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<br /> c .�,�._.c s./ . �„���,A�;l��. -.
<br /> —° Insurxnce. Baar�wer siinll keep the improveu�cuts now existing or fiercaf3er er,,t,�ed �i�► tl►e
<br /> � ��:_;�-.� 5. �Ia2ae�3� ur Pmp�Y _
<br /> _ - � ��uiw,:y is-�.us��i:�Ci'.:E In�v ltiy fta, liaruY'ds in�ludr�d ��l0�in ehe tcnn °cr.tcnct�:d covcr:�vc"ancl any uttisr hnrRrctq, inc ia �nd
<br /> -- fluods or fl�xxling. for whish r.ender requires insnraa�cc.'I7iie insueancc sh�lt bc maintuiu�in iS�c:.�.a;��:i,::s:�fnr tl:^r°�;c'��"•
<br /> - ��—- tl�at Lender re.�uires.'flze ensuranc�carrier providing the Insur�nce sh�sll be choseu by Bosrower subJ�ct to Lendcr's upproval
<br /> Lendex•may, at I.ender's
<br /> �,��, v�hich st�all not be �aee:u��ably withlield. If�oirawer fails to maintain coverAga describcd�bove, .
<br />--- ---- option,oUtain cover�gc to pratect I.,ender's rfghts in�the Propercy in accozdanc.e with paragraph 7.
<br /> �._.°
<br /> _.��
<br /> -'"'" All insurance policies und renewnls shal! be ncceptable to Lcnder and shall include a st��►ndard mortga�c cluuse. Y.er. :r
<br /> -- ��-:� shalt hav�tlte right to hold the polecie��:nd r�new•als.If i.efider requires.Liorro�ver sha11 pram�tly give tv Lender uf!recciptn nf —.
<br /> ____��_ paid premiunis and renewnl notices.In Q�e ev�nt of loss,�orrower slialt give prampt notic;z to tlie insurKnce carrier and I.endcr.
<br /> °_ _• _-=�� L,endec may m�ilce praof of loss if noz n�ade prompily by Iionow�r. ___
<br /> - ' Unless Lendcr und Tiorrower othcrwise ngrer in wrlt�ng,ins�ranr,e proceeds shall be applied to resturation o�repair of dre
<br /> � `��
<br /> �''`'='u'�"=:y Propert�f dr.tn�gcd.if tho restoration or repair is econon�icsilly fc�,asiEsle and Lender's securiry is not lessencd.If the re5ror.stion ar _
<br /> �:�� repair is not economicafly feasiblc or Lender's sr,curity wnuld be lessened, the insurence praceeds shull be�ppliecl to the sums
<br /> _ -�,� secured by this Security Instn�mcnt, whether or not tl►en duc, with any excess paid to Borrawer. I.f Borrawcr ubnndons the
<br /> ,Q,��—e-_;� Pcoparty. or does not answee within 30 days a notice frmn Leuder thni the insuraace carrA�r has nffered to settle a claim, then
<br /> ' � Lender may collect she insurance proc;eeds• Lender may use the procx�cls to repnir or restore the Property�oa ta psy sums
<br /> •r �T'��t� secured by thi�Secudty Iasuwnent,whether or not dien due.The 3Qday pe�todn of b roeeedset�rincli�I�sha!! not extend ar , __-
<br />�.•:x,�';�:�' --
<br /> -_-�ti���-••� [inl�.ss Lendcr [end Bo�rrower o[herwise agrce in writing,any upp p F P•
<br /> -_�-:�.,����s"' os ne the due date of the monthly p��yments refened to i�p�ragrnphs 1 and Z or cf►ang�s th�amount of t}:e�aymr.a*.s. rf ___
<br />�.ti;iati'�.°:K�-�. P � ---_
<br /> -::,:
<br /> under par.�raph 21 thc Praperty is acquired by Lender.Borrower's right io any insuran�e policies and procecds resulting frora
<br /> �""°.F„"""'�".' „ damnge to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to l.ender to ihe exient of the sums securad by this Security i�strument
<br />_,;�a�t��.;'
<br />- -•• •. lmmedlutely prior to the e�cquisition. ��
<br />�;;.�� ••��•'� " Mefntennnce and Protectlon o8 the Prape►Zy;IBarrnwer's I.oan ApplicaYfr�r;R.�aseholds.
<br /> x�'r,.; _ �.O�ccunancy�PreservaYfan,
<br />:::,t:��;�� . —
<br />_:,�:.�;,�.:�r�:�- ' Borrower sh;�l accupy,estublish,and use the Propeny as Horrower's principal residc+nce�vithin sixry duys ufter the�e�eeution o€
<br />-s•'���`''��-`-_, this Security Instrument and shull continue to occupy the Progerty os Eionower's principal residencz for at lcast one yesu'After
<br /> -. .��-a t � 4•.4 �_ 1... / .� ..�oh�
<br /> "'�'ti°_� ttie date of occup:u�cy.U�w6 I«s2�er o.11_r*.+isP aerees in wriuw:. wui►:i�wtUi,,�.o���,tt�...-StLw'.°....»_lv withhrlrl; �r fss _
<br /> �f���
<br />,�,1;��;;,;,;:, e�:tenuating circumstunces exist which are beyond Borcower's control. Barrower shall not destroy, damage �r impair i,ic
<br /> '� �``�" ' Property. �Ilo�v the Property to deteriorate, or commic waste on the Property. Barr•ower shall be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> ,°is.�:;�f;,�
<br /> �:�.r..4�,... .,.
<br />�0°•?=�•�r'��" .� • nction or procee.�ting. whether civil or crindnal.is begun tho� !n Lender's Sood fuith judgment could tesult in forfeiture of the
<br /> �.s,�. _-
<br />='�=`(�_��: �; � Property or athei�vise materially innPair the lien created by tlus Security dnstrument or I.�nder's secwity interest.Bonower may �
<br /> -�-y-'='�Ks= curG sucil a defaL�lt and reinstate,as provided ln paragraph la.by causing the action or prcxeoding to be dismissed with a roling
<br /> --����'��:_ chut, in Lendee's good faith determination, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's anterest in tho �Property or other material �:
<br /> "--`��'_'�� .� impairment of the lien cre�lted by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest_ Bormwer shall also be.in default if �,w�
<br /> ....�_�,�..-�-: - _.:
<br />' '"~�� '-'�-'�-- Borrow�r,during the loar►npplic��tton process,gave►nateriully fulse or inaceurate informaEion or statements to Lender(cr failed
<br />.°��-,r-^�:T,-*-y;`� - ��`�
<br /> :�:;�-: to prov[de Lender with uny material informueion)in cunnecuan with the loan evidenced by the Note,including.but not limite 6:_.
<br /> .°��:��:•.
<br /> ' to.repeesen[ations Concerning Bonower's occapancy af the Property as R g�rincipal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a ��Y
<br />.-:_=:-�r:rc_.?'f+""SC,-�_,' -.
<br />-- R,�:��:,�::,,;: leaschold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions o f t he l e a�e. I f B o r r ow er n c quires fee dtle to the Property, the a,�.,4.:
<br /> -�^-' , leasehold nnd the fce title sha11 nat mcrge unless Lender a�rees to the mcrger in writit�g.
<br /> �r¢.
<br /> "'�rtr� � ,� 7,Protectton oP Lender's Rights in the PropErty.if Bottower fails to perform the coveuant�ond agreemcnts contalned in r :
<br /> -����..."" ,
<br /> .�._,
<br /> -- `-=°; this 3ecuaity Ins�r+lment. or there is a Icgnl praceeding that may sigi�ificantty affect Lcnder's rights in the Yroperty{such as a .
<br /> -'�'_y��; '. proceeding in b�.�ptcY�Probute, for r.ondemnt►tion or forfeiture or ta Enforce laws or regalutinns).then Lender niay do and ,�;.
<br /> s��p
<br />--'�'' ' '�• pay fur whatever as necessary to protect the value of the Aroperty snd Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may �,,,_,
<br /> K� :�` in court, paying �.::
<br /> � inclade pay►�g anY sums secured by a licn which has.priority over this Security Instniment, appearing t ..
<br /> -��'.4'_i��� '���:
<br /> ' :-__�_,��,: reas�nable aCiorneys' fees and enterin�on the Pcoperty to make.epairs.Although Lende�may tak�action under 2his para�rapli y
<br />_:�,=�y'� 7.Lender daes not have to do so. �
<br /> v'�_��=�'� Any :unounts disbursed by L.ender under this paragraph 7 shall b:.come ud�lidonal debt of Bonower s;cured by this
<br /> _-ar,..%��:+:���
<br /> •,,_.�,a_-:,,��,�.•s{_,� Security Instniment. Unless Bonower and Lcnder ngrce to othcr terms of paymeni. these amounts shall bear intemst finm e
<br />..%`. ",'";`<��� date of disbursement at the Note rate and shull hc payable. with interest, upon notice fron► Lendee to Borrowcr requcsting
<br /> . ,Y,,....
<br /> � �T'1�rf)�,�:�.i't4'- �• "!:
<br /> payment.
<br /> ��'� '''''�"`"�'�`� 8.Mortg.`�e Insursmce.If Lender required murtgage insurance as a conditian of making the loan secured by this Security •�.;,
<br /> - "' ��'�" • Instcument, Horro�ver shull pay the premiums requircd to mnintain ¢he mortgege insurance in effect. If. for any reason, the
<br /> . .....,,,.^.
<br /> ... � ' mortgage insuranoe cUVeraBe r�.quired by Lcnder lapses or ceases to be in effect,Aorrower shall pay tl�e premiums reyuired to
<br /> ' ' � obtain covcragc subst�ntially equivalent to the�nortgage insurnnce prevtously in effect, at u cost substantially equivalcnt to the
<br /> -�r; cost ta Borrotiver of die mortgage lnsurance previously in effect, fmm an alternate martgage insurer approved 6y I.ender. If �,•
<br /> . . ; ,
<br />"y"`- �`'��',-' •-��= � substuntinlly cquivatent mortgngc insurance coverage is not nvnilable.Borro�ver shall pay to Lender cach momh n sum equal to
<br />.T>�;:• ..-r
<br /> �� �'.�`��',. one-twelfth of the yearly mo►tgage insurance premium bein�paid by Bornowcr when the insurance coveraage lapsed or ceusal to
<br /> i�c in effect.L.ender will accept,use a�id retuin dtese payments as u loss reserve in lieu of moet�age insurance. Loss mserve
<br /> • �orm 301.8 9I90
<br /> . . ..... .. ,. PoOc 3 0l lf I „
<br /> _�__'_ .
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