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.� . �,.�,.�.. . _ <br /> ,� . __ . <br /> ,. :_., <br /> . <br /> ;�9.5- �E�E27�� 95=�r�7.4"�s . <br /> J '� <br /> con�cmnrM1On or mhcr wkio�of anY Pun ofihc P(openy,or forconveyance in licu of condertfnation,arc hcm5y assigncd anE <br /> � ��.. 'h^��i �' �� �""� ' �sA.c shali bc appLed �o iM mmc aecu¢d by firs Secunry <br /> I F. �nt o! � i t [GiS ( �M1 F'°�'��t�e�9em.wv In�he c�m of a panial ukmg of�Fe PropcnY m <br /> 70=ru r � ��Mhcr o wY�h n dne. �h <br /> whi:h the fzir ma�ket valce of the 7mpeny immeCiareiy k:.+re�he taking�s r{ual tv or ema�a�Aan:he amwnt o(tFe cums <br /> f� securcJ by thiv Secvnty Instmmrnt immcJiateip Mfom th-mking,unlew Horrok'er and Lrnder otheru'ix aeree In wriu�S• <br /> a ihe c:ms sccumd b� �his SccurAp (nsm:msnt atr�ll M rcduced by �he amount o(�tr procmds mWtiplieJ by the foilowing <br /> fine�io¢ (^16ie�rn�l amoum nt�he mms secumd irnmedietak hPom�he mking.Aivided by @)the Feie mnrket wiue cf�he , <br /> I'rop:rtq immedian:lY �lere ih^ �akin6. Any b�lance shall M paid m ftortower. In fie event of a panial takinS o(the <br /> PmpertY �n w��ich ihe tair markee value o!the Popeny immedamly hefom�M1e��� �n�WSS thw��he amount o(�he sums <br /> sccumd immediaely bcfo¢ the taking, unlcss Boeower and LenJer rnherwise a rrting or unkss �PP�'°�ble law <br /> mb¢rtv{u provides,:M1C pmce.ds shall be appiieJ�o the sums wemed by ihis Security Inswment whetlxr or ao��he sums a¢ <br /> then due. <br /> � I!the Property is aWnAened by Bem+wer,nr i`.a4cr no�ice by i.cnder to eoiro�'er�hat�he condemeror oRers lo make <br /> an awarJ��r sc!tle a claim for damagc.Bormwer fails m apond to l.erider wiNin 30 days alrcr�he datc the�rotice is grvcn. <br /> Lmder is aut!iorimA�o cellect a�.id apply:he procccvs,at its ory•ion•cilher to res�oation or rtpair of the Roperly or ro the <br /> snmz ucnred by i6is S°<urip�insnumen4 whe�M1eror wt�hen dua . _ <br /> � enlr.a l.entl:r anJ I3or.ower o�herwise.agree in wri�ing, any appGCation of proceeAs m O��cipal shaii mt exrend or <br /> �s:pene Cie due Aate of tnc mor,:hia pa>'menu refercd�o in Faragm?hs 1 and 2 or change thc amou�t of such pa�ay nu. <br /> il. Sorro��cr 1bt keleatictl; Forbeaance B� Lender noi a lYaivee Pstensien o( the �ime frn ment or <br /> mafilScatinn o��rotliza�ion of tlx xums scwrN by�his Securi.ry I2num:nt gmumd by Lender ro any suuuor in inter._� <br /> ef t3ortowc�s7m!1 nn� opera�c m reL^aw �he tiabllity of the ocginal dortv.�er oe earto�•e�'s �uoceau+rs in interes�. Lender <br /> ahall no[ M reauired lo c*rnmmrncc pro�.'?edings against m�y svccecu�r in inlirest o:refuse�to ex�end time fnr payment or <br /> c�hcrv�i;c!y amonizmion n`�Fc sums sccu:ecf Fj�11c Swuriq In.tmment by savm of any demarW made by�he orieinal <br /> g��we:ur Hennwer� mcce�m a in inmres�. Any foeMamnec by LervJer in exesismg m:y or rtmWy shnll noi be a <br /> :ar a(ar pmdudc�nc exc�cicc ol'any ri�ht or rcmedy. <br /> ~ ' i2. Suar=mrs xnd Axsignrt RnmiE:.lotm und Several Llabilily;Co-eiv:an. Thc cwmamx rotl agmemen�s nf�hin <br /> Secur.q� Insi�umem shall bind anA�cneft the �ucce�mrs vid acvigns o`Lerr!cr antl Rortoweq subjttt m the pmv z�ons nf <br /> pnra :aph 17. Bermaa< ce.-c�a:il and a=.eemcnts zhali he joim and cevenl. Anv Boe*vwer who eo-siFns �his�Smwhy <br /> 1ns:runienr im:Jr_s r.oi^xeonc the No�e fa)is<n-si�ninF�his Security InzVUment only m motlgage,enm and eonvey�hat <br /> Bonowcr:in�c:c t in ihc ITn;xny undcr�nc�cnn.of Ihiis Sirv:nry Inzi�vmcm: lh!ia�x�l�rsunally ohligalcd In p:ry ihc nums <br /> sccured L.p tl�ic Sccuri�y Inzm:mcm:vnd(e)apnn.���nat LcnJcr.mJ anv nihcr Nortnwcr a�ay agrtt lo cxicmi,nvx!il'y.(nrfr:ar <br /> , n:ikc :viy m.omn�nAa�iunx wiih rcg:ml w tSc tunrc of �hiz Sccurity In,.innncm or �hc Nrn. wiihaut {hin Bomowcr. <br /> c, L <br /> �� 7 t.l rgas i- I io�n mcwcd b� tl : Sccunry Inxvu � .' hjcc; io i i � �h J� n. m � <br /> �� - i inn[Ie : f-'��� imerymteJ rca�Irn�he l m c i o- �her I n�h �y . coii e� d or o be oll te 1 connee�ion <br /> n h � . . i�hc pc � t d I u �hcn (.).��) ��ch inan chnrg� k II M rcduccd b� ih .�mnum nc� .� y�� -Inre <br /> ti ct m�.,.e�hc}enn ue I fmL w i Q) � nm,c ulrc¢dy co0cacd ITO� A ._ 'h¢h cxcccdN pcn ncJ Im_d w J`s <br /> refunded�0 6zrower. Lender moy chwse to n�aAe�his mfunJ by redi c n��nc'g:I oneJ unAcr�he Ni�e nrM1y nmkinp u <br /> ,.rec:p:n� cn�to Pnrtnwcr. IC_refirod rcduca'principal,ihe reAw^Lcn wiA bc vci�cd ur u punial prep.ryincm wiihow:in� <br /> s� �. � p t churgi u . � .�a�c. or n <br /> 54 Y f c_,. 4n ' t R rto ' p ov de� nr in ih:: eecun:y In.vwncnt -I di M e vcn A� Jcl v �_ u or M1y <br /> •. 1 � �N' :��I � I�N �: pi ,FI I� n4 + ' enano!h:•^ieihw3Thenoice:hllFedirmed�o�hePmpen�. <br /> � A I h � r� JJ :. A� � cr d : n t s h noti c ro Lrnder Am noiree ro LenAer.,hall Im gr cn by f�s� ciass <br /> � i m I �d '.� vl I t uc i I cre i ' rv mher od In.:I.enJer desi�natv F; im cc�o f3�m�wcr. An) nalice p-avidcd for <br /> � in �h 5 u y IvU i iwn shnll be leen cd to h'+�e bcen glvcn ro 8o�mwcr or LcnJer xben Flv°n sv pmv�Jed n �his <br /> 5 <br /> s��� � I�� L o e �e� f e - b �er b I 'thi' S ur'n !�nnmcm 1 11 be c em d by federal hu ar f 1hc law of Ihe <br /> a A ct �'n �n IM P �. r u v� . I .thc �rnt that am pm� ion . - S.wdb -a umc��nr ihc Nmc <br /> °� c � m ' - . pl SIeM1 : h Fl i.ha�n ta'fecto�he•Frovi ' ffi. cunl�IrttmrnmonheNotewMChcan <br /> � enei eLec.w�J�oi t �he mn�icCng pm z . 'I'o �hrv end �he pmv�aionc of ehis S unt� Irstrvment xnd �he No�e are <br /> � � e�f M.e erbi <br /> i6 3 e . �op � .h�ll bc p.. n nrtncd p3 �ih Nnm a J f�i ecunrv i�.w m <br /> i] va -��c f M1e 1 rap� t o �fteoefia 17 lcrt:.t n Itrtrro er I( II . �pvn of i P Feny a p ml ���n <br /> �} - I I � ar.f J i ( �rcfc ni e� .n Borrz� cr . .oid . - � Oom+wcr!� io� a u al pc.on1 <br /> '�l. � ��ry� � � i . � cr r i �e i Lc�dc ' � �� p��on ry r mm d am pa n n� (ull nF ali surs sttumd by <br /> �� tF Se i � 1 .h m !lo c cr 0 - op�on hallnotbee eai. dhvLe d rifexex.erepmlibtedbyfed rlla, uo( <br /> i d (ih'. S� M1 . .i t <br /> �'. 11 1 ¢r s� ❑ � � � Lcnd� .1 II ci�� ftormwcr nob- f cl ran n The t c..hali pm idc per M of <br /> n� Ins ihan 3f�d v:Gom Ihc d:tic th. i cc i:dcL.cmd o m uled witLin whirn&r,wcr mus�pay ali.ums.¢curtJ bY�hiz <br /> Sec mtv loevument. if Oonowc� Cuils �e Qap these rv s prior�n �ne expim��on ot th�z pe.nod. Lcnder may inwke any <br /> runedic.pee*ndmG by tlik Swndi�Ins�ramcnt withom fvrthcr natiie or Aemand on Hor*vwer. <br /> 18. 3orrower's Nig6t [o Beinstale. 1! Bortower mee�s mnain cenditio�u, Pomowcr shall hnve �hr nFht io nx�'e <br /> cnfnmen.^.nl of 1hi.Sruvi�y l�stmmcnl dizmnunued at uny time prim m�he carlier of: (a)5 days(or such o�her periM as <br /> Sin6��F'°T.''ly-lm�nieltae?rdEMNna�!NIFURMI\STRUM110ti1'�-UriifmmCov<nanrs 9l'1(I !I+A'�'��'JbMX�r� <br /> � i..:..:1. <br /> I:.,". <br /> . �_.,:._(i. <br /> � . <br /> � � - <br /> s:, <br />