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<br /> � Listn�nx���. AEt of thn furegoi�i}i;'ss refen�c�tc►ia this�ecu►ity iutitru�tietu a:U�e"1Tr��f►ctty.°
<br />` y :+it)Ft�tnl�dL[;.�:OV1?NP,N'o'Si�I��t I3+i;;t��r�r:��I�s�:�!'ialiy�:,t�c�1�f�hc e�tid�1�er��by c{��►eeyed nnd Irir• t��c ri��h!�n krxsu x►x! _—
<br /> cx�nvey the Pruperiy anci tY�at thu �'roEx:rty is uncncumbcrcif, cxcc��i :.�..�..m...�..:�:;.:.::.of x=°,,r•�, �?,,,��n»„�r w�e�.�nt:r.�ui �:�i1�
<br /> rle:i'eud gc�tcraliy t{i�z title fo Ilxr. Pra1xrty agaiust ull etadins cuxt demarxls,sutsject to uny enetunbranee.r•uf'rec.c�rd.
<br /> � •THiS S1iCf11�1TY YNST}tL1AlF:N'l'cmnbincs ue�efurnn ci►uci�:�tjis for n:it(unal u5�and nnn-unifurm cavcnaiHS wi�S�Iiinit�K!
<br />-- variaqions by jurisdiction ro cons�itute a unifurm:,ccus�iry e�istn�c��en2 covcrinb�a1 gro��sty.
<br /> UNIi�ORM COVL'NAN'!'S.Rmrn�vice and l.�:ndc;r covcnant and ugs�as follciws:
<br /> - 1. Payn�znc oi Primipal and Interest; PPepuytnen! and Lutc Cisurges. BQero�vcr sliali �rampNY pay whcn de�r, the
<br /> �rfncip�l us and intcrese on ti�c dcbt cvAdenoed by tho Plote and a�►,y py�c�ray�r�ni an:l l�te diar;es d,m�mdcA•the Noie. ___ __
<br /> - �.�'unds for'I�AXCS A�1d IIISUPaRCE. Subjcr.t tc9 applicuble law or to a euritten waiver by l.cndcr, �orcowcr shall pay to
<br /> - I.endcr on dic day rnonthly payments nre due mtdcr thc Notc,unti� ti�e Notr.is paid in full,n a�m(°�'u��ri, la�seholcb?r►yrncats
<br />-- a.�d assessments�vhich may aitain priority uver tliis 5ecurity Instrumcnt as a licn on die�'roperty;(b1 y Y P�y
<br /> os ground rents on the Propc:ty.if any;(c)yeariy h:�ard or praperty insur.�nce premiums;(d)yc.lcly flooci insuranc���remiums.
<br /> if any;(e)ye.lriy mort�age insutanc�premlutns, iP an,y; and(�any sums payable by Borcnwer ta L.ender,+e�accorda��ce with
<br /> - i�e y��ovis:ons of p»ca���h 8. in licu of the payment of mortgpge insurance premium�.Tlte;e iteni�are c:elled"Escrow I�em„ti
<br /> - L.ender may. at arzy timc, collcct 1nd hold Funds in an amount not to excecxl th� n�aximum amouni u 1cr��.�� for a fe..°.'.;
<br /> _�� relatF,d mortga�;e lo�n may reyuire for Rorrower's escmw accaunt under the fedetul Real Estate Settlement Proced�res Act of
<br /> 1974 as umcndcd f='om time ta time, 12 U.S.C. Seccian 2601 et seg. ("�ESP�"). unless another law thut�pplies to thc�unds ��
<br />-= sets a lesser awuu�it.If so, Lcnder may. at any tirne, collect and hold Funds �n:u�amount not io excecd the lesser:unount. _
<br /> � Lender may estimate the a�nount af Funds due on the basis of cunent data and reasonable estimates of expeirJiwres nf�utt�.:, --
<br /> - Esecow Items or othenvise in acconiance with app�ir.�ble luw.
<br /> � The Funds shall bc held in an institution xv�nose depasits ar�e irsured 4�y a federal agency. instiu►nenxaliry, or cntity
<br /> -� (includina Lcnder,if Lender is such n�instituiion)or in any Fc;deral kiome Lonn Bank. Lender shall apply dte Funds to pay the �
<br /> ••='� Escrow IIr,ems.Lender may not chtuge^'dottower for hol�ing and ai�ptyinII the Funds,annually analyzing th�escrow account,nr
<br />.:�;� verifying tlic Fscro�v items, unless I,entler pays Borrowcr intcrest on the Funds and applicable law pemiits l.��tdcrta make such -
<br /> _ .•�_�-- {�,,...o�.or,t��dPr n,ay re.ouire Borrower to D�Y�one-time charga for an independent real estate tax eeporting service
<br /> -- w v�nu�L. St.. -
<br /> -`�" usc;d t�y S.endcr in ca:niiection with this loan, unless appli¢able lu�v provtdes ottterwise. 'vuiw� u�� pb�.�:++�•:��• =; it'-=--° �'
<br /> s_g
<br /> __�4, app�iu�b�Ie 1aw r�quire..s interesc to be�nid,Len�cr shall �ot be required to pay Borrnwer any interest or earnings on the Fun s.
<br />_-,� . ' ,. •
<br /> Burro�ver and I.endcr may agme in�vlritin�, however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. I.cnder shall give to Rmarower, ry
<br /> -��r. without charge,an ai�nual accounting of the Funds, showing ceedits and �lebits to the Funds and die purpose for whieh each v
<br /> ='=�� debit to the Funds was made. Tlie Funds are pledgec�as additional secu►ity for all sums socured by this Security Insmim�nt. -
<br /> -_' Yf Ehc Funds held by I.ender exceed the amounts permittcx!tu be hcid b3r agplicable Inw,Lender shatl ac,count to IIona�ver
<br /> ;�, for the excr.ss Funds ia accordance with die rr.quirements of upplicable law. if ehe amount of the Funds held by Lender at uny {�1r'
<br /> =:� t.me is not sut�icie�rt to pay the Gscrow Items when due.I.ettder may so notity Bottowe►•in writing,and,in such case l�onowez M..—.
<br /> y ' shal!pay to Lender the amuunt necessary to make up the deficiency. Boarower sh;tl! make up ihe deficiency in no more than �_�
<br /> = avelvc monthly paymcnts,at I.endcr's sole discretion. ���:�'`
<br /> c�sy
<br /> - Upon �ayment in full of nll sums secured by this Sccurity Instrament, Lcnder shall promptly refund to B►�nower uny F__,_T
<br /> � Funds held by Lender. If,under paragraPt►2l, [.ender shall acqui:e or sell the Property,Lender,prior to the acquisition nr sale �_-
<br /> --��_. of the Propem�, shall apply 1ny�wids held by Lertder at tlie time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by p_�..r.
<br /> !:Y�_:
<br /> this Sccurity instrumenc. � _-
<br /> =-= z.Applicution of Paynunts.Un(ess appliral�4e law provides othenvise,adl payments received by Lendcr unJer pa�agraphs ��::_
<br /> er,F,
<br /> ;�� • 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,ro any prepaymcnt ccarges due under the NaG�: secor.d,to:unounu payable undcr paragraph 2; _
<br /> - thisd.to intemst due;fourth, to pTincipal due;lnd iast, to any late charges du:.�nder the Vote. �`���
<br /> �� q.Charges; L'►ens•Borrower shall pay all taxes, assess�nents, churges. tines and impositions attributabAc to C°i��'ioperty �__�,
<br /> �vhich m1y ettain priority over this Security Instrumcnt,and teasehnld payments or ground rencs, iF nny. BonovvW��.�:all pay �_
<br /> _= these cbligauons in t§�^�manncr provided in paragraph 2.or if nat paid in thnt manner,Borro�ver shall pay thcm an tizr,e dirccNy
<br /> -- - to the person uweci��:�nent. Borrowcr shull promptly fumish to Lcnder al!^�atices of amounts to be paid undcr this paragraph.
<br /> - If Eioao�ver makes tliese paymcnts directly,Borrowcr shall promptly fumish•10 Lendcr rcccipts evidcncin�the paymcnts. ,
<br />-:,:�:� Borrower shall promptly dischar�;e a►ry lien wliich lias prioriry over this Security instrument unless Borro�ver. (a)�sgrees in
<br />_ ��:� writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the licn in a manner acceptable to I,aw�i��r,(b)cantes�c in good ini�.I�the lien
<br /> -"� by, or defcnds against entorccmcnt of the lien in, legal pmccedings �vi�ich in dic Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> �� enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures Crom die h�lder of the licn an agrecme�t satisfactory to Lender subo�dinating tlie lien to
<br />,,.:i�'�
<br /> this Sccuriry Instrument.Cf I.endcr detcrmines thai any part cf thc Properly is subject to a licn �vhich m.ay attain priority ovcr
<br /> - th�s Securiry 62st�ument,II.,cndcr nk�y givc Borrow�r a moticc identifyin�thc lien. Borro�vr.r shall satisfy tl�c licn or telce one or
<br />.-;�' m�rc of thc actiens set farth above�yithin 10 days mf thc givin�of ncrtiee.
<br />— Porm 3b2a 9190
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