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<br /> - 5. �Ia•rau�! ��r trcopttYy Iatstu�anee. �3c�rrawcr sliall keep the impru�'crnrnic now existing or iicrcafter ere:tcd oss the _
<br /> .:.,,�:s� -
<br /> r�--^-
<br /> ,,u�...rt; in:�n��;�in�:lo��t�y fire,1�^+�rrlv incl:�rl�t �vitFiin tiie ter!n °cxten�lc�l r,nve�:�d' muf anY otlt::r i:�tned�. in:ud�czh _--
<br /> fis�ads ur pa�uclinF, for which I.ender requis•es insuranc�.This insura�cc sii�ll be mai.Eitained in the�xn�unts nnd fc�r die��eriods
<br /> — th�t Lender rcquires. rlio insurunce carrier praviding tho insurance shail be chosen by Boreaw�er sul�jzct to I.endec's �pproval
<br /> -�� , �vhich shall not be unrcasanably �vittiheld. If Ilorrowcr fails to maintuin ivverngc des�ribed atlove, l.cndcr�nay, c�t Lcndcr'� -
<br /> o�tion,a9�tain ca��enge tu pro;ect l..�nder's rights in�he 1'ropeRy it�accc►rdance with paragrn�h 7.
<br /> All insa��ance policies and re�te�vais shali t�e acceptable ta Lendcr and shall in�lude a standard mortgage clause. Lendhr
<br /> - ---, sl�all liave die iight to tiold t�e polir.ies and��enew�as, If T.erc�icr reguires,Borro+ver shall pramptly�iv.,to I.cndcr all receipts of
<br /> pa}d premiums and renewal notices. In thc cv�nt of loss.Dorrotiver shatl giue prompt iiotice to the insur�nce carrier und 1,c�Jer.
<br /> - I.endcr may make proof oi loss if not mude promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lcnder and D�rrower othenvise agrec in writing,iasurance procccds shall bc aPpfied to restaration or rcpair af the
<br /> Property dn�naged.if t6e restoratimi or repaic is cconomic�ally feasiE�le iuid l�nder's security is not lcsseneci.If tlie restoraticn o:
<br /> rep:�ir is �ot economically feasible or Lender's seeurity would bc lessened,the insuranee proceecls sl�all be appliecl to the sums
<br /> securec! by diis Security Instntment, whether or not then due. with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the
<br /> Property,or does not:►ns�ver within 30 days a nolicc frum ixiedej•that ti�a insuianca car.icr hrs affc,�d to scitic a cluim. thr.�
<br /> Lendsr may collect d�e insuranc:e prace.eds. Lender niay �se the proceeds tu repair or restore the Property or to pay sums "--
<br /> :A�,� sccumd by ttiis Security Instrument.whether or noi then due.The 30-day period will 6egin��h_n che notice is givcn.
<br /> ----- Unless Lender nncl Borruwec othen�iise agrce in writ�ng, any applicatior. of prnec>.eds te prirteipal sh:►Il not extend or '-r''�'`
<br /> postpnnc the due date oi the monthly payments re.ferred to in paragraphs I and 2 or cliange the nrsiount of thc paymenis. If �-
<br /> ::::'.,�:;� y���
<br /> ° under parngraph 21 the Property is ncquired by i.ender. Bormwcr's ri�ht to any insumnce policies 1nd procecds resulting from ��,�==-.
<br /> -__= damnge to the PYopeny prior to the acqwsitian shall pass ro Lender to the extent of tlte sums secured by d�is Security Instnement
<br /> ��'
<br /> __= inur:cdiat�ly priar to the acquisit:an. �
<br /> 6.Occaipancy,PreservuU�n,Mninte�amice and ProtecY[on of the Froperty;Qorrower's I.uan Appllcgeion;I.eascholds. !�`-°
<br /> Bortnwer shall a,�cupy,cstablish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days af'tcr the execution of =
<br /> — this Securiry Instrument and shnll continue to occ��py the Prop�rty as Borrotiver's pt9�ncipal residence for at lrast one year aftcr --
<br />�.� — ,.- �- '-- ------ �. ...... ... �, u � 1 « ���
<br /> _— tae ti-aio oi•�xtiu}nun:y. w�I,,,a:�:,�.ti� uu�..itii:�.ai;:.r., ::::�ri£?rg, ::�:i_:: �....'.:..- S•�-. ;?�t i=r..^:�:::.n::4:4�uiilsf�cl; nr::r:.Q.
<br />- - extenu«civg circumstances exist which are beyorzd Borrower's control. Borrower shall not destrny, damage or impair the _—�'-`�``
<br />___= Property, allow the IProp2tty to dcteriorate,or commit waste en the Property. 8ormwcr shall bc in defuult if any forfciture ____
<br /> — wction or procecx!ing. whether civil or criminal.is begun 4hat in Lender's goc►d faith judgment could resutt in forfeiture of tlte —
<br /> — l�roperty ar othenvise matcrially impair thc lien created by lhis Security Instniment or Lender's scxurity interest.Eorrower may = �
<br /> ----- cun�such a default aad reinst��tte,a�s provided in pay�agraph 18,by rausing the action or proceeding to be dismissed weth a Yvling ���"
<br /> that. in Lender's good faith detcrminauon. precludes forfe.iturc af the Borrower's intcrost in thc Property or other material '��t�'`
<br /> ---= imgairment of ehc lien created by this Sccurity In�truxncnt ar Lender's security interest. Rorrower shall also be in dcfault if �;
<br /> - Baxrotiver,durir►b the lo�ut application process.gave materially f�lse or inaccurate inforniation or stntemenu to I.ender(or lailed ��v�.
<br /> ---- to pmvidc Lender with any n��terial informatian) in connection with the loan cvidencsd by the Note, including, but not limit�ct '°""
<br /> �(�,.;:
<br /> ta,representations conceming Borrower's accupancy of the Property as a principll residence. If this Security Instrument is on a ,,,,_
<br /> = IeaseUa�d, Borcowcr shall comply �vith all the provisions of the lease. If Sorrower ucquires fce title to the Property, the �"
<br /> �-_..
<br /> --� lcaselt�,�ld and thc fce title shall not mergc unless C,endcr agrccs to the mer�!er in writing. �;;
<br />--' = 7.Protecttun of Lencler's Itights in the l�operty.[f Borcower fails to perfarm the covenants and agreements cant�incd sn �;�"
<br /> T-=� �h8s Security Insuument, or there is a Iegal proceeding that may signi4icantly affect 6.ender's rights in the Property (such a5 a �
<br /> - proceeding in barelctuptcy. pr�,�,ate, for condemnatian or forfeiwre or to enforce la�vs or rcgulations),the�Lencler may do ai►d �;;�;_�
<br /> --�y pay for whatever is necess;iry to protect thc value of the Property nnd i.cndcr's rights in thc Property. Lender's actiori�mny • �`
<br />-_--_� include paying any sums secured by a licn which has p:iority over this Security Tnstrument, appearing in court, payn�};
<br />-�'.•^ rcasonablo attarneys' fecs and entering on the!'roperty to makc repairs. Although Lender may takc actinn under this parab aroa � .,
<br />- � 7,L.ender does not have to do so. �`
<br />==�ta
<br />�_':,�.� Any aimounts disbursed by Lende� undcr this para�riph 7 shall become additional debt of Borcower s:cured by thFS ?
<br />''�_�:� Stcucity Instrument. Unless l�r�rrowcr and I,ender agr�.e to other tcrms of payment, e9�ese mnounu shall bcar interest from the
<br /> -�-�����n date of dis�ursemG�t nt the Nou: rate�s�c�shall be payable, wich interest, upon notice from L.e*�der to Bono�ver request�r��
<br />.^.�i�.::YiiT:i.• .
<br /> -�_�i'�.;� paymcnt.
<br /> --:;-,ti��� B. Mo�tgagc Insuw.utee.�f I,ender required mortga�e insumnce as a ccndition of making the loan secured by this Security
<br /> ='=''��-`a Cnstrument. Borro�:�er shall pay the pmmiums required to maintain the mort;age insurance in effect. If, for any re�uon. the
<br /> ''°`�-°°��' niartgage insuwance wverage requircd by l.,ender lapses or ceases to be in effect,�bcr•rotivcr shall pay►hc prcmiums requand to
<br /> ;���� obtain coverige subsrantially equevnlem to the mongage insuranee pr�viously in efFect,at a cost substantiully equivalent to the �
<br />"'�"•"-' " cost to Bc�rrower of the mort�age insurance prev�ously in effect. from an niternate mortgage insurer�Qprove� by l.ender. If
<br /> _�=`.�:�,��
<br /> _����� substantially equivalcnt mortgage insurartcc coverage is not nvailablc, Borrowcr sl�sll pay to Lertdcr each month a sum cqual to i�
<br /> " vne-twelfth of the yrarly mne2gagc insusaace premium bcing paid by Borrowcr whcn the insurance coverage tapscd or ccascd to 1
<br /> �.�':ty,'.. Ue in effect. Lender will accepY,usc and mt�zin these payments as a loss rescrve in lieu of mortgage insurancc. Loss reservc i
<br /> -'-'���� Form 302ti 9190 �
<br />' - Popo 3 0l B � �
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