� . . . . • , . - ' r, ry;ifse'Y�'
<br /> „ � .
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<br />,
<br /> � 9b- 1'.FJR�)4
<br />° �. r a u { I nnder's RiBhts In tl ' P�aOO+h x e � °�_�•�o w^�'", �ne oo.m,oms e�a .e�e��,�� ��,mmPe m
<br />( m;; so.��� m..�mmi. o, mE:� = e i:vm o�ooe�a�e me; �wy ip�m oW.tt�n imar� nem: m me novory c:�cn •� . r��e��s �
<br /> e n„��m v��s,ie m, �o�a�,n�,no� o.mn�n�,� o.m mio,a e..�«��a�mro���,ma, ima>�»r ao eoa cer m.wnme+w i����nn
<br />� io �ro:rct t1e va.ue o' IM1e Roperry antl lm�ers e19M1�s M iM1a PmDe'ty ��neble ¢tlom�bAeefaenEeenleMnYa� NeSffWMY����ka
<br /> which i Pf rV over �MS SecmlNJnsWme�t epPm�^9 M w��. oe�� ' e
<br /> n. P.� 9� la+Ee+mnY�ke etl�on undn�F e Om9nPM1 i.te+dn tloea nc�M1eve lo do so. Inalmmmt.
<br /> a�p�y Ie tllsbssed by �entla�ntltt iMS pam9nph 1 sM1efl Eecome eE99onnl tlebt ol Bcrtowtt sec�red Ey�Ab SecvMy
<br /> U Aeaa Ponower antl LxEV egrre lo o�M1Cr tams ol peymmt Nse emounla sM1eA�wr Mtaest ham iM1e Eate ol NsWnemm� e���a Nole
<br /> inle and n^�1 b.poyeblG w0M1 Ininreel,upon notke ham Lmtltrlo Bortowv yua54nB GaY�^e^�
<br /> �J. Phortg..go inmraneo. ❑ Lmdx requ4ed mvrl�opv A rurence en e mndttlon ol meung �Ee lY r�;ecurM ey Iha Sewmv
<br /> I , � r s�uf fey Ihe prm�lums �eqi.rM lo man�aln iha mMyBe�svnnce 4 e'fect fl,icr en on IM1e motlgege Msmance
<br /> erzye ie� I d �y �entle lapses or �eases ro ee m enm. ea�.owr :naa �y ms premlums reQ+ketl lo obleh wvera8e nubslenlaRy
<br /> q � I t i M1 �9 3e Lizcrenw CrevouaN N atlec: al e cost aubalantafY eWW��^��o @e met to Bortow^r ol l�e moRge9e Insunno;
<br />� � � „y i ry � an�el��ata mo�gage Msu�� np0�wed bY lPnEa M aubstenWM�ukatmt moh9ege Insurenca covmge Is
<br /> ' S 6 . M1 � Pa lo Landm ruch monlM1 e sum equel ro oneMeHih I �M1 mo�ge9a Msumnca O�M���m Eehq palE �
<br /> B � h I nnce ervge lepsed w cee.ed lo he In eYM Lmd IA cro4 u e en6 releln �M1ese peymm�f es a lose
<br />� ne I ' � h9 9e Inrvrance Lnm mserve peymmis msy no bnge b. epuketl e� tha op�lan ol Lender M morigeq< bauranre
<br /> � �_�� � � . �t wE lot IOe pMoC t�ui Lmtle(re�u4¢2) pmvlded by en Insu�e(epA/aveC Ey lmtltt egaL�Cacwnn eveAa�le enE Is
<br /> b 'netl �. heA pey the O��TUms req4etl �e melnleln monga9e Nsunnce F eXect or lo provide e bse reaerve unLi ihe
<br /> q=� t� rtgag Inaurance enCS h ecwrtlance w��eM�«'^egeenmt betwem Hortowe nntl LmEa or eppfwble k�e.
<br /> ? InSpeitlon LenCer o� tts agml may meke r�sonab'e enirlea upon entl Y�spec4ons o��M1O Raperty Lendx aM1a[give Bortowtt
<br /> ..v.c t tM1 " ( pior lo en mpM�on epeGM^9�asone�le�use lor tM1e Inspecuon con
<br /> 10 C ndenaation. T�e prmeetle' of any axard w Wm� �cr damag°s dretl or mnxepunlial n neNOn wdb nny
<br /> cn6e � �^. !���9 c'any paY ot tM1e PropeM or lo� convryance 'r Deu ol conEemr�etlon ue �eeby esslgned enE ahoA be porsl
<br /> 1 _c^ �
<br /> � h _t c - taR;-g oi t�e Royvty iM1e f•�ocesds zhali be app ed to iFe sums sewred Cy this SeaMy� tn+ � h �� ' �
<br /> o�i� ' Y r eu PaE to Boro 1 iM evml ot e Parlai"�.^g ol @e P�pMy h wYl , ihe I k rket . I 1� R PMl
<br /> C I �y h. - , � ! 9 q � �o o� S' �� �h �� mounl ol IM1e svms secmetl by t�9 S "ilY I t .mmetlalNy belom Ihc
<br /> � �: p�. cl L .o o�herwk 3 �� 9 ��=suma secured bv ih s Se�vMy Inst�mt shaP be red�ceE �y�be emo�n�
<br /> � ',z p yp' d b 1� t I ng I t . iM1 t L amaunt al Ihe sums sewreE m'nedale �elare ihe NWn SnEed by �^
<br />{�.� � ,ark t � . P- P ,a� , d'st�l� b . IF 1 4' 9. MY balance shal be Oa1C h Borrowec In iM1C eveni ol e Vart's ak'ng ol I�e
<br />�, p �_ h.5 M1 �ar mad.� value �1 P P hY� d lely before Ihe takng k bsz iM1..n iM1e emounl ol lhe :ums attumrl mme4aleW
<br /> r� h o= M1e ..A'.a„ less 6crtower e�d �e�.. �!M1erv�se egrez In wnfng or unless apP�Ub�e�aw cihewse pmvCes the pmceeJS sha!I be
<br /> „ aeea� m a n t is s '.� � , e + n me or not o-e son.� are m�.� we
<br /> J� p p � d E bv 0 . r � :�e by Lrntln lo B�ROwxr Pet ihe mntl 9 s lo rtake en ewarE or ecnle
<br /> a: I � b i I 1 4 t L E . iM1N 3C dals almr ihe date IMe no9re la y . '.�I uUwreE 10 mAeq end
<br /> �a.: �h �{ � � � Iy . . - � tl q k ot tha FopMy or lo:M1e suma aeN E by 1`�� S rdy �nslNment wM1elFer
<br /> E m n a
<br />� L i . o borz wer otM1rms..sgree In wn(og, eny appllcallo� ol pmweds to pnncpal sha I mt eata d or pnslpone�M1e tlue
<br />� o lnty on;r.enis re�e7eJ lo �,�axgraphs ' and 2 oretangelne emount ol sucM1 paymente u
<br /> �P t 1 Po roxar No: Released: i arbearance By Lunder Rot a Waivoc Enrnsion oi me tme br pa�merv
<br /> y �,: � .. n I f�M1 � d b Ihl Se �ry �s�Nmml granleE by Lendn lo eny aucces;or In Inlerest ol 9ortonx s�an
<br />�g t o� lu d � 11 P.h'Ify ol ih, o IQ. I �o o . o� Bortowtts eeccespn n Inipmri Lend+r ahall nol be requ red lo c c ca
<br />�� � .� � � � y ' 1 , �( .e la eN d 1 lor payrnen: o� o'M1Mwsn moaly emutlSa�on ol��e sun^. saueeJnby
<br /> F . t by . . � ��. y tl � � by IM1 ;i I 6 .r or Bertowers suceessors n merest My IoNearance by
<br /> �_ � " " p .y M d M1 I E ' � tJ tl Ih exac se ol eny nghl or remedy
<br />�� ^12 5 eco so s aed Assiqns 90 ntl Jo nt a d 5 arai Liab'lity: Co-signars. ine m mams anE vyreemen�s oi
<br /> � '�.. � I i . b'�. 4 � If tl E 3 I .enCm and Bonown su��ect�aVIFe provsom o�pera�mp�
<br /> 1], „ nt tl 9 i h I b f 1 tl l My Bertowa who cosiqns IDs Serunry Insimmenl bul tloes nol
<br /> � cv� h Y . ( � ' ih' S ��ly I I . .� -P . . �'4 g S ^�. entl ccnvey�M1al Eortower s minesl 'n Ihe Pmperly..nda
<br />� i � �. 1 h . i l en1' 'b) ' 1 p i� bly I d t y th ums secvred by�t's Sxurily inslmmenl anE (cj egaes fnu�
<br /> L nY- �h Eo y y ce 1 �1 tl dly h o k eny a<mmmotlafons w'M1 reoad fo lertns al IM1 s � <siry
<br />� � �� �... wm �mie .
<br /> t 3 lo ChargC � �M1 �� d n� �rv S -'ry I t t subj^ct to e law wM1 cn se�s maxmum I h g E��el
<br />�' y ' I�p ed . IM1 1 I I .t 1� I h g II. 1 tl ar la Ee cclec.ed n connectlon �vlt� fM1 I rl 9ie
<br />�t,py� p rm � I J�', (o) any s�cM1 lam cM1argeS s�el �e �ed d by t�e e ount�eces�svry�a reCice iFe cherge to �e p 'tt II :e an�
<br />�g�t,y �b) a � I. ,Ly .. 1 tl i 6 J' M1 xcued tl p tt C .. its wll be refunaeE l0 6ono er Le�ax y eM1 t �r'ake
<br />� p�,L tl Sy , ' ng 1le pnn�pv ow.tl ..d fi N • or by making a.tl�rea pnymmf to Bortower.Wl( n reluntl retluc e v��Gpal, �M1e
<br />� �.y p t _ � � P nF I p m ym � ':tF t Y Orepaymml cM1arge und=r tbe Note s or r
<br /> 1M1 Not ee3 Pry 11 B tt p Itl d �o M IMa Saanry InsWment shaA be �vm by dH . 9 M1 or Ey mefmg Y, by frs�
<br /> � I 55 I .pl' bl. ( IM1 IFOd. The nat�ce s�a� be d'rec�etl to�h E.F�Y Atltl eny ol��+odd�e.s
<br /> 3 r d 9 '... by ' t L� tl . A Y � � L, der shall be givm by fnt cass mal 1 l dd esa slaletl �tten o eny
<br /> 42�f� n a0i s Lnntl* des qnule. Cy nofce lo Bartow�i Nry nollc^ p�avldetl lo� In �M1^. 5^curNy Inslmmmi shell be tlaemM 10 hnve becn
<br /> � B L o. M1 9 p Id.0 I 1�' pamgmpM1
<br /> 1 Go u � g law Sa a abli ty Th 5 ty Inswnen� sha�l C � d by ��e I i e t�.e � � m j 1 d' ton m
<br /> .!ct II n Y �. I t d i t� ' t 1� t Y p � lon or�lau^.e ol tM1S 5. rM1y I 1 .1 iF N t onP t IiM1 OP�� hl law.
<br /> p � ry i . 1 1 t �h n 'I.� I lh'. 5< ily I�slmrrcni er 1� N01 �' M1 cd b g n Aetl wI1M1rN Ihe conl'ictin9
<br /> fiwM1.� � .: � tl . p :I . oltM 5 y I 1 ent anA Ihe No:^are declared to ta 5evereGle.
<br />�a�� � f3o t s Copy � .we h II� 0;' ^m � d opy ol I�n Note anC ol fis Sewrlty Insta 1.
<br /> T a . ( f the Prop r[y or a B not ciai I t ast In 9orrowec u ai or vny pan oi mc er v M � � � m.In
<br /> Itl 1 r I I . b ! lol � . 1 I B I Itl 1 n� 4 4 � I � ml p. ) 11� 1 - �era
<br /> �x I � +it. l Y 1 t. oP� 9 I 1 C 1 p yn t I I 1 II etl bY Ihl Secutl�Y I l s L Howaar.
<br /> , � th. J y . I 1 ' I P. M1tl ibYl. � -,II � I11 tl,. I nL . IYI ��menl
<br />�A .� .�: er 1 1 L. d M1 II 9 B I I tl . TI ( h II P tl D lotl ol nol lev I�an d2
<br /> �� f�a�� I �,� Ih � � . A �� ma0ed w`M1 i wM1le� �M1e 9ortewn must Oey aA seme eecuretl by IM ry I 9rvmmt II
<br />{� R.on.i . 4 , l+:Y � . �. P�.o t M1c exPka bn ol tli s PMOd L=naer maY�nvoke onY remedes pzmnted bY t�'z S. tY Inxlmmenl
<br /> w.,.. I . �..,1.e o d . .�d nn Ocnower.
<br />� noe J or n r .. n:e s.a.
<br />,� i... . . . . .i
<br />�� �n�.a
<br />