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<br /> - 77�/s Horr�Equ/ty�:r,oss llne Rlc�ar!s dat�d _._._... •- -
<br /> ___----- Maig'sge or D�ed oP Trust(��!A'oKgagn';� of tho samv daie gtv�en t�y the urrdersigneci('Sc.Yru�:)=6 s�ura��..wr's K^.�::� - -
<br /> =__-:._.-_.� NL7f?WF3T HAt4i; NF.84�ASl:A , f�Al'IQTJA! AS�QCTf1"f XSJtd ' ��
<br /> a��= Eq-uity Accoss Une�rnerrbnt wlth,_.._ _.. ---_---.�~-.- --- • _
<br /> `--—=:, ("Lentler'I
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<br /> �—�.xa�a:wsta �-�.--.-
<br /> � In achfitl�n ro the cot�enants nnd agr+eaments made tre tha A�iartgago,Borraver and Lender fi�rtt!er cov�reeni sn�agreo es fallvws: --�
<br />«:�;�� . 4~',�,
<br /> — - 1. 7he t�t�ord"Note;'�s used ln the Mongage ar�d lhis Rkler.refrar5 to th�Ham�Equ/ty Access Urte Agreeman�.
<br /> �__.,
<br />_�:;�;� � � 7he A�ote ovldences an open enc�revdf�ing fine af credii agr�ement bet�reen Borrt9wctr and Len�►. The artwunt stetr�riJn the _
<br /> ;_.�n� MortgaAe as the principal sum ol the irrdt�kiedness!s the credit Iim�t�for the Ir'ne af crodit.All aatvances mede at any iime ty
<br /> -.-��^� ,___.,..,;._e ,�.,o Wr�f;rs,A ra,ls,�nf rhw nt�ra and�all int�msi on tho t1fN.�naes sitall he secuns�by the Mort�ag� `_-
<br /> ��� �.,�.�....,.�.�.....^^�_..� _.
<br /> �� _ H�..n�.c..�r na tlma sha!!the pcinciP�al emount of the lndebtedness secur�ed by tho Mortgage,ncf tncluding sums eavancod irt -=--
<br /> -- - - -- � -•-------.- - �- -
<br /> - •=�.,�s�r� aacard�nce wJth th�mortga�e to p�tltect the sacurity af the Mortgege,exceet�N�ste,'ed crttart iimir fvr ii►a rirra vi�►adr% _
<br /> - -:ra�,. ----
<br /> - .:"R+1^a„�
<br /> '�'.:���,� .
<br /> :_-�,�-1�� 3. 7/re Nofe pro+ildes for: --.._
<br /> _,__=;� ❑ �flxed�ai��f!rtflereat expr�ssecf as s dalty pe�l6dic rato of %. 7hls corr�sponds to an�nrzusl/�encent�age
<br /> �ste� 9�0.
<br />��-=�^�� �1 ,�vadable raie of/nt�esi�xnmssed as e dally perlodlc rate equal to 1/365 of an.�vrnual reEe of_ 3.90 n�a�pJqg �--�
<br />__<��•�;,::�� ���lndax Rab" �.'"`�.
<br /> -`':;+:�:�.'i:�9 , .TNE 91-DAY TREASUftY � -
<br /> �:��� 7Yee dalfy�ererladfa rate r�ray increeso N ..�. — ==,'�
<br /> [�i._
<br />.„e�W:::��s
<br />-�*��•-`°'���� BrLI, RAT� tESTABLISHE(! (LflST AUCTION AVERAUE 0�1 A UTSCOUNT BA5I5, ROUNDEA TQ TI•IL" NEAR�ST .1u%)) ��-;;
<br />��;-� —
<br /> .y�i_
<br /> ..__.. L_,�i<`_
<br />_�„��,�,� (ths'7ntiex Rate")lncrease�The laltlal datly perlocJic rgte!s �d�h�27 �'o. 7hls Cbrresponds to an annual �..�w:_
<br /> �-�•»�:x��
<br /> �e�cerNagc►rate a1_.�.�� %. The annuaf percentage rePa will nevar be more than ls.�10 %.Tha da!!y pedodic i.;,_
<br /> -_ _= rete wlll f�e adJusrod on the last busfno�s:�1�of ev�sry month,usinc�the�Index Rate in effec�that day.An fncrease In the �::,=':�
<br /> --
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