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<br /> .. �-,J -.- . - - � •0' ._i' �. �S':�. :G. �, .. .. .'t. R' .. ' �e�,�.� . `1�r•.. , , , .. .. .. ,,....__.
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<br />- ' cr;ic�::'�J�iF:iN.1�l�[:j.ti�:r:•,` . j:i`[:.-,�L7tri7�i::.�.i:L"i7�Ciu '-Gi i:iJ�1i:.... '.�`.:l::c:'c=�,,.if.p.YH��n..u....,.i-.��-� - - - .. - _.-
<br />_ �rnc��r�mrn.o!irta�ir�,nr.�rc��thr�t�}�r�,Hittn"tr�*.Qlfritl�hlf.Slx.^MCrrCti9laQ9I1j=f+.1119�f��t��ar:ti�yr.�ves::rrc+fi+.w�ar'Ari,�+uer. (� --
<br /> � ect:AlaeU�tt�d mewrKy of ttHa l�isGtadnmei w�cured hy this D�!af Trur!
<br /> 6ct} Ot�oo�rMnrv�d���o Owr►d:.WYN noNt�wwtil i.i�+iiM�;�C�aMa+�.1'�s cevM+�nts�+nd epr*rrsv�r��hsr�aaa�- .
<br />- tn;sted nt:x�f�Ind,an tho rir.ht�t�arivan�iar :ra�t ir.i�r�t�i,thQ CQINC3�Gk1�M%IIGC.@?.�1'tf.YI7�ritlblC�ii.i G��.L^tl(�(QG��(tL'.�DOY.A�t �
<br /> ' oownanta�nd�r�rMnts W Yrwlor ai►WI t�}ofnt rr�d sw�r�l.Yi�i�cap�iq�a i�nd h�llr�g�af th�t par�pr�ph�of it+hi[k�d d -
<br /> Yru�t�n!or�r,unvwnGbncet any uM are not eo b�a�d to Im�rp�t ar deAns t��xavislons hereot.
<br /> (e) Rpu�C�tar�1�.Ttae pa�►Ue��rreby r�qus�S�at a capy qf eny ryadcs�2 of dMsuR hwreuriderand�copy of+k+►y� .
<br /> o}iu►te h�r�euntG�r t+s mRlfad ta ssch peny tn this ITer�d of'truyt at tt�e�dclreue►aet lorth Ahovs In d�rru�nrwr pr�cf�d 6y
<br /> app�ic�bf�law.Excepi for any other notice raquired ursder apptit:�l�I�w to be flhren(n enot�er rru�hner,an�r natk.v provld�d =
<br /> (or In ti�ls C)eed of 7rus4 sha11 be�ivan by mbiiinp such noNcady r,�rt{iiad mnll addras�ed to!he other pertiw,mt tt�addnosa est
<br /> forth�havo.,An�r noticce Pra�vidsd tor In thb�eed uf 7rust�shdi be efl'wctlre upnn muilinp in the nun►�er dlt�r►�Ipd t�nirt.N �
<br /> 'i rur�or ta morn tnao onb person,notice eont to tne e►Qdreae eet��rm ubove rheil ti6�oUr,q t0 At!such�r�orn. _
<br /> {� In�,�Win.LsnrA�r Qnay�rtak�or cauae tn bs made rsnsonsbl�entrie�upon and Insp�tlona ot Mi►Prap�rty,pnov{d�d
<br /> ihat Le�der ehell ylve�T�uALor RoHce pr(or to sny�uch inspxUen epecitylnp raesannbia ceuse thareior related W Lander's
<br /> Intar�t in fhe Property.
<br /> (q) R�r,anveyanc�.tlpanpaymentolnllsums�uredbythts0eedof'fruat,LendsrahallrequeetTr�ua�eak+�ecortv�ytl�s
<br /> ' Praperry end ah�ll au�rsnd�r this Deeci ot Truaimnd a11 notae evldencfnp Indebtedness sacuPed bY thta Usad of Trust to Tru�t�s.
<br /> Truatee xhail rsconvay�tai Proparty without warranty and wlthout cha►!pv to the person or{xwsona legel[y enUtled iher+slo.
<br /> Trustor afu�ll ppp ail cc�U af recorda�tlen,H any. . "
<br /> (b) W'rsw�at Prafwrly: 8oaw�ty�Agr��nf.Ae addl8onel security tor the puymant ot the No1e,1�wtor her�by�r�slo
<br /> Ldnder under the IVeb�ska Uniform Currimarcfel CN3s�eecuriiy Inbrost In ail fixhtret.nqulpmeutit,eod ott»r penonai prop�ty
<br /> uaed Ire conne�tiun witt�!ha real eatate or improvemereta located therean,�nd nni ntherw�ae daclared or.deem�d ke�e d�psrt a1
<br /> th�e re`al este1tay�. ured h&-raby�T.RYhia insqtrumor�t ahaif be con�VUed aIs n Securir,�}�7;%��rri{emµent u{n.1e�ler eaid Ctx.f1s,and the Len�r
<br /> �rlt4��'It1�YMi�If�V��Q�IVUSSUYY���V,{tYJLI�{.�YYVV���ui�unYO1FIf{/�4��17����iMit{QtII�LIlO��$II1�a�iV�V1ilWinaGTOY{pY�iii�s�� ` �
<br /> wNMw ww .1 s�wwd� •• I /w�/�iiwti�w w..1� .1�� 1 L_� . -
<br /> .. .�:..ad th„ ��...,,p:.r„usnt!alhi:a;C;r„!o!TruOh�pfvr�dc�4h:�4Lc^....,.. e.....W��,.��:,mz3f�u�swo.Yi���;�.�F�rapt w.u,l -
<br /> be cumutati}re owith,and tn no way s airr�ilaUon on,Lenders riQhts erzd rernedles under any oti�er secur(ry ayrsamsnt eigrted by . �
<br /> Bor�orvor or 7ruator.
<br /> p) lf�and�neamb►�ncN.Trustar hereby war�ants end representa thet 4heso Is no detauk under the psovl�iaa�s of any
<br /> mo�t�aye,deed o!hust,leaae or purchaae contracS describinp all or any part af tho Ftoperiy,or other cantrac;inttrument or
<br /> cyreement conatituBng a Ilen or er9cumbrance agafntY all or sny part of tha Prop�rty(collecdvcly."Uer�s'�,ex!tHnQ ae of the '
<br /> data ot thls Deed of TruaL and lhet e.ny and all exl�ting l.iens remain unmud(ited except as @isoiosed ta Lemier t�n Trwtor�
<br /> wrttten Qfscloaura of Ilena and encumTirances provide�for her�in.Frusitor shal!tlmeiy pertor►n all of Truatcx's o4llgaUona,
<br /> cw�nran�,reprasenmiiona�no warrarm[rn uRaer any an0 an oxiarortp a►tO tuturo usn9,snatt prompa�yiawera m�ca�s . -
<br /> ot ali r.otices of defa�i3 ssni in aonnectlan wPtti any�s�d ell�xisting or future Uens,�nd ehat0 not w,thout+1.er►cler'e priar wriiten
<br /> consent�n eny mannesr zno�tiity the provislons oi or ai:�w any fufure advancea ur+dar any oxisting or tuEure Uena. �
<br /> (j) AppNc�tlon M FsynNnb.Unless�oiherwise reqe�frad by law,sums RB�d to Lender hereun�lar.Uraludlnp wilhout IImNaHon
<br /> psyments oi�rinctpsl and Interest,ir�suranca proceeds,condemnaUon proceads mnd rent�and profits.ehall be epplt�d 6�, , ,
<br /> Lender to t1�e amounts due and owing irom Trustor en�i Bor�ower!n such order as Lender in Ifs sole dfstretlon desma desiraBTfl: .�
<br /> (k) $ewnbNilr.It any prou(alon of thls Oeed e!Trust conflicts�rith dpplicabte law or is dectared (nvall4 or otl�enwiite�
<br /> unentorceabie,auch confllct or irsvalidity ahall no!affeCt the other provlsona�i Qhls Deed of T�ust or the Note wi�ich can be
<br /> given e`flaat withouttha confllcting provtslan,and to this end the provistons of thfa Deed of Trust and th�t�ote aro dectared t�o be
<br /> w�����i�w
<br /> (1} T�.The terms"Tru�tor"and"Borrowar"shall�nctudo both sfnpular end pluml,and when the`Trustor and 8oaower
<br /> ere the aama parson(�),thuse terms as used in thts Qeeti of Trust Rt,a11 be Intetrchangeable.
<br /> (m�(inromMs�Law.Thta Deed of 7'vust sh�ll be govorned b�47�o taw�of the State of Nebraska. �
<br /> T►uator has execufsd 4hiaDeed of Trust as of the da4e writt9n ebove.
<br /> �-
<br /> -. , intex�et L�.m2ted Liabilir.y Comp�,av
<br /> . � , , `. � ° � T�ustor =- -
<br /> , . . ' .,T j�... `
<br /> ona ue on ' Yrustsr res re:�� .- _.
<br /> �.� A- �.��. ���
<br /> 'Brian �iustion Vice Presideat Y �::---
<br /> L ���rd-�
<br /> � a:,
<br />' Ray¢�ond . 0'Connor Secrotary Treaeurer -
<br /> •, �• . :;.
<br /> ; .
<br /> r
<br /> ----`--V._..----------•..--�'-`--------"---.... _........ ......_......_._._.�._� —�.—._..._..._....... .. ._ ��.. .
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