denuu�d matYe by tlse�ti�l��ti
<br /> ���-T�.��`.N BezYawer and Borrawer's n�ucc�ssors in interest. Any forbearanc�by l.euder In exercistng eny dght or rcmr�ly IierKUnder. �Y;u
<br /> or otl�erwise afforded by applicable law.si�all i�ot be a waiver of ot pYCCtuda the exe�cise af any suci�rfg'ht or renr,�iy. � _
<br /> - �? 11.S�ars�nd Asst�r►91Soun�Da Jofnc enc�Sevexaf 11abllityi Ca-sl�. 'T�e cove�uts nnd agreemcnte t�rr�ln ��
<br /> ..,__r ii�„c.a�.;; �
<br /> °-°- — �•� oontaine�l st�11 hind,aud tlie rights hereunder shaU inure to.tl�e respecdve success�r�and assigns aB I.�nder a��Q"t3arrnwcr. ��'�-.�
<br />..,.,n:i;�r�.�c.��
<br />�.��� su�je�t to the p�vielp�of p:ts�^a[�Ph 16 h�teof. All covenams nnd ngneenenta of Hurrow�r 6liall tsc jaint ar.d sever�l. E;;��-
<br /> _.,.��� Any Bonowe,r who casigs�s ttris flterl of Tcust.but dces not execut6 tl�o Nata,(a)in co•sig�iing this Decd of Trt��t only tn !+�,.
<br /> 4.� , .,,., �rant and wnvey tha.t Borrowers in,erest in the Property W'I'austee undor tlie tem�s mf tiiis�ced o f Tn�st. (b)3a nat � _
<br /> ��n�s�� rf? persunally liable oi�the Note ar uasler tlus Deed af Trust. and (e}a�rees thnt Leader au@ nny other Eorrawer Nereui�der �y �_
<br /> �,',�ti :._�'r.ks�•5• may agrec to extend.n�odify,forbear,or make any olher accomnnodcadons with reBnrd to the teras af this I�eed o£Trust nr � fi ,}
<br /> _'-,5:"s��.�o_ ��
<br /> ..�-�;���;� the Nate. without thxt Burrawer's caaseat and wltltout releasing tl�at Borro�var or madifying this peed af Tn►st as ta tfla!
<br /> -�_;:�^�"�'��'�� �oarovver's interest ia 3�ie Property. "'�""�
<br /> .,..,9{.''i A �_LL�-
<br />_ �,:,.,�`,.c:x• 12. Notice. Bxcept for any nudce requisad uudor Appltoatsle tau w�ae given in anotkea nt�nngr. (a) any vntice to -- -
<br /> �a�•���,�.^,�':� Borrawer pxovided for in tliis B�ecl of Trust sHall be given by delivering it or by mailiug sucl� notic�by ceetified mail ��=.'
<br />:=S-'� `'r;';,���� addressed ta Borrow�r at the Property Address or at such ot4er address as Borrawer may designate by noacs to Lender as '=K=_.
<br /> �,�` . = .��. pmvided heretn, and�h)any aodce tu Lci�der sLnll b�given by certiCced mail to Lender's address stated hereiu ur to such
<br /> -:�° ._..::,.��— omer h,iu��a��s ;.�a3�::�.y u��.�t-y.-.��to£arro::�r e°.Yr�ys,��hR�ein. Any mtice nrovIdeil for in ti�is Qeed of - -
<br /> -u
<br />,�_�d}�����.j 4,��1."� TItLS�SU�I I��P�U]KC��R 11AVB�1CCR�IVCA�0 BOITOWCi OT L.eUdCI WUCII�IV2[1 ID i11B NaI1ReI(IeS�8Tk1tCd I1CCefA.
<br /> 13.Governing I.aw;Sevcrablllty.The st�ce and losal laws app][cable to chis Deed of Tnist shall be the lawe of ttxr � �`�-`
<br /> • �`� '��""` �' jurisdicdou iu which the Froperry is located. 'Che foregoing sentense shall not limit the applicability of Aederal law to this °:-
<br /> ;'�,'
<br /> . : :�i w Dee�of Trust. In 2he event that any provision or clause of thi5 Deed of T-ust or th�Note coaflicts witl�appiicabte law, �...
<br /> ' .'�� ,� sucb cnnflict sitall nnt affi;ct ot�er provIsious of this De�d of Tcust or the Note which can be given effect without Qie 1
<br /> - - • canflicdng D��sion. and to this end the pravtsions of this Deed of Tcust aad the Note are declar�d to be severable. Ae rt
<br /> _ t o c �u� a g►i m s m �i t e c n i c u i u u i i i i i u v;.w!,`;�,^.rtirnhlp law tlf 4-'�_
<br /> f�- R5C9 EICICIA. �t:ti`3in• �r.n�'i�,''1C'�r.'S�IiIi:� "i.ii0f12°.j..� tC£..� !�!� �!1 4' .
<br /> �:��-
<br /> � • limit�d herein. � of the Nate and of ehis Deed of Trust st the �
<br /> , . '�;�' 14o Borrower s Co�y.Danower shall�e furaished a confarmed copy -
<br /> � ' time of execution or after tecordadou hereof. ''�•
<br /> � � � 13. Rehabllicatfon Loan Agreeu►ent. Bonower sliall fulfill all of Aonower's obligadons under any home
<br /> � ���'g rehabilitadon,imQrovemient,repair ar other loan a�reemenc which Borcnwer eaters into with Lender. l.ender, at Lender's '�
<br /> � m
<br /> �' '" ' ° uire Boaower to exe�ute and deliver to Leader, ia a form acceptable to Lender,an ussigument of aay ��
<br />--,��µ. .,�...:�,.. optian. a�aY T�
<br /> rights.claitus or defenses wluch Bonower may have against parties who supply labor,materials or services in conn�cdon
<br /> �,.�. . ,t,,,„�.; wid�impmvements made to the Property. � �
<br />����•��••� � IG.TrAr►�fer of the Property or a BeneBcln!Interest in 1Bo�rower. If ell or any part af the Property or any interest
<br /> � ' in it is sold or tcunsfeaed(or if a beneficial interest in Bomowes is sold or uaas�ferred and Borrawer is not a natural ,
<br />-�.�-,.:,..�:,-�, �r• - perso�)wi►hout Lender's pdor written consent, Leuder m�y,at its opdon, ce,quire immediate payment in full of all sums
<br /> '`"`�'''�"�" ' `'� ' securedl by tbis Deed of Trust. However.thts optton shall not be exemised by I.ender if exercise is prahibited by federal
<br /> ,.,►;,,,,.,,,...--•� ;
<br /> w ,M,.,,��,,, , law as of the datc of this Deed of Tcust.
<br /> . �A�` � If Lender exercises t�is apdon, Lender shall give Borrower nottce of acceleradon. The nodce shall provide a perial
<br /> ° '���J �� of not less ehan 30 days from the date che nodce is delivered or ruailed withia which Horrower must pay all sun�s secured
<br /> ' ' ,`�' 6y tIiis Aeed of Ttust. If Honotivsr P�ils ta pay these suu�s pdar to tde expiradon of this period. Lender may invoke any
<br /> �,> remedies permitted by thlR Deed of Trust wichout furttter uodce ar demand on Bor[ower.
<br />, • ;�- NC1N-UNIPORM COVEAIANTS. Hoao�ver and Lender twtlier Goveaartt and ageee as follows:
<br />_. ;�-� 17. Accelerai�on; Remedtes. Exrept es provided In psragr�►ph 16 hereof, upon �orrowee's 6reach oP any
<br /> � �� � cpvenant or egree�n�t oP�orrowe�In 4his Deed of Trust, Includln� Borrower's fNlure to pay,by the et�d off 10
<br /> �°,. �� calendar days after t6ey are due,�y siuns sec�ed by tlds D�d of Trust. I.ender prEor to acr.eleratton shael glve
<br /> � , noticc to Bu►rs�wer as provided tn puaragraph 12 herenf epecifying: (1) the breach; (2) the action reguired to cure
<br /> °° • � such brench;(3)a dt�le,not iess thAn 20 duys fr�the date the no3tce�S naAfled to Borrower,by wh4ch such brench
<br /> must be curerl;mrad(4)tha!faflure to cure si�rh Umac,�an or before the date speci�ted ln the aotice enay result In
<br /> ° ° asceleratt�n of th� sums secured by thls IDeed of TnssR and sule of t4�a Propeity. The nottce 3ha11 furtlier infonn
<br /> •• Borzawer of the rlght to rei»stete aTter�oceleration er�¢]rt�he rlght to bring A court actton to nssert the none,x�stence of
<br /> a aTe�eWt er sny other defense o?Borro�ver to accelerat➢on and sale.lf the bmsish fs r+ot cur�d on or before the date
<br /> " speslfded in the notice,l.ender, at Lender's optton,muy declare all of tf�e sums secured by thfs DoQd of Trust to be ..
<br /> •: ' immedlr►tely��e n�d paya6le wt4i�ou4 f�,-�C��r d.ms�utd An� may Invdke the powep of sate flnd any other �tedl�s
<br /> . Permitted by ap;�'1�cubte l�w. I.entier shaD! be eatitled to cotlect all reasonable costs and expeicses�Inevrred In
<br /> , ` pursu3ng ius c�qnediES provide�in thls paragrupl�17,i�z�uoiing,but not Iimited to,reasnnable attorneye fecs.
<br /> If the po�ver of sale Is fnvo7t2d,Tr�-tce sF�all reeoxsl a nottce of defsult In euc4 coiu�ty [n whtch the Pr+operty or �
<br /> some�att the�eof Es loca�ted and shall mnfl cuptes of ai�c➢�nottce In the munner presc�ibeti by a{rpllcnble liow to
<br /> `' ---�_ �.._. ---- �wa.�a.,o...,►�..a�m�,.e�rr the IansQ of such time as mny be reQulretl by
<br /> �-- -- —
<br /> - --�
<br /> , --- �rrawer uw so..ac.,.,.a p�.ov�:.�.p......�.., ....r--_ _..- �- -�
<br /> a�p!dsQhie IQw,Truseee shal!�ive publlc nottce of eale to She persong and in thR mnnner prescribed by flppltcable f
<br /> '� law,Trustc�e,wttliou4 dcmand un Borra�ver,sl►All scll the Ptroperty et p�bltc nudion to the highcst bldder at the time �
<br /> � „ attd place und unaler the te�u�s designated In the nottce of snle fn onx or more psrcels attd in such opder as Trustee I
<br />_ � may deie�rnntns,Tx�ustee n�Ry postpone s�lc of�II or nny parcel of the Froperty by Publtc nmmouncen►ent at the ttme
<br />-. . � .. unt�pluce of eny pr¢vQously sche�lWed sale.LerdEr or Lender's drsignee may purchase the Proper�:y nt any sate. �
<br /> Upon n�cetpt of paym�tnt of t9ie prlce btd,Tr�tee st�all deltver to the purchstser Trustec's deed conveying the I
<br /> ' `� E"roperty sald. Tlie r�tsttnts M the Trustee's deed si�all be prtma facle eeidence of tiie truth of the statemense made I
<br /> �� tt�retn.Tru,teE shall apply ehe proceeds oP t{�e sNe in t6e�ollowin�order:(n)to all reasonable costs and exp��ses of
<br /> tl�e sale,lnctudtse��but not ltmited to,'Y'r�stcc's fec,w ncivally iucurred of not mam t@nn �i of the gross
<br /> " : sale pr�ce,reasoneble attorneys' fees and oost�oP tttle evtdemoe;(b)to all sums sQCUred by chls Decd of Trwt� c►nd(c)
<br /> _.„" ' . ' , the oxocss,iP any,to tho person or persuns legaily entitled tiaereto. .
<br /> ' Ncbmskn 1687b•1 4/94 Origiaal(Rcscosdnd) Co�ylBranch) Copy(Cuotomor) Pa�c 3 ota
<br />