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<br /> ° � � 'iiic r��i�cl, siiall b� iicict Ill All Ill:�tlllitf0il �7I705C C�C�70SISS Ai'� insurcd by n fcdcrn! a,,e�icy, instru�nrnt:ilit or cu�it I
<br /> � (Ail^Incyiu„i.ciealer.if P.�n��.r is si�b•i►r.n�n�,SIh1tIlliJ)Ot'111�]:ly��Ct�E'f'1I F'Il)ill:C.o:m Ci�ii�;.��'fif.2C�Iuill:.�,yly tl�r.funii�tu f�:ry�lr.:
<br /> „ - �:.':C.l'11:V IlClil:i. IJ.:11[�G'Ilt:ly Itul CIl(IiUC Eiuriuivc�•f01'IIQI(I147�iflt�Uil�)I��iu�:tlic C�uitds, ,�uu�rilYy.ur!lyritii��ilie cr.cr�nv r.ccniin�.+�� I
<br />� --�---.....�._� «. •.. .1 .. t8..•vs.amr in n n 1.-- - .
<br /> ..,..� VCfi1,YiDj;Ii1C S:�C'."ii1Y�lcn�.,ii�i;i.iS an.P.�.N�+j���-•.12...,.. _..l.=..F[nn t��n{•t�l:t�ti II71(�CL}UIiCII��C�ill7(1:i'illtt:��.Clll�C7(P h1:f�[i::.UCII -- ---
<br />'. ,�H.�__.:� n ch�s�;o. dlowever, i.�nder n�sy rcc�uir�l�oriatvee to�ay a on�-timc cl�ar�c Soe an in:.iepc�tttQnR rcal cstn�c�:tx rcpnrtin�,r•c;vit:: .
<br /> � �k.t.-.�
<br /> � ' .,� u::ccl by �f.,cndcr i�i cnmtcctfo�i �vid� this loan, �.�nicss np�licnble luw prn��idcs otlicnv�sc. Unless an nRi•cament is m�!da or �
<br /> '��''--"'=�"i' n�plicnblc 1a�r rcc�uii�cy ir�tcrest ta Uc�aid,l.cndcr nh�ll not b; rcquirc.d to[ray Go.rrn�vci�ang�intcrest ar casuing�c�a thc runcis. ��.•.-:,��.
<br />.e-�.�,�,� P3orra�ver and Lcndcr may ngrcc in writiny, howcver. ihlt interest sl�all bc patd on Q1�Fu�tds. Lendcr shnll givc w Horrawcr, —
<br /> --- -- a�ithont chcv�?�; ��n a�uwal uccountin af the E'ur-�ds. shot•�in crcdits and debits ea t�e Funds and thc purpose for �vl�icl► eacl� �,,, ,
<br /> _�. . :, :_
<br /> _--__ _ -
<br /> debit to tt�c Fun�s wus mv�ie.Tiie Futtds t�re pledged as nddit►onai secu�i�y fb�all snm:,�scur�d by this 3rr��r�ry Instnimenc. __
<br /> - If tl�e Funds held by Lcndcr exeeed tiie wnaunts permitted ta be Ueld by applic��ble law,Lendcr shull nccount to Borrawer
<br /> _� far the excess Cunds in:�ccordance with th�requirements of npplicnble law. lf d�e amount of the Funds held by Lcnd�r at a��y --
<br /> timc is not sufficicnt ta pay tiis Bscrotiv Ytems wh�n due,Lensler may so notify Borrower�n writin�,anrl.in sucli casc Borrower
<br /> ---�- shnll pay to I..cnder ti�c aniaunt itcccssnry to malsc up thc deficiency. Bonowex sliall make up[he deficicncy in no morc lhan _
<br /> — tweive monthly payments,at i.cnder's sole discm:tion. .-..�.
<br /> --- - Upon payment io full of aU sums sccured by t1�is SecuritX Ynstrument, L,ender shalt nrompily rcfund to Horrower any _
<br /> - - _- - af l�c PropeKy�shall apply nny 1�Funds held by L.ender t�t�the time f acyuisit on�or al8 ais a cred�rusainst the�sums sccurExl by =
<br /> -�-�='-"- this Security Instrumcnt.
<br /> -= 3.Agplicatlun oY Ppyments.Unless npplicable 1a+v provides otherwise,all payments recciverl by I.ender undcr puragi�phs _
<br /> =�_�.•-- i nnd 2 shall be appltccl: first, to nny pr�epaymcnt charges du�under the Note: secand,to amounts payable under paragraph Z;
<br /> -- third,ta interest due;fourth,to princ�pal due:and la:,t,to any lutc charbes due under the Note.
<br /> -- 4.Cheeges;Llens. Borrower sirall p�►y al[ tas:es,assessments, charges, fines nqd impositions attributable to tiie Property
<br /> = tvhich nta;att�in r*iori4y over this Secunty Insttu�rrtnt, nnd lc;asehold payments or ground rents, if nny. Bonower shali pay _
<br />—�W+�1 thcsc obligntions in the msinner p,ovided in parn��aph 2,a�r if not gaid in that mAnncr.Bon•u+v�i stt�i pay thcm on time dls�c:ly
<br /> -= n
<br /> -p ta the person owed payment.Borrawcr shall promptly fiirnish tQ I.ender all natices of amounts,to fi�z pa3d undcr chis paragrapr„ _
<br /> �'�•�KK�°��'� If Tinrro�ver makes these puyments direct'y,Horrower shall pr�mpdy fucnish to Lender receipts r,vai:�:ncing the paymen¢s. _
<br /> ='�""=-'� Bor�ower.shall prumptly discharge any licn which has prioray over.Uiis Se�:wity Instrumcnt Uiilcss Bvrrowcr: (a)agrces in" �„ ,
<br /> writing eo the payment of the ebligation secured �y the lien in a►nanner ecceptable to Lender, (b)contests in goad fnit6�the licn
<br />:�� by, or defcnds nsainst enforccment of the lien in. legal proceedin�s which in d�e Lender's opinion opernte to prevcnt the
<br /> enforcemem�f tho lien;or(c)secures�rom the holder oSF the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lc;nder subordinating thc lien t�
<br />-=—� this Security Instniment. If L.endec determines thnt any part of the Property is subject to a lien which mey attain priority over.
<br /> �+��a� this 5ecurity Inst►vment. I.cnder may give Horrower n notice identifying tltc lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or takc one ar:
<br /> �� more af the actlons�et forth above w►thin 10 days of the giving of notice. __
<br />,.t�,�,� 5. �lezasd or Prope�ty I�LSUrance. Bonower shall kcep the imProvements now existing �r hereafter crected a� the
<br /> - ..�° - Yroperry i�ts��a;agniusi �ass�y :.�, ~"u:.»""��=^•s�•"!'"!`"�e,j�in�hr..t�rm �xtended covera�e" ural ar►Y other hauirds. including Y
<br /> �=�_""�"'"' !1��r flL,�,•t��o. 1'�r whicli Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for tP�e per�atis
<br />---���-��-� that Lender eequires. The insurance canier providing the insurance shaii be chosen by Bnu�wc;s�bj�;.a ta ixr.�er�s°Ppra�s! �
<br />-�''-"=��°�p wliich shall not be unrcasonably withheld. If�onower fails ro maintain coveraga descrived above, I.ender may, at I.ender's
<br /> �"�� option,ubtnen coveragc to protect Lender's rights in the Property in uccordanee with paragraph 7. .._
<br />_:- -_�� All insurance policies and renewals sh�ll be ucceptable ta Lendes und shall include a standard mortgage clause. Lcnder
<br /> ----_= shall have the right tu hold die policies and renewuls.If Lender requires.Bunower shall prampily�ive to Lender all receipts of
<br /> .""a'-.'r'�_ paid premiums and renewal notices.In d�e event of loas. Borro�ver sl�all�ive prompt notice ro the ic►surartce carrier and i.ender.
<br /> ---- - I.ender may mslce�roof of loss if not made prompdy by Borrower. �
<br /> —;�,�� Unless Lendcr and Bonower othenvise ngrec in wr�tmg.insurnnce proceeds shall be apFlied to restoratiou or repair of the �
<br />_aT� property damaged, if the restoration or repair is econamically feasible and Lender's security�s n�,t tessenea.rf the restoration or
<br /> .;�-,,;�,;;�,.,L..�� tr,pair Is nat economlcully feasible or Lendet's securiry would be lessened. the 9nsurance procecds shall be applied ro the sums �u:,_
<br />-�4•��� sccured by ihis Security Instn+m�nt, whether or not then due, �vith any excess paid tc� Borrower. If Bonrower nbandons the �r
<br /> A'.�_:t
<br />--�=�=`r� Pruperty,or does not answer within 30 days a noYice from Lender thnt the insurance carricr has offered to settle a ciaim,then `�a•
<br /> -"'"`''� Les�der may collect the insurnnce proceeds. L�.nder may use the procecds ta rcpair or restore the Properry or to pay sums �.'^�:
<br /> _ ,�,.��� secured by this Security Instrument,whether or nat then due.The 30••day period will begin�vhen the notice is given. �•:��,;
<br /> ---=-n-�._�_� Unless Lender and Bora•ower otherwise agree in writing. any applicati�n af pmceeds to principal shall not extend or �-- .,
<br /> —_�� ' postpone[he due date of the n•��nthly payments refeRed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 ar clian�e the amount of the payments. If �. __•
<br /> -� -' under puragrnpli 21 the Properry is acquired by I.ender. Borrower's nght to any insurance policies and proceeds resultin�fmm <<r�
<br /> =- _-- damage to the Property prlor tu the acqwsition shall pass to l.ender t4 the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrument �,���
<br />-;:�;�hy,.�:'� immcdiately prior to the acquisition. 'µ
<br /> � �.�,���,�� 6.Qc�eu�anr.y,Fresesvatt4n,Maintenance nnd Protection of the Property;3Eorro�ver's Loan Applicutian;I.,es►sehoi�.s. ;�
<br /> ':�_-n.n�,� Borcower shttll occupy,establish,and�use the Property as Borrower's principal residenee within sixty days aRer the execution of
<br /> --� � �°�.�:;:� this Security Instrument and shall wntinuc to occ'upy the Properry as Borruwer's principal residence for nt least one year aftcr �'�t;,,'
<br /> _-�-�- the dnte of oc�:upancy, unless Lendcr othenvise ugrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreusonably withheld. or unless ;,�;.
<br /> ._�.�;��.��; ���..
<br /> � ,_,�'-� 1 extenuaunS circumstnnces exist which are beyond Bonower's control. Bonower shall not destray, dams+ge or impair the
<br /> '��` p�npeny, altow the Property to deteriorate, or commit �voste on the Property. Borrower shal:be in default if any forfciture
<br /> ���. , .
<br /> r�,;:•�:.•����. action or proceedia�,whether civil or ciiminal,is bcgun that fn Lcnder's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of t e
<br /> i-..�.`.?�,�,�..:" Pr+operty or othetwisc materiully impair the lien created by this Security Instrumcnt or Lender's sccurity interest. Bo�ro�ver may
<br />_-_- ':.n_� care sttch a default und tcinstate,as provided in paragrttph l8,by c:►using the action or proceeding to bc dismissed with a cuiin�
<br /> ,� ' that, in l.cnder's gaod fuith deten�unation, prceludcs :orFeiture of the Donower's interest in the Property or other matcrial
<br />_"-"•��:��� impainnent of the lien cn;ated by this S4�urity Instmrnent or Lendcr's security interest. Borrower sl�all also be in default if
<br /> � � 'r"°�r� "'�:^�• Bona�ver,during tlie loan application prflcrss. Quve matetially false or inaccurate information or statements to[.cnder(or failed (
<br /> � �� to providc Y..cnc�er with�ny matcrial inior,mation) in connectian with the loan evidenccd by the Note, including, but not limited I
<br />�'�,�:;�:���' to,rcpresentutions conceming Dorrower's acc�!pas►cy oII the Propeny as z pr+ncipa! residence. [f this Security Instrament is on a
<br /> - �7 "y�� leasehold, 13orrowcr sttall eomply witl� :►11 the pro��is'sons of the leasc. If Borrower acquires fec title to the Property, the
<br />.,_.�r i�..._,y.�.
<br />..: C�r...�T':= '1� .
<br /> -= -- --� tr.ascl�old and the fee dtic shall not merge untcss Lendcr agrees ro the mcrger in writing.
<br /> 7.I'�r�ntcr:tion of Lender's��hts in the Pr�operty.If Bonowcr fails to perform thc coacnants and agrcements contained in
<br /> � tltis Se.curity Instrument, or the►•e is a legftl proccedin� thnt may signifccAntly affect L.ender's rights in the Property (such as a
<br /> •- -••-- `� procccdin� in bankruptcy,probate, for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or re�ulations).then L.ender may do and
<br /> --->A•r�..
<br /> for whatcve►• is necessa to rotect the vuluc of the Property nnd i.endar's rights in the Properry. L�;nder's actions may
<br /> ,��`. ----- PaY . . - ---• ---__ ry.��.. o co„ Wti.���tia� nrinr[tv �iver this Securitv Instrument, appeating in court, paying
<br /> mctua� payit� u��y �:���� s....,..,.. .,,, .. .._.. ..�� __ � .
<br /> _ ' reasor�able attorneys' fces and cntering on dte Propcny to make repairs.AWtough i.endcr may take nction undcr this paragrape�
<br /> ,, ��� -�• � • 7.L,etider docs not have to do so.
<br /> ,-;;�. �::`=•-` Any �unounts disburs�d by Lcnder under t1ii�paragraph 7 sl�ull become additional debt nf Borro�ver securecl by this
<br /> ' '`� ,� Security Instrurnent. Unless Horrower and Lender agree to otlicr terms o�payment,these amounts shall bcar intcrest fram the
<br /> . �A:
<br /> . ':•,�:� . datc of disbwsement nt the Not�. r,►te und shall be paynble, with intcnst, upon notice from Lender to Borrower rcyuesting
<br /> , ''_" payment.
<br /> - S.6'I4rtga�e Ins�rnnce.If Lender requnrcd moRbagc insurance as u candition of making the loan sc¢ured by this Security
<br /> "" " � Inst�ument. Borrq�vcr shall pay the premiums required to maintain tiic mortgage insurance m cftezt. If, for any mason, the
<br /> • �� �� � mor�gaoe ins�rancc coverag�requinxl by Lender lapses or ceas�s to be in etfect, Horra�vzrer sl�.ill pay the premiums rcyuirod ¢�
<br /> ' abtciin c�vera�e substantially equiv�lent to the mortgu�e insur.inee previously in r,ffect, at:j cost substanti;illy equivalent to the
<br /> ;.���,:�,�.:�,�;�,`,,; , cust to Bo�rower of thc mortga�c insurnnce previously in effect. from im ultematc mnrtgagc insurer approvcd by [.endcr. If
<br /> ;"•x��r�'�`�:�t`
<br /> �;•r��.. .
<br /> ° • • rea�z oe a Form 3028 9180
<br /> , •,
<br /> �
<br />