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v��IP�p_,�'ia1�af�'�4r•.�� ��Ir�'M�Mf'i�ttttr _ . � � - . . i�.4i�:',•`)�j � _ <br /> . �MMIGI��GI�'°"�""Y""""'y"�n°ws""'""°NF'"°'rI"'YM""'".,.` ,,. � n - Z�� Ci <br /> . . ,� ...... :LLSS� . .���. <br /> :. . - ... ...«.._rL:......�...� � �--- -a_._.� . � . _ . ._ . - /i�. <br /> . .,, - _ •...,,•�•.> �. . .....� - .__ _ -� .. _- . -. . <br /> � . �t_'�.''f�:i�,'�t f}_ . ��.�� �� _.��r..�.Y�.... �_ -. <br /> _ ..... ._ �.���.�..�o <br /> �------•- <br /> - ._���..__..� -._z._�_—_- - __--�.�- . . .- � . -:7_t_"� ........!!�l!f�A�..r +�°�r•�- . .'�l��T'd.E'��r^? L+__'�2.-xI1"?�'F%�irKi3'in�c�rmar��..;�:�:. <br />.,\ -__ - -- � - -- --__ — �c�w�.�wvee.�e..��o�r.R..��.�.�.......�.�..�.��,�.���.���.� <br /> . ..�.. �—,.�� �W <br /> �r .-.,,��F�•�r�+e'r�txr_.±ae� .!t�x,.,Y��.....,...-�a,.=.�,i:�,..,�.��.:,3,wr.avs-+r�m_�±e^_��----'-- <br /> -•�ws4a..m.e�.a.r.�n�a.�arca�.�..�uw..;.—�:�,�'?�L . . xe.....i,00�,�,'�o,"°....i,.a..e�. .�.. - ._ -J,.— . -- -_ .}n� <br /> _••., ,�.��+ .� - <br /> :: , . , � _. � � ,.� . . .. � . �;'� ,.. <br /> ..,.,,_m� ,:.. <br />. . . . •,��. - � . . .. .- .i:- � . �• .. - x '.. �� a� - :. .n. � -. ., ��..; .:_ 'ti:. . .k..c..i"��7t''..sk9(;` <br /> .. ' . . .� .Sl ° r ^ ,i - , ^ . ' n .. �� .. �. . r .. - ..�. . -_ � <br /> i� , <br />' _. . .. � ,. -. � � . ., u n <br /> _ �. <br /> � A �s�G�'- t�it 3i��.II iu.�..1.� <br /> ' ei±l,`t3' I��c�e� tit�'��'c-�• , .x+y _ –•_, <br /> �="''a� 'f'fl4ikia�I�Ii�i�VI�I�I 6I�IIIC Illl)liilVC9tli.L15 f[!iW Ui GCSCJfiC'I c:i�ctr.;l ru ti�c��ral�c�iy, mt�ti;di c..•�c��r•r�ts. .���pi��l�n.��;: �. :ijiri' ' ,----_- <br /> -� fixturc� n++�v ��r lrcr�:�ftcr a g:+it ��f sltc p�-nperty. All r�:plttcrr.tirntti +irKl sKitiiti�fn� styall als�► tsc c��verc�3 {yy this tirct�riiy <br /> _-...:=a.�n ° <br /> .-�-___ 1n•�r.. A F { �.� r4` i <br /> - _ , t::::....:.__nt. ..t!s�:t!!_!'�.�r::;;��_n,;?�s••{rM'F:, tev I�t l�li,�� 1'�'1!.!FV X4?Yli7llil��ii1;�•:If�„"1'rapeity." -- <br /> �i()R[tt]Wiiit CUVL7NA,N'�'S lhai 13orrc�wcr is tuwtully s�:isc�i nf tli��aietc It�rchy cmivcye�t ur�l i�av th� r{.yht to�xanC a�id <br /> � cnnvcy �hc Prn��arty atx! Iliat thc i'r,���rt}; is unciuumlxra.l. cxrcpe (iir c�u:�uibr�sns�;.r• nf�curd. 13urr+.►a�cr war�•�mts tux! wIQ - <br /> _ i1rS�ttd�e��cralty tl��dlle to U�e.1,'��o(x:�1y.1�;:11�i5I UII CIA!IliS and dematitcls.�,uhjcct t�i any cncm►d>raner�uf c�orci. _ <br /> 'CHIS�t?CUFtI'fl'INS'CRUMG�N7'rombincs uaifrnm cnvcnznts far nutitir�a! usc ::nd non•unifnrm cuti�cnauty wiih li.ttitaf <br /> v�riations by jurisdiction lo comtit«tc n u��if��•m sccur3ty instruaYicnt covc�i��g r�.�l�iro�x:rly. <br /> - -'� i11VlFO12I4f CUV➢?iVAN1'S.�lorrowt�r r�nd I.endcr wvenlut utid.►grcc uy fu11��w�;: <br /> l. P��i�ier�¢ of I'ei►xl�x+! a�id Inferest; Picy.�yini.:il ARV I.II�C CMBY'RC!7. ta�r�-ow�r ti���n �����,r�ty p�y whcn dae thr, � <br /> - principal of ancl intcrost on�hc dcbt c•rid�nced by thc Nutc and uny pi��ayntcnt nud tatu ch•rrgcs duc uncicr�I�s!Votc. <br /> -- -- 2.kti�ndg[ar Taxcv uiid Jas��•Ance.Subjcct ta applicaUlc la�v or to a�w•iucn waivcr by l.�n:lcr, Rareawcr slial!p�y to � <br /> --� LcnJcr an tlic day monthLy paymcnts urc due under tfie iYotc,until ihc Note is��aid In full,a sum("Furo:ls")i'ur:(;�)ycarly taxcs <br /> and asscssmcn:s which may attain priority ovtr this Sccurity Instrument as.i llen on tlic hroperty;(5)yeady leascl�old�ayments <br /> or ground rents un tho Property,if any;{c)ycarly hazard ar propcaty insumncc premiums;(d)ye.lrly flnod insurans.r premieims, <br /> - -- - if sn ; (e)yaui mon a e insumnrc rcmiu�us, if ui�-;i��td;fl�7 snm;�sa a�fe b� E�rru::�er to Len�!ct, !!1 @CCO��IC@ �N!(It <br /> Y Y s6 P Y Y• i Y 5 <br /> thr:provisions of par�graph S,in lieu of the �ayment of mnrt�age insurnncc pren�iums,Thcsc items ure wllcd"EscmW+(tcros." <br /> ,,, .__,_ - L.�nder may. �t any timc, ccallect ^nd hald Funds in an amount not t� axcecd the maximum nrnount a lender Sor a federaliy __ <br /> --__= related mortpage loan qu►y require fur Borrower's cscrow nccaunt uudcr thc federal F.Zeal Estntc Settlerncnt Prorcciums Act of <br /> _ _-_ 2n%4:�s amer.,f��!! from tim�to tirie. !2 U.S.0 Scr�ion ?f(11 �r s�q. ("ILESP.A"�. unless unolh2r la�v that appltes to thc Funds <br />-°�-_�---�-_� .sets n Iesser nmowit, lf so, Lender any time, collcct and hold Funds in an lmount not to excecd the lessLr amount. `""' <br /> _ _ __ H,cndcr may estimstc th�umount of Funrls duc on the basis uf current data and reasanablc estimates uf expenditures af futurc <br /> __ _ _- Escrow Items ar othenvise in nccordnnce�vtth applicable law. _ <br /> ---- - Tlie Funds shall be held in an institution whosc deposits are insured by a federal agency, instnimentalisy, or entity <br /> __ _ __' (including Lcndcr,if lf..cndcr is such an institution)or in any Federal Homs;Loan Bank.Lendcr shall ap�ly the Funds t�p:ry the <br /> -_ __ �scrow items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and ttpplying thc Fwids,unnually cmolyzing thc escrow account,or = <br /> -=— _ �. .,..._......_ � im h��Igw rv�rmitc 1 r.ruler tn rrmlcc�tach ---- <br /> — v�r::�i��Y ii�r.i:u:ruw�icttu.utitc55 Lcit�ci i�ui�s uw�v.r�i:i�iCawi on the Fusr�..sss�sfiFl._s_!_ <br /> �"""' <br /> "_'"-�� a charge. Ho►vever,I.ender may require Borro�ver to pay a one•tinie charge for an independent rcal estate tax re�onins servic� - <br /> _���� usecl by I..ender in �onncction wiQ� this loan, unless applicable law provides othenvise. Unless an agreement is made or ..-. <br /> __ _�_ epplicable la�v reqt►ires intcrest tn be paid,[.endcr shall not be rcquired to pay Borrowcr any intemst or eamings cm the Funds. _ <br />��� ��w Borrower and Lender may u�nee in writing. however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. l.e.nder shnll give to Barrower. <br />-"'=_'°_'='-� �vithout charge, 1n:�nnual nccountin�r of the Funds, showing creclits and debits to the Funds and the purpase for which c:icl� ���� <br /> � d�bit to thc Funds�vas�nade. The Funds are pledged as additional security for all tums secured by this Securiay Instcument. <<�L, <br /> -_����' If the Funds held by Lender exceed the�unounts permitted to be held by applicabte law, Lcnder stn�ll,lccount to Borrowcr �-,._,. <br /> -- ;,�w�;;� . <br /> 4j for the excc:ss Funds in accordance with th�: requirements of appiicable law. lf the amount of the Funds held by I.ender at any �___. <br />-_-LL••-.14'l aLi�ii�.�.l� <br />,__.,��;��s ' time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow items�vhen due,L.ender may so notify Bonower in writin�.und,in such case Borrower , <br />__���.:,��r�. :�nall pay to Lender the amount ner,ess�uy to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than <br /> -..� twelve monthly payments,�t l.ender's sole uiscretion. -- <br />-_---=�n� Upon p�yment in full df all sums secureci by this Securiry Instrumcnt, [.ender shall promptly refund to Borrower any • <br /> -=v- -- •-- runds held by.�.er.der.If,undcr p.v�agrA�h 21.Lender sliall acquire or sell the Property, Lcndcr,prior to the acquisition ox saIe =__ <br /> °-� .--- oP the Propcity,shall apply any Funds hcld by I.endcr at thc time of acquisition or salc as a credit against the sums secured by '_ <br /> --�-��- ch3s Security Instrument. <br />-=y�::=�i� 3.Appltentfon of Payments.Ctnless applicabte�a�v provides othenvisc,all payments receivai by Lcndcr under parageaphs <br /> __����� 1 unJ 2 sl�all�e applied: 6rst, to any prepayment chargcs duc under the Note: sernnd,to nmounts payablc under paragraph?_; , <br /> -__ _ third,ta interest due; fourth, to principal due;nnd last,to any late charges due under the Note. � <br /> -.- ___. — 4.Char(;es; Ltens. Bonower shall pay all ta�ces,assessments,charges, fines and impositions attributable to the Property ., <br /> �=��Y� �vhich may �tU�in priority o�•er this Security Instrum�.nt, and Ieasehold payments or �round rents, if any. Borrower shall pliy <br />-_,-�;•=�;� these obli�ations in thc manner provida!in paragraph 2,or if not paid in.thut manner, Borrower shall pay them on time direcNy <br /> -_��.� to the persnn nwcd paymcnt. Borrowcr shali promptly furnish to l.ender all notices of nmounts to bc paid under this paragsaph. <br /> -._.--_° If Borrower mnkes these payrnents directly. �orro�ver shall prompety�urnish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. <br /> -=-_-�.=� Borro�vcr shall promptly dischargc any licn which has priorit}•over this Securiry Instrument unless Borro�ver:(a)agrcies in <br /> _`w'"-`�:='-'� writin�to the paymcnt of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptablc to Lender;(b)cuntests in�ooci faith the lien <br /> °�r°�°='-9'� by, or defends asainst enfor�ement of the lien in, �le;;+l proccedings �vhich in the Lender's opinion opetate to prcvcnt the <br /> .. :� <br />��Lr��j�s� enforcement of the licn;or(c)sccures from thc holdcr of the licn an agrcement satisfactory to Lendcr subordinating thc lien to ° <br /> -_�-•-'�,}r��--_ this Security Instmment. If Le:nder dctermines that:uiy pan of thc Property is subject to a lien ti�•hich may nttain prioriry over <br />____:.:,�:�_wy;Kr� .. <br /> -_---�„��; this Securiry Insttument, Lcndcr may givc E3orcower a notice idr,ntifying the lien. Borrowcr shall satistiy the lien or take one or <br />�_.�•.',`;.�" rnore of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> • Form 3028 9f90 <br />...,°'`_•��-.•"� • Papo x ot o <br /> ..�.. ��;�. <br /> _Sti�^`�= , .. <br />� _`.54'r,.' • � .. <br />_..a.�..', .e.. <br />,''_ . . . -�r._Y...'•...�_��..�-...._-�..�� .----.�....�_� ��.�� _�.._�✓--�����. . �.- _��_.".���....�. <br /> ,�j. .. ,7�� . .. � �" -.--•—'-'--- . _ —'..---il- '._,------.�.-.-.. . . <br /> ,. .. . . . .. .. . <br />... � . . . . .' . . . . . . � .. _. <br /> % <br /> :.�.��, . . - � G .. „ . .. ,� <br /> _.... _ �; ., , . , " ° <br />... .�y. •. .. . -- 11 • . . .. .. . . _ . <br />., , ' „ ' y. .. . .. . � � .. � . -' . <br /> � '. -�1 .. . " , . � � - . <br /> ' . +U. . <br /> .i � <br /> ���i}��'� l , . .. .'� , x�(i i ` . <br /> + � .;�k , . , " " . ,' <br /> •� �, • u , ' . , <br /> , . � .. <br /> „ <br />