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-:�« , <br /> ,��:��> <br /> ..�� , .._ �. ._�.�N�..�, � <br />�b��. . � � � - <br />� ��— ����r���,� <br />� 1� Go c s A ht to ReinsW�v. tt 6or�awn meet+ cer b r��tironc Bortawa anaA beva me tlgm io n � � a-c+nm�o� <br /> IMa 5 ,'y � .I 1 d 1'. M 1 ry 1'me ptlo;W :�e nukx ol. (e) s �¢yy (or euc� ol�rc pMoE aa eppfmde Yw mey apec�y �or <br /> ,..�„s�i, �� e. sai i in n c.ry ov 3�e�i m .�y pawm a� awa rmimi,ea n �xi� Se�mv inswmm�� o, Nl e^W oi . Nesme^� <br /> „o,�„v � .��,rzy ���wmom. rno.� <o�muo�. .�. m.� nms..r �et o+v+ �anea. .e e me wnkn mm woWn m aue �e« mi� <br />� cur :. ,. .t d Ihv Ncle an N no aceeLrteOOn FuE ocarteE. @I �+res enY dema9Ot c1�snY ol�a eavmenl a eP�*^mte (cl PeY� <br />� .yp I.. d In I I.g t�. BeNdt� �netrvmmt In�lpdnq bul nat Amhed�o r mL�e�1lomaye'Icef anE (E) lek w M1 Ilon <br /> Le C Y �� Q h � IDat iha 5m ol Nis SecwNy In:Wmml. Lm�aa tlA�la b t�e Rapeny enE B b!y �on <br />�� 1: '+nY R tl bf 11' S tl�y In.lrumnl s�nA r4niNUe unc�en9eC UDOn relnsNtwnml bY BMOwa. ��h Se !!ry � i .°�1 <br /> ;y I�. " J h y I II eln luly eHeetive ea N na awetrullan �ntl oeeurteC Yowevn P f tlgM1l 1 I 1'1 M1 II nal <br /> � �ly n e ot tt� �-II o u.tler pamgropfl P <br /> iJ .ia f 9f NotO, G1a!IGa of �LOBn SorvlCef. The No�e o e pahiel 'm!erett b fie Nole ('oqeth , Xh IM1 Sttwry <br /> �� • b r oca a mve 4mes w1'�ou! pnor noACe to 9ortown A sa.e may resuX M e cM1enge In �M1e ent.ry (Mnown as IM1e <br /> �b ,:n �. � n l -t n onihy paym. la d untlx Ihe Nolo end th e Szcunly Instvmcn: TFCre elso mny Ce one or mom cFU�qc> <br /> ,I �Fi G .,,s t nr ._,o� lo o s:ve e'�he Nale, I(Ihn„ 4 e clen4e ot i�e laan Servictt, Bonawer w@ be givm �nitlm no:lce ol �h� <br /> ,.: . ,. . n P2ag�?5 16 sSore vi6 eGP�SN imr. The noLbe wT x'ate @e nane end aEdese o� tAe new La-� Sm'rr <br /> -]r.�p. [do,e a :c xE cF C )^�mlf aM1tt'Itl be maEe TTe no0.x wII�!sa dn�eN u:Y otM1ei N(omutbn mWtGd�Y�CFFpble M.v. <br /> 10. Haz�rdous Suhmtances. Barrower anen not mmv m pemm me prnwu, uea a!avoxl etwege w rN•ase N r� <br /> ' �:.v-a:�d:�c Svl.sknc^e ev nr M1 IFe Pmpay. Borrcwa sM1aA nol da nw eFOw �nlone dse to do anyt�Nq eXectnq�M1e Proprrty :Fal e In <br /> < �. I Y ( ' . 1 I tn TM1 0 a 9 M' I �cn ehvH nat apRh m Iho Praeence t q the Propxy ol arra!1 <br /> Q , f u H� d 6 1 S � Oy . 9 GaE to 0e nppmprbte �a nom�ol realE Uel tl :o mflnlmence ol 1'a <br /> F <br /> n �i p. '�. � .a c oi nr m.esuoa�mn. czm em�a�a W.sun n. . - er a�r �o�.em�e��ai o <br />�� v . p-� e ry � ' S t� pery end any Han�dou; S�hs'a�ce or E�'Amnmm.I .aw ol wn c� eorto�r+ ha: ac:.n� <br /> 4_-.a 11 Banow.s I�.. , no:ifM �y sny gwert'mm•a� er regualory nulM1mXy IFat eny ramrvai o o1M1tt rsneCa'vvn oi airy <br /> F .. . 9 IF F pMY I ry 9 rtowx s�e0 panpCy inke eA nttoxery rmuWl ectom F eccw6ince wtl0 <br /> F .' L <br /> � � � G S P� 0 H E 5 h Y es' are those subsien^es dclne9 es loxlc or �azerdous su�smnces Oy <br /> � ',� L � d t1 f I. fi 5 61 5 g � kaosrne o1M1a Ilanmable or IoLC pNmleum pmdtidr. loxc peslCdea antl <br />� F bt 1n, t. h 1 I � o t " g mbeslos nr Iomul�ehYtle and redoacllv¢ rrelerials. As usr.L d� IM1Ia pore9rapM1 L?r <br /> e �. i �� mwns ree�ai iaws e �ews oi me N�se�am .nxe ine rooerty is iow�ee �re� .emia +o neenn, sai�ry o <br />�� o i p. i r n. <br /> � vir ON J\FJFbt t.OVEWANiS. 9ortawer ena Lm6a Wtlpe-covma il a�tl egree es InAmvr <br /> 21. A�celaratinn; Aemedies. Lendor shall give noliee to Borrower priar to aceeleraHOn followinr� <br />:�' � - �orrower'c braatft of any covenant or agraement In this Secvrity Instrument (but not prlor to aacelara�lon <br /> � <br /> uridar parac�raph 1? unloss applfcabia law providos oo-�a���a�. rne noHca shal7 speciTy: (a) Ihe dafault; <br /> .. (b) 4h� xtio:+ requlred te cwe Phe dotaulq (c) a data, not Imss than 30 days from iha date the notice Is <br /> � qiven to ticrroweq by wh�ch the Lafau!t musf bv curad; an6 (d) thai failure to cvrA lhe dsfautt on or <br /> � ° Sefnre tFO dato s¢ed(ied in thr :�ollce may result In eccetaration of [he sums sxcvred by this Seturity <br /> �., n Insbuman[ antl sale of tho Prcoerty. The nofice shall turthe� inform Borrowar of the right to rainstate aRer <br /> f�-� acceicraton aod tho rigFt to bring a court action to assert the non-existencv of a tletaol+ c• any olher <br /> tlef�n.e cf Eortorvar to accaleration and sale. H the default is mt cured on or betora fie dale spscifled <br /> �?� in Yre nof cn, Lendo: at it� optiorz may reqWra ImmetliaLa payment in fWl oP all sums saeurod by ihis <br /> 5 urty In:trumont wfhout furiher tlemand and may Invol<e iho power of sala and any other remedies <br /> hs� pe m@ed by appl'cable law. lender shail be entitled to <ollect all expenses Incurrad !r. pursuing Ihe <br /> e ncd'os pro+�dad in ihis paragraph 21, Inciutling, bui not Iiniitetl io, reasonable altorneys' faes and cos[s <br />��� of 6tlr, evidenc¢ � . <br />� If �ha power os �ale is invoked, TrustEO shall recortl a notice of default tn eath county in wh'ch any <br />��`*" oart of the Prope .ry is located and shai: mail eopies of sueh m(ica in the mannar presedbed by applica6le <br /> $ !aw to 6orrowar and to the ather persons prescdbetl by applicable law. Ak¢r the Hme requirad by <br /> � appt catlo �aw, Tmston sha'1 giva public nolice o� saie to the Fsrsons and In the manner presorlbed by <br /> , app wb e I..w•, Tmstee, without tlemand on Horroweq shalt soll ihe Property at publie auctfon to ihe <br />�.*w��:� hlgh3st o:dder at the timn and place and under the terms d=signalod In tha noHCe of srla in one or more <br /> �"� oarcels ar•1 n .,� y o�der Trustsa determinos. Tru�tea may pcstpone sata of a!1 or any parcel of tfie <br />"�� Prope�ty by pubi r, an^omcomant at tho time antl place of any previously schedv!=d sale. Lontler or IL <br /> do;!�^ao m�y purchasa thn Proporty at any sale. <br />,�.. K ❑pon roco'pt ot paym�n[ oi ihe pdce bid, Trust�e shail deliver lo the purchaser Trustoe's doad <br />�� ;nrey'ng tLe Frop�rty Tha redtafs in the Tmstee's dsed sFaYl 6a pdma :acle avidenca of �he tmth of <br /> � the strt�mer.ts mzda there n. Tmstea sF.ali apply the pmcveds o! tha sale In the following order. (a) to al! <br /> 'w 'r cos:., z�d 3xpe�:os oP �xerci:ng Phe powsr oi saia, and ihe sale, including fhe pnyman� M tho Tmsiea's <br /> �fsev actvalty Incurred, no! to exceed 3.00 % of the prineipal amount of tho note ffi ihe tlme of the <br /> doclara"ion of dafault and .easonabla tfforney'e fees as parmltted by lew; (b) Po all sums sacured by tFis <br />� ,r,cvr'ty in�!rumenq and (c} any excoss :o ihe person or psrvns lagally ontltled to It <br />'� �2 B O .y �1 9 Up �1 Ym l 1 I SPCURtl by I�If 9e J ry InelNne2 Lentl^r •M1al' reGUCeI TW�ee ta rec vey I�e <br />� ti'� �cr, rf � .i�.�i tl. roi � Iry i i . i�.-e n noies c�ae��ma ero� sec�ree ny m s . iy i .i�,ne�� io rNZiee��r�=n�� <br /> gr. r r,c �. N �. r� � n � ry W,c� wi now cne-ga m me p�rsan c�oe�sans ieq,iy e�t nad m �i. s�en �e�so� o�vn���• +.���i <br />�� i ��.� . i.. <br />> sd S � st t e T u tee � a e ni is op�mn, mny o-mm �me m ime runove ma�•c ene epvo��� A ��msor iw�en m any <br /> T uc p p d 4 1 y I !um 1 I E IM1O oo�nly It whl<h M1 S dty I, � t b d tl�W�M1a il E�nvByO�GC ol <br /> i'f� ,e P ry :'.m t �.. .h ii . , t I M1c Iti , powa end dAles c I. .0 p T � h .6 a y epPliw5la lew. <br /> 24 fl � o . for Nbt)cea. 6o ne nQi w�s Ih t cop rs cl Ihe no' ol tlel��Nt antl .e�, a nl to Bartower e odAresz w�nYn <br />��� t C 1 Af'n . <br /> . , �� d. > ta f i =, So:ur Eyr ent. II u . . . . _ . .. .....e2 F,I f � . ._ re.o dxA m9�_ . .. iP.s <br /> . . .. ,. . ; r .vr w�. <br /> W>'b:Er ,r � . ,�nl, I� v. r,nl.. n ., �1 - "^.+ ol aacM1 euch ddar ..1�I t. . .�q�oTe� .nlo 1 .In umnnE und TPPeme Oia <br /> t <br />�yt,� b�7 �.... „ , ��� rr.'.� .,eanny i wmmmi as u n�• n mr�s) wam o ne� oi n i� sc�w�� i �,m..�i- <br /> ���_ <br />� :: <br /> � euan J a�y �o n Y:0 9iWl <br />��� i. .. ii ...� <br /> ♦ ...�... ... <br /> Y5 ' <br /> \ <br /> �� <br /> � � � <br />