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<br /> 1j ,f i�: A('. . . ( ,4 S.i ,. 1� f.. i�,. �� f� ' �%;� .' �. : ' 1 � '. �� •�" � i i !�. � ' { � .: � ..,. " !
<br /> t..�':i.C�.:�::il:'1 I,C.I:�r�Ir(�ii t � ;C.i��!'[i?V.� er�t ',jt:�lt� Qq�.�,41i��i�'.:i. bel{�..?('!�::''�eif t9'��i t .1�I'�� � ��:�•i•' �..:. ..ly.� . - .
<br /> bi: 1I: '-
<br /> t:}1!:f3 IS,.•9�Ir tTf•�rlt�•t N.�I!tr.�ei th�,M•afr9ly{'Nt'ti:.��t,fZjy lk:��OIC'fi?t`f:►ki,�c iti e+�ti{tE S��E�r�:��at.i t��.+���t}c u�a;ii,l�;t QI Sfl�'•:.�i:�i•� ..
<br /> ' !.Cl'UCCi�tly.' ITIE`i Sec�,�iry Yust�v:ll�lll f1�it11l:lll�ill'Oj��R'.t:iY�:S�;F;(ifg:lli�.��1�11I�::";i�1111i�:/':Y iiflli�.i ti:�i::f'�lii.i i4l�t.'��tut':f�!l'iur��!S'� _.
<br /> Ihc s+im�r.rcusr.d by thiti Sr.curily InSmimK�?t r.hal! bc•ret��sccd�y�hc nmua�nt c�f t�►r. prcx:c�►1+ntiul�iplicd hy ehe 4'�tltcsw�ng �
<br /> r,;u�:.�t�� (:,)�l.c toi;�l ds�iawit nf tLe s.:�aj:��:tti�tt��t�uu•ili.�r�ly i�;f,+i�tir�t��kiuE:,�?ivi+h:si h;�(b}thc•Lr{r rR�arb:s'rti•r_l�s=,s e�f�tW =___-
<br /> P►Y�perty..imnx�iirt�ly heFexr. tl� taking. Ai�y Mul�aic� si�att Pic paiu in iiorrnwcr. �n�ne zvcnt ui s, ��.��iul :��,;��n �_�ii... _
<br /> pro�x-rty in wh:ch etx fair mark�t v�lue+af the('mY►�rty imn�ec(lately before the tnkir�g is ir�!�thae tbe amwnt of�fae sum5
<br /> � e,rcuk�ed i�r�rr,ediately ixfiare itK:Qaking,unlss3 E�.irmwer nml Lend�:r u4ierwhc a�!rec: in writing or cmlesv apt�li��bte Inw
<br /> -`.---'.._�..�.a__..�_ ---'-..t.oll t.�0..�.1�.1 t�tlw cumc cnrnrr��C�V IL11c St•.�llIlIV IILti[fi111i17t�lJ�1f.I�I OI ll[l�_�6�I1L1_�y _
<br /> U111C[wt.lC�liv�cwa�ttrw�yvw..uouuu....v..j.�.....v.. ......._..'_..'_^'_'� -'_ _. .. .
<br /> [}trll tIUC.
<br /> Yi thc Pre�pe�y is xihand�r�iecl by Horrower,or if,:�ficr natic.^.by l.endcr to Einrraw•cr th�t thc conslcmn+�r offcr�csr niakc
<br /> .ti�nw�3A n�r ccttic a cla:m foc darn�acs.Fionawet fuils to�-��:patid to Lenr:r t��(chie�30 days afier thc d�c�th01lOI1CC L^+�ivcn,
<br /> Lender is autt�arixed to collec:t fu�sl appty�he praceecls,ut its aptfon,eitt��:r en r�srorat:an ur rep:►ir of tlie i'�o�ry ar to t6e
<br /> sums stc►ered by ttiis Secw�tv�nsen�ment,�vheihe•r�r not�hcn dWC.
<br /> �Jnless Lee�dcr cmd Iior�nawer othenvise agrec in�vriting, miy c�pplicatio�Af procecds to pr?nci�al sliali nat extend or
<br /> �5,���t��a���a,etr,of the�noathly payments refcrred to in paragr.►phs 1 and 2 nr c!►angc ih�amount of st�ch payments. �—
<br /> 11. f�orrawer Not Rrlc9s�D; ��r6earan�+� I�y ILer�der No-t a 4�ueti•er. Exteresion of thc timc for p�y�ncnt o!r
<br /> mafi�catic�n c1F,amortization of the sums s�cured by tliis Security Irr.stniment�r.mtcd by L;.:.�'.:to any sacc�ssor in interest �_
<br /> of�urrowPr s�alE nat ogerote.to rele�se Ihe(iability of tlue oriBinal Barrower ot Horrowcr�s succesyurs iti�interest. Lcnder
<br /> 5�13�I nui ix�r.yUifcd i6 c+�u.�i.Rw �,i.,:.:.:.�tiib�$.^.1R5:l:71y S:1CCC`.S9T !!1 lP.IC'5C�1 OI'lECi?Sf; ((1 CXtCtt�lliRC FOS'F1YI11CIl[OP ,
<br /> atherwise rn�ify amurtiz.�tiun ok the sums secured by this Security Instsumcnt 6y r�;�en uf�u�y dem:ut�m;d��y tf:�Qil�'IR�I , --
<br /> Bamower or Q;rrrowcr�s successors in intcrest. Any 4'orbearance by Lender in cxersising�ny righi or nmedy shall noY be a
<br /> waiverof or Fr��lude thz cxcrcise of any ei�t►t ar r�medy. �
<br /> Ex. SUC�CCSSM'9�IKI ASSI$R9 I;OUGfI;Joint and Several I.iability;Co•sig,►ttrs. Tiie covenants and agreements of Ihis
<br /> Security In:tn�ment shaAl tnad und benefit the successnn nnd assig��s of Lender and Berro�ver,su6ject tn the provisions of
<br /> �aragraph 17. Borrower's cm�enonts nnd a�ements sDiatl be joint and several. Any Iicerrot�er wl�o co•si�ris this Security _
<br /> Enstn�ment but does not execuie tAe Note: (u)is co-signing this Securiry insnument only to mongage.grant ancl convey that
<br /> Bomowcr:s interest in the Property under the terms of this Sscurity Instrumenr, (b)is not personally obli�ated to pay tt:e sums
<br /> . ._. L-'• --'---._s L_�It.. a0 f!1 PvfPfVl ..,.vlifv 1'nr:ir�r =
<br /> SCCUICp 6}I IfI1S JCC�utiiy auaiuwucub di[u t�./ae'S-ii..:i uiaa an.uuei auu us�y vuiw uv�:."5::�:::'.°i°-o.:'-'..........._...._-.�+---- __._.-
<br /> or make any accammodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower�s
<br /> consent.
<br /> 13. l.uan Charges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a faw which sets�naximum lo.1n —
<br /> char�es,and that law is�nalty interpmted so enat tne inceres�ar oincr Ioan cnar�s cx�1t�:�w�i���w�il�-ru�..�„s:.:,.."t's�
<br /> with the laan esceed the pzrrnitted limiu,then: (a)uny such laan charge shall be reduc�:d by the amount necessary t�redute
<br /> tP►e charge to ehe petmitted limit;:�nd(b)any sums already collected from Borro�ver which exceeded pertnitted limits will be �
<br /> refunded to Bprmwer. Lender may choose to rn:tke this refund by reducing ttie prinsipa!owed und�r tt►e i�Iate or by making a
<br /> d'acct payanent to Burro���er. if a refund reduces principal.the reductian will be tmp�al as�partial prepayment withont nny
<br /> �iepnyment charge undca tlze 3�ote. „��:,
<br /> 14. Noticcs. Any nohi::c to Borrower provtded for in this Security Instrument shall be givcn by deliveeing it or by _
<br /> mailing it by Frst class mail unlcss applicable law requires usc of anotlier method.The not9ce shall 6e dirccted to the Propeity —
<br /> Add�ess or any other addrcss Borrower designaees by notice to Lender. Any notice to I.ender shall be�iven by Frst class —__
<br /> mail to Lender's address stated herein or any ather address[.cnder designates by nodce to Borrotver. Any notice providcd for ��.;::
<br /> in this Security Instrument shall be de��rted to havc 6een given to Borrotvcr or Lcnder when �ivcn us provided in diis �=�
<br /> �*---
<br /> pa��ph a�..
<br /> 15. Cove�ning Y.�►w; Severability. '11iis Security Instroment shaU he govemed by federal law and thz i1w of the ��:��
<br /> jurisdictian in which the Properry is located. In the event tE�at any provision or clause of this Security Instrume�t or tt�c IJote --• -
<br /> conflicts with appiicabls Inw.such conflQCt shaU nat affect other provisions of this Security Jiiswment or the N�te v�hich can �--�'
<br /> be given effect withouc the conflicting provision. To this end the pravisions of tl�is Security Instrument:uicl the Notc are e_�`_'�'
<br /> declared to be sevcrable. r°_:
<br /> 16. Borrowcr's Copv 8orrower shall be given one wnfonncd copy of thc Not�:ued of this Security lnstrumcnt. W;;.c
<br /> 17. 7hansfer of thc Froperty or n Heneticial Interest In Ilorrower. If all or�ny part r,f th�Nroperty or any interest in �'ri�=
<br /> it is sold a�r tieansfecred(or if n beneficial interese in Borrower is sold or transferred ans�Dorra�v�r•is not a natura!pecson) ��-'
<br /> without L�nc��r�s priar written consent.Lender may,ut its aption,require immediate pavment in full of all sums secured by � '-x
<br /> �-__
<br /> this Secu�rv;]AStn�men� Howcver.this optiun sliall not be exercised by I.cnder if cxcrcise is pru�,ibited by fedeml law as of �•Y�
<br /> zfte date of this Security Instrument. r=�+:
<br /> ' If Lender er.ercisas this opeivn,Lender sh�ll give F1�rrower notice of acceleradon. The norice shall provide a period of
<br /> �not less than 30 days fmm the date the nauce is delivem✓J or mvlcd within whiCh Borrower must pay all sums secured by diis _
<br /> 3ecurity 1�ishwnent. If Bortower fails t�.p�y these sums prioe to the expiration of this perioci,Lender may invoke any
<br />- remedics�itted by this Security Instn3:�c.nt wiU►out farthcr noticc ar demand on Barrower.
<br /> - 18. dita;c�rov�er's Right to Steinstate. If Borro�ver meets certuin conditions, Bortower sh�ll have the right to have "�
<br />_ ,�nfarcement�bf this Secur.ty Inswment discontinuad:�t suiy time prior to the caali�r of: (a)5 duys(vr such otlier period ns �,�;.;;
<br />- � j,%���.
<br /> Si�7gla rsmlty•-Fannk Maelhlretls�ie iNne UM1760�tM IT�STRUDtF:NZ'-Uniform Covcnants 9140 f6urge 0 of6 pagesl ;.,�•,,
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