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<br /> E7ay,rR���tt�;}n•,y r.n lons�t_r bA reclnin:d.llt 1I{�i1�)ll�)11 Ol�I.ctidcr. tt tTiCtC1�,�if�/C t17tiU1'ai1Ct CAYCiGKC{II11I!C fliil[:�C�►13M1J fPi'l}il`ltCYii)(I . _
<br /> ��18t[�IUtt SL'QIitLCS) �a�>ktt�cti 'vy 1a�1.�i,.G�.,:Lj,j,:4:'��ES*r'L�=_:d"T r�+ir I��."yu�";�SYCdil:;(,::;ptt�j f5 e1��I�tl:��. Lu:`1u�:C1 S�t:t��+�a'J
<br /> the gnmiums rec�uirai t�t�sir.trtin iixsnga8e insuranc�in elfect,t>r to pruv+cle a loss resesvc,s��xt[I thc rs�uirnnznt f«s nx�rt�age
<br /> ii=5uc;�n�e cnds io accoi•danee with sny writtc��n���eemeizt tsc�wrcn}3�rio�ver anr.!l..eixle�nr ap{��ieat+le lav�.
<br /> , - 9. Inspectlau. LcrKler or its agcnt may makc rcsxsnablc c�:trics upbr�znd ins�acctinns o�thc Propc�ty.L°��_.::�r,liall�;ivc
<br /> 43orrower nulice ai tt�e tiXne of or prios•tn an inspectia»s��ciCy3i�N•e.asea►abte causc for the insjxction. �.
<br /> f0. Covidencru�tir►�t. Tlic �+mcczcls of any awair!or clain� (nr dsrnag�s, dirr.ct c��cons�yucnti:d, ir�comicciion witl� any
<br /> condemnatinn ar othrr t;ck;���of any part o�'the Pro�srty,or fUr conveynnr.r in licit af c;ondcmm�tio:�, are.�f�¢rct�y uticigncd a��
<br /> shnll Ibt:paid to[.endcr. '
<br /> In t3te event of�{otal ta}�ing of thc Prop�rty.the pracceds shal!6e anpliec!to thc sums secureci by tliis �ecuriry ins7rument,
<br /> wlrethcr or not tti�n due,�vith a�iy cxc�ss p:iid to Borrowcr. In the event of.,p;.+1i:il r,ilcing of the Nraperty in wlaidt Ilio fai�
<br /> markct vaD�e of the P►operty inYmediatcly before the talci�g is equal to or greater ihan thc 4mount of the�ums s:cured by this
<br /> Sc;,uriry Instrument icnmediatcly befure the eakEng,unlcss Borrowes• and l.ender otherwise agrec in writing, thc�ums sccurcci by
<br /> tl�is Sccurity Instrumer�t shall be reducc�d by tlie antount of the praee@.g multiplicd by the following fr-actinn: (a) thc total
<br /> amount of the sums sccured immediutedy befarc the tntsing, dividecl by(b) tiiC fuir ��ia�kzt value af thc PmF��y��mm�i�!�!;
<br /> before the tllcing. Ar►y ba[ar.ce shzli be pnid to Bonower. Li the event of a partinl taking of the Prapr,rty in�41;ich the fnir
<br /> uiarkcx va[uc of the nropertv immediately before�he taking is lcss than ehe amount of the sums sccured imn:cd�a�cl�1.+�fore the
<br /> taki�tg.unicss Borrower and L.en3er otherwise agree in evritin�or�nless upplicable law othenvise provides,�heprt►ceeds shall �
<br /> be applicQ ro thc sums securcd by this Security Instnimcn4 whedier�r nc�t the ss►ms 1re then due. ___
<br /> if Yhe Propeny is nbandoned by Bonuwer,or if,after notice by l.ender to I�orra�ver that the ec�ncl��rutorof'ters to make mi _____
<br /> award or settle a cl�im for damagcs. Aorrower fails to resRond to Lender�vithin 30 days after the�iate the notice is given, --_
<br /> I,ender is auehorizcd to callcct and applg tlie praceeds,at its option, either to re�to.ration�r repair of the Properey or to ehe sums
<br /> s:cur�by this SecurEty lnstrument,whether or not then due. _—
<br /> Unless l.eudcr and Borrower othenvise agrce in writing, any application of praceeds to principal shalll noi cxten� ot' _
<br /> postponc the due dute of the monthly payments referred to in,pnmgraphs 1 and 2 ar chunge the amount of such payrrients. —
<br /> �-_---'-
<br /> ]l.�3orro�ver Not ReleasM; N'or�carance tsy i.ender.i�vai n nniri:..s.:..ar:��r_.f s� tfs}3^fnr r�=:�,"� �•�•^Y,•::�f.�
<br /> � uf amortization af tt�4 sums secuced by this Securiry Instrument granted by I.ender to any sacc;cssor in iiiter�st of Dorrowcr s4�a11
<br /> not operatc to rc:lerisa the f iabiliry of the ori�inll'8orrower or Horro�ver's successors in interest.Lender sh311 not be required to �
<br /> oommercce proceedings against any successor i.ia aa�terest or refuse to extead ticne for puyment or utl�erwise moc3ify amortiza6on �
<br /> of the sunts secured by this S4cu.tity Insuument by rcason of any �emand made by tbe oiiginll Borrower or porrower's �
<br /> successors tn interest, Any for�:�'rranr.e by Lender in exercising ar�y right or remedy s'���fl nat be a waive�of or preclude the
<br /> y��`
<br /> exer.�cise of any right or rcmedy. • �'
<br /> 12. 5uccessors und Assi� Bound; Joint und Severaf Li�6ility; Cs-signers. The covenants and ngraments�f this
<br /> Securiry Instrument shall oind and benefit the successors and assigns af Lender and Borro�ver, subject to tt�e provisions of __
<br /> part�graph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shul[ be joint ar�d several. Any Hornowec who co•signs tl�is Security =__
<br /> Inswn►ent but does not exccute tlie Note: (ay is co-signing lhis Sc:cusiry Instnement only to mortgage.�rant and convey that ___
<br /> 13orrower's interc:st in the Property un�der the terms of this Security Instrument; (b) is not persorially obli�aied ta pay the sums
<br /> secured by this Securiry Ir�ctrumcnt;and(c)agrces that L.ender and any ol;�ca Borrower may agrce to extend,madify,forbcar or �.�_.
<br /> make any accommociations�vith rcgar�to the tcrms uf this Security Inserumeni or die Note�vithout that Bo*YOw�r's conscnt. rr,_.�-
<br /> 13.Loan Charges. [f die Iqan secured by this S:.curity Instrument is subject to a law which seGs ma�ximum loan charges, _=_
<br /> and that law is finally interpreted so d�at the interest or other loan charges wllected or to be collccted i►Y mnnection ovith the --
<br /> loan exceed tGe permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan cliarge shall be reduced by the amoant necessary ro reduc�the charge —__.
<br /> to the permitted limit;and(b)�ury sums al aendy collected fcom Borrower which exceeded permitt�vl�imits wi 11 be r�6unded to �_
<br /> ' Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reclucing the principnl owed uiider the Nate or by n�aking u direct -
<br /> pny.tnent to Bonower. If a refund reduccs principal, the reduction �viU be trcated us a partial prcpayrt�ent �vithout any �F;`
<br />-; prepa1ment chargc undcr the No4e. `
<br /> '14.PJotfces.Any notice to Borrowcr provicled for in this Security instrun�ent shall bc given by dcliaerin�it ur by mailing �`
<br />= it by first class�sal unless applicable law sec�uines use of another mcthod.The notice shalt be directed to the Property Address �,,;'�
<br />-` or any olhcr addmss Borrotivcr designates �by�notice to Lendcr. Any nn�lce to I.endcr shall be k*erEn by ferst class mail to _
<br />`� Lcnder's nddress stutcd herein qr any other address Lcnder dcsignates by notice to Borroa�er. Any noticc provided for in this
<br />