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<br /> ��,,g�- RERECOft�E� ��95= �C�]47F,
<br /> $427�}'7
<br /> YOGETHER h'ITH a!I Nc impmvnne�ns mw cr hereaflcr crcctN on�he propercy,and aIl wsemenU,appunevances.
<br /> and iixwrcz nuw m hemaf�cr a Oan of ine p`openy. All repiscemrnu and uddi6ons shail alx he covcmd by�M1is Sxurity
<br /> 6wvumene Atl of che forcgeing is rc[erte�m in ehis Security Insvumrn[aa Ne"Pcope'ty."
<br /> pORAOWE2 COVENAN"IS thut Horzvwer is tautoily 5eim�of Ne estatc hertby wr.veyed and has�he righ�ro�nt
<br /> aad convey Ihe Proper.y ar.d l�az rhe Anpem i:unencambercl,except Wr encembanccs of rcmrd. eocmwer wartanls and
<br /> will dcRnd gcncre:iy Ue fitle ro Ne Propertrv a�xins!all claims aml demar�ds,subjcx1 to ariy encumbrances of rcord.
<br /> � i9tiS SECliRI'ft Ih5?RLTIEM comLines uniiorm mvenantt for rcaGorel use and nomunilvem m�mantt wLh
<br /> limimd�ariauons byjuristliction:o corttYmm a unifo�m vcur.ry insm�ment covaing rnl propetly.
<br /> !�\IFORN COV EIJAh"TS. Borzow.>;nM Lendtt rnvrnam and agrce at follows:
<br /> 1. Payment of Frincipal ar.d lnleresI;P¢paymcnt md Late Charges Anrrower shall OromP��Y P3y whrn due the
<br /> pdncipai of anA Imerca nn�he debt evidrnced Gy�hc Notc wd my prepayment and lare charges due under the Ndc.
<br /> 2. Fmeds tor l'aces�nd Inavnnr_. Svbjmt m apptiwble leu ur to a wrilten u�zive�by I,endeq Rerrtower slull pay to
<br /> 1^:.de!on fic La;'mon:hly paynre�ec are due undrr the Nom,unGl the�u�c is paid in fidl,a sum ("Funds")foc(a)yearly
<br /> ca�es nnd¢ss�ssn�rnts�vh{ch may anain pnmit}over ittis SecuriN Inshvment as a I1en on ehe E'mperty;(5)ycarty leuehold
<br /> paymcnts or g:oucd rcn!s on �he Anpeny, if any; (c) qearly M1vacd or pmperty insurance pttmiumr, (A) yrztly iload
<br /> insur�ce premium,. if any; (e) veuly mvngage insurance prcmivm.s, if any; a�M (Q any sums payable by Sortou�er ro
<br /> Lendeq in accnr,lance wi�h N:V��'�sions of p.uagraph 8, io lieu of uhe pxyment of mongage ireuru¢e p¢miums. llrcu
<br /> aems ae cat!eA"F,scmw!tem�" Lender msy,at my Gme.mtlu[and hold Funds in an amount nm:o emeeetl 1he mui��un
<br /> amonnt a IeaAcr for e feAersl:y relatd mertgxFe Ivan may rtpuim for Horsvwer's escmw xccount under ihe [Nerol Real
<br /> Estate SctLCm_nt Procederu Act oC L°73 as me�deG from fime ro ti;ne,121I.5.C.§2W I eLSeg.("RESFA'),uNess another
<br /> I^w iha�e.ppiics ro the Fund;scs a lesxr amounL li so.Lender may,ar any time, milec��nd hold Funds in an amour.t not m
<br /> exrvzd the ics,scr amooni- i.vrder may ettimaro the amoant of Povds duc on Ihe ba�s of cumst dara and rcawmble
<br /> es matcsoCcnirnJiWrexof(umreF_'rrowLemsoro�hrnviseinazcorda�ewiNapP��ubielaw.
<br /> 'Ch: Funds shWl be I:eid in an instiw6on ��hose cleperzl^.x arc inzumd by a fctleal a6eney. insVamcnmlity. or enti�y
<br /> (inc:udin�Lcnder.ii LenGer is wch an instiWtion)or in anv Federal Home Loan Pank. LuMer shall apply the Funds m pay
<br /> tl�e Escmw ➢rms. Lender may c.+t charre 6ertnwer for D^:ding aM applY�ng �he Fi�mis, annually analyzing the escrow
<br /> ount, ur .cif}mg the. Ezcmw Uems, unless Len2.cr p:y< Hnrmaa inmre:t on the Funds and applicablc law pcm�ils
<br /> Levder m makc such a.hvgc. Ncv.'e�er, Lender may mquim Bortow�er�o pay a or¢-�ime charge Por an independrnt rcal
<br /> e�talc tax rcponi��,p srcicc used by Lentler in connection with this loan.nNcss applirable law pm�iJes olhcrwise. Unles an
<br /> ugree:nent is maJe m applicable law reyuires inMm<t m be paid,Lender shall no�ne rcquirctl io pay Rnrtowerany inmrest nr
<br /> earnin£<nn rhe Fnndl. IInrtoasr�ntl Lencer may agrec in writing,howevee Ifiat imeresLdmll be paid on lim Fundc Lender
<br /> shail giv: Ic Bor.owe�.wichovt chage,nn�nnual:crouming of�he FLnds.Fhowing crcCi�s and debits to�he Fund.s and Ihc
<br /> purTrnce fiir•.vluch each GcAit ro vm}vnds waa made. The Punds are pledgcd a additional er_urily for all sums secured by
<br /> s � tl�aSCa�nrylns:mmen�_
<br /> - If p�e Fun�1 held bq A..nder exc.^ed the amonnts �-rmined to te neid hy applicahle law. Lender shall aeeoum to
<br /> Ronowrr for�hc ezcess Pun.^_s in accordanec wilh Yhc requir�ments n!ayplicnbie law. If th?amnwt oC the Funds hcld hy
<br /> Lender at any:::,z is nnt sulG�iem ;o pey Ine Cum:v Ifems whca Cue Lender may w no�ifv Bortoxer in writing.arid,in
<br /> sucn rave I3or.omer shail pvy !0 6cndcr lhc nmounl mmssnry m ni�4c up the deficirncy. Boeower shall mnke up tl�e
<br /> Jc�iicn_� in no ino.c than b:d�c monthly payments.al LenAcrk snlc dle�;. :.inn.
<br /> tipon pay:arn!in (aIl of all mms secured by this Security Irywmen�, trnder shall pmmp�ly ml'und m Bnrtower any
<br /> t�� F�inds held h}' Icndca II', mM� pangrapM1 21. Lendcr shxP acGUim or scll the Ro4'crty,Len6er,prim to Ihe atquisi[ion or
<br /> A� =aic cf�be ?roV"�ty, zhail app13 a^Y Fundc held hy Lender a[ @e time of acquisttiou nr saic as crcdit agvinst Ihe sums
<br /> sccvred by ihfs Sccurity InstmmenL -�
<br /> . AppL'cai{-- cf i'aymen�. Unlas appiicaFic la•.� provides othenvise, aii paymea:s raeiveA by len4er ur,dm
<br /> paaeraphs 1 and 2 shaJ Fe app'�icL: lirst�o any prcpayment charecs Ave unCcr Ihc\n�c wmnd.�o amwnL payatic undcr
<br /> paraeraph'_:ihirn.ro in::rest,uc:(ourth,w pn�rcip'rt Jue:and 1�t.to��y I�te chames dvr mMer the Nnte-
<br /> 4. Charges; I,iens. Ilonnwer sFall pay ail taxes, sussmenn. chargce �ina and ��„����o�� �n,;n�mm� m �n_
<br /> 1'm.:rt}n�hich muy mti��pcoriry o�er Nis Securirv Ins!nmen4�nd leiuhold pa_vmems or gmunA rems,if any. 8ortnwer
<br /> shall pay�heG ob6aainns in�hc m�nrer pTVided in paragmp�2,or i(wt paid in tha:msra���.Bonvwce shail pay Ihcm on
<br /> iime directly to tne perwn owcd paymrnt. 3enovicer sholl pmmp�Iy(umish m LenAcr all nniias eLnnoon�s m he paiJ under
<br /> J:is pararmph. 11 13orou�er mekes 16ese:aYmen�s directly. Ba�eer shnil pmmptly fumish�e Lv.^.der¢:eiplv eviJencing .
<br /> tha paymcni_
<br /> 9ortoacr shull pmn:pl:v di�`<hn3e an;r lien�.h:cii has priority ove�this Savriry Instrumem unless Bortox�er:(a)agrees
<br /> .':ri!in�co�he pacmrm o(tnr eb!iga�ion secumd hy+he lien in a manr¢r aaeprabie m ItMer.(b)mntes¢in gooE faflh the
<br /> i�a by.nr Lefentls a�:inst cr,(omcmen[of tnc licn in.Icnal pmcecdings which in:F.e Lender',oPinion operute m pr:vrnt Ilre
<br /> rnCamrmcnt cC the!icn:or(c]secu2 from the holAero(�he:iee xe agrcement rta[islaanry m I.ender snhnrd3mting the lien
<br /> .o tiva Security insimoient iC LenJe�detemiines that any pnet of the Ropeny iz sobject ro a lien which m.ry xtuin pnodiy
<br /> .�.r�hic ticcurity in.trmnen:.Lendrr ma��eia<Borrmver n nmitt iACntifyin..the lien. Bortower zM1all c��isfy the licn or��ke
<br /> � o I the t i. . v furtL a„o e . 1 vo 79 da s o the grv;ng of noiree.
<br /> - Hav�r6 or 1 ro{rerty Insuance Soee�c r shall Acep�he impmvcments now evistin4 or hemxfmr erected on tlm
<br /> FP pen_� n mtl og ' t 7.ss by f re h��iHs mc!vded 'i�h v ihe tertn`ezrended coverage"and a�y othsr hmarAs.including
<br /> flnvds or flooding for which Lcn�c zqufr s insmance �nis insnrencc shall 'x mmnitined in �Ae artrounts and tbr the
<br /> fkmmi0ffi 9NJ (MSe3^/6M8<�l
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