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<br />`__�. 'I.lir,�:�iceSin;a.I�:;tctcr irri���r�{;snt r�iay �u�he i��:�r.uji:iblc cnteics u�ran.:s:d int�:.cti€�n�of tEic t'ia�c�fzy. l�xidc� sh:��l L;ic;^ ,
<br />- '� 3�n���s��•c:uc►tic��d�l•.c ti�nc�f or tnioy to ui�ins�;cction ti�:cifyfu�ra::isoia6lo causc far t{tc inspcctinn. �r`�`�
<br />�`4 10. CQIIi(�t1llilA1IRl0. 'iix::pr��cccds of nny ij�v.srd os� claint ior daiiiages, di��cc¢ or con�cqu�ntiai, ir�cusmcctioii��ritit �;ny �:�„--'"
<br /> �,a � r.a�iimnatiiiri or�thcr tnkin� of nny p:ut nf Q�c Property,or for cvnveyunce iri licu of condemnation, arc hc�cby assignrd a►xi
<br /> _ chalt[�:�aid to�cr.�fcr. F''�":`�
<br /> In thc ovent af n tnhil ta�:ing af ths;Ptopeny,thc proa:eda shall Ge applied to the sums securcci by this Sccurity[nstrument.
<br /> w1��thcr or ti�ot then dua �vith any cxcess paid to Borrowcr. In ttte cvent ot'n partial t�king of the Praperty in whicl�t6ic fa4r _
<br />-- rnnr6;ct valuc of tt�o Proncrty immediately b�fore ttte takins is:gual to nr greatcr than thc amount of thc su�s secu�c.d i�y Ihis
<br /> Sccueity lnsc�timent immcdiatcly hefore thc tnking,unlcss Ror�'�wer nnd L,ender othenvise a�rcc in writ3��g,ti►c sioms secured by
<br /> this Security Instrumcnt shatl be ret�ucal by the amount of dio procceds �rwltiplied by the following fraction: (a) ihe totnl
<br /> = amount of thr,ssuns secured inuncdi�te!y heforc tlie tnking, divi�ed by (b) tlie fair market vulue of tltc Pro�pctty immcxliztely
<br /> -- beforc the takin�;. Any balar3ce sl�all bc puid to BojTOwer. In the event af a partial takin� of thG Property in �vhech tlie fnir
<br /> market valuc of the Propert�• imn�aliately before the taking is Iess than the umount of tlie sums sccured immeifiately Gct'orc the --
<br /> tulcins,untess Bo�rrnwcr nnd Lcndcr othenvise ayrec in writing or unless applicable lnw othenvise provides, tfie proreccls sli�ll __ -
<br /> bc applicd to tl�c sums sccumxi By this 5ccurity Instrumcnt v+hether or not the sums are thcn due. �
<br /> if the P�rup�:rty is abandcned by Borrower,ur if,after notice uy Lender to Borro�ser diat Qtc candemnor offers to makc an
<br /> awa•rci or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond ta Lender within 30 days after the date Ihe notice is given,
<br />- - Lencter is au�horized to collact and npply the procct.�IS,at its uptiou.tithe:to restoration or rcpair of thc Propcny ar eo the�um� •-___
<br /> � secured by ii�is Seeudry lnsteument,whether or not then due. `�"
<br />__.., Uuless �.ender and D�rrower otherwise agrce in writing, any applic�tion of proceeds to princlpnl sl�nll not eatcnd or -
<br /> pastponu the duc datc of thc morttlily payments reFerrcd to in paragr�phs ! ��nd 2 or changc the amount of such payments. �-'
<br /> Il. Barrowerr Not Rcletucd;Foabearnnce By Lender Not a Wniver. Extcnsion of the time for payment or modiGcation __
<br />__- of amorti�.ltimi of tl�c su►ns secured by tl;is Securiry Instrument gr�ntul by Lender to any successor in intcrest of Borro�ver shall. �,,,
<br /> not operatc to relc:uc d�e linbility of¢i�e original Borrower or Barrowcr's successors in intcrest. I.endcr shall not be requeted to ___
<br /> commencc ptocecdin&s against any auccessar in intemst or rcfusr,to extend time for payment or othenvise madify amortiza¢ion �
<br /> � ,- ,
<br /> '� of fhe sums securtA by t�is �ecurity instrurnent oy reu.wn oi any ueuuuiu maue uy ii�c: u�igiuui DUIWWCl ui nu��vwc�'; __---
<br /> - sua:essozs in interest. /+ny forbcarance by l.ender in exercising any ri�ht ar remedy shall not be a wuivcr af or precl::de tho °_
<br /> exercise uf any right or remedy. =--
<br /> ._._ �__._._. ._ ��._ • � ,. < � -_-
<br />--= 1�. 51ICCe55015 ARa t�saigpy nuuciu; atn�ii daa� ac�aa� n.•A�f�•aJ�L;if-"o��fi:.o. ThC .,:.i'�ti�IIl� :iit «af�:T.'::riL fT 2
<br /> Security Instrument shull bind and benefit the successars and nssigns of[.c:nder and Borrower, subject.to the provisions of _---°-_
<br /> � pamgrnpli 17. I3orrowcr's covennnts and agreements shall be foint and several. Any Borro�vcr who ca-signs this Security
<br /> _ Instrument but does not executc the Note: (a) is co-si�ning this Security Instrument unly to ntorlgngo. g�nnt and convey that --
<br /> - Harrawex's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security lnstrumeni;(b)is not persannlly obligated to pay the sums -
<br /> — secured bg this Security lnstrumenr and(c)agrees that I.ender:uid any other Borrower muy ag�se tn extend,modify, forlivar or -_�„�
<br /> make uny accommo�ationswith regard to the terms of this 5ecurit2• [nstrument or the Note�vithout that Borrower's consent. �3
<br /> 13. I.oan Charges. [f?he lua�i secured by this Security Instrumcnt is subject to a lnw �vhich sets maximum Ioan charges, Q,_,:_._
<br /> "�" and that law is finally interpreted so tl�a[the interest or other loan chsr�es collected or to be callected in connection with the �.:: °
<br /> � -= loan exceed the permitted lirnits. then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge 4=
<br /> — ta the perrnitted limir, and([y)eny sums alrcady collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to +.
<br /> �:;��:
<br /> — Borrower. Lender may choase to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Nute or by malcing a direct "��'�
<br /> E:-
<br /> � paymcnt to Horrowcr. If u n:fund reduces principal, the roduction will be trcated as a partial prepayrnent without any j��
<br /> prepayment charge under the Note. f���-
<br /> �° 14.Nottces.Any notice to i3orrower provided for in this Securiry Instniment shall be given by�iclivering it or by mailing
<br /> — it by first class mail unlcss applicnble law requires usc of another method.Thc notice shull bc directed to the Pruperty Addre�s
<br /> or.uiy other lddress 13orrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice tu Lender shull be given by first clas�mail to
<br /> � I.ensier's address stateJ hercin or aoy other address I.ender desigrsates by noticc to Bonowcr. Any norice provided for in this . _
<br /> Security Instrument shall Ue�cemed to havc becn given to Boirower or Lc;nder�vlien givcn as provided in this paragraph.
<br />---- 15.Go��ernt��g La��; Se�•erability. This Security Instrument shall be governcd by fedcral law and the law of the �•
<br />__.= jurisdiction in wl�icli the Prc�perty is IocaSed. In the event that any Nrovision or clause of this Securiry Instrument or the Note '
<br /> - — conflicts with t+pplicable In�v, such contlict shall not affect other provisions of this Security�nstrument or the Note which can be
<br /> -� siven cife.ct �vithout the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note ure declured
<br /> to be scvcrablc.
<br />� 16.l2�rro�ver's Copy. Bonrower shall be�iven one conformed copy of the Notc und of ihis Security instrument.
<br />��— Form 3028 9/90
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