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<br /> f91 AnY feilum on tha pert ot the Trustor m maet tha repeyment terma In reapoct to :no Loen Agraoment end eny
<br /> ofinr oavancer under Mia Dead of Trust�ereCy secured;end, �
<br /> q�` �C) Any ection by tha Trustor pmEiibitod by ffie mrms af the Loen A9roemnnt or this DeeO of Tmst m eny teilure at
<br />� � the Trmror to act es roqulrcq by fia Loen AB�oement or thla Deatl of Truet,aech ot which lTUSror heraby agrees
<br />=r havo on ndvareA nFfect on xhn Bomfielory'e eecudty Por the lino ot credit astabliehetl entl the righn of ihe
<br /> Ben3ticiary in such secudry. � . ' ' �
<br /> and upen the happening of eny such evan: of default, Bene!iciery may declare ali sums secured hereby immodintely
<br /> dua and pxynblo 6y dsliver to Trustae of written declamtlon of dafsult The Trustea shell heva the Dower of sele ot
<br /> tha Pmper.y, and if Beneficlary detires the PmOerry ro be eold,It nhall depasit with Truetee this Deed of Trust entl ail
<br /> promisemy notee entl documentz evidencing ea0entlitums eeNmd hereby end ah�oll de!iver to T.ueroe e wdtten notice
<br /> et dofavlt and olocHon m eeusa the Proporry to be eold, entl tho Truntao in Lue ehell pre0ere e noNCe In the form
<br /> reqWreC n�!qw, wMCh eheil bo duty flbd for rocortl by Tmstee.
<br />�.: IA1 Akar the inp-?e of 5�cn i��a .,5 mey be required by lew toliowing the recortlatian ot said notice of tlefault, end
<br /> notico ct tlofnu:: ar;� no8ca of sale hevin8 baen givan aa requirotl by law, Trustee, withou[demend on Trustor,
<br /> ;hali sell'Iho Ptopetty on[`e tlam nn0 at the timo and➢�eca designeted in ssid natice af salo, et public eucion m
<br /> ,the�highest biEder,lha G��«i�aso pdce Rayabla in !swful monay af the United Stetes at the tima of sele. The
<br /> �pmsun concuc[ing the �^!o may, tor eny cease he Ceems xxF E°:, postpone the sate fmm tima ro time un51 it
<br />� sha'I be comR!etetl en7, in avery such cese, notico o� paetponement shell 6a given by public declereUOn Nareof
<br /> by such parson at ffic iime snd pleca!ast oppointad 4or xna selo,pmvlJed,It tha sala Is postpaned for longer then
<br /> one11) �iey b^.yond the day da�ignetetl in the noNCe of sele,-�atio: thsrecf nhell be gWen in the aeme mannar ¢s
<br /> !hc or'gmni notice of selo. Trusree she8 exow4n end tlelive� to the purcno�ar ita Deed tonveying the Property so
<br /> sa�, Lui�.'thout andy covenent or warrenty,expres�or impiietl. The recita!s In:ha deed of eny mettets or acts
<br /> 4^tf sha�l ba wnclusive proof af fhe truthlulness theraot..Any Oerson,Includin8 Benaflciery, mey purehese at tha sale.
<br />� ��� VJho� Tustoe seils pmsuant ro tha powers herein, the ?rustea ehell epply the procneds oi the na!n to payrt:ent
<br /> ct thc costs anC oxpanses of exercising the p�we�af sals and of the sale, IncN�ing the paymant of the l ae�ee's
<br /> feos nrivelly incurred, which Truatee's fees shall notin ffie aggregate exeaeE the',ollawing emaunt based upon �
<br /> - the amount socared hsreby end ramaining unpeid; 5 pereantum on fie fint $1,000 thereof, 1 parcentum on the
<br /> halance thnreot antl then to the items in subparagraph IC) in ffie order thore steted.
<br />�j� ICI A!tcr N�+ing the items spsciiied in subperagreph. (�) it the�snio is by Tmstee,or ffie proonr court and other costs
<br /> s;� of for�ciosno and calo "�e sele is qursuant to jutliciel forcclosure, th�a proceods ot seie shall bc applied in the order
<br /> stated m the payment m, �
<br />�� ;!! Cost of any evitlencn of tiUe pmeured in connection with such sole an0 ot eny r=vanue stamps;
<br /> �? �1p A'tl s�ns the securaA hareby.
<br />��d JI!` Th? remaind^r, if nnY� to the pers�^legally �oti:lod thereto.
<br /> � �3 �vtms and Obiiastivna of Truatae-. (s} The dm7ag antl abligetions of trus!ee shell be datermined solely by
<br /> q.,� the ezpres^, provisions oi ihis Deed of Tmst, end T�uatAe ehe71 noi 6s IISE e oxcapt far Iho periurmence of such duties
<br />� antl oGligatwns as are specificelly set forth hereln, end no Im0liad cove�z�to or obligations shell bo imposed upon
<br /> TrusteA; �bl �10 provisivns ot ffiic Deed of Trust ahell roquire Truetee to expand c• ris4 It: nwn tunds, or otherwise
<br />� inr.vr ooy tinencial oblipetion In erin pertormence of erryp!its dutles hereuntler, or In 8ie e.erdse of eny ot its rights
<br /> ar povmr, if it shell hav�gmunGS tor uelievin8 that the repeyment nt such fund^ or edepuete Indorn+ty egeinst such
<br /> risk or liabiliry is not reasonably ossu�ed to it;(c) Trustae may consoit with counsel ot Ita own choosing and:hn edvice
<br /> oi such counsel shall ba fuil and comp�a[e au[horl+_ntion end pmroctlan M ffie respett of eriy ettlon teken or svffered
<br /> by R he!eand^r in good teiffi ond reiiance ffiereon; (d) Trustee shali not be iieble for eny ection tekan by it in Bood faim
<br /> and reasonaSty bo!iaved by it to be euth.orixed or within the discmtion or rights and powers confarred upon it by ffiis
<br /> Deed ef Tmse. �
<br /> 74. Additionel Securiry Imtrumen[s. �Trustor, at its ezper�se, will executa end deliver m fhe Truscee, promptly
<br />',¢� upon tlamanA,such secmity ins!raments es may be raqairxd byTrastea,in io•m and substanee satisfer.rory m Tmsmo,
<br /> coverin; sny of thn Properry conveyed by this DeeE of Trust, which seeuriry ins'rumenb shall be additionat sacuriry
<br />�� fc Uus[or s fa�[hlui performenee af ell r,f the terms, covenents and tonditions ot this Dead of Trusp tha Loan
<br />� Aa'eomen:, eny promiss�ry notes socured hereby antl ony other 5ecuriN�nsvumants axecuted in r.orznaction with this
<br /> transuction. Such instruments shail be recorded or tiled, entl re-reiorded and retiled, et Tmstor's expense.
<br /> 15. Mlvcsllenaoun. � �
<br /> �A1 In :1 c ovent er.y o�o or more of Na provieions conteined in ffie Deetl of Tuet, or th+ loan Agreement or any
<br /> p;omissory nmo or any ather socurity inatrument glvon in connectlon with thls transacNOn, ehall br any rea;on
<br /> ro Ga ho d m bu Invaiitl. illogui or unontorceebin in eny respecL such Invalidiry, illc{}eiiry ar unenlmcue�iliry shell,
<br /> , ot lhe ofi cn of Bensf�dnry, not oHact ony ot�er pwvision of Nis DeaC of Trust,that this Daed o(Trust shnll bo
<br /> rnnsimeA cs if;uch Inveiid, illef;�� or unenforenablo pmvision had never bevn conSalned herain or therein.
<br /> IS) i hic Dnnd a11 rust shn!I ba ranetrued occording to tha lews of Ihe SSate o1 Nahreske.
<br /> ICI fie Do�d ot^!iat shell Insura to and bind tha hehs,lagatae!i,devlsaes, edministratore,eaecumre, saeeaxnors end
<br /> as�ign, o! tha perl�os hereto.. � �
<br /> IDI frosmr shall Pny ail tezes lavled upon ffiis Doed of Trust or tna dzbt secueed hereby,togothar with eny other texos
<br />`��''y nr nssasamores whlch mny bo Ievioa�gnins!iha Trusteo or BeneNCiary or ffia IeOAI holder of the Loan Agreement
<br /> F) on rco m o� tha Indebtadn¢ss evidnnr.o the:sby.
<br /> y� ��', JJ n or ��:d h�ro' ti o .ngulu�numbor uhell�n� do ffio Dlurn tlitl plurnl,iha singuler, tha usn ol tiny pantle:
<br />� shdl t r�ppl`enhlr to nll y7onderc, enA [ha [erm '6anafir,Iery' ;��oll mc.ude ony payen ot t�n Indeb�utlness heraby
<br /> :ett mJ or nny [ronsf r Ihemof, whofior by operntion al law er Gen �� I�a
<br />��y 16 Su_caasnr Truatea Ornolleinry moy from Nma to t mq eubsaw � e succ.^asor or;uccn.som to xny Tms[oo
<br /> n'. oJ 1 fl mn or acting hemonoar :o oxncute thla Trust DoeJ, Upan �uch nppnimmont s^7 wlthout convaye�mo Io
<br />��� U . .c o f atno. thn latior shxll ba voaletl wIN all titln, pow�ro end dutlos ton!ened upon a�y Tmsma hnroln
<br /> .c o �i+o nurAor Each such appclntmsnt or nubstitutlon nhxll bn moda by wdn;on Instrwnent by 6a�nlic nry.
<br />� ca toin p i �. e to [hls �ooA ot Tru�i.ond Its pieca ol rowrd, whiCh when rocordod In Ne olfice of t�a fie9�siar
<br /> � � ci ?r� �i �hc c< mt;or countmR in wh�cYi ould O�op,+rry Is slWOtod, oholl ba cancNsive proot al propar appolntmunt
<br />�' of ,tc succ ur,or frw:tno. Tha lorogoinp powor of eu6etHuUnn end the V�ocedurx ihemfore ehell not be avclusive ol
<br />���y�
<br />�"st �PJa � � � . CO&3
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