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It��" ����"/��� L <br /> ---�� � !S. �'rao�ter uf Etie��r��ccity ar r��'.cizy:ft��i,�l l�uert�;8 li�i4aa•��o�z�ca•.I�:J1�I 61'm�y part of tlic Pcop�►ty or pny Irderc;t in it. „ <br /> ir�::c;!d u;t����r,ferecd iae if�Ittuefiei:l iutc;:.t iu 6'urti�u�r��•i::..r,'d nr Br.:nsi'�;n•cd;,nc1?�arroe:er as nut z�i�9i�r!i tt�������)�viti�n:te r•� .. <br /> ' � • t�.�� r,���, t�,ir�r �•,��tt:•�i r.�iir:nt. 1�_u�tc�� i«�g�, i;t i�; u�ytii5��, c,,t�iF�.: ��f�!i:_+If.:t..E-c:�ynr�nt 1►i ftill nf rll ��n�r; 1..::(iS.:'� Si�J S�te•; �, ;. <br /> � :'.�u�ity gii,E�ri�r.•ut. %,���:.:r�:i,liil'.����li�+ll.�G�li Ylnt li::c���;�c'i'::,I 1;;� Y r�ii+,�'ii rvtrc°6�e i�.pful�ll�f����l by f�il:;;d Intv.:;ni il�.:��:;._ I <br /> oF�fid�;S^illf ilY�III:.i�i1iH;ilI. � <br /> ;.�, �.. ., ." n [f�:,:��u�r•ef:c�ci�::.�s lhis uptii�n. I.c:�ulcr:,hali�;ivc{rof•r,n��;i'I1�7111'C t11�:!t'Cl'Iq;saion. 'l'i�c nntica sit�.dl��i���via�,i p�iiczl uF�ieit �,.,;, <br /> -"'�'��=.`�:f� lc;s tle�n 3tl dciy�� fru:n lhc d.:tc tl�c nntic;; is dclivc��d u�•ma11cJ ��riihin �vt�ich E-?or�uwcr u�ust pay nll slilii5�ccue:.ct by tl�t�> �,:-•- <br />�•�;��'�"-",°' �c�uvi�• Insimntcnt. IP I:�ierotis�ce 6alis tc► i� IIICL�SLIIIIS li IOC IO(Il�CA 11Y''tlllll U(SIIIS ,.�iu�f.I.cnder ma uivul;e an ��uecuics -�- ,� <br /> — -"-� ✓ ��� � � � ��� y y � ('.i�,^' <br />,- ---- - pe�•ntit.tcd by U�is 5ecurity In���unicrtt wiilioai furiher aoti�e m•dcmanJ an 13orrotivcr, -- <br />�;,:�;:�,;;;;��.;;� ltZ. lia�•r�nt�•cs•'y IRtaZht Bo ft��Sbi�t(itt. (P 13orrowcr iticct�, �X,i�iu ro�tditiniis, 13urr�xvc►� shall havc tlic ri�ht to Itavc ��_�,- <br /> -• -- � �utt���..���.�+t �f tlil� ::�.����ty [a,t��:u�.��i �li.,.�+�tt�;u"!;s..��y 2in�� �>tilo:u� ti�:;c.�:11cr af: (a3 S da}�:. (or su�f�oihcr pated:is � <br /> npplicaUle law �nay spccify for reii��tutcmr.i�t) bePozL nalc nf ilie Frnperty pursuant t�� anv po�vcr af sale conteined in this <br /> _�j,,.� 5ccurity histnnnenr or(b)cniry��f a Ju�l�mcf�t cnfm'�Ing thls Sceurity Instrumcnt. 7'hosc cmi�litiaels arc thai Borro�vcr: (a)p.rys --- <br /> _-=-° l.ender afl sw��s �vhirh Ihen would be�ue u��der this Sccurity Instruntent and �he Nate ns if no ucceleration ha�J occurrc�ci;(b) --�-` <br /> cur�s iu�y defnult of any othcr covcnants or ageccmcnts; (c)pays nll cxpcnscs incurrcd in cnfarcin�this Seciirity instrument, _ <br /> •-- -- inclu�ing, but nat limitcd ta, �•c�sonablc nttnrncys' fecs; ;tnd(d)takes such actian as i.endcr m�y reusonably rcquirc to assore - -- <br /> -� - thai tli�licn of this Sccurily Cn�aumc�it.�cr's rigiUs in Qic Property nnd Aurcowcr's ohligatipn to pay thc sums sccured by =-- <br /> ----_� this Sc�urity Intitcumcnt shaU cantinuc unchan�cd. Upon rcinstatcmcnt by Barrowcr, this Sccurity tnstrument and the -- <br /> o6ligations secured hereby shuil remain fully effective ns if no ecceleration had�xcum:d. Hawever, this riglit to reinstate shall __. <br /> nat�ppl,y in the c:csc of�iccelention under pa���rnph l7. ""' <br /> --__= t9. Saln o�Nott; Change uY I.omi Scev[cer. Thc Notc nr a partial intcrest in the Note (.oFethcr widi tl�is Seicurity ��:�� <br /> --�--„�,� Inslrumer�t)may i�e sold onc or mcrrc times without prior natice to Horrawcr. A satc may result in a chnngc in thc cntity(fcnown "°" <br /> Yi a�)- <br /> as Uie"L.oan Servic�r")that c�llects n�onthly payments duc under the Note and�his Sccuriry Instrument. There also may bc ane �._. <br /> or mare chan&es of the L�:ui Servicer unrel�ued to n sale ut the Note.If there is a change of the Lovi Servtcer. Borrower�vill be --_ <br /> -. �iven written notice of thc change in uccardancc�vith paragraph 14 abovc inid upplicabie luw.The notice will state thc name�nd -.. <br /> _-- __=:=� uddress of thc mw Loan Scrv9ccr and the addr�ss to which payments snould be madc. The noticc�vil[ aiso contain any ather �� <br /> ---""'° information requireti bZ upplACablc lu��. �__ <br />:-T.�`;�r,. <br /> Z0. Hn�,�rdmLS bubst�nces. Barrower shall nat causc or perniit the pmscnce, use, dispasal, stornge, or rclease of any <br /> -.��� Ha�.ardous Substanccs on or in thc Property. gorra�vcr shall not do, nur allow anyone else ta do, anything affectin� the <br /> Property that is 9n violation of:my Enviro»mental La�v. The precedinb two semences shnll not apply to the presence, use,or " <br />' -- storage on thc Propeny of smaU yuantities of Hu�.�rdous Substunces that nre gcnerally rccognized to be approp�iute to norrnal �,_.�;, <br /> ���y� residenti:sl uses and to maintci�ancc of thc Property. � --'- <br /> ��.g��� Dorrower shall promptly give Lender wriuen notisc of any investigation,claim, dcmand, lawsuit or other action by any -r_- <br /> -- ��c . <br /> -__�_� govemmental or rcauluenry aeenc}�or orivate party involvine the ProneRy and anv Hu•rardous Substance or�nvironmentnl Luw F <br />'_=� of�vl�ich Bonowcr has actual knowledga !f Horrower learris, or is notificd by any governmental ar regulatory aethority, that �;?_:• <br /> -,- -----= any remc�val or otlier rem�:diation of uny Ha�ardous Subst�nce affecting ths Property is necessary, Borrower shall prompdy take wY- <br /> -----�-�"`'� aU necessary remedial actions in accnrdunce witli Hnvironmcntal ��:; <br />__-_ -�-.:�;irs;;� As used in this paragmph 20, "Hozurdnus Substanees' are those substnnees defineci as toxic or haaardous substanees by -'_" <br /> � �nvironmentni :u�ti ti�c foilowing substanccs: gasotmc. kemse►ee, uteer tiammabt� or tox�c petraeum proaucts, toxic �� <br /> _:.�u��v�' �.�._ <br />_„,,� ,� pesticides nnd herhicides, volatile solvents,materials containing asbzstos or formaldchydc,and rsdioactive matcrials.As used in �::r: <br /> ;.S, this paragragh 20. "Environmental Luw" means federal laws and la�vs of the jurisdiction where the Properiy is locuted that ,�� <br />::;_',�.s„e�,.i__ relateto health,safety orenviromnentul protcction. ,,,,t:_ <br /> - -_= NON-UNIFORA9 CUVENANTS. 8arrowcr and Leiidcr further covenant and agree as follows: �,-�, <br /> ,__�==�.=�� 21. Acccleeat�on;Renicdtes. Lender sholl give nottce to Borro�ver prIor to ncceleratton follow[ng Borrower's brear.h �� <br /> -- �����==' of any covenant or agreement In this Securtty [e�shl�ment (but not pr[or to ucceleration under parA�rupt� 17 unlc�.c <br /> _--°=-`?°'L''-' appllcuble law provtdes othenvlsey. Tlie nottce shull speclfy: (n)tlie default;(6}the actforn required to cure tlie default; ��-• <br />_.U;.� (c)a datc,not less tPiun 30 duys from thc dnte the nuticc is given to Borro�ti•er,by whtch the default m�st be cured; und �,_ ,� <br /> (d) that failure to cure the default on or bcforc the date spcctfted in tLe noticc may result in accelcratlon of thc sums L�.--. <br />�'�"�}""�� secured Uy thls Securlty Q►utrumcut nnd snle of tice Pruperty. The noftce sliall further inform fiorrower of the right to . <br /> =::�� reinstate Qfter nccelerutlon nnd ttie right to bring n court actton ta usscrt the non•existence aff� dcfnul4 ur any other <br /> - -°'"T=�" defense of Borrower to ncccle��ntfon and sale. If the deftault is not cared on or before the dute specified in the notice, � <br /> -----_ — I.ender, ut its oplion,may requl�•c immredinte paymcnt In 6ul!of�ii sums securer� by this Secarlty Irratrument �vithout �"�z <br />`:';•;�,��'� furthcr dcmaud and m�y invakc tltc po�vcr of sule und any other reniedies permitfed by n�rpltcuble law. Len�er shs►1I be •• <br /> - ent[tleB t�collect all expe��.es tncurred in pursuing the reniedtes�provlded in tl��s parngrs�ph 21,including,Ln�4 a�ot Umited . <br /> _-� � to,rauonable aYtorneys'Pces nnd costs oF titic evfdencc. <br /> -`�"'�-'�� IP the wer of snle is invokc�l, Trustce sh�ll record n�votice of def'nult In cach cotmty in which any part of the • <br />�;:':cr+a�rayr <br />-=�:x:�,_ ,� Property Is �cated and shall mnil cop�fes of such nottce In 4he mm�ner presrriberl by appliwble Inw to Barrower aad ta <br /> :;.�'�` the other persons prescribed by applicable lu�v.Af'ter the itme requtred 6y hpplicn6le law,Tsustec shall fiive public notice <br />;�� of sale to the persons and in tlie manner pr�scrlbed by applical�le In�v.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,shnll sell <br />- _=_ =° the�KOperty at public auction to the hl�hest bidder nt the tim�And�Olnce and under the terms desl�nated in tlie notQce af <br />_�_��_� :T;�� se►ie!n one or more pnrccls and in nny order Trustee determ9nes.Trustee may{wst�sone sale of all o►•any pnrcel of the <br />_ _-_-`�` Pruper�ty by publtc announcement Rt the time and plstce of nny previnuH9y scticduled sale. I.ender or its desl�nee mAy <br />-:;���;�;��� purdiase the Prnperfy nt:uiy sQle. . <br /> •;,;= - . <br />�;�,�•"• _.� <br /> ry`�;;ti j�r. ,.n <br /> ��� 's;' <br />�_�r..'�%�+ Form 3020 9I90 <br />-=ir�iF?��� Pogo c o1 0 � -� <br />_�� ���� ; <br /> •'�,i <br />�����... ,},• ;� ;. <br /> '-:l.� ' <br />��..,a-��vr..a��.�rwe+; <br />.:,.r._.,.�-,vr;���.� <br /> .._�,_. <br />.-,...r-�.�r.4. <br /> . <br /> .. .:_w�•i� <br /> "' ' �'-:i�i.�..,-_.—•-.,..w_._.�.._--_�.-.�.-_.-.._-.�..�.�__.-.�_......:�•---...,�._��7...�"'—' _ __ —��_..�_... _ <br />. . ���'` .� . ... ."__—_ -__ _ _ .. ' ._._. . _..'• ' . • . _ '_ ��.J.�— . <br /> ' . . ; t: . " .. - ,� . . . `(y! 1 . .. . <br /> ... .. , <br /> _ . . .- �� �„�.3 .. '. _.�._ <br />..��Ss.. �. .. . , ., �� ..' i , ,.. ' ,� ., -� ., :t� �f. <br /> �'l:'•.�L'� _ :, . .. , . � - �, �� , , i1: . I�'. .. <br /> , . . . ,:1,". <br /> '�.J���'�:�C:f... ,. . ' . ' ' . . . . . . . . <br /> .. <br /> .r�r. 1 • . , ., .. � . ._ � . .. .. . � , <br /> .'.t'r '� -' .,�. .. ' . . . . ,� _ �. <br /> �5!�Xe w w �, -. ,. . ,� . G . _ _ ' ., . . � - � , . . . - ' <br /> "�r%:i1' �5.,�•d1j . .. ' .. - .. . .. " „ - , - ., � .. . <br /> - •:1. "� . � .. '• . �. �. � � � .. . .. .� '� ' J V .. . � .. . <br /> t� ~�Z,e s .. � ..` .. ��� � 1• ' .. �� .. .� .• �' •• . •• " � � •�.• •� . ' `� . ,� �, � .. <br /> �� / t'y�' �il� �0 .. . . ` . ., � 5 •i t! . <br /> .Y{��{�`�� �+`. .. ' .. . -' f1 . ' .. . .� - .J w ���� ��'T� ._ " .� <br /> .. .� .. � . . �. - r .. <br /> ' ` <br /> ., . <br /> , .. .- � �.' � .. <br />