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<br /> tif�('I.r.r,drt' t,�t{uire�;)4�ri�vid���!i,}•:u: !�,?t�i;-:��pliX�i:'t•,!��y 9 �,i,��i.!f,'+•�G°":.r::at a:tv,;:l..;'!�'�+.':,1�y r;5la;nni. ��orms,rr �.h�ll pxy —
<br /> the prsmiurtu rcqujrai tc�m�int�in mot�guqe arnwr�,ixx ln et'frct,a�r to�eavtda a�iucs r�rvr.unti4 tlrc roys�ircnWn�fu,r r�x�n��e . ..
<br /> IlLillfilil�2 G17n1S�►i Q�'��l':�:lI1C°.l FV(!�l G�i�f 17t..tRIL'it tl�ki�'li:�.r�f�.3ClkS'ff�i Xi01�(3Y�'f.P u+td 6 ctadrr nr t�(�jtJ�:'��I1�t IU'N. h >� ' -
<br /> , ,9.liwpecxlon.l.ender ar its u�a�t nu� maka reasinwblt erateics �pan nnci tiaspa.'cerans oc.�i�c F►���,,,�. .,,�,�., w.-..�:._
<br /> —_ __
<br /> �rruwcr mxic�ut Yhc tiir►e of c�r•prinr tn.an ins�ertl�n ape��fying irewni�le cuus�fnr j)►e fnspectlun.
<br /> � 110. Condcmnatinn. 'lih�prnc�cds of any uward ur clain� for daxf�age3, dir�:t or c�mscqurneia�, in_a►n�!t<'tion with any
<br />�' curxi�nnation or other taking af c�ny part of the 1Pro�rry,nr for convr.y�u�ce iA iisu nf condemnatdan. Are hr.reh�r tiYSignnd aad --
<br /> shaU be paid to l.enc!er.
<br />� Yn the aveat of a tatul taking of the Prop+�ny,ti�e prcr,eeds shali be appliai ea the st►ms sa:urect by this Secvriry instrument, _
<br /> whethe,�•or not then due;with ar�y cxcr.ss puid to Bonawer.Ixi t4�e ci�ent of a�SartIai taking u£the��v�x:�ty iii whic�z it�;,f�6r
<br /> �uaxkec vnluc of th�F�operty inunrdiptoiy befare the takin� ls equal to or great�r thaz�the am�wnt of�he sums secuiicd hY tk�is _
<br /> 5ccurity Iiistnunent immecliately before t�ie cakin�,unless I3orrowrer nnd Lendtr�?hezwise agret in writing,the sunu secured by
<br /> this 5ecuri+ry Instrument shal! bc rexluccsl by tlie amount of the pro�eeds multiplic� by the following fcnc:don:(�) che tntal
<br /> amount of th�surne tecured fmi��ed'eately before the ta{cing,dlvided by(b)the fatr market value of the Prc�p�riy irruncdiately -
<br /> � bcfore the taking. Any baiance�shal!t�e paid to Horrower. i�� thc event uf a partial takin$of ttic Propeny in whinc �hc fair
<br /> rn,sr::e::��4��s e£che Pr�pert;in�!��!=_arelv bef�re th�taking is less than tUe aauount of the sums secural ImmeAiattly btf�re the
<br /> 1.nlcJng,urless I3orrowcr unci I.cndcr otlicnvise agroc in writing or unless upplicabie�inw otherwise provides., die pmccc�,.9 shall
<br /> !�apptied to the sums secured by tlus Sr.curiey Instnim�nt�vhedier or not ti�a sums are then due. - _
<br /> IIf thc Froperty is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by Lcnder to Borro�vcr that the candemr�or offers eo m�ke ni�
<br /> award or se:tde a clai�n far damages,Borrower fails tc� respatui�to I.ender withiu 30 duys iu'���he �c�te t�e r.crtfcc is giscn,
<br /> T.ender is authoriz.ed to co.11.ect t�nt1 npply the proceetis,at iGs opiivn,cither to rest�rtttion ar rapair of tiv;Proper�y or to the sumis -_
<br /> � sccured by this Sccurity Instrument, whetl�er nr nat theU due.
<br /> Unicas Lenc4er and Bor�awer othr:rwise agrez in writin�. tuiy applicatiou of procceds to princlpal shal! not extend or
<br /> postpone elic due datc of the monthly payments referred to in paragcaphs 1 �nd 2 or change the nmount af suc�payments. —�—
<br /> ' 11. Yiornower Not Releused;Forbeprance�y Lender Not a VVaiver.Extension of the time fos paym.ent or in�lificatios�
<br /> of amorti�ation of thc sums sc;.ured by chis Securiry Instrument�ranteci by Lefider to any sur,cess�r in interest o�Borrower shall
<br /> �nt ,3atr tn mlr�sr the finbitttV o!t11e orieinai nunuwci aif au,iu�C,'o oL':.w�o'vsa:•••.^.:�:�..°L Lp�pi.�••'Oa"'11 nnr hh renuireti to ____
<br /> commence proceedings against ar►y successar in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortizaUon _
<br /> of the Sums &ecured by this Security Instrumcnt by reason of an� dem�nd mnde by die ariginal Bonower or I3o�Yawer's _
<br /> successors in..irderest. Any forbearance by I.ender in exercising any right or�emedy shcill not be a wniv�r of�t preclud�the
<br /> extrcise of any right or remedy.
<br /> • 1�. 9uCCessors a�r.�•Asslg�u BQUnd; Jofnt am�l Severul Liubflity; Co-sDgr.ers. The covenants and agrsements of this
<br />-. 5ecucity Lnstsument shull bind x�td benefit the successors and assigns of Le►�r�s:r ond $orrower. subject Go the provisions of •. _—
<br />_. �aragraph'1?, Bo��ower's covenants and agreements shall be juint• and several. Any Borruwer who co-signs this Security ""'
<br /> Instrumonfi hat dc+es uot execute the Nnte: (a)is ecrsigning this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grunt and eanvey thnt _
<br /> � Bn�rower's interest in thc Property �mder the tenns of this Secuiiry Instrument;(b)is nat personally obligated to pny the sums e_____
<br /> sccurcd by this 5ecurity Insnvment; and(c)agrec�that d.endcr and nny othcr Barrawcr may ngrce to extcnd,modity.forbeur or .�_
<br /> _ 'niakc any wccom.modations with regard to the terms of this Seruriry Instcument or tiye Note withou2 that Borrower's canscn�. �-
<br />_� 13. ]C�oan�:harges. If the loan secured by this Sccurity Instrument is subject to a Inw which sets maximurn l�an char��s, _
<br />_; :u�►d that }utiv is finally incerpreted so that thf.inter�st or other Roan char�es collscied or to be coilected in conneclion��i,h Uie Y__
<br />-; ' loan exceed the permittad lienits,then: (a)any st�ch lo;►n char�e sh�ll be reducc:d by the mnount necessary to reduc.�the churgo __
<br />-� to tiie perrnitted limit;and(b)any sums niready collected from Botra�ver whioh exceeded pernutted iimits wilf be refundetl to , �
<br /> Borrower. I.ender may ci�oase to make tliis refund by reducing the prin�3��il owed under the Notc or by making a direct _
<br />-_ pnyment to_J3orrower. If a refuncl redue;s princips(, die reductixi� �vlll be treated as a partlal prepayment without Any M�;°
<br />_' prepaymcni charge uuder the Note. � '�
<br /> E+
<br />�� 14. Woitc�. Any noticc w Bonowcr provided for in this S�;surity Instrument si►all be given by dclivering it or by muiling - __
<br /> ���
<br />- it by first class mail unless applica�Ie law reyuires use of rnother methad. Tlie notice sh�ll be dirECted to the Property Addsess ��.-:
<br />__ or any other address Borrcrwer designates by uotice ¢n Lender. Any notice to L,endcr shaU be given by first class n�ail to
<br />_° i..chder's adJress stnted herein or any oiher address L.cnder designates by nutice to Borrowcr. Any notiee provided for in this �•�:�
<br /> Securiry fnstrument shall be dcemed to have been given to Borrowcr or Lender when gtven as provided in this parngraph. '-
<br />- I5. Govcr+�ing l.asv; Several�il�ty. This Security Instavrnent shall be govcrned by federal law and the Inw of the "�`
<br />- jurisdiction in�v2�icl� We Property is I�cated.In the event that any provision vr clause of this Securiry L�strument or tho Note - �
<br />=� contlicts with applict�blE law,such conflict shall not affert other provisions of tliis Security Instrument or the Note which can be
<br />_� given effect witliout the couflictin� prc�vision.To this cnd the provisioi�s of'c7iis.Security instrumenc and the Note are decl�reJ
<br />_; to be severablc.
<br />.= 16.i3orrower's Cupy.Borrower shall be given one eonfornie�i copy of the Notc and of this Security Instrinmcnt.
<br /> l4•
<br />- Form 3028 9I80
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