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<br /> THfS DEED OP TRUST.is m�ds tk�s i7th dny af May , 1995 .Rmuna t�e Tn�+�. . �
<br /> • J�RKY J iiiW.�7.Kd At+�1, F�E�su�i� .�a ATif'iGSf3, iNB,`3A'..`ID 11L:'D --
<br /> --- • --- -- •,_ . .. . __ _. _ _. ... . . . _i��.�n.r•,,•d:.._.'.;-- - - -
<br /> . b1�l1C .Ab aUirrr •t'ut�'�:a: � ..
<br /> NATIQNS 'RT�LE INSURAtiCE (;0� (hctein ,
<br /> `Tnrstee'?. �tl lhc Bcneficiscy. COt�tLRCIAL C�tB�IT CORPbRATION , '
<br /> . �cur(�ocation orguuzed arrl existi»g under xhe Iaws 0f Marylcnd .v�tx��hss�is
<br /> • 3�15 NE�x STATB STRIlRT aWiND TST.At3A PIB 68803 {tiet+oiA°Ltnikr').
<br /> -� gt�aanv�a.in r�asideririnn nf tLc indebisd�t�^tru►re�it�d aad the tr�ut heniu cmxted..irrtvac�bly Sruxs and
<br /> - camoys to Tcustse,in ttust�with power af sslc.nhs folt�wiug desr,ribed PmpertY locaud in the Gxxeuy of � . - .
<br /> �,y ,Stxte of Nlebrnska:
<br /> I,AT 5, SLOCK 11, li.G. C'LARYC�S ADDITION TO CITSC OF ORAt7D IEI�1�N�, HAL1+ ' ,
<br /> COUN'FY. 1N8BRRS1C14.
<br /> F
<br /> which l�as the ad�::;;.s���f Q23 P7 Q'.�'tI S�r . c�RAND x&r.�rtD . :
<br /> . . �scn.ti �c�+v�
<br /> Y�1Cb[#si1 68H01 (iterCi:2"Propetiry Adtiress")�
<br /> iz+�codnt -
<br />- 'Y'OGL'fH1�R wilti a17 the iiuproven�enis nucv or l�ereafter erecies4 on ti:�c paaperty. anc! a1Q eascn�ex�ts. ri�us.
<br /> a,�purtenanr,es m�x1 rr,a�is(subjcY�t ltowever to thc ri�hts anrl a�etl�ariries givcn Uerein to Lender to coll��ct and app]y svch
<br /> __. rents�,�ID of wl�ich sliatl Ue deemrcl t�be arxl semaiu a�art of the propc�.y covercd by this Decd af'Crust;aQC'1 alt mf d�e
<br /> f�nrcg�inF. togettier witt� said pmt�erty (or tl�c Iea..�lioId est�ie if this D�Qti�f Tivst is an a tCasE$n1A) are itec+c��•►iier
<br />= a�eFern�e�to as the"Areperty"; • •
<br />_ 'ICO SLCURP to Lender tiie re�ay�rsent of¢he iQdebtr.dncss evidenccd by Ao.►�ro�vcr's noteciatcd 05/1��•�95 :.
<br />- utx!exte�ions a►x1 n«swals tFicmof Qiersin"Nale"D.�o�bQ prancipal sum af U.S.8 0,502.oi .vrith inte� �liereui;.
<br /> pmvisling f�r maathly installu�cnts of principal 2n�imterest.wtth We bal�wsc ot tlle iucte8tcdneas. if not soo�r pnid.due
<br />� �nd ps►ysblc�ou o5/�a/2ono ;tlie payment of ail at�cr sums.with intetcst shereon.a�ivarkeil in accordance hecewIth to
<br />= protect�ia� secur�ry oE this Dzed o£Tiust; and the perfom�ance oG tUe c�venant� aixl agreeii�ents of Bormwer�ereia
<br />' caawincd.
<br />= L�orinwcr co�leisuits tl�t Bomow�r is lawfully seIsed of tlie escate lieretsy couveyed antl hyc d«�ig�n to�tani nncl
<br />- ca�nvey�he Pmgsrty.aixl ti�t the J?roperty is uneix:umbered,eacept for eucs�nibrances uf e�ccnrd. Borcow�er ca��eautts that � .
<br />- &xn��aer warn►nts and..wiil defead gen�r�lly �he titls ta thc Property agai�st all ciaints uud dcinu�ds, svUje�:t tn
<br /> � en;umbra�nscs of rscu�d.
<br /> ! �tdriske2�87&-14194 Arigian��.�Recordp3� Ca�yl�ranchl Co�Y1Ca:a�o�aar.1 Fasc�ota
<br /> � ,
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