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<br /> --- �.-;� h�rNs���"Ha�t�rdou�Ma�riel�"►.7vu�for hanby w�rr�nt�and r��oxinf"tfl l.ri,"�lf4�th��th+�r�1 ar�no 14Nx�rdau�t l;liniiu'lr����yr'
<br />_•�:�•s:=,�-�;:�'_'3 t��:de�fh9Prc��t�ty.'Tru�LCrltsra�'�yR�reestolr.clRmn�y�nclho!�th�nr,la����ntler,ftedtr�ctars�eMir,�r�.anpsay�r�►�dM�+�7.+�d __----
<br />.. __
<br />_ -_---_ -_-, ._n...�
<br /> llly OItCCH1ii4�+t W�.4i�i'v,.:�r i�iY:.�:.:.�,Sii.:��r'�L:°.�:i°_t.'t4�'PIt�1 PU t'.la�M+1P�E�R(�1F�t:�"tT��UB.t[i9 8fl1��fN+�i��l��tf+�RI�X;tI�d!1 f.i}ttnHtl dltl iY.
<br /> tfiv pn�riu, uu, dlt�d or tnmaport nf�ny H�tordau�M�ISr1aIs on,undK.from Or�Dout th�Prop�ny.'�nc i�ti'n����+� __
<br /> � SiJnillYE REC�(V1�E'lbINGE OF TNI9 k7EEfJ OF 7RUyT. ' ���t'Cru�WP -
<br /> 1(D.A�I�nm�n!p1 lt�n9t.Yrue4a�hare�y ualgn�ta l.emd.ar th�rdrtN,I�►euA�snd qrofiGS a}the P��ricY G:�.
<br /> _= s{�all,un!Utheocc�sQrsn�eot�tnEvantntOblaultl�sre�nd��f,h�►vetheriphttocoll�clondrot��n6uohranro,IN+uM�n�pr�f��ttx�
<br /> l�acame duo und payaale,Upon!he occurr�nce a1 an Event oi D�feult,Land�r m�y,elther irt panon ar by epa t,
<br /> �""� �rinplr.��hya_!!��or Rrnce!�In�,ar by e rac6lt�er eppotnted by a c�urt and wlthout re�aref to Yhe ed�qwcy ow Ita t�u�tty,«n�+
<br /> � upoci and take�poeaess[on ot the Property,ar sny part theraof,In It�own neme or tn me name otthe Trua�ae,a�d dc ars�=�wn�=h�t
<br /> dgem$neGO�asry or dnslruble�to pr�serve tho yalue,marketebtlity or ranteblllty et tho Props�ty,or t�ny pari thereof aa In1N��rt th�Nn� �
<br /> — Ineregse tha IRCOma theroirom or protect thQ sACUrlty hereo!arsd,wlt�►or wlthout t�nking poaseulon o`��h�mep I�e cnats end -
<br /> - _==p� athacwl�e callact tftte rente,�syues and protlts thereaf,l�cludlnp those Qast dua end unpald,and epp y
<br /> —� expenaea ot oRcration e��d callecUon Inatudlnp attorneys'tees,upon any IndAbtednesa eecured heroby,ell t�euch ordbr a�i.ander
<br /> msy delermine.The enteriny upo�end tnklnp poseeaslon of the Pro7�erty,the calleeilon ot auch rente,Isrue�and pro[it�and thd
<br /> - eppl�Catlor�lhereof oe aforesald,ehstl not cure or walvm eny default ar netica of detault heie�md�r or Invull�ete Any act do��n
<br /> -- -- __-- r�r;,�^�°;!o�LthEefet!dorp��tguenttoeuchnoUceoldefsultend,notwlthetxndlnpthecontlnuaRCe:.:�;,r�ses�lonofthepra�rtyh*
<br /> •-�=-��!■ tha callect;un,recetGt and apDltcatton of rente,Issue�or profite,a�d TruEtee�nd Lendbr ohafi be e�iti�ioG 4a s��vc��c:_:p s.,...
<br /> � -=-- providedTaPlnany�ltheLoanOoaumsnt�orbylawuponocrurron�ofanyCventolDet�ult,includln�wlthc3utilmltGtlontharlphKo
<br />_:,;;;_;;_y�„�;�_�'•�'� exerclse tho power ol sale.Further,Londer'e rfpht�und remedles under thla paragreph shall be cumulat(ve wlth,and In no w�y e ``
<br /> - - - Ilmttatlonan,a..enderariphtsandramodlosunderanyasstgnmenloflesseseRdrentsro�ordac7aQalnstthePraperiy.LondPr.Truetea
<br /> ==�--' end the recelver shall be Ilaulo lo eccaunt anly ih��re.^.ts acSu�!!y rxel�• �Qt,'�� �--
<br />_,,, ,_..ra '" 11.FYiflT.i OI aro,u:i�.The tollo�!!�g C+#??�4 i•OR�1tIh�Rg a�C�nn�4!C���ti�:UfluLi L�0�3 r :_,.----
<br />.._ii�.i;''u�a���.i,� --
<br /> ,.,�.-__�-_�,,;; (�)Fn11ur8 to pay any Installment�f p�lnclpal or Interest of any other aum s�cured tiereby v�hun due:
<br />`��_�.��� , (b)AbreachofordefaultundRranyprovlslonconte�nedFntheNote,thla0eedof7rust,anyOfthol.oenDocurtsenta,oreny
<br /> ` ;':' ,'� othar Ilen orencumb►ance upon the ProportV;
<br />-��F�i�p� (c)A wrlt of oxecutlon or attachmentor eny slmftar procos�ahall�e entered agalnstTrustor whlch shall become a Ilen ori --
<br /> �,•�t.�,,..;a. the Proporty or any porUon theroot or Intera�t thar�ln; ---.
<br /> -�°° '•':�C"� (d)There ehall be flled by or agalnat Trustor or Borrowor an actlon under eny Present or tuture fedoral,state or oYher
<br /> ;�'��'`�`�`"�" � ax�r,�rA.iaw oP�eaulnUon rAlntlnp to 6ankruptcy.Insotvency or other rstlef tor dobYOrs;or there shall be appoinfed eny 4rusteie,
<br /> ,- --.�--_�.� � �n....nfpnituu�u+f,orT►ustol'
<br /> - . . �,._.
<br /> =----°"�'�k° reCeivar orllquldator o�T�ustor or Sorrower or oi sii or any pa�iui�iio���im�:s,��•���•-••��=---�� -
<br /> ::�:.";;:.�; '
<br /> � 3 } ar Borrower shall make any generAl es.slgnmont tor the beRetit of cradltore: __
<br />_ _ .�._,,:{,�,�•, � :..
<br /> (e)The,salo,ttansfar,lease,asslgnmont,conveyence or tunher encumbrenco of�II or any part of or any fnteres3 In the
<br /> '�+` i�rope►ly. elther voluntarlly or Invalunterlly,wlthout the express wrltten canaent of Lender,prpvldad thnt Trustor sPoall be
<br />:;>>r�•;••. �.�:�••_ permltted io execute a lease of the Property that doas not conteln an option to purchase dnd the term ot whlch doas not exceed _
<br />-•�,-.•. .,;:.1 , one year.' -.
<br /> �"'"�,��"`� • (Q Abandanment of the Prope►ty;or
<br />`=?�=�}"_���.. (g)If Trustor Is no!an Indivldual,the Isauance,salo,trenater,assfgnment,convoyance or encumbrance of more thnn a total
<br /> ,.�LL,:':.;�..,�,.',-,�.,� _�_
<br /> ��;
<br />_��- ,,;: �a;.� of.�.--percent of pt a corp�ratlan)i4s Issucd and aa�tanding�toCk�r(19 a nartnerahlp)a total of perr,ont ot c
<br />�--,',w.�.r..�-r.� �
<br /> 8rtnershlp Interocsts dUring the ;�riod thls Deed of Trust remafna a Ifon on the Properry. n""'
<br /> �� �., -;,•,i°� 12. R�m�d l�s;Acc Nere t lon Up o n m a t a clt.ln the event ot an y Event of Detault Lender may,without notice except as roqulrsd by �;--:
<br /> _.� �, law, declare all Indebtedness s€�cured hereby to be due and payatle and the same shall thereupon bscomo due and paya b lo � :��
<br />-°'`:�:."`" '*•. without any presentment,demand,proteat or nottce oi any klnd.Thereatter Lsnder may: � '��
<br />-r-yi:�:�li�'!^"y� � .'�v,_
<br /> T (a) Aomand thet Trustoe exerclse the POWER OF SALE granted heretn, and Trustee shel!thereafter cause Trustot's
<br /> ` �` interest in Ihe Property to be sold and tho proceods to be diatributed,all In the menner provlded In the Nebraskc+Trust Deeda _ _
<br /> z: " ..;�,r2�'�.' ACx
<br /> ; �r..� .
<br /> (b) Exerclse any end all rights provlded for in anyot the Loan Documents orby law upo�occurronce of any Eventot Dafa�nft;
<br />'=::�'�z -.'{c� and
<br /> (c) Cortsmence an actlon to tareclose thls Qeed of Trust as a mortgege,appolnt a receiver,or speclflr,ally er�torce eny of th�
<br /> ° '.;.,;� covenants h9rcof.
<br /> No remedy herefn conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is In4endod to be exclusfve ot any other remedy hereln,In tha
<br /> -_.� : :- - ��- • Loan Documents or by law provtded or permitted,but esch shall bc�cumulativo,snall be in additton to avery othec rem�dy glven
<br /> b
<br />- ' ."� hareunder,in tha Loan Doc�monts or now or hereafter existing at law or In equlty or by statute,c►nd may be oxerclsed concurrently, ;,;
<br /> -.� . , IndepandentAyor successively. •;.
<br /> ' � '� � 13. TrustH. The Trustee may reofgn et any timo without ceuse,and Londer may at eny tlme und wfthout causa cppolnt u
<br /> ' suCCessar or sulastltute Truatea.Trustee shall not bo Ilable to any pgrty,Including wlthout Ilmltatlon Lender.Borrower,T►ustor or eny
<br /> � purchaser of 1Ne Property,tor any los3 or c�ama,�a unloss due to reckless or wllltul misconduct,and shall not be raqulred to take any
<br /> � .. act4on(n connoctlon wlth tho en�orcement of thts Deed nf Truat unless Indemnlfled,In wrltlnp,for e!1 costs,compensatfon or
<br /> �� " exp�nses whlch may bo associatad therewith.In addfdon,Trustee may became a purchaser at any sale of tho Property Uudlclal or �.
<br /> , �s �� undar the power ot�tale grr.:�9 herein);postpono the eale of aIl or eny partlon of the Property,es provlded by Iow;or sell the `;
<br /> s propprty a�a whole,or in separate parcels or lota at Trustee's dlscre8on.
<br /> 14. Fees en�!EKp�nse�.ln the event Trus4ee sells the Property by enercfse of power of sale,Trustee shall be entitled 4o apply
<br /> , eny sale prqcoa�s 1lrst to payment of ell cest�anc!expenses ot exerclstrtg power at sate,Includlnp all Trustos's toes,snd Lender's
<br /> �" ' ��.; r 1 pnd Tru9teo'yettornoy's teos,actunlly Incurred M exto�t permltted by appllcable law.ln the event Borrower ur Y�ustnt exerclses a�y
<br /> ''" �. rlght proYldod by law to cure an Event oi nefault,Lender shall be entltled to recover trom Trustar e�l costs and expenses actually
<br /> Incutrad as a result o1 Trus4or's deiault,Including wfthout Ilmitetfon all Truatee's and att�rney's fees,to the extent permitted by
<br /> - eP}�ticablo law.
<br /> 1b. Future Qidranccs.Upon request ot @orrower,Lender may,et Its option,mut<e additlonal and future edvances and re-
<br /> �' advancos to Borva�ver.Such advances and readvances,wfth Intore�t thereon,sP►all b9 secured by this Deed of Trust At no tlme shall
<br /> tnn nrinclnai emaunt at the Indabtedness sacurod by thls Qeed of Trust,not Includlnp sums�dvanced to protect the sacurfty ot thls �
<br />� -.' ----- . � -�n nnn nA ..a.i..�.a..e.io nrca}nr �.
<br /> � '' "Y '.-_._-_- . .
<br /> Dead of Trust excaed tho origtnal prinolpal amount stntea nerem,or��.s.��•�����•��•�•-o•-----� -
<br /> t&. MEscdlaneuue Pravtato�9.
<br /> (e) Borrower Nat Rsiesud.Extenslon of the time tor payment or moditicaUon ot amorti�ation of the sums secured by thfs
<br />- � � � D�ed o!Trust granted by Lander to any succesaor in Interest of BorrowOr shsll notaperate to rotQase.In eny mannar,the Ilahillry
<br /> � o}Mo orlglreal Borrowar and Barrower's�uccessara in fnteresG Lender shall not bo requlred to commonce proceedings against
<br /> � � such successor or refu�e to extend time tor puymen4 or othen+rise modity arncrtiznUon of the sums secured by thls UeQd of Trust
<br /> � by reason of any demands made by the orfglnal 8orro�var and Borrower's successors in interest
<br />- ' (b) lerider's Vov►ers.�Ifithout aif�cting the Ifabflity of any othor person Ilable for tha paymont of�ny obtigr�tion herein 1
<br /> menUonsd.and wlthout ettooting the Iton or charga ot thfa Deod of Trust upon ony portlon at the Proportv nat thon or theretotore i
<br /> • roteased as securlty tot tho lull amount ot all unp�[d oblfgaUons,l Qnder may,trom tlme to tlme and v�ithout noUce(i)release any
<br /> �� pe�son so liablo.(II�oxt�nd the maturity or elter eny ot the terms ot any such obltgations,(if1)grant other indutgances,(iv)releaso i
<br /> • or reconvey,or cause to be relensed or recon�eyed at eny timo at Lsnder's opUon eny paronl,portion or all of tha Proparty, i
<br /> (v)take ar�eleaso nny other or additlonal security tor any obllgatfan heroln ment(onod,or(vl)mako composlUqns or o4her �
<br /> ' � , °r srrangements with debtora In ro7ttUon thAretA. ;� -° ., ,
<br /> .� . F
<br /> . �
<br /> � �
<br /> ; 1 --�-�--------•� �---�------�-�_--_-_ -- �---...._ -
<br /> -.-. ------....__._...---
<br /> � - �•-.-
<br /> ---- =-- --�
<br /> __.__
<br /> -�.�.�..rw�w�rvwcM�sYLL!�]:y0b"��`��-tf�FAYe________._�_Z:'_.�'�._.
<br />