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Il!':lli(D';:Ct' f,jl':{� �:i::}'1 l�l� �Iii�iS't�UCFtlCi1:S 1,.:1'.7 (:Y�Oilfl� f�f �i�I�.:��2P Li�:i':.;I� t::l f�f:; � <br />. ?'��i�. �t�' tu.:ll.��i. 1.�f1 !I��. i�y li�.:. �l��+�f��� �IIS'E11t�,:!� 17116tf1�Ii'1�:'lu} �•<:$�f.if!�::� C4)VCl���r;,�� .�fl� [�Sly 1:1�"'t'��.`' :iii'�� ��"l;r,U.: i •• <br /> flui�!���ni iii+;t��in;;, 'Gir t��hli�it lf•ittt�t' �apti►��.,hr��.e�,:tuc. '►iii;lu�.ur,.y�:��::.Ic�ii tr.,�ii:du:_lu;:d iti.titc t:�u�zuu�,i[tn�i futi•oi�:;��:..i�s:'.; I , <br /> ih;:t f��r,stcr r,;�piir,;:�. 'lit:: i���;is►:�ncr car�i�i•pti'nvialh�f;1L::itt�.iut�sicc:;Itali b;: citu�.L•i�i�y 13t�s�ut;�cr sui�J;:ct io ir�td:r's�?j�i�;uv;�l �,.; <br /> \4II�CII 53lUI, IIUI Ili'. uns::asui�:lbly 1viUtltcid. IC Ilu9•rntvcc fiiils tu m,tiEVain ci+vr.�-i�;;� d�:::ceil�al aUc►vc, i'.cizitzr ivay, at l.crd�t•', �'" <br /> upti�u,usltain covc�r,ibc to prutr,c�l.,c�td�;�';�rif�lits in ihc i'rui�ciry In u4:rurdai:cc witly��Zrai;t•,ip}t 7, �;;F� <br /> All +11151if"1111CC �NIIECICS u�tc! rencwnis sh:eli Ix� n��ccptablc tu I,cndcr m�d sha11 1►tciu�lc n atnn�l.Y(I E1lQ€fnmr�. CI�!utiC. L�►tdCr <br /> �h-,I! I,��w�i�r ri�iit in h�i1�!the t1��H��iev nu�l r�•s�ew�ils. 11'1.���ir!ir rcqnirev. 11oir���r.r hluzU�rum��tly��Ive ta Lendzr all���cci4,ts uF _ _ <br /> puid pr�infu��is nnd ren,:,wa!noiiccs. in�he cvcnt of lass, Bc�rrowcr sl43dl givc proiript notirc Ic� dic insunuir�cat�rier:ind[.c»dcr. <br /> L,ci�der may nz:�kc{�roof o4'lass if nat macic pramptly by l3ormwcY, _ <br /> Unlcss[..c���!cr nn�Ror.rower uihcrwise agreG tn �vriNng,insi�rnnce proecc�is s1iaU bc iippliccl to r6storatiun nr rr.,pair of t(e� <br /> Properry clnmagcAl. if tltc restor�tian or ren�ir Is cconnmlcally�fc:asiblc mid l.cndor's sccurity ly not Icsscncd.if[it�rescor;�iian ar --_ <br /> repaie is nut econamlcaUv fe:+sii�le or Lender's s�curiry �vould be Ir.ssened,the insurance�ro�euls sha01 bc npplied to tl�c sums ' <br /> srr.utc.�l I+y thiv Se�:urity Instrument, wlicthcr or nat thcn due, with nny txcess pald �o Eiorrower. [f fiorrowcr nbnndotts tiie ,- <br /> Property. or docs not nns�vcr wishin 30 days n naiicc from [.ender that thc insurancc carricr has offered ta sctNe c�clnim, then <br /> Lcnder may collcct U�c insurancc procecds. Lcndcr may usc the proceests to repair or rest�r� the Pruperty or tu pay sun�s — <br /> s�curcd by this Sccurity bistrumcn[, �vhether or nut thcn due.The 30-day period witi bcgin�vhen the noticc is givcn. -- <br /> ilnless Ls:nder and Borru�ver otl�cx�visc Qgrce in writing, any application of praceeds to princip�l shall nat extend or � <br /> past�nc tlie duo dntc of thc monthly payments rcferred to in paragmph:, 1 and 2 nr change the amoun4 of the p�yments. if <br /> uncler p�u°�agraph 21 tlic Propr.rty is acquimd by I.ender. Borrower's right to any insurance palicics and proceeds resulting from <br /> diuuugc fu ti�e F�vExiiy j��ior to the acquisition shafl pass to Lender to the extc�t af thc sums�cair:i by th:s Sccurity Insvum�nt =--. <br /> immLdiately prior to thc acquisitton. E=-- <br /> G. Occupuncy,Iireservation,NF�Intenzn�ce aaid Proiecttan oS'tlte Froperty;lioreo�ver's l.oan Applicutton;Les�ssehalds. _ <br /> Horrower shnll occupy.establtsh,and use die Property i�.s Borrower's principal residencc within slxty Jays aRcr thc execuuon of �`='- <br /> thls Securlty InstrtYment and shult contintte to occupy the Pr�perty c�s 6orrowcr's principal residence for at Ieast one year ufter �,__ <br /> ;:,,r_. <br /> thc date of occupa�cy, unless Lend�r od�erwise agrees in wriNng,which consent shall not be unreasanably unless ��r.;;: <br /> extenuatinn circumstanc�.s exist �vhich are beyond Soi�rower's control. Barrower shall no¢ destroy, damage or impair tt►a --s�w <br /> Propeny, allow the Propeny to deteriorate, ar cornmit �vnste on the Property. Borrower shall @� in detuult if nny forfeiture °i'"- <br /> w•�ian nr�ir�u•awli»o auhul{�nr�•ivil nr rrjminul i�lu�ou�i tltnt In IP�UIP7��:ynnrl fuilli iwlonu�»t onuLl rac��lt in fnr{}iilurn nf Ilir �::'_�. <br /> � f'_..-_.__O• . . J.`C_'.___.___ __ . <br /> Properry or othenvise mnterially impair thc lien cmated b f this Sccuriry Ie�st�vment ar Lendcr's security interest.Borro�ver may _ <br /> cure suct�i►default �nd provided in pmu�raph causing the action or procc�ding to be dismissed�vith u niling _ _ <br /> ti ni, ii� i.�n�er's ��;3 fait� 3�icrmiratio�, isrc:.tLdcs .�r::,izur oF ihc °asm::cr's:st;��; :st:tts P3�Y..:ty o:other mster.s! - - <br /> impairment of the licn created by this Securiry Ynstrument or i.,cnder's secur�ty intemst. Aorrower shal! nlso ae in default if __ <br /> Borrower,during the loan upplication process,guve materially f�lse or inaccurate information or statements io Lender(or faileti � <br /> to provide I.ender with any maeerinl informution) in comiection with die loan evIdenced by the Nate,imcluding. but not limited - <br /> to,representatiuns concerning Borrower's occupancy of tl�e Property as a principal residencc. If this Security[nstru�n9ent is an a ti;-: <br /> lease'huld, Borrower shnll comply with all the provisions of the leuse. If Horrower acquires fce tiUe to t4ie Property. the • �''`��'� <br /> Ir�►sehold and the fee title shall not msrge unl.ess t�ndcr A�rces to the merger in writing, � <br /> 9,Protectlon of Lender's RI�t���iu ti�e Pr�perty.If Bonower fails to perform the covenunts und agrcements cuntnlnal in ____ <br /> this Security Instrumcnt,or there is a legal �roceeding thut may sigr,ificantly affect C.ender's riglit,c in tlie Property (such as a NN�'°.� <br /> procec�iing in banlwptcy,prubatc, for condemnution or forfciturc or ro cnforce Inws or regulations), then Lender may do and �_'�` <br /> pay for whatevcr is neccssary to protect the value of thc Propeny and Ixndcr's rights in the Praperey. i.ender's actions may �,'���:' <br /> include paying nny sums securcd by o lien which has priority over this Security Instru�nent. nppearing in court, paying �t_ <br /> reasonable attorneys'fees nnd entering on the Property to make repairs. Although I..ender may tnke action under this paragraph �;--.. <br /> 7,Lender does not I�ave to de so. C:�:' <br /> Any amuun�s disburscd by Le:nder urtder this paragraph 7 shall bec:ome nddition�l debt of Bon•owcr secured by this ,�'' <br />_ Secui'.[ty Instrumcnt. Unlcss IBnttower and Lcnder u�ree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bcar from d�e ,.�;<` <br /> cie•te vf disbursement at thc Note rute ar�d shall be paystble, wid� interest, upan notice from Lender to Burcower rcquesting <br />- p7yancnt. --- <br /> 8.Mortgage Insur�ncP.If Lcnder i•equired rnortgagc insurance as a condition of maklns the loan sccured by this Security <br />- Instniment, Borrowce shall pay the premituns reyuited to maintain the mortIIage insurance in e�tfect. If. for any masnn, the -: <br />- ninrtga�e insunnce coveragc requined by Lender Inpses or ceases to be in effect,Borrawer shall pay the premiums required to <br />- ot�tuin covernge substuntially equivalent to the mort�age insurance previously in effect,at a cost substantially equivalent tn tl�e <br /> a�st to �3orrower of the mortgage insur�nce previously in effcct,from an alternate mongage inaurer npproved by i.ender. If •• <br /> substlntially equivalent mort�a�e insurance coverage is not available,aorrower shull pay to Lend�er each month u sum eyual ta �� <br />_ one-twclfth of the yearly mortgage insur�ce premium being paid by Borrower�vhen the insurancca covera�e lapsal or ccased to . <br /> be in effect.Lender wil�Etccept,use and retuin these payments as a loss eeserve in lieu of mongage insurance. Loss reserve <br />- Farm 3028 8l90 <br />. Pepo 3 010 - <br /> - --;.+.c—':=r:.- .. - :�f•': . . --- '?'"" - _ -- ,-r -- ,---- _•n�^—.-..--..�.._._._.__.. <br /> .. , , ,: ..� ,,i.,`;'� . � ,.,r` • ,. <br /> .. v . . � , .. . .Y. .., <br /> . <br /> .. . . <br /> . .. , . . { <br /> ._. . , _ .. _.-- <br /> _ . . .�__ <br /> . . . ,:�,: <br /> ,. <br /> .. <br /> ° --, - . , . ., fi_ �, <br /> cl. . • � . ' ., .. . . , F ,'+. ' <br /> ` _r :� . , � . , . ., ' .� .. � . , - � - .. - . .. <br />. . . .. - .. .. �, � . u . .. .. . _ <br /> . ... .�. .. � „ .. . . . <br /> ... � . ', JI • 1 �. , . . <br /> � . " . '1.... i . . <br />.� . . .. ' ,.' .. .. . , V .• '.' ��—' .. ' . . =Ir���V�����•rf,`..J, � . .� . .� � .� . . <br /> � �� <br /> � , , , , . � • .� , �'�,�.... f i f.:�3,�"''` <br /> „ .. <br /> � „ • „ - , .. <br /> , � „ , ., ' j � .. <br /> . ., . , . , ..,.! <br />