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yypf* d . .. .. • .. <br />� $N"TSan+�+...;+w��. . .,.. .. . 'r <br />��� .. � . . , . . . � . . , . <br /> n.: � . . .. � ,.. .,. ..- _. .. . . �..: ��. . . . . � <br /> � . � � AFPLN 001-00006688 <br />� - � . . . CC�Y, 0000000000 <br /> HOME FEDEFiAL - GIRAND ISLAND , <br /> 221 SouL� Locuat 5t„ P.O. Bax 1009 � <br /> . � Grend �sland, Nebraske 68802-7009 � <br /> aoeas2�a000 1,95_ �(t�s?35 <br /> 4CKNOWLEDGMENT TO DEED OF TRUST <br /> � The undersigned 'Tru3tur"ea Identified in the iollowing Daed of Trust,whethet one or more,underatend Net the <br /> � docvmant they are abaut to exscuta le e Deed of Tmei erd nat e mort0ege, and thet the poHrm of eele provided icr <br /> in t�a Oeed of Truat provldea autatentlelly diNerent rlghta e�tl obligetion6 to the @armwere thnn e mortgc6e in tha <br /> event of e deteult or breech of oblige!lon untler the Deed of Trusq Inelutling,but nut Ilmited to,the Benatielary'e tlpht <br /> m heve tha Awport5• IdentNled In thn iallowirg Deed al Truet soldby the Truetee without eny judidal�pmcaoding. <br /> 7rustor roprasente end werronte thet thla.4cknow{etlgmant wee eaewted by them beforo tha ezewtlon o1 the Deed <br /> of Tms!hereeker seFforth. h n � n <br /> nl t0�d� lt�: Q.J�U� y���9 C <br /> � AVID W SWTSiSON p <br /> . ���/criiTVAl1 — <br /> � DONNA R SWANSON <br /> HOiVIE EQUITY LINE DEG� OF TRUST . <br /> THIS TRUST DEED mede this. 241'H dey o} � �pR=L , 1495 between <br /> navxv x sx�nsox nw voxea a swrwson, xuseaea uro vxes <br /> hefeinaknr cail "Trus[Or', whose mailir.g eddress is 1603 STOBLSY PAAK CIRCLE, ORt+ND .T.SLAND. NE 69003 <br /> ;es"Trustee";end Home Fadaral Sevinge and iocn Aasoclation of Grenc�Island,whose <br /> moiling eddress is 227 South Loqusq P.O. 6ox 10CS, Grand Island, Nebreske 88202, es "Bengticiery'. <br />� � For vxh�ab!e cunsideration, Tmstor irrevocebly grer.ts, irensfers, conveys end assigns ro Tmstee, In Irust, with <br />' power of sele, for tha banefit end securiry of Baneficiary, under snd subject to the terma end conditions of this Deed <br />�.. ot Tmsp the fol!awing describad property located in aRTim Zsti+tm, xXLU , <br />� Nebmske, to wit: � � <br />� LOT FI"JE (5) IN ?ARR I:ARD8N5 FIFTH SUBDNSSION SN THE CITY OF GRAND <br /> SSLACI"J, }L1LL COI.NiY, NEHFASitA. ' <br />✓ .. <br /> mgethe.v.�ith ail boildin8s: !ixIDres, improvements end appurtnnances therounto belongin8.k bein8 agreed ffiat all of <br /> the for?go�ng shell bo herrinaf[er reterretl to eslhe 'Pmparty". <br /> FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURINC performenca ot each agreament end covnnent of Tmsror hereln contelned end <br /> tha F�Yment of the priricipol sum of '+�+TY 'N�� ��^4� ���o/cen�� � <br /> a <br /> Dollars (5 20,ooe.00 . ), es evidencad�by a Home Feder:31 Home Equiry Loen Agreamene betwa=n <br /> Trostor nntl Beneficiary Ithe"Loan AH�eement9,Pursuent to rihich Bbneticlery wlll advence funtls[o Trustor from 9me <br /> to lime e? !ho intarvst rstes anA upon ihe tetms provided lhersin, mgetfier wi:h eny sum or sums of manxy with <br /> Inteiesi thareon which may herne(ter be peid or ndvenced under ffie terme of thia Deed oP Tmaq baN pHncipei sum <br /> antl irrtcrmt thcreon bainB PoYeble eccording to the termn sat lor[h in the Laa:. Agreemant, rateranca to whlch Is <br /> hemSy made, ot 2he oHica of the Beneficlary In Grand Islend, Nebreaka, or e[ such other plaee ee BeneflNerv mey <br /> tlasignate in w:itlnp. � <br /> 7flUSTER AND BENEFICIAftV COVENANT AND AGREEAS FOLLOWS: <br /> i. Warrxrtty o(71GO. Trustor Is lewfully seizbd of thu Proparty; has good rlBht and lewful euthorhy fo eall and <br /> convoy Iha Property; tha ProOOrty Is tree entl clenr ot eil Ilens end ancumbmncas eacept Ilens now o! record; nntl <br /> Truator wi!I warront nnd defend the tlHm ro tha Proparty unto Ne Trustee untl Its successore entl asalgns forove. <br /> againgt thn claims nf sll pxrsons. � <br /> 2. VoymenC 01 P�InC19Bl a;�d IntO�Oq. TNSLOI Sh91i punc[unIPV Poy tho.principel ol, end intarest nn, ell edvances <br /> �mder thn I.onn f,flreomont anA will puncmal�y porlorm rtll egrnements, wntlitlone end provleions ol eny mher sacurity <br /> Inscmmant givun in wnneczlon with this trensectloa� . <br /> � 3. Preeervailon end Malntenanee al Proparty. Trustor will not commit eny weete upun the Property et will, et <br /> all ��mns, moint�!n the :emo In good order ond conditlen and wlll meke,�irom tlme �a tin�e, ell �epelre, renewols. <br /> replocements,ndditipns und Improvnmente which om reaaane6ly mqul ed ro prevnnt weste,Impalrmant or detntloretlon <br /> � 01 rn G prr,porry. No Aullding or Improvement now or hereefter eracted upan fie ProDOrty ehnll be elternd removod <br /> or domoflshed withoot fhn pdor w�itlen wnaant ol Beneficlury, <br /> � 4. inuurmce. Trustoq et Ite axpanee,wlll melnteln with Insurere approvud 6y Ber,eliciary, ineurnnce wlth reapect <br /> ;n;hn Im.prevomr�ms and perxonel VroV�rty con5tltutin0 tha F�oPnrty a9a�nat loxe by lire, IlpMnlnq, rornodo and othm <br /> ycriL^covo�aA hy standnrG axtonJgd covaraBe er.donoment In en emr.:;n[epuel to et leeet onn iwndred porcent ol No � <br /> toll re0�ecement volue ffiaruoi, anC Inauren<a eBelnat eueh othBr�eznrda end In such emount ee le cuemmetlly cerdaA <br /> �IO.� AOBd <br /> . . � � � . . . .r� . ... ' . � ,,,,. <br />