'w+Fapa�•�y�+�1s');�v�.r�r� __.. �. ��-�.-�r--•::7^_.., ._. . . :i•yn n. p .,.�,r.rr,,,�,��� ... .,�.. . . .
<br /> ��M�MMIAI� ' ' ,• .
<br /> .- ......_„_. .,�.. _.�-�.s-...-.�.-�r�.-.. . .. • ' ' , {"',
<br /> ,�v� -� - .. ... . -.w:e1r bWNM.• ..1.'4.n:rarw+n/ .. � �'� � <C� ,.
<br /> rnrKyh�'Lyif■iI�►�. �-.,..r.n..,-=�-�}:..�.�. .-.-'... , .drd..r.�iFU.S.rtJ.•.-r•..�z...i,..���_, .
<br /> �'�i�o1H).EI I ,�f��; K!�n!�rai�lrys.:F►,eo��^..r�__._•__•_• �77 � S4��i.,Y� .,�� , ..��.'— ._ . _— -' . _,� _
<br /> ,� c" ei f �� �f� _ ..�.`s i' ..� t . :•f� .r���'�"]I'�1.., '��.�....7.__:�i:ti•:i.3:i.:.ritt9ibrA�F::�. - � ,
<br /> . �,_%--�— --_ _�—_ ^n�7^�a --- f'�'.-- +I�R If�i welm�^.w _— — __ —_.
<br /> '--"----— ---' "' _--__—_'—'—_—
<br /> .___"'".. � .. . _.'__ .� .._.:��Jw•�����.�1�vl.l��.:li(V�t'�`..���R-�w'� ':�i���__���_�mfRJ1W�..�5Y9R�v1�n�o�.n.i.:"
<br /> - r.�.w�-�r�:i:�lr' vr.. . .�v�..._:•��,_..�_.�v....v�^r.�a�:..��.��..,`.._
<br /> l. � �-1 � . . . 4.:.. .. . ....... .. . � . _ - __ __-._._ E:=.__
<br />.."_:-...�..h...'.Tr�+��s��_ ."_.�aw���wwnrww-w�.'•�w.�v-•....... �_ �
<br /> F'or_�fe:er r.Si.�ll �ror��,:tly �ivc l�.:adc�•:ni�ecu rcotir9 of cny in��c.ei^��i�.,�, cic�i�a, dc����n�. larr.:ei� ar e•ui:r i��:iiva ta��:�i9 �=-
<br /> ' ('tl:'i'711'fsiii�:��(!y,'1'C".11��?O151 ll"fiiT:y nr tlllt��'.l2�:..,iiy iue•o4viw;��:�:���+i�1�flQi:'.�:r�;r+y Cin>aictc�u�t�11�73Qi�ttty OS'�(lt'?12��;ii',1'lll"��'it' �.' . ,
<br /> a�'i�;iii�'i ti:i;�rr�..��ir�� ;' in•�11. ss�rrl::tl;��. �E1'-:n��t�•:,��•I�::ru•;,ai• i:; ni�,ititt� fiy t�ti;y tti+vc�i���t,.;ii,`. r�;t����l ?�.��;:.,��i�.�����.•.t�� ' r
<br />. . ,� . . , ^,�[ {5 11(�_F:":'syl��.Siiii:l:..l' :�5 �Fif. ir;�•�;r�'-� �(
<br /> L11S t�;::i�JJttl rn•.nIii�r r>;��di(;111}�1 0�:'.fly S/fli�1`1�(lll.i Sl'.�.1':t;!!ICi:SI�IL'B:�jU;� iil:�r'iu�,.. y ./�
<br /> � ..
<br />- � c�6 i1;:CC5.`.:liy i':li[:'T1�1 i:!'2W1i';in r:sco�d.`.r:::���FCi�i.�lvii�iTiii%i,,-tin�Yr,:.. � `=---..
<br /> �.s iy:�.��i in c?�i:>Etarne�•apl� 20, "I'Ya.�rdnus 5tsb�ta�tc:.�" ara [ic�:�c sub:;r.an�c:s dc�n�d �s tOBIL' Ol' IL"!��tS({Oli, s,u{.�:.t�ncc;;.ii;� � ,'�..;
<br /> 6?►ivi►�on�u�.�t��l �.:�w ast�.i tiir. fnlla;iin� �:al�+�nncc::: .g;�nf+.r�c, k�:ros:c�ic,oz#tet flaim�tablc m• toxic �:.lralcui�� j;�aittct�. [(IYtC —•=
<br />� ��csiicidew:a�id l�crtricides,voiatit�r,olve�+t5, uiaterial5 CQni�i111lf1b(45I)CSiQ3 Ot�pfiiil�(�CIi3((IC,nnsi �',1CI40:.c�ivc�ksitr,i i:�ls. As�pie=il i�� `�..�" !°=:�":
<br /> t�iis p:�ra�rapli 20, "Fnvironmental Latv" roe.�ns fcxlcral laws und luws uF ihc j��risdicdon whcrr, thc i'ro�:ity is I�xatc'd c�ia� � _
<br /> rcl»?c ta h:��l!!i._'9fPt�r nr r.nVirn_*I4tt^ilt?I�►yl�tfCtlnn. �`» -
<br /> I�ON-!��l1FORCVI�OVP,NA,NTS.Borrower:ux1 I.ender further covenant and agrce a..iailows:
<br />' 21.Ac:ce!�ratlun; Femedt�s,I,en�er sh�9l glve notice to�lorrowe Esdor to Accelerattao followf� H�rraM•r.r'e bre�r.h �
<br />� of any ca��enant o�' qF,CCCI]If'lt Ill thS� 5r,crarity InsZruiiitnt (t�ut �sut��rlor ¢o ncceleratiR►n undcr pan�raph 17 unl�
<br /> Applics►Me law pravlcieY+ot1�'wi�c). The twiice shall FpaCii'y: (py the deTault; ib1 R��►�1i�+A��Iulred tu care the d�fwult;
<br /> (C)II dR1i�.Itd�ICS.K(I1811�(�A�9�fQlll It1C fIt#tC«1C IIU�ICC I9(�fVCp�O BOlTOWi:t'�by w�lclx thc�ietault mu4R ir�cur�d;xnci _
<br /> (d) that t'aaaurc to c�ire the default cui.pr bePore the date specli7ed !n tlhe notice m�y resutt in ac�rle��attan oi tt►e su�ns
<br /> ���ar!�y,y this 4ecnrity Tristrument and 6aie of the I'roptrty. 'i'he noticc�sF�All fur4hec Ireform B�►rrr►we�r of t1►e rtp�ht to
<br /> rein.itAte aner a�elxr�th►n wn�the rfght to brEng a ci►urt s�ction to�ssert tlie non-�xistence ef H d�iaue¢ w• x��y a����
<br /> defense of iioreower Go acxele�utl��n ar+zl s:,te. It the cir!'oult ig �nt c�ir�d on or Ix[u;+e ti�e datc specltled in ihc iwl�ce,
<br /> Lender,at its op�ip�e, may rcyulre immediate�payment in fuli ot all sums�cured by thls Secua�fty E�utn+ment withaut —
<br /> Purthca�den�xnd and may inr��ke trie po��er of sals and nn,y other eemedfes perneitted by upplScab9c 1�►w. Ixnaer s'hatl l�e
<br /> entitled to cflllec�aU expenscc incurrPd ln pur�;uinR t6e remec![cs nro�rldcd In this�ara.graPh�l,includ�ng, but not limlte+l
<br /> • to,maxo�bie�ttomeys'fc�and costs oP tiile evtderoce.
<br /> I[the porrer ai sale is i��vokQd, �rustee shall rccord s natke ot �efault in t�uch com�ty in wbtch any p�rt o�thr
<br /> ��i7Ncii;i i5 iGf�i�u w:��:�::!� �»4! 'G."r=°-�4�ci�n}��nNce i���rlu�oxnAUner s�r�catibed by 8pDliCable iaa to finrn►wer stnd Qd
<br /> tbe othcr persc�ns pre�crlbed try nppllcable l:�w.Aiter fhe tlme,reqa➢red bY epl�lic�ble�A'a'+Ts�s�ee Sh�1��eve puAllt�ticp
<br /> ot sale to the persoas and in the manrner prescr[bed by appii�able law. Trusfee, Mi3thout demand ori Bunrower,sFw37 sel!
<br /> tl:e�:^W�ety�S�+_��!!e ai!eflon Eo thP hlehcst 6tatder r�t the¢ime and pla�e nnd unuler the ternis destgr�att�l In fhe r}otice c►f
<br /> s�le in one or more parcel�and tn sny order'q'rustea�determine9. 'l7vstee may postpone sa1T af aEi oy'NIAy (l:itil'l'i c•S r;� _
<br /> Pcoperty by �nblic unnoun�rene�t at the t�mc an� piace or any prerlousiy schedulRd sa�e. �.xuder or its �iesigaee rmoy
<br /> purtfiasc the Property at any salc.
<br /> Upon rcxclpt of r►ayment of the n�tce �i�, Trustce shuU deUssr to the �pnrchaser Tnrstee's cked �t.onvxying 3lxs �
<br /> Properky. The recltAlx in tl�e Trustee's deed shap I�e prima fc►cic evl�nce af thC truth of the�temeni:�:imude thcrefn.
<br />- Truseee shall appl;�iFae peoceeds of the sale in the follorving order:(e)to nll c�i.s nnd expeas�oi'exenislnj;Yhe puwe��of'
<br /> sple,and tt�e saZe,inclu�ling the payment of the Trustee's fec.w uctuully tncUrred,aot to execed�h��nf 50.00 or 1�2�'
<br />- ..,.__�_�,,,.i,....-.r._e��..,.,�o a��ao�s„,o r.i'��..1�lo.wtinn n4dnf�tllt;nnd m�sonaUie ntto lE9'S'fE'eS i1S[l�t�i�tted
<br /> � Vl a�e6�nttlRt�wn wi�nsuu�va ua�..v ....�
<br />- �_.__..�....,.on a.....o u...„� v �t t���.�Icv inctrumen�:�rl(c)eny excesa ta�the perso�i or persons tegaliy ent�tleil to
<br /> q,��.,,�.,,..,...�........�s.�h, �_•--- • � •
<br /> it.
<br /> 23. ReconvQynnte. Upon paymeat of all sums secur.d by this Security Idstrument. l,eader shall requcst Trustec to
<br /> reconvey the !'roperty and shall sum;ndcr this Security Tnstrument a��d ail notev evidencing�lebt secured by this Ss:curity
<br /> Instrument to Trustee:. Trustee shal! recanvey tl�e Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persans lega9'!�;
<br /> entitled to it.Such person or persons shall pay any tecordution costs.
<br /> 23. Substitute TruStee. Y.cnder,nt its option, may from tim�to tiine remove Trustee and appaint a su�cessor trustee to
<br /> 1ny fn�stcx;appointal hereundcr by nn instmment recorded in the eounty ira which this Security Instrument is c�eco.rded.Without
<br /> �r,�n�av;:n�e of the Property,che successar trustee shal!succeed to all the title, power nnd duties confened upEC�n'Trustee herein
<br /> anQ b"tt�t�`.ic5it!e Iaw.
<br />_ , �..+,, t,�e��::.�t for Notices. Borrower requests that ccpies of the noticey of dcfault and sale be scnt to Eorrower's add�css
<br /> wlhich is.�he I'ioperty Address. '
<br /> 25.'�:idd�s to thLs iec�rity Instrument.If one ur mon:riders ure executetl by Borrower a.nd rec�orded cobether with this
<br /> Scxuriry Inscra�ment,the covenants und agreements of cach such rider shall be inco►porated into and shall arnend and supplement
<br />— tlie cove�imrts 4�nd�gtoements of this Security Instn�meat us if the ric;er(s)wete a part of this Securiry Ynstrument. _
<br />_ [Chcck applic��blc box(es)j • __
<br />- L�Adjnsk�ble Rste[tider ❑Condominium Rider 0 1-4 Family Rider _
<br /> _ [�]Graduatecl Payment ILidcr Planned Unit Development ftider 0 Biwcekly Fuymec�t�tider
<br />— �Balloon Rider �Rate Improvement Y2ider 0 Secc�nd Home Rtc�er� t�:`
<br /> — [�V.l�.Rider �ther(s)�spec�fyJ
<br /> � NOTIC� OI' DEF.AULT G:
<br />= tiOM� EQUITY LINE RIDER `�
<br /> _ �,�,',
<br /> — �:
<br /> BY SIGNING BELOW, Harcc�wer accepts and aga;es tu the term9 a►td coven;u�ts contained In this Secur,iel lnsuu.ment and +�^<
<br /> in nny rider(s)executcd by Borto�ver a.n�i recorded with it. ��
<br /> Witnesscs: `�
<br />