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__ _ <br />�� _ _ .: <br />�� � � � � � <br /> . li9Fi—�Ofd�?3G <br /> py ownc�s ontl oparerore ot si�Nle� prope�tiea and ss Benaficiery mey roquira tar Ite O���ecUon. Truator wili u�mply <br /> wi[h such otns �eVUirements ea Beneflciery may�twm Nme ro tlme reQUestfor �he protec[ion by insurence of the <br /> inte�ext o(tne ruspe�:-�o pertlea. AIi inwrenca polfciee meinteined punuent m 1Me Deetl ot Trust 6ha11 name Tmemr <br /> nnd Fondicie;y as icsuratl, ae thoir mspective intemat may ep0eer acd provida ffiet there ehell be no caneeilotion m <br /> motliiic�UOn without fifteen �15� d�ys prior writton no8ficeHOn to?rustea enE 9eaeticlary.- IN the event eny policy <br /> �ereunder is wt rsnawod on or bafore fihean 175)days prior ro its expiration dete,Truatoa cr Beneficlery mey pmcure <br /> such insurance in er.eordenco wRh the provisior.+ ot Peregreph Z �Tmstor shell delivar to 8aneficlery the oiiginal <br /> policien of Insurance and ranowels tfiereof or copiaa oi srch Ooiicies end renawels thareof. Feilure to turniah such <br /> Insurenco by Trusmr, or redewais as raqWrad hareundar, shali, a!the cpNon of Benefielary, eonstitute e defauit. All <br /> uner.rned preml•�ms ere horaby asaigned ro Truetae�ea edditionel sacunty. entl e eale and conveyenea of the ProOPrty <br /> by the Tmsrea shail oparate to convey to tha purchaser tha Trustor's Interesi:� end to ali policlea of Insurance upon <br /> Iho Tmst Property. . <br /> [. Tezas and Aaeessmente. Truem�uhell pey eli teaes end speciel as9e9sments levleti or essmssed egeinsq or <br /> due upon,tha 7roparry befom delinquency and n�iil delivar Lo�Beneficiary coples of receipts ahowing p?yment af such <br /> taxes ar.d spocial asses.smen[s. . � . <br /> 8. Addi!lonnl Llene. TrusYOr shall maka n'1 peymenta of interast end princlpnl,entl payments of eny other chergns, <br /> faes, end expentes conttacted to he peld !o any existing lien holdero or priar baneflelerles under eny prlor Deed ot <br /> Tmst, Mortgogo or atFer secudty aB�eement, before tha tleta thay ore delinquent end ta Oey eny other cleim whir.� <br /> jeopardizos ihe sacuriry g�nnced herein. <br /> 7. PmmcUan ai Beneflclery'e Secudty. Should T��smr 7ail ta meka.eny payment, feil to da any act ns hereln <br /> •idad o� if eny action or pmceeding is tommented which mecadally a(focts F3enoficiary's In[erest in ihe P!o0or!y, <br /> inclutling, but oo limited to, eminent domein. Ineolvency, errnngamente or pmeeedlaBS involving a bankmpt or <br /> decedent then 6enefiNary or Tmstee, but wi[hout obligaUon to do eo, end withaut notice ro or tlemnntl upon Trusror, <br /> ond wlincut relea�ing Tmsror !rom eny abli0etion hereunder, may make cr do the ssme, end mey pey, purchesa, <br /> cnntast or compmmise andy encum6renca, charye or Ilen, which In the �udgement of aitiher epPeere M eftect seiA <br /> Propert1"in exercising ony such powors,the Heneficia.ry or Tmstee mey incur a liebiliry and expenA whetever emounts, <br /> incl�dinp disbursements of reasoneble attornay'e feea, which in their ebeoluta diacretion mey ba neceesery. In :hx <br /> evant the[ Trusror shali feil m prowre Insurance, fail to paY �axes end speciel exseasmnnb or lell to meke any <br /> peyments to existing or y�iot Ilen holtlers o�beneficiariea,the Benn(iciery may procure such insurenr.e end meke soch <br /> paymenis. sums incurred or ezpanded by Renotlelery or Truseee In eccordence with tha pmvislons of ffin�ead of <br /> Tms[are secured hereby end,wiffiout demenC,shall be immodiately due end payebla by Tmsror antl sholl bear inrerest <br /> at!he ra;e arovided for ativances under the Loan Agreement;provid¢d, howevaq that at the cption ot the Banaticiary <br /> or Tmsme, such sume may ba added to this printipal belente of any intlobtatlness secured hereby and shall bear tna <br /> same interes; as �uch indeCtedness and�shell b¢paya6le retebly over tha remeining term theroot. <br /> 5. Asvignment of 9er.ta. Beneficiery shall have the riBht,pawor end authority during the continuenca at this Daed <br /> of Tmst to collect the renSS, Issuss end profits of the ProPer.y and ot eny persoral pmparty located tiiaraon with or <br /> w!ti�out taking possession of Ne Properry�tfectetl herxby,antl Trustor hern0y nh:eluMly entl uncontlitlonelly esslgns <br /> all such rants, issues and pmfits to Beneficiary. Beneticiary, howeveq hernby c-�nsents to ths Tmsror's collectlon ard <br /> retention oi such ronts,issues and pmfits es they eccme end bacome payubl�so IonB as Tms!or is not,et;uch timo, <br /> in defaWt with respect m paymant of eny intlebtedness secured hereby or In tFe performence of any agreament <br /> hereucder. Upmi cny such default, Beneficiery mey et any time, eiihnr in parson, by aBent or by a receivur ro be <br /> eppc�ntsd by e court, without noiicn and withaut regard ro tha edeQUeey oi any security for the Intlebtedness hereby <br /> secured: lal en[er upon and�take possossion ot the Property o� eny pert thereot ar.d in its own name sue for or <br /> othenvi,e coliect such rents, issues and profits, including those past due end unpeid, en apy:g the seme, lo:s costs <br /> and expen�as of oporetion and coilection, inciuding ressonable attorney feae, upon eny intlebtedness aecurad heroby <br /> and in such order as Bane(iciary meydetermine: (bl perform sueh ects of repoir or pmrection es may 4e necnaewry s <br /> proper m conserve the valua of ffie Pmperty:��c� lease ffie sama or any pert heraot for such rental term end upon^ucn <br /> conditions xs Cs jed�ment mey dictete. Unless Trus.or end Beneticiery egree otherwiso in writinA. e�ay applicntion uf <br /> rzn:;,issues or profis ro any Indebtedness secured hereby shall not extend or postp;oe the due dnie oi the�nstellment <br /> peyments n� providsd in tho Lonn Agreement, and the apRlicm'on thereo( es siarasaiC shall not aeive or crte acy <br /> tleleult cr notice oi Go�eult herevndrr or imxlidnm +nv n.t�h-..�..o ��.�rruuni [a such no:icn. Trustor ;iso e.nigns ro <br /> ' -�.:y. ��'.7mU ! ;::curiry (or tiie per(ormonce of the obiigaNOns sseured hereby, ell preGeid rents nnd ell monies <br /> �nhirh may navo bean or may hereai:er be deposited with said Truxmr by en�lessee oi the Property, to secure tF.e <br /> pnyment of any rent,bnd upon dafeuit in the 9erformence of eny of ihe provisions heraof, Trusror agrees ro dcli�mr <br /> such ren;c untl deposite.te fie Beneficiery. �elivory of written notiee ot 6enaficiery's ezorcise of the rights grented <br /> harein to eny tvnent occupying said.pramises shall be eufficient to reqWre seiA tennnt tp pay seid rent to ffie <br /> eera(laory onNl furffior notica. . <br /> 9. Londomnatlon. If titla to nny pa:t of ffie Property shell be tnken in condemna[ion pmceeCinps, by riBht of <br /> c.nincnt domain or simllar ection, or ehell be soltl undor threet o(condemne[ion, ell ewerds, dxmxges end procFlatls <br /> a�n hereby assiAned cnd shall be peid to Boneliclary who eheli epply eueh ewxrd,demeges ond pmr.eetls to tha sums <br /> securetl Ay tho Uped of Tmst, witk tha encoss, tl uny, pald to the Trustar. <br /> 10. Futura AGv¢ncne. Thn Loon Agraement p�ovides tor edvances from '.ime to tlraa ro Trustar by Bxnelicinry <br /> �>> Frevi�^cf ;harein. In uCdition, upon ruquest nl Trusror, �eneticiary, et Bereficlery's optlon, ptlor to raconvaynnco <br />� ut rt Pro��-ry to the Trustor, may make edditionel /uNrS odvonces ro tha Tmsror. Such future edvancoa, wlih <br /> in[c �-t t . eon, sball ba ;ocured by this Doetl ol Tmst when avidenced by promissory notes stetin0 lhet soid no;ns <br /> nro � . �md hereby; ¢rovi�r.d ffint �e! na tlme rhall tha secvrod pdnr.if•el end tuture edvnncas, not Inclutling sums <br />�� � � ;vJv,rtced ro p-o:!x:t tho securiry, excecd ona hundrocl percnnt 1100°E� at tha oripinal princlpel omounts sec�rcaJ <br /> MS <br /> � <br /> Nnmr��lea 4"wnvlonve. All remedles providetl in thls Daed of'frust nro distinct end cumulative [o nny oth�r <br /> F r�!:t. o rc�necy u�ider th'., DaeA oi Trust or affordeA by low or equlty, end may be exerclsed concurr^^!b;, <br />��q i Ji� tle tly or suac�sslveiy . <br /> iP"}jyy 1 Z �aelomUOi ftbmediae; Selo. A tletnutt shell ex'st in tho avont eh <br />� ` IA1 f.�y n-�u.i or misreprrc•.ontation by tho Truxtor I�.� eonneetion wi�h tho Ilne ot eredit w�ich Nla Daed of Trust <br /> F�.. cu a:: � _ <br /> J�?C � 400.3 � <br /> h <br />