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, ....,;,.•..,.�.,..� . .,. . -, ._ �..... .. . . .�..._.._..��..-..-.�..,- ., <br /> ..'tlJ�lfaM��I�� ' � .. i ..� -. . . �.Mr.:':;,i..ia..�J•Jri._AsrJ::s.v . ' _ - . <br /> � a51�����!•+WyirylCYWf� ,r �. �� .• •� � Rlq" T-r'•� 't'.�/ • .� �1..� .--_ _ _. _. .._. <br /> . (� klFC.�:..:1. .. li:'.R: .1. �:f . ' � .� - 1 . ... f iifTY..Y-�.�n..'._.-.-. <br /> . ; - w� '�es,�+ a�,`!`�"T�y'., ��'",'ry� �;o:a�< .•ItrNl�at"+!vs��!.'......wo,Nrr�:.r -- ---4,. rn <br /> __ ..i.uetiw� mw�..a--- - ��.. . _.._ _.�.____.1'C:`•�w++r.��„`..L,'-�..,.- . <br /> _...._..�......�. ._ . " �,..��..��.......,,..� ___..�...._•..__..,,__�.�_ _ <br /> _- -- - _ <br /> . .... .'_-.�_._'___._..__"^1! �Sl:':.J:�__.__ -.•--___-_-- ..__.___.__._...��_T`F^^'^'T.-J.,ww.h.r.�...��-n�--�.T! —_'ST'lr---•r--�r `--.-...,.____ _-- <br /> .. frr. sldt.rauYs <br /> . ......_ .�...Y.. .. ... ._ .. . .. ...�. _.. . <br /> . . . I ...��'-�. �� <br />.._... _-�_..� ._ -.-. .���DRRS=___ . .. -. �.. <br /> .--. '� r�r�.�ww��... ... <br /> �.�_�..._�.___"_ _. .__ __`_. '." <br /> __�..nJiln�.L.� ' • . - � ' �. �.�-__ <br /> --. v�-J:� subs�intill{y cguivnl^�¢r�rt��r. ins+arnn�n c�vcrn�;�in not uva�ilnbte.Boarowcr sta�ll pay to L.Gndcr cacn munu►A sum ecjuni co -°•� <br /> , • _, .• on�-t��elftiti of ei����.:.:il;��:��►t���,r,^f,����s�s,�,:r.e��r,�mt�nn b�inQ�nid by E�cereoeree�1he�the in,nrnttc;;eovera;;o Inn::d ar�:�sed to <br /> �. i��•• �,, � �`.� . <br /> ts:in cf�E ct. l,�r.c1c._„° S'�'.5�r,.�e�^: i��;�ain a�ic:�pay�i��nts nr, n la:,s rescrve in �icu af o�iuj•t�;a�c in�,Earan�e. II.��:�s rescevc c-,�r �• <br /> �:�yn�:i�t����rry s�!1!e'��.,..:i:.•,.��,��: :� :��;�•�uZs;ini��it'7�:uttcr. if r�ort�n��c�in��tira�u:s:cov�enLc 11u thc c:id 2i�r tits�tt:iiiT�9 �:,��� I <br /> ����.t P�n�±:�i' 1'P.I�19If'i 9)(1POVll�C�f isp nsi lu;i���r�����e9vcd L�y l,�nctcr a,;,!bi Uccunt�s��v�iilai�lc niltl i:uh�,�lir.::S.iv:�►r,��•;;:�,�E��i11 p°,y �i _ _ <br /> ..."'-`-°_....__. o i . . . . � ro . . ia_ ..� - itl � i sxant Pi�v��tnclucutct�'_ .. <br />...-_..--- ---- <br /> th�re:.�.se:.._... .. �i �_.-�' <br /> i�IG''iStililllili191e6]IIIPCO[R f7tEl1�['.11R I11�1Fl�i9�jC R:;lii.11ltG I!i Cticit,ui i4t(�i1i'vtu�..��Ci57 ii.:%i.�..JiL.. ' ' :'• ' .,� . <br />`.:,•,:';-�;..�;n , ltt�:ur.�nca c�lclq in uccurdence e��tl�imy����'ittcn ti�rc�ntei�t b�t�veau f3arrovrse a�id I.cncier�r n���►licnblc In���. �_ <br /> . 9. IFi';`l:.l'��OYi.Yr_ndsr nr its 0l;Ci1t IitOy 1110.I;C fi1':011!IViIO COII'IC��►ipnn and Ins�cctions af the E�eoperty, l.ciidce rh.ill f;ivc;� ��; <br />"-"��,sy=�r�,{{.�� ' Borrnwcr i�wicc at thc tiin�c of or r�icir to an InspccYion�,pcclfyin���catinn;ll)IO C:tUtiC Ft)P fI1C IIl!��cction. �,;..-- <br /> � 10. Condcmnu.lon. Th�pr�acecds af nny .iward «r ciciln� far dnmages, direc.q or consequcnd7l, in connecti�n w(ti� nuy� '� <br />:.:i"nFNt i�.L`����� <br /> ;:"�.,;�.;;,9,.r.� ca�dc:aft�tion or aihcr tn!:in;;nf i+ny �:+ri of titc E'rnpexty,or far couvcym�co in lica of concicmai:�tlon, nn c�r�.by fissl�;n�d cu�tl'" �:_• <br /> --- shnll be paicl to Lcndcr. � <br /> """' - In the cvcnt of n total taking of thc Pcnpc�iy.thc�rocccds shcdl bc nppiied to 1hc eu�iis ticct�red by this Scc:urity InsQ�unicnt.� � . <br /> �� �vhether or nat thcn duc, with nny exccss patd to gorra�vcr. In thc event c►f n panlnl taking af t.h� Prope�iy in which thc fair = <br /> �.�..'. <br /> - _..-;;� market valuc of the Property im�t�;;diutcly bcf�re the taking is cqunl to or greuter thnn tho►smount af the sums Sccun:d by this <br /> . ��a,s��=- Sccuriry Instrument immediately befnre the taking, u►iless l�orrower nnd Lendcr othenvis�agre�in writin�,ihe�sumti secured by <br /> u���':� d�is Security lnstrumcnt sha11 I�e rcduced by the nmount nf the proccccls multiplied by d�e fotlo�ving i'recseon: (a) dic tatal <br />�"x'-"�"`�f��� amour.t of the sums secuecd immeAi�tely bcfore the tnking, divlded by (b)thc fair mnrket wiluG of ihe Propert,y inm��dintcly <br />--=Y�u=��� bcfor�the t1lci�ns. �1ny bainnce shall ba paid to 13urrower. In the event of u partial tnking oi' the 1'rc►peny in which ihc fuir __ <br /> _Ty.�.��=�;.� <br /> -_�==�-_- marY.ct value of ttie Pro�rty inimediatcly 6efc�re the tnking:s Icss thAn the amount of the sums secured immedintely beforc it�� <br /> °-----_�;�"� taking, unlcss Borrower and Lendcr otherwlsc agree in�vntm�or unless applicable law othcrwisc provfdcs,thc�racceds Shnll <br />,���,,;�;� 6c appl�ed tu the sums secured by this Serurity instnmient whethcr or nat.thc sums are then due. i <br /> --°-�--�----n If tha Property is abandonal by Dorrower,or if,ufter notice by Lender eo Borrowcr that ihc condcmnor offen to makc an <br /> -"- awurd or settle u clnim fur damAges, Borrower Puils to respond to Lend�r withiu 3U days after the daw thc natice is given, <br /> �,�,i;;9 I.ender is authorized to callr.ct vtd npply the procer.ds.nt its option,either to�storatlon or reptir of the ProFerty�r to the sums <br />--- -=-=��s- secur:�1 by clu�Security Iast:vment.�rhether or nos t{:en due. ----- <br />_�_��=��-� � Unless Lcnder wid Horrowcr other�vi:e agree in writing, uny applicution of proceeds to prin�ipal shall nnt cxtcnd or <br /> s ne the due date of the rnonthly payments referred to in paragmphs 1 and 2 or change tlio nmount of such payments. <br />� ='�"''�''��'yr� ��lfl,L�sre�a►ever Not�tc�ensed,i+o�hcsi�nnce Yiy I.ender Not o Wiifvcr.�xtensio�l of tt�c Ume for payment or modAfirntion 6 <br />-_Y.�uxP�yt�.,'�'/ c=.-.:[ <br /> .�,� of amortizatlun of the sums secured by this Secudty Instrument gr.snted by Lender to ony successor in iute�e+t uf 8of�o�-�cr sliatl <br /> =��r� '"� not operate to rclt:ase the liability of thc originnl Bonowcr or Ba��rower's saccessors in intcrest. I.ender shall not be rcquircd to <br /> ��=•.� comn�ence proceedings aguinst any sucoessor in interest or eefuse to extend time for payment or otherwi:��ntodlfy amortization <br />;;_�;��� of the sums secured by chis 3e:cunty [nstrument by reason of any demund made by the original fiorrow�r or Bonowcr's <br /> ,;�-�_; <br /> successors in interest. Any forbeazance by Lender in exerclsing any right ar rem�dy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the <br /> -`,�;��y'. exercisc of any right or remc;dy. <br /> lZ. Saccessors aud Assigns Bound;Jofnt and Several Llnbflity; Co-sig�ers. The. covenants c�nd ngreernems of this <br /> �sm?�'^�: Security Instrument shall bind and 6enefit the succassors and assigns of Lender and Bonower. subject to the provisions of <br /> `. s � •_-• �...._.,...�. ..�1�� �coonc tFlir SCLUittV -- <br /> �s'��, para�raph 17. Barrower's covenants attci agi�eements SRAjI OC Juiul utw ecvciiu. nuy �n++�v....� .� o••- _- <br /> A <br /> :�,�-= ,�;�i Insccumen�bui uu:a�wt exai,uie itiv ;':OL:.:(o) �S CII��t�!!!Bp 2f2lS �°_i'!2I'tS� I!tGt��mr_nt only tn morteage. gmnt nnd convey tll:it <br /> Horrower's interes3�n the Property under thc terms of this Security Instrumeut:(bj is not personally ohligated to pay the sums <br />�'�""' ' "'' sccured by this Security Instnunent; and(c)agrees that Lender and nny other Borruwer may�gree ta extend,modity,forbe.�r ar <br />:'�h�'.';';'* '� � � malce eny accommalations�vith regard to the terms of this Sccurity Instrument ar the Notc without that Horrower's consent. °" <br />'�s^'���.�•- 13.1.oan Churges.If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a luw which Sets maximum loan charges, ._._ <br />'»;�;�`t;: � and that law is finally interpreteci so that d�e interest or other loan cl�arges collr,cted or to be collectad in connection with the — <br />_-_� - -- - =M' loan ezceed the pem►itted limits,tlien:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by ti�e amaunt necessary ro reduce the charge <br /> "-'-�'-��'� to the permitted limit; anci(b)any sums alrcady collected from�onower which exoeeded permitted lim�ts will be reFundcd to <br />__-a=-��:_,s�;'f_�, Borrower. Lender may cf�oose to make th(s i�efund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a dircct �- <br />_,::"•�".�+��`'�; payment to Borrower. If a re fun d r e duces principal, the seduction will be treated as a partitil prep�yment without any <br /> ��� prepayment charge under the Note. � <br /> =� �� I 14.Not[ces. Any notice to Borrcwer pr�vided for in this Security Inst[ument shull be fiiven by delivering it or by n:ailing � - <br /> °"=�:� ° '�=r•�• it by first class m�zil unless applicuble law m,quites use of unother method.The notice shall Be directed to the Property Address � � <br /> -=- -f,���.�, �•;�- <br /> -�-�- -:.-�� or any other addre;ss Bonower designates by notice to L en der. Any notice to Lende..r shall be given b y first class mail to <br />`-y����-�=-'`�"� Lender's address stated herein or any othcr address Lender desi�nates by noticc to Bonower. Any notice provided for in this �_. <br />�_��`-'�°�:!'�','�.,::� Secur�ty Instrument shall be deemec!to have bcen iven to Borrower or Lender when�iven as pmvided in this paragraph. - <br />�_-�;s;rs;:, q:- F �':�' <br /> Il�,Governfng I,Aw; Sev��abSltty. This Security instrument shall be �overned by federal law and the ta�v of the ,�..: <br /> '=�i4�°�,� jurisdictiQn in which the Praperty as located. In the event that uny provision or clause of this Securit Instrument or the Notc �� <br />_-.;�'� �r ' conflicts with applicable law,such conflict sh�ll not affect other provistons of d�is Securiry Instrument or the No.e which can be ��:-� <br /> ..,;s-�:� � given effect without the conflicting provision. To this �nd the provisions of this Security Instrument�nd the Note are declared . <br /> w �,�;�. to be sCVCrable. <br /> '�'a'�'��•° 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be�iven one coc�formed copy of�he Note xnd of this Security Instrument. ' <br />-���;; 17.Trnnsfer oP the Property or a Beneflcial In.eres4 8a Borrosvcr.If all or any purt of the Prope�ty or uny interest in it <br />-,;.�:�F��°� • is sold or trnnsferred(or if a beneficial interest in Bonower is sold or transferred and IDorfower is not n naiur�l person)without <br /> ' �"�'`� ` Lender's rior wsitten conscnt. Lender may, ut its option, rcquirc immaliate payment in full of al! sums securcil by this <br />: s--��,-� P <br /> :;R�:� , Security Instrument.However,this option shall not be exercised by Lend�r if�xerc�se is prohibited by feder^�.1 law ay of'the dnte <br />_� �,,.;.� ; of Lhis Security xnstrument. <br /> � If I.ender exereises this option.Lender shall give Boreower notiCe of acceleration. '�'he notice shall provide a periad of n�t <br /> �;`�x . ;� less tl�an 30 days from the date the notice is deJivered ar mailed within which Bon•��ver must pay all sums securcd by this <br />-' "`' ` 5ecurity Ynstrument.If�onower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period,Lender may invoke any remedics <br />_ _-'�'.T ' � <br /> �_��-�-..._�:: permitted by this Security instrument�vithout further notice or demand on Bo�7ower. <br />_ �=_':"•�•-�-L���:�� 18. Borrowcr's Right to Eteinstttte. If Borrawer mcets certain conditions. Borrowcr shall have the right to have <br /> :..:;:;.•, ,,. <br />-�-�•�`��t '� ' enforcement of this Security�ostrument discontinued at any dme prior ro tfte earlier of: (n) 5 days (or such other period as <br /> '=�„w:�;�,t��:�:;. . <br /> _- `'-� , aplrl'c�able law mny specify for ��einstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained �n t is <br /> - -�.:_�_a,�s . <br />-T=�j . , Se�rarety Instntmem;or(b)entry of a jud�ment enforcing ti�is Security Instrument.Those conditians are that �orrower:(u)pays <br /> ��'-'��-�"��'-' Lon�er ull sunts which then�voutd be due under this Securiry Instrument and the Note as if»v ucceleration had occ�ned; (b) <br /> �' 'r�� � ' cures any def;iult of any other covenants ur ��re�ements; (c)pays all expenses incurred in snforcing this Security Instrument, <br /> _ �� _� � incliidinE, but not limitcd to,reasonable attorncys' fecs;und(d)tak�s sttci�action as Lender may rcasonably rcquire to assure <br /> � � that die licn af this 5ecuriry Instrument, Lender's rights in the Property nnd Borro�vcr's obligation to pay the sums secured by <br /> � ! d�is Securiry Instrument shall continue unclianged. Upon reinstatemcnx by Borrower. this 5ecurity [nstniment and the <br /> -- _�_�� _ <br /> - � �� j obligations secured hereby shalt rr.main iuliy ettectwe as it no aeeeieracion na�oecur�cci. iiuwc�c�, iiiia iibui iv icin�idic auan — <br /> not appty in the casc of acccicration under paragr�pl� 1%. �� <br /> ' ' • 19. Sale of Note; Clian�e�f I.oan 5eiwfcer. TUe Nute or a p:utial interest in thc Note (togethcr �vith this Sccurity <br /> . � . . Inst►ument)muy bc sold orie or more times�vithout prior notice to Borro�ver. A salc may result in a changc in the entity(kiiown <br /> -� as tfie"Loaia Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Sc�cunty Instrument. The�c also may be one <br /> ~ � or mom chnngcs oF the Loan Serviccr anmlated to n s�lc of the Note.if therc is a chinge of die Lo:m 5ervicer,Borrower wil� bc <br /> ° given�vrittcn notice of thc change in nccorduncc�vith paragraph 14 above mid applicabie law.The notice will state the name and <br /> _ " ,v.idress of the ncw Lu�n Serviccr and the uddress!o �vhich payments should bc madc. Th�notice�vill also contain any ather <br /> .. inForrnation rcquired by applicablc law. <br /> 20. H�zardous Substacres. Borro��•er shall not causc or perntit tl�e prescnce, use, di�pusal, storabc, or rclease of any , <br /> • Ha-tardous Substaiucs on or in the Pmperty. �+�rco�vcr shall nrt du, nor ullow unyone elsc to do, any3l�in� affecting thc <br /> !�t;'.. ;.�'�, � � Prupc�ty tl�at iv in violation of:uiy Environmcival La�v.Thc prcccding two scntenccs shall not apply to thc prescncc,usc, or <br />'.\''a�a'` °`� ���.�.• stor�;e on th�P�perly of small quitatitics of Hata�tous 5uEvtances that tve gcner,ifly rcco�;nized to bc appropriate tu�torni;�l <br /> ." � � ' resideutial uses and W mainten:nree uf the Pri�yerty. <br /> - vapc 3 0�4 Fovm 302� 9/90 , <br /> , .. I <br /> , _ <br /> _ _ <br />