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<br /> � , � . �,
<br /> - . . ,: =�
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<br /> ss--,ltizao�4
<br /> nai a . �m . �maw m. . �.aanM .ewda monooae ia.n may revuw mr aewvars ee�.ow eeu�� unas mc
<br /> I4d ZI C('01 E �al]5010CiTM� FO[CdJR.9 M L`I 1H]4 e9 9Td1EBE bOln �Y68 fO IMe 12 U$C.2401 E� e!q ('flF$FA') Unkm mo1M1d Iew
<br /> 9
<br /> IM1xi ac,�ez �o ihe Wntlz saG e lessa emaan� .1 sa. LmEer mey, et any tlme, nAetl antl M1old FunEe N en �meunt na� �o xeceetl the
<br /> I�;ser nm^un� Lendn�may eslimate �M em v�nt ol Nntls tlu< u� the bnbh a( curtent da�e end reeeonebla eslimetes ol e�mdlu�as ol
<br /> Nmrc Esrcow Rms or cihmrise M eccordence ml�eppBOMe lew.
<br /> �Te FunCe !hal+ Fe M1e10 b en MmiF�9on whmv EeponXe ere knured by e lederel eqmry, Fso-umenpGry, or mM' (^��^9 �md¢ H
<br /> Lenda '� ucM1 en InsY•WOiy or In my FeEenl Home Loxn Benk lmEer a�a0 appt�iM1e Funtle fo pny fie @craw X�+nn. LmGr mvy nol
<br /> cne 5 6. e•fo' �o.Gng antl ePGM Q fie FunCe. ennuay oielyeMi9 �M1e esww eudml. a veMyin9 iM1e Eaaax I�ema un)n� LmEx
<br />��. pay� P ' In eN on I�a funtls evd epo�m6le lew pertnNf LmMr b meke rvG: e cbrpe However �mtle�mcy reW4e Bonowv�o
<br /> , .tYn -� !ge�cr en NdepmEent reel eelete tar rrywMn9 �e^'<e u�ud by Lmtla b eonnMlan wNh IFIa ben u a eppArable kw
<br /> po :tl .. . . VnL^es en egrecmen' Is medr ar epp➢mbk hw requLes Mtmeo� to be O�tl. Lmdx aM1e9 r.o� be9requYed lo poy
<br /> 9ortn y nl.est or ennnqs on IM1e FunOa.Bomowr enE Lmdn may egrre�b wrNn9. however.Ihat h�aes�nhaY be pai0 on t�e Funae.
<br /> Lxnder eFall uYe to Bortower wtthout cber9e e nual accounp�q ol lhe Funes, showing vetlits enC tleblls�o I�o FunCs anE �he purpose
<br /> .o x'�.cM1 eacF 2ebn m Pe Funds wa, made. The Fund, e.pletlgetl e edd6�onel s cutly lor xA .z .._ m� �y�MSB.wmy n•wmmi.
<br /> L I,� cnes h:�J �y Lentler e ceM �M1e n unt, 4emY�xtl ta be �e'� by epp0^able Lv. c•'I e unl to Bonower lor iM1e
<br /> evc F ntls U,ecmrdance wn� tM1e reqv renrnnoof eppliw�le�aw. tt iM1e emount ol t�e Funps FdE Ey tmtlercet eny 9me Is no1 cuHdml
<br />� � �o w� IM1e E.,row '!.. . wh��n due LmEr may m iwlify Eonowtt N Mmilin9 and, in sueM1 wse Bortower s,�afi pay Ir LentlR�E= Amouni
<br /> r ry t , k- 0 "�Fe defcmry Bortower sM1aA makc up Ihe dz(amcy M no more IM1an MeNC man+tty payme Is � LmOaa ro.e
<br /> c �
<br /> U N h0 af ni sume secvretl by tM1is Secmtty InsWmmt Lmdn s�aA promOM relund ta fi.m a y F d.. �xIE by
<br /> Len.. . mNx parvgmpb 2i Lmdr sM1 i ecQUbe or seA IM1e Properry tmda pncr to�M1e ecqulsNlon or ale ol t�e Popmy, aM1eA efGN
<br /> any�' .�tl� �ela by Lrntla a� I�..me of ec�ulshlon or sele ef e aedR eSelnsl iM1e Sume aecvretl Ey Ihs SeaM.y IncWmmt
<br /> 3 App4ca!ICn oi P&ymenb. Unlese epP��h'e 1ew pro+itles olM1mdee,at peynmis�etl by Lrntlx uidx peagraphs 1 end
<br /> 2 s�al ee eppii.x+: frst, to e:�y prepeymml charges tlie .m0a ihe Nole; s ond, lo emo�nu peyable unJx pereqre➢h 2: �hktl �o Ininen
<br /> tlue Ie�Cr, io pinclpel Eue: entl lasl, lo uny kte cherSes tive unCn Ihe Nole.
<br /> A C ��gas Le�S � h n pay , � . 5 e .1 h g f C ImposLOns ettnLuWbl t IF R p rty w!icM1
<br />��� r r y , n S. r'ty i ir d� - Itl p ym l � 0 . , tt y. Borzowa s�all pay 1F EIg � M il�e
<br /> Itl d - p C PM1 2 l t p d f.1 . 8 M1 1 P > iM1 , Yiie br Y�Y �o IM1 P ¢tl p YmCti.
<br />}� . N � p PIY ( � M1 t L. E II 1 � I 1 I C PaA 4 t I C ra9rmph. �I Bonown paymenL
<br />�g rn ty h_II P ,��Y I F I � yls e+ltl � 9 IM1 paym f
<br /> .,� .._ .a;. u��'�v�N e�c�ar5e eny Fen wnicn M1as priorry ova tNZ Seoiiy Instmment wless Bomaver (a) e9re�a In w��ng m �he
<br /> , ent ol fM1e oE.l9u!.on s ared by iM1e Irn In a . accepieble to Lmder. (b) mnlesb In govtl IeeM1 ihe Om by, or delmds egaU�r,l
<br /> rnfc:emeil c:IM1e I'en q legal p oceedngs wh'ch in IM1e Lmdr.vpn,o�opem�e lo�reuent�M1e mlorcemen�o!Ihe I en' or(c) sttmez Irom
<br /> ,..e Fo.hv cl �M1e fien en ag eemm! safs!actory ro Lmdtt subordnnling IDe lien �o . � Secv�tly InSWment V Lmtlr, dciertnines I�at any
<br /> pan o!'M1• PmpPrly s sub�xtl lo e fm wFich may a�s!n prionry o�e i�is SeanN��suunmt Lmtla mey 4�e Barower e naLCe Itlenlifyinc
<br /> . �M1e I'xn 0omwer sM1Vlt setlsry ibe!m cr lvke one ar more ol lhe etllona aellotlM1 a�ave vAfM1in ID tlep o!fi^9NMg ol nollce.
<br />� 5, kazerd ar 4ropcY.y Insurance. Boro�a +n�n keep ine mpro.��u now e.isr�g �� nerenna erwiea o� me Pmper.y
<br />�3�`� ,,, j Oy Rq hazarus ncluaetl wY,hn Pe lertn 'ein^n4eE covaage' end eny o�ha �nzarES mtludng IlaoES ar Pood�g. for
<br /> � � m?'h L Iff ?C��e5 �!51i2pCC T115 9nLP 51211 SP TdA�9'fT¢d�fl 11 P��IIOW�S B�'Id 10!�hf pLYlOGS�h9� �MdM lCQWlP] TII¢ hSV�B�CC
<br /> �, o«��a��� me � �o n�a �e on�:e� �y eo�o.x :.,e��n m �mde:e eOPp�el which �naF �oi e� � ..,�amy wnnn�ie. u
<br /> i3uncwer L}, �o ma.�m n tl v � desctltetl eSeve. lmtlx may et Lendns opton, obtain cw¢rege �o pmletl LenJx s ngnb in fie
<br /> . c�r� 'n a..ccrdarce w�M1 Paa9ro] I.
<br /> n All 'r ,. w pof les and renewals :haA be ecce0�able �a Lenett end sha0 ncluEa e s�anCard motlgage clause. LmE�. sM1e� have tM1e
<br /> dgM � h d�t5e po!lucs anC rm wals. II lmtler reGUlres Borrower sM1aA pmmpP.y S�ve Io Cendx eA recelpls ol pal� premlums entl rmewal
<br />� c . . In Poe e+en� ol loss Bortower sM1aA give pmmpi notw�o tM1e nsurance famx ontl Lmtlx. lendx may make proel ol loss il nol
<br /> �y m3 p {.y by 8 no vec �
<br /> m ' L d ntl 0ovown o�Aervize eS'�*' M wtling m umnce pmcretls snan e« epOfM m resma�lon or revab o� t�e Properry
<br /> �� Ea. . �I IM1e re . Or �epa� I5 e emwlly feasble antl lmtlers SPV�hy 5 not lesse�etl I� IM1e reslortlon o� repev I5 +ol
<br /> y � � _ n m:a!y lea.sbl= or Lmders sea�ry�would be IessmeC. Ue Msurence pmceetls ShaA be epplied b ihe soms sec�rtd by IM1is Stturuy
<br />�y�� Ine�N'r'rni wM1ePoer ^r na11�M tlue, wllh eny excGS pPtl lo BonowK �I 6or'vwtn aben0ons IM1e Prop�, of Ooe) no• �nswM whhin ]0
<br /> d�ye o , e Iram Len�er �qol l�e Nem¢nce ceMa �ne oMped la eeltle� dalm, I�n; Lmarr mey collecl l�e Meunmw pro�eMS. LmECr
<br /> rnn/ use IM1e prncectls b �epn t or �eatom IhB P:opMy o�io pey sume yemr[d Ey Ibb f.ecutlty In54umm1, wbelpe�O nal IM1m tlm. T�e
<br />¢ 9p�tl y ' tl ��I te5n whm IDe nolce h gven.
<br />�`�:�• L � s L�ida a�.0 L�o+ower o�M1Cre�e egree n vmin� en} appiceien ol preceeds !o pn�cnal sM1aA no� eqmtl or pos�po�e Ihe dve
<br /> Ca�a al !ne montl ly,aymenl=_re'rnetl l0 4� pazgapFS 1 eoC 2 or shen5e tpe enovnt oi the peymen.s 16undn 4eregmp` 21 IM1e PmperD;
<br /> Is ecdu:red by Lc�d�r Bonower's tlgM1l lo enV Msumnce polidea entl prcceetls resuM1ing hcrn EameSe ro iM1e Pmpery ptlor�o t�e erquislilnn
<br /> sM1 �. p , enCer b the ntent ot l�e x rxE Ey inla$ecvrlry Ineln m\ImmetlialeFy pnor�o!he ecQNxll on.
<br /> G. Cccupancy. Prnsorvation,u Ma'ntenance and Protectioo oE the Proporty; Borrower's Loan
<br /> AppilC3t�OT, LOd50hO1t�5.Borrowe . � mpy, astabls� entl u e 1`i= PropMy es Bon . oul re 'tl . w'1Mn aiNy deys
<br /> ap�� fin evecu8on cl lt's Secutlly InSV neM entl sM1all conWte to o[cuGY ��e P'opMy es Bo .. pfin0ol te.ldrnc¢ b e lea.l on
<br /> �� �1 � ys. Iv 1M1e dre oi o�cvpnney utl�s eo0a o��e-nsa agmes � r.Hny, vh?h co amt s'.0 no be ir onebv wnnhed, or urdess
<br /> r���. [ 9 ' m.tances enL-( w�'ch ure beyono 6c o wnlro. Bortaner shal. nol tle9my tlamage or Impe'v IM1e PmO�Y. ellow I�c
<br />�h�� P, yi �. t , t t Ih P pNy. F , h Ib - tll I� N Yld '. Y P . d' 9 � iM1 . lar
<br />� n b it t l 4 9 � 1 t� 1 tl9 I il 1 �'t , IM1e P p Ty o 10 ' I ' e' Ily 1 V I M1 f c e W
<br /> i b I y � L ly ' 1 e L 8 y aa e h d 1 II i . l l. pro d 1 p� g pM1 10 b
<br /> 4���'� � (: p d',g to�b d tl '.h i' g Vsl In Lenders goo0 I�tlM1 tl teemnalo� p I d f rl.wre o� IM1c
<br /> � .'+'q � rs , . ... Ir 1F� PmpMy o olhtt .im.l -n�a',rtne o IM1e Fen reel=d Fv tns Beoudry �rstmmrn� or lmd_ curry n�mest.
<br /> f �. i '. J tl - 9 �I I. PI' V �e 9 . i '�'l � � . ie��' I I . .ICn.is
<br /> Yp� I �'.II Y �� L �� '.IM1 y ' I I I� ) I � n 1 'tl 1 . 'tl tlbY�M1 NI . I4 9 bu.n�l
<br />�'( :�^� � f 'I � 9 �' ' P Y ( ih. R oerty G P I ..'�Imce. II Ihis Sew'IY M1s�mmm� le an n
<br />-0' 'v�, C. w � p I ., ry M1 ,I 1� 0 I ' � R I . II L'ortowtt oa�i� s I e tltle b Il�e Flmpttly IM1e IeeseM1Old enU Tc
<br />!p .c IL no, � I v lh= Lentl u9�s lo fix m ger In wtl�ng.
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