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<br /> _- � j:a)Oi.;l{�`.1�1.�? tR�jl;t(4C:1`" cr•.�llltC;i.:�t S:�P�;j.ii;,�l s':t(.bvCi,F: f::�SC<�..r^'Ii,S'IT:17,; . .;I'�'•,-.� fj�}iF�' ank�itii aiiii iar:,�c}�e�nu . .
<br /> tl�at l.ender t�equi:se)prvv�pl hy t�2lmnuror ippruvec!hy !x►xkr a��i.n Exxui�scx xvyii�k+{e ytul i+ id�uunCd. I�rrowor ytrall�i�
<br /> il�G:>rc.iciu:�s:�u�ir.N i.a 1�«tii�:::i�s n�r��f�;�e:i,�•.U•.ir•�.� in�fitisi.:��f:ti�.[u�J�t:��1n�• etW'rv�,�.�nli6 th�c►rqnftetttcett tix rtrM�1�t[
<br /> _ __- ; '
<br /> imilrranc�c erdx in�cx,�rcluwe wi�h�ny�v�ictcn aarai+��ri hctwcen Its��i�wcr arel�..cnucr��r �yy.:��.�.��;wr. • „ '
<br /> 9. luope�ttu�.l,c.rKlt�u[ i�r�s�grnt irt�y i�1cc mu�n�hle s+�tries upm srrJ ini�+ectiomn of�tet Pruperty. Ladtr eh�dl gixe
<br /> --�� &�rrin+rr�uc+ii•u Ht the t�u�e cisar pciar t�s atz inepc-�:�i-�n S��ifying reaw�iwblc causa�f'ur the inspecti�e. _
<br /> lA. CatdR+s+�tk+i+. 'Che pmceals uf any"t�wucd cir claim for darnxg�,rli�ect �x canxe(�t�erili8l, in ccxukxtion Witf� any
<br /> , corxiemn�Uirrn�►r ot��cr takir.g uf urcy nhrt of thc 6'ru�x�ty. +fr f��r convcya7cc in litu of t,�mJrmiu��is�1�,arG i�r�hy a.uigncaf ond
<br /> shull tie Twiu tu t.etul;r, . .. .
<br /> . ln the evcnl of a t��t�11a4ing oP th�Pm�rty,tf�r nrixcals slwtl t�e eppliai tn rha wms so�v�«i�,y u�+�;:.:�:;�y 3�.:�:w•.��. _
<br /> wlsaher ur rwt tl�en doe, with ariy ex.ccss paid tu &�rruw�r. ln�he evrne uf a panial rakin� of the Pniperty io whith t6ie f�ir
<br /> rn�kct vnluc n�tlie Pr.i�xrty immcdia�rly bcfure tha takin�is cqua!to+�t grtster than thC a��unt crf ihc sums :KSUrod bq ttas
<br /> � Sec:urity!;�strun�nt irryex+iiately hcl'orz t8�n tukinv,unless Barrowec a�d Len�ler otl�crwi�c a,gra.�e in wriNng,the s�.my aesured t�y �
<br /> • this S^_c,urity Instrun�tnt shall isc reducec� by the anmunt of the pr�xeecis muiliplicxi hy the falti�wit�g fr,ietf�m: (a) the ta+►S
<br /> �:.
<br /> amaunt of the sums srcureci imat�ecSietely bti'Are the taki�ag,divided hy (b) the feir m�rket v�l�+o af thc Frcme�ty irnmali�tdY
<br /> :;,.��:rs e?:t :�,':E::o..!;n; l��"c• sl�n►�N• �.�,i�t tn �rmwer. t�x.t�e evcnt of a i�ani�l takSng nf ti�e�F'infierty ia w6ict� ;T+� fiair
<br /> tnarkct value of thc; Prc�perty itnnxxfiately befarc the takinb is le.ss than thc nmuunt of the suYn9 SecucaJ immccliauly before dr
<br /> teking, unlcss Aurrowar a►ec!LendGr utherwlsc u$reC in�vriting or untess ap�licahlc law othtxwise provides, the proceed.�shall „ _
<br /> — be upplfai to tt�r sums stcured by tl�is Securicy Instrument wltethee ni•nnt tlic�um.arc th�n due.
<br /> If rha Frope;ty is�bandoned by Borrower,ar if,aRer notice by Lender to I3orcnwer that�he cor�demnoi•.oTPen to�twke ut •� —
<br /> — ' e.._ �-----�- ° c_n_ �:� �.°:��: �::.tiih �(�t�°oc .�Rar IhP.riate ihd [lnticr. iC aiYlll: __ ..
<br /> - �-_ :` :1w::Ut U1 aCiitG n G�it{i�i�va uni�wbt;S,uG�i6Siil �au� x0 T�'j.3;f : ���
<br /> • I.ender is ciuthorired to call�ct a►xl appl�r the proceeGs.at its opt9on,either ta rcstoration�or repair of tlx Property or ta tbs�w�.c
<br /> , sccured by eltis St�ueity I�stNment. whether�or r�at thcn due.
<br /> �lJnlcss 1_crxler and Borrawer otherwisc agrec in rr:iting, any application o�F praccxds tq �riucipaR shall not txtend.ur
<br /> pastpon�the duc datc of the monthly payments referrcxi t�in pnragrephs 1 and� or�ange the umaunt of sach puyments.
<br /> �� 11.i3orrower Nol ItelPUS�.�i;�orbearnnce By Lemrler Not a VYaiver. Extension of the tiiue for paymcrtt or mosi;ficat�on
<br /> af sm�r�=.�c�i�r_�f�!�s��n,s ur���P�4 hv thic Socuritv Instrument ara�tted bY undcr to any sucressor in interest of}ionower shall �•
<br /> , . _ _...-•---.._.. ..
<br /> _ _ _ .
<br /> ---- tv.r gs+o.nta tn ral.v►cn fHn IivhiliP�nf Ihr.nrioitl9��nl1l1WL'P OI�1'OROi4CC�S Sl1CCCT�SUCS 111 lil[CCCS[.LCIIt�CP 5�11lII(Idf f)G r4QSlA1G�T6 � _
<br /> -- r'--' '- '+
<br /> cnmmence procecdings ag�inst any succ�ssur in interest or refuse to�xtend time for payment or c�tUenvise Rnodify amanization
<br /> of thc swY�s sc:curcd by this Security Instrument by re:►son of any demand ma9e by the original Rormwer or Borcower's
<br /> - suc:cessors in intere;st. Any fotbear.+.nce by L.ender in exercising any ri�ht or remedy shall not be a waivcr of or preclude the
<br /> exercise of any right or remedy. � -
<br /> 1�. Su�:cessors and A�si�ns Bound; Jo[nt a�9d Severul Liab6lity; Co-signe�s. Tl�e covena��ts and agn-�emcn:s of this
<br /> — S�curity lnstrument shall bind and benefit the successors �nd assigns of Lcnder and Borrower, subject to the provisiors af _
<br /> paxagr,iph 17. Bono�ver's covcnants an� agreements shall b�jaint �nd sever•rl. Any Borrower who arsis�s this Security _
<br /> ����- Inst►vment Uut docs not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Sccurity Instrument only to mortgage. �rant and convey tt�at _
<br /> � �� Bonower's int�erest in the Property uisder the tcnns of this Security Instiumenr (b) is not penonally cbli�atal to p�y the stuns
<br /> secut.�by this S�curity Instrument; and(c)agrecs that Lr:nd�r and any other Bonower may afitce to extend,mndify,forUe.'�r�x
<br /> _,A maks.�ny�ccommodations with regard to ths terms of this Securiry Instrument or the Note without Q�at Bflnawcr's conse�t.
<br />-.-_.._- 13.Loan Chp►ges.It'the ioan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a!aw wldcH•sets maximum lo;ut cl►arges,
<br /> ----�s and that law is 6nally intemreted so that the intcrest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the
<br />_ ,,� loan excceci die pennitted limits,then: (a)ar►y such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount neccssary to recluce the charge
<br /> -=.,::<,*,�i ro the permitted limir, and (b) any sums nlccady collected from Borro�ver which exceeded p�rmitted limits will be refunded to —
<br /> -W-- � 8orrower. Lender may chaosp to make this ecfund by redacins thc principal ovved under the Notc or by rnaking a diit;ct �,`..,_
<br />--��' p�yment ta Bonower. If a r�fund reduccs principal, the reduction will be •trqnted as a panial prcpayrricnt without any >>„�,�_
<br /> „�:;-- - prepayment charge undcr the Note. � _ ;-
<br /> — 14.l�iotises. Any noticc to Borrower providcJ for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivcring it or by m�iting =
<br /> �w=--- = it by first clas�mttil unless applicable law requires use of another method. The notice shall be directed to the Prop�rty Address r=�
<br /> _=_= or any other address Borro�ver designates by notice to Lendcr. Any noticc to Lendcr shall bc�iven by fir�s class mttit to ,'::_r
<br /> =_ :__
<br />-:m-'`�r� Lendcr's address stated I�erein or any other address Lendcr designates by notice to Boreower.Any natice provided for in this t'_'�
<br /> J�T.
<br />, __:.�� Security Instrument shall bc dcemed to h:►ve been given to Borrower or Len3cr when giv�n as provided in this pnragraph. i�,f<
<br /> 3°a 15.Gov���ing I.aw; Severab111ty. This Sccuriry Instrument shall be Qo�•emed by federal law and dic IAw of thc: � _-
<br />:_�--�._; j u ris di c t i o n i n w l t i c h t h e F r o p e n y i s l o c n t e d. I n t h e e v e n t t h a t a n y p►n v i s i o n o r c l a u s e of this 5ecariry i�lstrumen¢ar the Note �..x
<br /> �'�?�'� conflicts with applicable law,such conflict sliall not affect other provlsions of this Security Instrument or die Note which can be
<br />=^ '1,� �iven effect without the coneictin� provisian.To this end the provisions ot this Security Instrument und the Note are declared .�
<br /> ��;;-`�� t�be sevcrable.
<br />`���=-� 16.Burru�ti•er's Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note und of this Security Instriiment.
<br />� �� Form 3028 9/90
<br /> ___,:,�}f. Fapo a of a
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