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<br /> ---------�•�„a,;,� � S., 1[I�ier�l �►r a'rn�Yrt;� Inti�frs���e� 3IJiC0�4'Cf �Lx!{ keep thc i�npruv�metits �tn�� sxistin ��r herr,�fre� srnc:tod on �hc _
<br /> ,�...�,,.._.�...�y._._ ���.
<br /> _ , " �'7t���C��y i�i�llici� abaii�",I�v.,.,:.j �.+:, t1:7»`':�:b2:_Ir�,t�.l �•,ititlr!f�ft` (!'?Ot sli llt�Ci�CIiJCl-dCC�[iAll�::'r5' Qi114'2'EG+t�ttn�i, pfi.�U�1iR`��*,
<br /> tloals or�loading.for which l.cncicY rtyuires ioisuranca. This litsuran:r.4hall t►E ttwintainal in Yh°tiUH1U1113 A1►lI��'l)f ItlC�tT70(1S
<br /> __ �� tBc1t Ler►der reyuires. Tl�e i��tiur;��ice carrier ptaviding t{�e ii�sur.w�tce sk�al! tw rhu5en !�y Biirruu�Lr suk�i�Gt ta [Arx�er'�� ap�rrruva➢
<br /> which rhnil not G�unrcasonahiy witht�eld. If Borrnw;.r fail� ta u�aiutaiu coveragc dcscribeG ahovc. l.ctrcicr iliay, ac.Cx�xlee'�"
<br /> optiott,oln:tin coverag;:to protcct I.cnucr's rlghts in tlic Pr.opeity In accr.rdancc with par:x�raph 7.
<br /> �►!I insurance(x�llctss anci renGwals s�all 1�acceptabie to �.ender m�d s6a11 include n standard mortg�ge clause. Lendrr
<br /> -- ° --_-__= • ' �ivc to Lezxler aiC rcc�ei s of.
<br /> — —_ siiall ir,nc�he i;E�it to holc!th�paiicie;�nd �er.e�vals. If[,enrler r�qu�res, Iiurrower st�alf pramptly� f(�
<br /> puid�remiums AiiJ renewal notic�s.Iri the e��ent of lass,Borrower shall give prore�pt nG.ic�to t,}►�insurance c;�rrier and L,en3tr.
<br /> i.cncicr may make procif of lass if not madc prompdy b,y Horrn�wcr. •
<br /> —=-----— Unlcss l.cndcr and Bono�ver ottierw•ise agrcc.in writing,iusur:�ncc pror.cixts shsil tr appli�d to r.,toratic�n or i�j�ir af th.:
<br /> - Pruperty danu�gcd,if the restoration or r�pair is econanucully feusib(e an�l I.ciul::r's secur�ty is iint[cssened.Ii the restorat�Un ax'
<br /> repair is noi economically fca�ihle nr l.erder's sw�curity would be lcsumccl,the insurancc pa'ocecds shall be applied to�he sutm
<br /> ____-- ---
<br /> secund tiy ti�is Seturity Iustrur►tent, whufter or nat thcn due, tvith any axccss paid to Borcower. If Borrowee Abt�nclons the
<br /> __ Property,,�r does iiot 1n�wer�vithi�► SU days ct n�tACe from,.Cnucr �ii;�t :��z c:�sc;�rc;.c:,:'ier 1t:.�Q��er�! !o�e!!!�a���.�m; � :
<br /> Leader may cctllect the insurance proceeds. Lcnd�r may usc tbc prncccds to repair or rastore th� Pruperiy ar to pay sums
<br />—_=1,.�A:s-_s_�___� se.cureci by this Security InsYru�nent,wl�ether or not then�iue.The 3Q-day period will be&i�ti�fien thc,�atice is givGn. _
<br /> U�iless l.ender and Borro�e�r othenv3se agree in �vriting, any npplication of prx��is,to principal shall nat eatend or
<br /> ____:�,. ___ __,�;, �a�t�.^.e tlie e!!!e dnt�nf d�e rnontl�iy payrnenis referred so in paragraphs 1 nnd 2 ur chrage the amaunt af the�ymec:ts. rf
<br /> ����—'" under pachgrapi�21 the Property fs acqeirad by l.ender, Borrower's ri�it to any insurar�c�puie4ira aud�;ruu.:.ds��.:�"°,ftr•^•'• W.—
<br /> --- - ___= d:�mage to the Property prior to die acquisi2:ion sh�la pass to Lender to the extcnt of the sun�s se�.^urcxl by this Security Instrunxnc
<br /> —.,,,:�,�,�,�� immediut�ly prior to the acquisition.
<br /> 6. Oecupancy,Pi•eservntion,Mulnteiaanrc und Protecttoa of!he Property;[iotTOwei's I.�nm�Applicat[�n;L.e�sehotds.
<br /> — - - Borrower shall occupy,establish,nrtd use ti�e i'roperty t+s 8orrower's principa!residence within sixty days aftcr the executzon af
<br /> =
<br />