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<br /> 4�.ue��cc:H nc:m cnY ccr�arta,xgni fu�0 1Q4:Y� e1i:V 0?� l��t'�Y � ,9C1..�t•`) ,E;p t��;t). �.3 �--
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<br /> l.YC_�..1'` _ L
<br /> ._t1.....�..�.,x at�.,� , OhoYv�t9t�1�...�FgF.:�'�:�?C�_�.'ir.i��fri_J,A_n4�A1.l.,��..t'.S!'�'.�1�,�,�.�..,_,.�..,�. --..��..___�__.....................,..,_._......:....� �c :.ia
<br /> •--_-�===�T`�"'f-� ��aiiaa m�Ilinn addre°�I:� �'•0• n�x 139_, Gc�nt� lalaiid, �lE 68�i02-013�erain"T'ri�atcr,"whe!her one or m�rt�), __-_ _
<br /> - ----- , the�'rue?ee, -Sitta-E�oit��-�BAa�C.. ._,...._._.—.-.---�--�.-----�-�-�-- ,
<br /> �=t��" whosemalilr�paddreas[s �'� L�1�?.��-n� islgnd_.T,,,NF—fifl8(l�,_],�A,L_.... (hsreln'`TrucEee'),and
<br />----_=�" theBeneflci�ry, Fiv� Poiute Renk � _
<br /> °---��u.��.k � - -
<br /> _._--�`«:,� �;.h¢aa n��lling uddre�s Es��!.:-*?r-n=-e°�e� �,3---.— —lhereio"LendaP�. __
<br /> _""'���'�'"�,�� FOR VALUABL�E CON5t0ERATION,Inctuding Londer's extenalan ot credit identffled horein to -------
<br /> ^�?�k?i.. �.�`:�1;, n �
<br /> �::,�,�-,�_,�c Tnte�rnot Limited Liability CompanY (herein Borrower',whether one or more)and the trust herel��cre�teA,
<br /> '-6-"-';:`���5��• the recelpt ot v►hich Is lneraby acRnawledged,Tru�tor hereby Irrevocamiy gmnte,transtars,conveys end as�l8r+s ta 7rustc�,'lAt
<br /> _:-�;�,-.�„r._-
<br /> - —,s �, YRUST,IMITHPOWEAOFSALE,forthabenetitendsecur(tyofl..onder,underendeubjocttothetarm�endconditlonsheroinaP,o��a1
<br /> '����j taM,the real property,rlescdberd as tollowa:
<br /> -"-'Y"�-''g�„ Tlie 47e8t8!'�y Thirtp�Six (W36) Feat of Lot Five (S)� in Bloci� Eouxteen (lA)
<br /> ,.�,.�,.,.
<br /> �=" ,�,`� Lambart'o Additfon and tha Eseteriy Forty Feet (40 ) of the Southeriy e
<br /> "1;�w��� Hundred Ttsirty-Two (S132) Feet o£ Vacated Superior StreeC betwee� �th and
<br />:___ �i��� 6th Street to khe City of Grand Island, Hall Couney, N�braeka. �,.�
<br />-u ,.;;��;�:��;�:s�_� Together with all bulldings, improvement�,iixfures�,aiic�,ts,ali6yo,pas9ag�er-ray�,caacmr.►i�,ri�hte.�rlvilegee and uppurte- �
<br /> �� nances focateA thereon or In enywiso pe��nh�i��g thc�,.:rt��s r�nr.�tseu�s�sx!^`°}}r°,.AVerslans aad remainders therauf,and _ _
<br /> -`�'x�'� . auch parsonal property that Is eitachad to the Improvemente so as 4o cunstitut�e 8xture,inctuding,but not Iimitad to,hoattnp and
<br /> ' µ�:'� � Gooling equfpmenL and together with the homeatead or merital Intgreste,it any,which Interes4s ere hereby releasod ond wafved;all ____
<br /> at which,f�iciudinp�eplscementsand addltlons thereto.Is horeby decleredto he e partof t�ne real estate aecured bythe Ilfln o}ihl9 _
<br /> Aeed of Trust and all o�the toragolnfl baing reterred to horefn as the"Property". -=
<br /> �,:•,;.. •';�` ,^ _—
<br /> " �� ���' Thl�Deed of Truat ahall secure(e)the payment o4 the princlpal sum nnd intsrast evtdoncad by e promissoTy note ot Credi4 _._.
<br /> ,� . -_
<br /> u.. �n.a onnn ___ -
<br /> '`^'' ��""r pgrsement dated �av iviu iyti� ,navmg a mawricy eaio vi - -- -- • _
<br /> �� in the oNginal principaf amount ot S �7 445,,�0 ,and eny a�d ell modiflcatlons,exteuslons and�onowats __
<br /> � ., , thereof or thereto and any and ail tuture advances end readvnnces to Borrower(or eny of them H more than one)hereunder �_
<br /> � � pursuant to one or more prnmissory notes or credit agreements(herein called"Note");(b)lhe payment ot other aums advanced by �„—„
<br /> ' Lender to protect the seGUrity of the Nota;(o)the pertormance of all covenante and agreements af Trustor set foYth heraln;and(d)eil _.�.
<br /> � present and tuture Indebtednes�and obli9ntlona of Borrower(or o�y of tt�em if more then ano)to I�endor whether di�ecL lndirac� _
<br /> ,�.•..:.,.,• .,�••�;,,.. absotute or contingent and whether arlsing by note,g�aranty,overdraft or otherwfse.The Note,thls Qeed oi Trust and angr end all
<br /> otherdocuents fhet sec ure tho(Vote or otherwlse executed In connection therewitfi,including without Ilm(tetlon guarantees,socur(fy ��r^
<br /> , apresment�end essfgnmente of leases and rents,sh�ll Ue roter�ed lo i�ereln as tRo"Loan Qocuments". l u_:
<br /> � �r'"r'` Trustor covenants and ngrees with Lender as 9otiowa =--
<br /> ' " 1, pa t ollrrdN�itedn�ss.All Indebtedne;�s eecured hereby shall be pald whon due. ���°'�
<br /> : 2.TI �.Trustor Is tho owner of the Property,has the right and suthority to convey the Property,and warrants that the Ilen ,.,
<br /> . �'; '� created hereby Is e flrst and prior Iton o�the Property,except for flens end encumbrances set forth by Truator In wrlting and 3��
<br />_ ,� . ; �,. ;,;t delivared to Lender 6efare exacution ot lhts Deed of Trust,end the execu4lon and dolivory of thta Deed of Tru3tdoes not vfotate any „`:
<br /> contraet or other obllAeUon to whlch Trustor Is subJect
<br /> '� '� .��'1`��'��° � 3. Taxa,At�a►�snts.To pay betore delinquonny ell taxes,special assossments and all other cNarges agalnst the Proporty .
<br /> ' �" now or i�ereafter levlad.
<br />:�•;s��. , ,:,;��.�� 4. Intunn�e.To kmo�1he Property(nsured agains4 damage by t1re,hazerds Inciude�J within the term"ext9r+cEed coverage",end
<br /> • •;;�.�'� such othor Mazsrde�s l.ender may requi�e,fn amounts and wlth apmpu�icss accsptabte to Lender,naming Lender�s an addiUonal „
<br /> - .Ln:'.-q1: '
<br /> . ,-..,�.,Fti. named inaured,with loss payable to the Lender.In case o4loss un¢!er such pofiales,the Lender Is autho�fzed to adJust collect end
<br /> • �"`;`:3�; r,ompromise,a{I clafms thereunder and ehall have the option of applying all or part of the Insurance proceeds(i)to any fndebtedness
<br />-���' . � �ecured hereby and in �uCh order as Londer may dotermine,(iq to 4he Trustor to b9 used tor tho repafror restoretton of the Property
<br />-'�, " � � or(iiq for any other pur��sa or ob�ect satlsfactory to Londer wlthout aifecting the Ilen ot thls Dea�of Trust tor the tull emount secured
<br /> . , horeby betore euch pESyment evar took placo.Any ao�lication of proceeds to indebtedness�hall not extend or posfpone the due
<br /> " dato of any payments undor the Note,or cure any detauit thereunder or hereundor.
<br /> '. � " 6. E�crow.Upon written demand by Lender,Truator shall pa;�to Lender, fn such manner es Lender may destgnate,�uf8�ier+t
<br /> � sums to enabla Londer ta pay ss they bacome duo one or more of tP�e following:(i)ail taxos,assssaments and other charges egainst
<br />, the Property,(U)the psemlums on the propertyr In3urance required herounder,end(III)the promiums on any mortgage insurance
<br /> �„ , requfrsd by Lendor.
<br /> „ 6. FAalnttnsnca, �Zop�lr� and Campllanee witT� O.aw�.7rustor shati heop the Rroparty fn gaod condi4lan and repalr,shall
<br /> ,. promptiy ropdfr,or re�lace eny Improvemont whtch may be damagad or destrayed; shell not commit oT permf4 any waste or
<br /> ' � de:erloraUon of the Properiy;shall not romove,demolish or substantially elter any ot the improvements on the Prop�ry shail not ��
<br /> commi4,sufter or perm itRny act to be dono fn or upon the Property in vlolaUon of any law,ordinance,or regulation;and shall pay anrJ
<br /> � , promptty dischargo nt TruatoP9 cost and exponse ell Ilens,encumbrencos and chargos Isvied,Impo�ed or assessed agaln�4 the -
<br /> � � Property or any part theroof.
<br />� 7. Eminotnt Domnln.Lender Is hereby asslgnsd wll compensaUon,ewards,damages and other payments o�reliet(hereinattQr
<br /> "Procet�ds")In conneaUon wfth condemnation or othar 4aking a}the Proporry ar pnrt thorenf,or tor conveyance in ifeu of condennna-
<br /> Uon.Londor shall be entlUed at Its option to commence,eppear fn on�prosecute in Its own name eny acUon or proceodings.and
<br /> ehall atso be entitied to makv rdny compromiss or settlement in connaction with euch taking or damnge.in the event eny�SOrtion of
<br />=� --------=------ tho�Pronortv Is so takon or dnmagad,Lendor shall havo the optlon,In 42�solo and absolute disCretlon,to apply all such Procesd9, �
<br /> �J�Wi��►��nw��w�i �
<br />- --`r attor deduotinfl therofrom all costs and expenses incurraa by n m aonneu-�ion vriin sucn rroaeads.�va��a������.+a...o....�w-.»-- i=_
<br /> ° � horeby and fn such oc-der es Lender may do2ormino,oe to apply QII such Procoed�,sfter such deducHon�,to tho rostoration ot tha
<br /> Proporiy upon such candltlons as 6.andor may dotermfno.Any applicatlnn ot Procoeds to Ind�btodnoss shall not extond or posiporte �
<br />"- � ' the due dato of eny paymenffi under the Note,or cure eny default thorounder or horaunder.Any unapplied tunds shall be patd to �
<br /> � Trusror.
<br /> � 8. Ptdarm�nce by L�ndsr.Upon tho occunenco of an EvenS o}De}6ult heraunder,or If any act f�takon or legal procQedfn� �
<br /> commoncod vrhlch matorlaliy atieats l.ertdor's Interost In the Proporcy,Lander may In Its own discraUOn,but wf'�hout abligaUon to do ;
<br />� • co,and without noUcs to or demand upan Trustor artal without roteaslrsg Trustor 4rom any ot�ltgation,do any acQ whtch T�ustor has �
<br /> - npresd Dut f�ils to dp and may olso do nny othar act it daoms necossary to grot¢c4lito s�curity hereof.Trustor ohall.Immodiatoty �
<br /> upon demttnd fhorofna by Londor,pay 4o Landsr all cosSS und oxponsos fncurrad and aumo expondad by Lendar In connecUon with ' „
<br /> t • •� tho oxercise by londor of tho torogofnp rights,togothor with Intorcat th4r0on at lho do}QUIt rata providad In tho Noto,wldch ehflll be
<br />�� � ndda) to tho ind�btadnos9 sQCUred horcby. Londor shall not I�CUr any Ilablliry bocauso of nnything it moy do or ornit to du
<br />� • � horaunder. � ; ,
<br />:c � • • •
<br /> ' _ .. I
<br />� � � l _ -- - - _...W��._..�.�....�.�..u�..��..,.��._.�.�----=_--------_----_=-
<br />