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>. <br /> , �.,.�.-.� �. . <br />�� . <br /> ,- ., u ,� . �_ . <br />��Y _ <br /> ,__ . _ <br />��, _ . <br />�' <br />�, <br />� <br /> 1�95— 1e'�;.'n:�"S <br /> [he powxr an0 pmcetlure provltlatl for by iaw for tlia rubsUtation¢f e Trustee or Trueteee intha Flare nt ihe T,ustas <br /> or Tr�sroes nnmed herefn. � � � <br /> t7. Fcrbearence by eenafldary or Truetes 1:ot e WNver. A farbearrsrce 6y Beneficixry ur Tmstea in exarcising <br /> any right or remetly haroundsr, or otherwiee affrndod by epplica6le lew shell not bn e waiver ot or preclude the <br /> or.nrese of sny riqh[or remedy hereundar. Likewiee,tha'walver by Beneficle�y orTr�stee ot nny dafault of Trusror <br /> untler tihls Oeed nf Truat shall rtoP�be desmed m bn e weiver of any a[her or slmiler defeults sutssquently occurring. <br /> 58. Trvemr Not Hslx�eetl. �EZtonsion of the!irne tor pnymen:or modifieetian ar emortizatianbf the sums secured <br /> by tha Deed of 7ru,x gmnteA dy BenaflciarY toanv suceeesor in Intersst af Trustor shall na!eoereta ID relaeoe, tri rny <br /> mannor, the IiaSility of tho originel Tmstor and Tn�stor's successor in in[areut. Beneficlery shall nat ba re4wmd tu <br /> commence proceadings agsina:cuch succassor or refuse ta eztend time for peymant or otherwise modity emo'��:ixr.tion <br /> oi the svms sewred hy tho Deed ot Truot by reaaon oi any damnnd mede by the origine; Tmsmr end Tr;ator•y <br /> succassors in interest . . � � � � <br /> 79. Op4an m Forarlose. Upon the oecurrenee of eny�dafault hereundeq.Benaficiery shall hnve the i,pticn fo <br /> forec!o=e ffiIs baed of 7',-�,st in?he manoer provided by low far the foreelosuro of mortgagm on ree7 pmperry. <br /> 20. Trustor's Piph±s, A6ae�t�a(eult �ntil any dafault in the paymen[of Indebtedness here6y secured, ar ar�,il <br /> the bmech of xny wvananY herein conteloed the Truator, i:e suecessor5 end assigns, shail posvess end enjoY rha <br />� pronerty and recrsive the rnnts ar.d prafits thareimm: Upon payment of ell eums secured by this Daed of Trust, <br /> BeneSiciary shali r=quest Trestae to reconvey tha pmparty and shall surrendor this Qead at Tmst and ell notes and Loan ' <br /> AB�eements evitleming InAebtedness sewmd by the Deed of Trust to Tma!ee. Tmefee ehell reconvay Me propnrry <br /> wit!+.out wnrrenty and wiffinut eherge tv the parxons legelly entitlad thereta. Tha Grsntea in eny retonveyeneo mey <br /> be dzscr;bad es "tho peraon or peraona entitlad thereto", end ffie raeitala ffierein of any mattere or faete shall be <br /> canc!usive proof af thx !ruthfulness thereof. Such person or psrsans shell oay all cosW of recording, if sny. <br /> 27. Trens'er of the Proper.ry; AsaumpYian. if ell or eny part of the�Proparry or en intorest therein Is sold or <br /> trans!errAtl wiffiout Bnneficinry's, prior written consent, ezeept as�othnrwise provided by law, Beneficiery mey, n[ <br /> Benet�ciary'e oFtivn, dadare el! t�e sums secured by this DeeA at Tmst io be immadietely due anC peyebfa. <br /> 9enaficia.ry sha!I hnva Wnived such opNOn to eccelereta if. Prlor to ffie saie ar trensfer, 0eneficiery end the porson!o <br /> whom xFe Property is to be sold or trensfene0 raech egreement in writing thei ffie eradit of such Oers6n ia setisfectory � <br /> ro Beneiiciory end that ffie interest payahie on tha sums securad by the Daed ot Trust, shell be as such rete as <br /> BenaFicizry shall requesL If Beneficiary fies weive the option to accelarete providatl irt this Paragraph 21, and i' <br /> Smstor's suceessor in inte:est hes ozecutod � written assumption egroene�Y eccepYed in writing by Beneticiary, <br /> F.=noiiciary shall releaso Trusmr tmm ell ob�lgations under this Deed of Tmst end thu loan Agroement. I(Beneiieiary <br /> ezemites such option m accaierete, Beneficlary mey invaka anp:emedies Farmitted by the 6ead of Tmst. <br /> 22. ReQUOSt tor hotice. The Trusior request thet e aoAY of a�Y natice ot detault and nf eny notice of sale <br /> hereundar ba mniled to Truslor at the edEress F.ereinGetore set forth. <br /> IN WITHESS WHE3EOF, :he Tmstor hes execu:ed tfiis Deed of Trust ffie dey and year first abrsre written. - <br /> SV�"�;L4l��� ' � s �r�ri,�¢6h N dS-9s <br /> DAVI.. SV 5+].lN'aJN pnia MISiNA R 3WAlISON pn'fe - <br />�1T <br /> li:€ <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKAI � . <br /> SS <br /> COUNTV OF ��.ND ISLAND, FuLL � � <br />�� �oforc mo, a Notary Pobiic qualitied fot said County, oorsona!ly ceme �xnm w svansox nw ooxxn z �xausox, <br /> xvssr.xv zw �exrs <br /> knorvn to me to he the id!;m,icol perscnis� who signM the 1me�aing instrum9nt antl ecknowl3dpetl tha execution <br /> therec` to be his/hedth�ir voluntary an and dead. <br /> Wimes^> my hend end NatBridl SOOI ihi� 2'11'1i dey 07 A�RIL 19e5 <br /> �4FYFPJI S77RAYSYtr tl IeAab . <br /> �� CHH1561U[JCiE (�!/ <br /> MYGmm.&0.Utt.29.:�6 v�til/i,Qj �� ��„�FJ�J <br /> �� � . no�wrveoc CFQiIS L I(ASKZE � <br /> l \� (4 , <br /> fdY Gommieci�n ExOirns: 12/29(96 � � <br /> � ' � � <br /> z �, n <br /> r> ' <br /> ,• � <br /> � , � , � � <br /> , � � � <br /> � �� <br /> 4 � o � �� <br /> •-1 N (`� <br /> I N W <br /> ` 1� i W <br /> O) � �� � T. U. � v� U , � <br /> 0 <br /> w i u� q' 1. � ¢ <br /> -�, cn .;, v v � <br /> � BIAn . 908.9 i _ <br /> . . . .,._J• __. .�.. ' ,,,. <br />