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_ <..;. �r;..�,-, �- ,.,�:.,�.�. �, <br /> , ,_,_ _ <br /> a._..-w--- ,_�,,�-_�-.. <br /> � .. .�_.� . _. . _ <br /> _... . <br /> _ �..,4� <br /> RE-P,Ef.OkDED . <br /> � ;�95- it�2��3� � ;.96— i�t�n.�?� <br /> periud.ihn�Lcnder rcyuirc.c Th<insunrmc caerier pmviding�hc insurarix a�all be ch•nen bY Barmwcr aub�cct Io I.cMcrS <br /> approval wM1icM1 shali no�be vnrcasenaGly wichheld. 1(Dormwa fvls to mainuin coveragc dcscribcd above.Lenda may.a[ <br /> ' Lendcr's np�ion.ob�nin covcrz6c to pmmct Lrndcrh nghts in Nc Prvperty in accoNenw with peregmph i. <br /> . nii ��.���«v�u��<.y,a aKwma tn�n ue��y,��m���mu c„�wn�e.w,aa.a m�,npa�as�.�. trna�. <br /> � slall Mn.c�M1C rigbt w M1uW�lie policies vM rtnewals. If Lrnder rtquirs,Bo�rowcr shall pmmpLLy give m l,en0er all ttteiptc <br /> ef paid prcmiums ond mnewul no�eces. 7n�he event of loss,9nrtnwer zhall gire Qrompe rrouce ro�Ire i�uuru¢e eama end <br /> L_ndre LeMer may make prooibf loss if nn�maAe promptly by Bo�rown. � <br /> VNcss Lrnder and Bonower othe�wise agree in wn� procee6s shall!e a�lied m muma�ion or repair o( <br /> tFC P.upertqdamased, if �he ms.omtion or repair is economieUly Gasihle and ixmieri securiry is not lesxned if thc <br /> r.s�omiiun or rcp�air is wt cconomiraliy kaziFic or LeedcY.a ,ccuriry wiruld Ae IecscnM, �he inmmr.ce p1urcris shall tc <br /> appiiik m ihc sums uw:cd by this Senirit; In.nmmmt wbether or not �hen due, wilh any ezttss paid ro Bortower. If <br /> Bortowcr nbandons �he Pm�rerty, nr Azs nm :mswer within 30 Jays v wtia fmm Lcnticr Iha[ �he insurance h>a <br /> offered m ecnle�daim.rhen!,<nder may mllect(he inaumvcc pmeccds. Lcntler may use�Fe proceeds ro rcp�ir or restore <br /> �he Propeny c;to p�y sunu searcd by thix Seconry Inswment,whetheror not�hen dve. The 34day periai will hgin when <br /> IlrenoticcisRiven. � <br /> Ua!ext h.rnder rnd tiertown othera�ise neree in wri�ing, any application o!pmceetls m principai slull not ex�end ur <br /> posi�wne lhe duc Jatc of ihc momhly paymentt mfertM:a in par.��ap�x 1 and 2 or cnm�ge Ihe amount of ihe payments. if <br /> under pangraph ZI the Pm�r.y is acquimd by LenJer, Borroneri right m am insuantt policies and proceedx multing <br /> (mra danmge ro thc Pm�rty prior to Ihc acGCisieion shall pazs m[ender�o tAe ex:ent o(the suma sccumd by this Seeurirv <br /> Inswmcm immctliamly crior w�he acqv'rxiiion. <br /> C. Ocu•pancr, Precarvation, Maintenance and Prottttion vf t6e Property; Bortnwer`s i,cnn Applica[iort; <br /> LessehotAs. 3nno�.er s1nV cecup;, usc:he Propeny az Borroweri grincipal residrnce wlthin sizly days after <br /> ne erecurion of thk Sea�ty Inswmrn�enA sbali eontinue ro occupy�he Pmpetty z Bonoweri principoi rc idence Por at <br /> ._p.l o s pcar ai;cr �hc tlmc of xcupanry, unicss Lender othervise agree.. in �.aritin8. v:hich :onsem shall nn� M <br /> unrea.onv§Ip�:;i�hhe!n,m nnla,e�rcnuatinp cimemst:mc��:caist which are beyond Bo��rower's ron�ml. Bormwer zL•ail noi <br /> 'mroy.dnma,c or impcir Ilie!o�v�hc Propenr m dctcrineam,or mmmi�wasre on the Pmperty. Bortowcr zhail <br /> b, c,d.(:;�it i;nr.y (orcnure ac�ion m prxcLing, vuheiher<ivii m aimin�l, i. lcgun thai in Lcnders f�d laith juJgmem <br /> �ovld msvp in 'r.r(6:ure of ihe Roperty nr e�6crwise mute�ivlly inipair the iie maiN by :his Securi�y Inammem a <br /> LeWCr�sa^urf�q-i��irma. Ttnnoxer may cvre such a de(ault and mins�a�e,as prorided in pangnph I8,by c^.using ihe actior <br /> ' p e d i�1 b d .: J 9�h a ru1�rvG iha� in 1 endera pnM 6 i�h determinat an p I d ( rfclwm of ihe Uorrcrxer: <br /> y, t <si i. hc I mxn _ i m mr .1 p m�e�t o��he �An �rcutcd by tAls Secu lv I.-�m m or Lendcrs sen.:ty <br /> �` m n.� P..-n � .0.�I .I.o hc in u� .,a� if [3mmnucr, dunng �hc loun app4canon aix.c�. envc malcrully Calu :r <br /> t ��c <br /> �� me cun�c iv?ormaion ms�a.cmcn�s m LeirJer�nr fuilcd W pNnde Lcndcr'�i;;any mamri:.l inlnrma�inni in wnnec�ion w➢h <br /> 0!ccloan c�idcnccA hy iM1� Nnie, induding. Lm nc; limitcd to. repr;cmaticns m�rccming 6nrroxcrt� M�cv�unq uf iM1c <br /> � P pen h� p i ce If 0 : .urity InsuumeN is on a IcazehNd Rnrtax- .h 11 o ipl� .vi�h all�hc provrtiorts <br /> nRhe e . i�Ru o .cyuire.s f r.�tle�o�he tiopeny,:he Iea.sehoid anA�he fee ael :h�11 �merge unle�s Lender agrce <br /> h'F. tothe:nergerinwntivF� <br /> c^',�i S'rntrclinn nf Lender's Righn in Ihe Yroper!}. .' 3amowc fails m perfnrm ihe co.rnums und vgnY�mcNs <br />�'�� mn:ainc�i 6i ihn Securiry lnsvumcm. or thcrc is a Icgai pmcreAlnF ihat may �ignifieamly a(fcel Lcndcri ri,ahts in �hc <br /> Prup:^:(anoY ue a pmcmcGng in Fankmp:c+.pmtr�c.for cuodcmnmion cr, !otl:lmrc nr�o mfnrce laux nr mpulu�innxl.lhcn <br /> Lcndcr m+.An xnd pay Fcr �vh:nc.�cr is nccesxvey io prmcn ihc ra!uc of�hc Prc�pcnv and Lcn<k.:richis in @c I'mnnp. <br /> LenJcr'.v:ir,ior.s ma.�mchiAC paving am mns seo.�rcd by a lien which ha.p:io:i.y mer lhfv$ccvmv Insvumeni,appcann.• <br /> �� `n r �he aua�m�_ f : md cstcnng on thc hopeny m mvF:e mpa n Aitlwugh !enJcr m.ry�n6c acGon <br /> 1 �p:r.grv�h"/ L nacrtlocsnoth v inAnm. <br /> � Am� v imiz dlthur.ed by Lender uader Ihis nampruph 7.ahnll hecome�dAhionul deb� of 3onower seeumd by Ihi,c <br /> Sec n�ib�in.trmn<nt Onlv�s Bermwer and LrnJu�i ce�n mher�emr.ef pnym�mi.ihexe umwnk shall Fear imercx�frmn tl�c <br /> date o(tl!sbursrnimn ut �he Nnm �.am and shWl bz payahL°, wilh ivtcrost.upnn nmice fmm Lender Io �ortower reyuepting <br /> me�r <br /> ^ ` 4. \iorigage Insurantt. It Le�E:r mmireA mone.a¢e iasu�avice vs u cmdition of Om Imin x<vml hy(his <br /> tiecnri�y Inam.nenL shall yay ihc premiur�.; mquired m maiotain �hr mongagc nsumncc in c(kci. II. fnr an�• <br /> . �. Ore i oripagc Ir.aimnec co�emge aqvi-cl by Icnder lapses er vea�r= w hc in cffect Bnrtower _dmll pay �hc <br /> e�c <br /> orcmiume reyulred m on�afn mvenpe mbstamially eyui�vlent ta �hc morteape mmance prcviom-:y in ef(ec1, at u co.a , <br /> s:ibsmn:ial!y eyui�a!ent m the cosl Io Fortower o�the mnnmge insrrm�im in effem. fmm an vUcmae mnngage <br /> ' -a��.p!ocetl hY'Lendcr. ILsuhuamivlk ryuivvknt monecec in�uranec eerver��e iv nrn availaMq Bormwer sball paY to <br /> I cndcr r,�h-:c,:.`,a;o i:eyual'o ono�wcl(th of�OC ycady mnrceage inaunnce vremi�m neing pvid hy ftormwer when:he <br /> - uri ��riur<rn�nlmtx•nilfn� L dcrwilluaeptuse.indmiavrihc�cpa� rnl:a<alos.crescrveinlicu <br /> h . L - c:cne poymcnu-na� no loneer Fe tbe op��on o(Lrnder. -(mnngage imurana <br /> � ( 0� �n wi�� �n 1�r�he per wl ih � Lr�dei�reqwrexl nmvrJcd hy an 'nxurcr appmved Ay I,c�der again hurmex <br /> � uiiaM1ic anJ [lorrnwcr aM1Sll p:ry Om prc n rcyuimd�o mein�xim m�nEVgr inxvmnce in rffccL m in providc a <br /> iivn <br /> lo..n crvv uniil ibu rcyuinmcm far mungnge inxuranee ends in uccoNanee wllh any w�iuen ugroemem M�ween Bormwer <br /> and Lcn�cr or nppilnb:e Ivw. <br /> Y. Inspeetiun. Lendcr ur ir,agem may make ren.unable cn�rics vpon and :n.pcnionz oF�he Properly. Lcndcr shall <br /> plve fimmwer nmice m ihe�ime nf oc prio�to un inspeqfon speci(yinq ronsonab@ ca�ia for[he i2spee:ion. <br /> S0. Condemnation. The proceeds oi any awartl or claim for damagea,di�ec�or m�r.mion wi�h any <br /> SinplePmni!y—AnnkMeNP tlEkFixONIfORMI\SIP.L'AiF.\T—UnifmmCaveny�d 9/'q !M!e�!�il�ry+ee�l <br /> M C <br /> • m�nm�fur�n�nnu u�rv:vbnn <br />°L.t� <br /> y1 <br /> l <br /> �nt ? . <br />