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<br /> r:ir�r,rn�r�-y Ci,:��'��t�:,i��;i car�th�tt 11u�1'ra�x•ny i•�aiifncn���lfxr��t.csce��tl���'cuLe���1��;m�l:�t a�f.�ecu'.•,I, CI(�ik:Y1i'c;���:ii7a�d:u:::i -
<br /> wilA aticr�d�;cner:�lly Ucc�tii14 t�i,the Y�ol�ity u�,uir�,t c�i�cl.,in�,ui�,i de}��ra;tl�i.suf�;cct Co c�ly En;:Uinlirn�fc:s��f�.��an�i. _----
<br /> .F'fit5 St?C.(J.RA'('X IN.�'i5'R7Jh11:N'9' com�)ncc u�IF'o�m rnvr;�ums fur na�fanc�l use cinci a�►n•unifnnn covenantv w11h
<br /> r. . • • .• . • +•...:-.•.t n�• �:ha�n em+('�1t/r!r�'�Ilf ilY jIiSICUlil�li[CGl'C1Ill}51c:1I�7fOl:�t:Cl'J. -
<br /> u�,�«i11V��Y}kA�CdVENAt+ITS. Eloncawer�Leixltycuvenunt wu1 agaG as folln�es:
<br /> 1. l�yrxernt c►tE'r►nct�l and Xntrreed; 1P�tepaymei►i and X s+te f:tu�rges' Horruwcr shall�tomptly pay whe:t due thc
<br /> principal af an�interes�on tt�e debt cvldrnced by th�rTow and aii)'Pr�paymcnt and late ch:srqes duc imcltr!he Notc.
<br /> 2. b�nds 2ur lhazed and Antur�t. Subject to applicab�e law or to n written�irah•er by I.en�ler,Barrower shull pay to
<br /> L�en�Jes an the day��(+nthty paymcnts urc due andcr the Note,uritil tho Nate is paid in full,a sum("�nds")far(a)yearly
<br /> t:uces and assessments whicR�may c+ttnin priority ovcr this Sccurity Instn�mcnY ns a 14en on die 1'raperty;(�)y�ariy lensihalri
<br /> paynxrds or gmund re:nts on the e�oper[y, ii�uiy; ic) Yz�z�iy haz:,xcl or proFertS� iusur.,n_e {�rem'sums: (3) yr�riy fl�xt .
<br /> insurance preminms,if nny; (e�ycarly mortgagc insurance prcmiums, if any;and (�any su►r�s payablc by Bo�rrowcr to
<br /> L.ender,iR accorda��ce wtrh the pravisions of pu�agraph 8. in Iteu o£tlie payment of moiYgage insura7ce premiums. 'Tfuse
<br /> itQrns:me called"Escrow Items." Lender may. at any ti�ne,cailecR and I�old Flinds in an amount eot to exceecl ti�e maximum
<br /> aniount�lender for n f�de�qlly related mortgage loan may reyui� for B�onower's• cscrow account under the ;edernl Rcal
<br /> �srnce Setdemcnt Procedwrs Act o�f 1974 as amended from time to dme, 12 U.S.C.§2501 et seq. ("E�SPA"),unless another
<br /> kaw that applies to tlic Funds sets a l�sser amount. If so,Ler.der may.at nny timc,collect and hnld Funds in nn umo�s»t not to
<br /> ezc�d the lesser amn��nr. Lender ,nay estimatc the amount of�unds due on thc Uasis af.urcent data and rerisonahle
<br /> estimates of e�tpenditu�s of futtire Escrow Items or othei�vise in accordanee with appiicable law. � _-=
<br /> The Funds shall be hcld in an insdtuNon whose deposits cire insured by n fcderal agency.i�strucnent��lity, or entity
<br /> (ui�ludia�Lendcr,if Lender is such aa institution)or in any F�.deral Home I.oan Bank. I.ender sl�nll npply the Fbnds to pa�+ �cTJ
<br /> she L7scrnw Items. Lender niny not charge Botrower for holdin�and applying the Funds, Annually analyzing thc csrrow
<br /> soeaunt, or verifying the�scrow Items. unless Lender. pays Do�rower intecrst c►n tlie Y�nds�nd applicable law permits —
<br /> �.cndcr to make such a char�e. However,Lend�r may�ufn:Borrower to pay a one-time chnrge for un independent i�c,�i `_
<br /> estate tux reportiag scrvice usetf by I.ender in connection with this loan,uttless app9icable lo�v provldes otherwise. Unless un
<br /> agmement is madc or appG�ablc la�v requires intarest ta be paid,i.ender shull not be rc:qui�•�o pay Hoao��er�y�int`ms�t oQO __
<br /> canuugs on thc hustQS. tsonvwcr and ienuer�stay a�iu wiiii.,g,�tvwc�c�.u,a��.�w,.a.� y�,..o,.o.........:. ....».�. -__
<br /> shall give to Bonmwer. witheut charge,an anncal accounting of the Fuuds.showiag sredits artd debits to the Funds and the
<br /> purpose for which each debit to the[Lnds was�nade. 'I9ie Fbnds an:pledged as additional security far al!sums sLcu�d by
<br /> d�is Securiry insaumcn�
<br /> Ii u�c �,� i�etu L-y I.��.d�r cxc�sl�.::nr.�saat_ �'r!r!�ned ro be held by npplicable law.Lc�ider shall�vcount to
<br /> Dorrower far th:�xcess Funds in accordance wid�the rec�uirements of applicable law. If the amount of the�n�s held by
<br /> Lender at any r.mc is not suf�'�cient to pay the Escrow Items wlien duc,Lcnder may so noafy Borcowcr in writi�,and,in
<br /> such ca..� �oj�uwe.shall ��y.ro Lender the amount necessary to make up �he deficiency. Borrower s6a11 m_4:e up the —__
<br /> deficcency in no more th;u�t��E]ve monthly paymcnts,at Lender's sol�discreuon. __
<br /> Upon paymcnt in full�f all sums secucr,�by this Secw'ity llnsuument,Lender shall promptty refund to Bonower:tny �
<br /> PuncSs hcld by I.�nder. If,under paragraph 21.l.ender s}►all acqui[e or sell die Property, Lender.praor to the suquisidon or
<br /> sale of the Yroperty,shall apply any FL+nds lield by I.ender nt the time of acquisition or sale a�a credit against d�e sums _
<br /> Secured by diis Security Instrument. ��--•
<br /> 3. Agplicat�on o4 P�yments. Uniess applicable lAw pmvides o3henvise, all papmen�s receivcd by I..ends under ��Q:
<br /> puagraphs 1 and 2 sl�all be applied:first,to cu�y pr�epayment char�es due under tlie Note; second,to umounts paya6te under � _,
<br /> p;uY+graph 2;ttvrd,to interest due;founh,ro princ�pal duc;and last,to any late charges due under thc N�te. ��,.n_
<br /> 4. CLme�es; Liens. Dorrower shall pay al!taxes. assessments, char�es, fines and imposiuons attributnble to thc �:::::
<br /> Properry wiiich m�y attAin paioricy over this Security Tnsuu�nent.and leasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Horrower ";_
<br /> s1na11 pay these obligatians�i�►:a�neunner provided in pacagraph 2.or if not paid in that manncr,Burrower shall pay them on �„.
<br /> ei�ne direcdy to d�e person owesl�ayment. Dorroxer shall promptly fumish to Lender aU noGces of amounts to be paId�nder �,��
<br /> chis p�ragraph. If Bomnwer Qnik'ces these payments dimcdy.Bonrower shall promptly fumish to Lender n;ceipts evidenci�g ��-�
<br /> ehe payments. '�'```
<br /> Borrower sh�il1 pran�ily disch�rge any lien whtch has prioriry over this Securiry Insuument un2°ss Etorrower:(a)ngees ��:�.'
<br /> in wridng to ttte payment of the obJi�Ativ.n secuced by the lien in a mann�r acceptable to Lender,(b)cantests in gaod faith the �'�__
<br /> Fien by,or defcnds agai.ast enforcement of the lien in,Icgal proceedin�s which in the I.c�nder's opinion operate to p:revent�lie ��
<br /> enfon;ement of the licn;or(c)secures from the holderof thc lien nn agtecment satisfactory w Lender sut�ordina¢it�g the lien �f;;
<br /> c�this Secudty Instiumcnt. if Y.euder deternnnes that eny part of thc Property is subject to u lien which may attnin priority _._.
<br /> crver this Securiry insttutnent,Lender may give Surrower a notice ide�dfyin�the lien. Honower sha�ll satisfy the lien or take
<br /> one or more of the mctions set forth uiwve�vithin 10 days of the giving of nodce.
<br /> 5. H[azard vr Pe�operly Yrisurancc. Borcower shall kcep the�mprovemcnu now existing or.�aereafter crectcd on the
<br /> Properiy insur�ed against loss by fire.hazarcis included within the term"extendecf covem$e"and any uther hazards,including
<br /> � t�oods or floodiag, for which Lendcr requic�s insuranca This insurance shall bc rm�intuincd in thc amounts and for die :
<br /> , Fona 31DZ9 9i90 fpagt 2 ojG pagea)
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