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<br /> !�If i. r.,.�;�:j,;}fi:f.: w:a r�.�[::.,:�1•;::t�-,11 E_�:�src;:�:[i.'�FO Y!,){Il�bl'i1i?(�.:��.�il iar.l���i:;�::l�.�ri.:��ti�t:i;a:-:,�„cl:itr� , fi.t:.f'_. <<�,_
<br /> �l�;,ii h:<<��d�;•r��;ht ia�It�lu�tt:�1ii�licl+���:iz�tGncwaF:, fi l..c:iis��r t����ti��;�.ienctuw•�r:,l��dl���U�n��tiy givc tu�C.ctrJ,�Y:�II r��ci��i.; —_-
<br /> uf'EF:�;,i�;t:���iirn��5 cu�ii rr�i2W31 Ailiti('C�+. �i�i tl.c�r.vcnt nK las:,s. 13nr�c��.v::r c:ir,ill�;ivc��scjrn��t rmti::f�tn ii�•;iir.�u.�s�r•�cc•�c<<�•;ni�f ;,;,=--
<br /> 1�cndrr. [.eniter nta�makc pr��ot oC Ic►s,ef nt;[itiade ptc►*np11y by Bu�iawu. ' .
<br /> Ihatc�s�.end,.r en;i k���rratti�er cith�:��iise,i�r�ru in e;�itiuL�,insien ncc�,rnc;.r.c{:;5F11II�i.:a�ipfictl tu ra;tosatEnn r.�rcpair uf —
<br /> li�., i��u�,iiij+ tiwnidbi�i� �C ii�d��K.�R/1Ai1U11 UI c��,air is econarnisaiiy fcasible and Lcnderi; security 19 QpI :essc�d. ta the
<br /> rcste�ratior��r rc�air is nc�t cconnmically frusibla or Lendcr's stci+rity woulci tx: lcssenrd, the cnsurance proceeds shail b�;
<br /> nppli;d to tha s�nns secuted by ihis Sccurity Iitsnvment, wliather or nQt thei�dee, with any excess E7uid tU Doetiower. If
<br /> I F3urtnwer.aluutdm��ttie Prnperty;nr cLies nnt nnswe'r within 3(�days n notice fn�m l.ender tlint the irsurAS�ce c�nrricr�ws
<br />� Oficmd ta settte a claim,then l,crder nia,y coltec�the insurance��roceeds. Len�ier may usc d�e pra:eeds tn re��ir or ns.ore
<br />, tlae i'►•openy o;to pay sun�s sQCUred by►.his Sccur�ty Instrument,whether ar nat Uien due. Thc 3�-day period will bcgin whcn
<br /> th�e noticc is givcn.
<br /> Unless Lendcr and Borrawcr othcrwise agree h� wriiing,any applir,aci4n of proceeds to principaD shall not extcnd or
<br /> ykrstpono Il�e due date qf the monthly paymr,nts refeired to in pamgrapiis I :tnd 2 or clm�:ge the amount oP ttt�psyments. If
<br /> ur�dcr paragraph 21 th�Property is ncquired by f.ender, Borrower�s riLtet to nny insur.ince pol'rcies aad p��occed�,res�dting
<br /> J'ro7n clamage to the E'caperty prior to th��aequisitiun s��all pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secur�d by�his 5ec:urity '
<br /> ins3n�mcnt immcdiatcly p�ior to th�ucquisition.
<br /> 6. Occupancy, Preservatton, Maintenance nnd Proteckion af fhe Praperty; Boirower's Loan� Ap��tcation; --
<br /> LeasehoWs. Borrower sball occupy,establish.nnd use the Pcoperty as fiorrower�s prinoipal ms��icnce within sixty days aftcr
<br /> lhe e�ecution of this Sccurity Instnunens nnd shalt continr►� to�ccapv tlie Property as Eorrawer's pa:nceps!resi��ncc€�r at
<br />" Icast or.c }�c:.v �fdcr i�e� date of occupancy. unless Lc:ndcr odicnvise a�cs in wriung, which consent sli�dl not 6e =
<br /> ' unreasonably withhei�.�,or unlcss extenuating circumstances exist whirh ane beyond 8onrau�er�contcol. E3omower stiail not �—
<br /> dcstroy,[i:�mage or impair the Y'roperty,ollow the Properry to d:t.rrnorate,or commit waste on the AropeiZy. Borrovrer sh�li ---
<br /> ►�c in def�ult if any f�rfeitu�lction er proceeding,whether civEi or criminal,is begun that is3 S.ender's gaod faith jud�rfsnt
<br /> couid msult in forFei:ure of thc Prope�ty or othcrnise mute�iaiiy impair d�e lien ereated by ahis Securiry Instrua�ent or
<br /> �.ender's•security inte�s�. Bamo�ver may cure such a defnult and reinstate,as provided in paragrapii 1 E,@��au;sing the uction
<br /> or proccedin�to br.disr�►issed with a ruling that,in L.ender�s good faith determination,preciudes farfeitun�nf the Borrower�s =
<br /> interest in the PropeRy or other materia! impuim�ent of the lien created by this Securiry Insvument or Lender'.s security
<br /> �..-,-- L- � �:-...:-- • �._.�-�--
<br /> ii�i.cic5i. uuaivrici �ituii iL3U UO lU Ucinuii ii uililu�:ci� umu�b i�n, iGnTi w�an.u•aw. �iari..'S3, bn�L .nHici�n�a_: imac ut =--�-
<br /> inacr.ur.ite infotmatian or statemenu to Lendcr(or failed to pra�vide Le�der with v�y material information)in canne:tion with
<br /> the loan evidenced by ihe Note, including, but not limited to, representatieas conceming E3onower's cecupancy of tlie
<br /> Pruperty as a principal residence. [f this Security Insuument is on a leasehold,�3naower shall comply wifh all the provisions
<br /> aF!.�'lP..�..�°. �'L�:m:.�c�L:t�fee:'s;l�io ih:,;'tr,�,�;n',2�e ieasc;�i,td uuu ii�c icc iiiir.s'natl noi merge unfess Lcnncr a�ees --
<br /> to[hc mergcr in writing.
<br /> 7. E'rotectfon of Lender's RighEs in the Propee�ty. If�orrower fails to perform the covenants 1nA a�reem.nzs
<br /> cnnta€ned uz tliis 5ecurity Instrwncnt,or there is a 1e�al pmceee'ling that may significanNy :�2?ect Lender's rigi�ts in uhe. .
<br /> Propeny(;,ecti as a praceeding in bankruptep,probate,for conden�nation ur forfeiture or to enforce la�vs oc regulations),tfien
<br /> Lender may do and pay fur whatevcr is neccssary to g�rotect the value of die Property and L.endcr�s righu iea the Praper.ty. ;��p,
<br /> Lender's actions may include paying any sums secureel by a lien which has priority o�ar this Security[nstrument, appearing =—
<br /> in cour►,paying rEasor�ablc attomeys'fees and cntcrins on the Property to make rcpairs.AQthough I.ender may take xctian
<br /> wider�h9s paragraph 7.�.cnder does not havc.o do so. •—
<br /> Any �mounts disbursed by Lender urtder this paragraph 7 sha31 become additior.al de6t of Duaower secured by tnis �T--
<br /> Sacurity instrument. Unless Borrower and Lendcr agrce to other tcnns of paymcnt,these amounts shall I�eur interest from tlie �:�
<br /> date of disburscment at the Note rate and shall be payable,with intcresE,upon notice from Lendcr to Borrower requestin� T�,---�
<br /> pagment. ;�__
<br /> 8. Mortgagr,Insarance. If Lcnder required mortgube lmurancc as a condirion of making the loan securc•.d by this ---_
<br /> Security Instn�ment,Bo�rawcr shall pay thc prcmiums reyuircd to maintain die mortgage insurance in effcct. If,for uny �''
<br /> i�ason, the mort��gc insurance coveraFr, c�equired by Lendc:r lapses ar ccascs to bc in effcct, Borrower shnll pay the �?`�
<br /> premiums required to ohtain coverage substanitially equivalent ro the mortga�e insurance previousty in effect, at a r.ost a�.�`"
<br /> substnnt�.�L'y eyuivalent to thc cosE to tiorrowe.r of the mur¢gage insurance previously in effect,from an alternate mortgage '""�
<br /> ��-:::�:�
<br /> F1�
<br /> insur�er approved b,y Lendee. if substantiaUy equivalent mortgage insurancc wverage is not av�►ilable,[3orroever shall pay to �-���•�•
<br /> Lendcr ea.h montl�a sum c:qual to one-nvel�th of tha yearly�nortgage insurnnc�,premium b�in�paid by 13orrc►wer when the '�+�i�
<br /> �- _--
<br /> insurance coverage lapsed or eeasul to be in effect. l.endee will accept,use and reY�ia thesc pr;-;�ents as n loss��eszrve in lieu
<br /> of rnortgage insurance. Loss rescrvc payments may no longcr be required,at tL�e option c�f L�:ndcr. ii mortgage insurance ����'°�
<br /> coverage tin the amount and fur the period that Lender mquires)provided by an insurer apr�;oved by l.ender again becomes �"'
<br /> available:u�d is abtairt^�,ci.Bonower shall pay thc pmmiums requirecl to maintain mortga�e insurance in effect,or ro provide a
<br /> �:-�, ,
<br /> loss rescrve,undl the c�en�irement for mortgage insumncc ends in nccurdance with any�vrittcn ab�cment bcrivccn Borrowcr
<br /> an�Lcnder or applicablc law. .
<br /> 9. Iitspectton. Lender or its agent may make reasonable ereYries upon and inspections of the 1Property. Lender sha11 ' �
<br /> give Qorr�wer notice at the time of or prior to an inspection spccifying reasonable cause for tlte inspection. • �
<br /> 10. Co�dPmnatton. 1'ke pimeeds of any awarrl or eltim for damages,ciirect or consequenrial,in co:�nestion with any - .
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