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<br /> il �I�I4ICS il[>1V 41I' jiCi�:�Rcr a 3�31t US L�iC �)TOjSCFt�. A�� YC�J��C:'1'I;CI"il; iUY� (:+Z(�l�Iq1U E{i��l o1[.S4 �13 C.DVci��..ny uiz; ,-�:+�r.,7 �
<br /> - Z�}hIC(1f171'1t1.AII UT IIIC�LtYC�11137b IS Ih:�CIY�d to in this U�����ity Dir;t�w�i��it n�s clic'°L'�al?,:�ty�.,' , � _
<br /> � 130K[dAVlGH i:OV�?NAN`1'S lhat i3nrrower is lawf�lly seisc�f�f ehe estate here.by c:onveyed a�d f�a,�hc iight tu bra�rt aihi -�
<br />:_� •--
<br /> wn'r�{y �i+.::t�:r'�.i::,`r':':'� l}?::►,t}�n ({]lnpnrlyr f5 ilili;IlCQii1t1C1'�f�� CXCa�t far ciicia��i�r�ITCCa ili i'CCOfI�. �Uif(?WCI' �5'1XC:L1i1S lill(� Wf� �.
<br /> defend generally the titlu ro the Property agninst ull claim�anddemauds.sut�Jezt to any encumbrances vti�GCU���. �
<br /> � '1'i-i1S SL�CU�4ITY 1NSTRUMP,N'T cainbines unifarni coves�a�its for national use and namuniform coeena:its with limited
<br /> vuriatrons by,jurisd'r.tion tc�c•onstitnte a unlform se�ucity inst�liment coveriy�g real pr�pexty. ,
<br /> LJIYI�'ORM CUVf?IdANT�.19onowcr and L.c��der covenant and n�;rce as follows: ,
<br /> 1. p��ment of}?riiKlp�l a�id Ynter��st; Prepayment aac� I,atc Ct�a�ges. Bo:ro�vcr sh:►1l prcfmntly Fa,y whe��duc the
<br /> � prir�c't•�al Qf:nd i�►tsrest on the deht evidenced by the Note nnd any prepayment ai�d late chsrges due under the iVote. _
<br /> 2. Fands f��r'faxes und Insura�a Subject tu agpllcable la�v or to 1 written�vaivcr by Lendcr, Bor;aw�r�ti;�i pay�to
<br /> '� Lender on di�day monthly�paymenis;u�e due uncter Ihe Note,until4he [�ote is paid In full,a sum("Fu�T; le.�seliolcl�ayi�ts
<br />::= and nsscssmcnts which may attain priarity over this Secu�i►y Instrumcnt us a lien on the PropPrty;(�)y Y P Y �_
<br /> � or ground rents ori dic PropciTy,if any; (c)yearly hazard a�'proPertY�nsurance Pnmiums:(d)ye�rly flo�d insuraucc premiums, —^
<br /> iP any;(c)yearly mortgage insur.�►nce premiums,if any; und(�any sums payable hy Bormwer ro Lender, in nc:cord;u►cc with c_..
<br />_�- the provisions of paragraph S,in lieu of the payment of mortgage i�isurance premi4ms: Th�.se items are called''�'scrow Items. �r=
<br />_,;� i.,ender may. at any time, cuHcci a��d :�oid Punds in an az�ount not to exeeed the maximum amount a lender Tor n[ecleral(y
<br /> _ rolatecl mortguge loan may require for Borrower's escrow aocount under the federal Real Ectate S�itlement Prucedures Act ot`
<br />=_'� 1974;�s amendcd from time tt�time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RESP�►"),unless another law that applics to the�l+nds
<br /> sets a lesscr amount. if so, Le;�der may, at�tuy time, coliect and hold Funds in an amount not to excecd tlie lessee:�tnount. �.��::
<br /> ,`� Lcndcr may estimate the amount of Funds duc on the basis of current data and reaswwblc wtiriates of cx�cnuitures of future __-_
<br /> �i Escrow Iteins or atherwise 3n accordance with applicable law. _-,---
<br /> ��;.� The Hunds shail bc hcld in nn institution whose deposits ure insured by a fedcral agency. instrumc�iality, or entiry
<br /> �-� (including Lendcr,if Lender is such an institution)or in any feden►l Hoine I.oan Bank. Lender shatl apply thc Funcls to pay the _
<br /> `-° Esc�•ow Item.s.i..ender may not charge Bocrower for liolding and�ppIying the Funds,annuafly analyzins the escm�v aceount.cr �i,�,.
<br /> :`� ���erifyli�the L'scrotiv Iteins,unlcss I.�ndcr pays Borrower fntetcst on the Funds and applicablc law permits Lender to muke such
<br />�:� a cbarge.Fiowever,Lender amy require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for:u�independent �eal esu►te tax rcporting service _
<br /> __.�.� .L:_ �,.�_ ....��... ��,.c,.atile tAw nrnvidr.� nthc�nvlsC. U111CSS !IR IICt'c�tl11C[it is made or _
<br /> � u$,("(1'0}� (,,eIIQCT lIl t.1111I1R:tIV1i v�tu� •���o .w...s «�»�-- -rr"-' • _
<br />:`:� �pplicable!aw rcquires intecest to be paid.Lender sh�ilt noi be requiced to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on!hc Nunds.
<br />"-.:�� E3orrowcr and Lender may mgree in writing, however, ti�at interrst shull t�paid an the Funds. I.ender s1i�Zl.�i�c to Bocro�ver. Y
<br /> ��' witliout cliarge, an unnual accountina of tlie Funds,showing credits and deUits to�the Funds and the purpose Tor which a�ch �
<br /> �'�;:'?'� debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged us udditional security for all suins secured by this Se;c;urity Instrument.
<br />;�,_;�� If the Funds hetd by Lcnder exceecllhe amounts permittcd to be held by applicable law,Lcnder shs�ll a�ccount so IIorrowcr —
<br /> -» for die eacess Funds in accordance witl�the requirements�f applicablc law. If the amount of thc Funds helcl by Lender at anY
<br />_-��d dmc is r.ot sufficient to pay the Escrow items�viien due,I.ender may so notify Borsower in writing, und.in suci►case Borrower 5Y:.:
<br /> `�� sha11 pay tn L,cnder the amount necessary to mak�up the deficicncy. Bonowec shall make up the deficiency iu no more tha� �T
<br />�°�� twelve monthl � �nents.at Lender's sole discrctinn. --_-
<br />;;._� Y U�9 _-_
<br /> 'o U�n �syment in futf of all sums s��ured by this Sc�urity instrurnent, l.cnder s6all promptly refund ta Bnrrower any T'
<br /> _.� Funds held by L�;nder.If,under puagraph 21,Lcnder shall u�quire or sell the ProFerry,I.cnder,prior to the acquisition or sale �
<br />°""� ' of the Properiy, shall app�y nny F'unds heid by i.endcr at thc teme of ncquisition or safe as a credit agnictst the sums secured by
<br />.-'��� �' �v4-..
<br /> this Security tnstrument. �-I��
<br />�...:1� 3.Applfcatlon o�P Pnymen�v.Unless�pplicablc law provides otherwisc,ali paymcnts received by Lender under paragsaphs _
<br />:'�ti� 1 and 2 shall be appiied: first, to nny pr�ayment charges due under the Note; second.ro n�nounts payable under paia$raph'l; _M
<br /> r-`,� third,to in�te.rest due:fourth,t9 principn�due;and lnst.to any late charges due under the Note. �_._
<br />_,� 4.Ct�ardea;Lt�ns. Borrower shall pay ull taxes,asscs.smenu, chatges, fiues and impositions attributable to 1he Properiy �;,��_
<br /> _��•. vrhich may attain priority over this Security Instrument, and Icasehold payments or�round rents, if any. Borrower shall pay �r;�-
<br /> e�
<br /> - �Siese ubli�ations in thc mann�r providcd in paragraph 2,or if not paid in thut manner. Borrower shall pay them on time directty e_._
<br />'�w� to the person otvsd puyment.Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lcnder all notices of amounts to bz paid under this para�raph•
<br /> n��'. If Borrower makes diese payments dircetly,Borcower shal[promptly furnish to Lender reccipts evidencing the payments.
<br />�,a Borrower shall prom�itly discharge any lien which ltas prioriry ovcr this Security Instrument unless Borrowcr. (a)agrces in a ,
<br />'�'f'� writing to tlie payment ot ihe ob7igation secured by the lien in a ntanner acceptable to Lender: �b)contests in good faith the licn
<br />:_,� by, or defeuds agains4 enfoi�cement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's o�inion o�crnte to prevent the
<br /> e�iforccmcnt of thc licn;or(c)secures�rom the holdcr of tLe lie��an a�reement satisfactory to l.ender subordinatin�thc lien to
<br />�',��'� thi5 Security Instrument. If Lcndcr deteimines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attnin pnoriry over
<br /> : ,z, this Sccurity lnstrument. I.ender m�y givc Borrower a notice identifyin�the licn.Borrowcr sh�ll satisfy the lien or takc onc or
<br /> �'�� more of"the ections set forth 2bove within!0 days of the�iving of notice.
<br />---_ Form 3Q28 9l80 ..
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